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Alberton Cemetery Burial List

The Alberton Cemetery Burial list is compiled from the Alberton Cemetery burial listings held by the Port Adelaide Library and Port Adelaide Historical Society, Alberton Cemetery tombstone information collected and transcribed by A. G. Peake in 1971 and newspaper articles and cross checked with birth and death information to ensure the burial list is as complete and accurate as possible. 

As the Alberton Cemetery Burial List records were transcribed from handwriting, I am sure you will understand, transcription errors are common.  Where there are multiple versions of the same surname for the one record (eg PAHS record Callagher, Library record Callaghan, BDM record Gallagher) we have included all three versions and provided a ‘see also’ reference for each version. 

In some circumstances their surnames are completely different such as Klorlman (Library Record)/Woolman (PAHS Record).  The burial number, first name, last abode, date of death, etc from the Port Adelaide Library and Port Adelaide Historical Society registers is the same but the surname is completely different.  Here we have also provided a see also reference for both records

Where we could not find a birth or death certificate or newspaper reference to corroborate the information recorded in the registers we have written ‘no further information’.

When looking at the PAHS burial numbers you may note some numbers are recorded several times.  This is because, we believe, there was originally 3 sets of registers, 1846 – 1852, 1852 – 186? and 186? -. Also  some of the records contain an ‘X’ instead of a number, indicating the record comes from the PAHS burial register but no burial number is given.the Alberton Cemetery

The Alberton Cemetery Burial list is still a work in progress and if you believe any of the information contained in this listing is incorrect or a burial omitted we are more than happy to receive you feedback and consider it for inclusion in the listing.

PAHS Burial RegisterName of deceasedLast place of abodeDate buriedAge at time of deathOfficiating ministerLease NoComments
XAbernethy, ---nk1864/1/28StillbornMarryatMrs Abernethy
XAbernethy, ---nk1865/4/10StillbornGreenMrs Abernethy
891Abernethy, AnnLefevre's Peninsula1861/9/142 years 10 monthsMarryatAnn Abernathy, born November 29, 1858 to John Abernethy and Mary Stokes of LeFevre Peninsula. Died, aged 2 years, 10 months, 13 September 1861, (father) John Abernathy, Registration District: Adelaide.
124Abernethy, MaryPort Adelaide1853/11/231 year 7 monthsBayfieldMary Abernethy, born April 23, 1852, daughter of John Abernethy and Mary (nee Stokes). Registration District: Adelaide.
XAcres, CharlottePort Adelaide1850/10/2811 yearsBayfieldNo further information
1622Adams, (George Francis)Portland Estate1869/4/30InfantGreenNo service, not baptised. In lease. George Francis Adams, born April 23, 1869 to Samuel Adams and Elizabeth Hannah Francis at Queenstown. Died April 29, 1869. Age 7 Days. Registration District: Adelaide
XAdams1860/2/9StillbornMarryatMrs Adams.
108Adams, AbelPort Adelaide1851/1/930 yearsBayfieldBirth 2.5.1821 Poole DOR ENG. Death 9.1.1851 Glanville SA. Burial Alberton SA. Arr SA 1850 STAG. Religion C/E. (Biographical index of South Australians)
70Adams, MaryPort Adelaide1853/3/933 yearsBayfieldDied 8 March 1853. Registration District: Adelaide.
1177Adams, Thomas HenryQueenstown1865/1/266 monthsGreenBorn July 4 1864 to Samuel Adams and Elizabeth Anna Francis of Queenstown. Died 25 January 1865, (father) Samuel Adams, Registration District: Adelaide.
AdamsonnknkStillbornC. MarryatStillborn child of Mayan Adamson.
1541Addison, RobertPort Adelaide1868/7/638 yearsGreenAge 38 years, of Port Adelaide, died 6 July 1868, Registration District: Adelaide.
1001Aitken, Margaret AnnReedbeds1862/12/1911 weeksMarryatMargaret Ann Aitkin, Age 3 months, of Reed Beds, died 17 December 1862, (father) James Aitkin, Registration District: Adelaide. (Mother: Sarah Jane Ford?)
1202Aitken, ThomasLunatic Asylum1865/5/1742 yearsF. GarrettThomas Aitkin, Age 42 years, of Port Adelaide, died 13 May 1865 at Adelaide, Registration District: Adelaide.
757Alderson, Mary AnnPort Adelaide1860/2/211 yearC. MarryatMary Ann Alderson, born 17 March 1859. Father - Richard Alderson, Mother - Hannah Hartigan. Registration District Adelaide. Died 20 February 1860. Mary Ann Alderson buried with Ellen Alderson, burial No 671.
671Alderson, EllenPort Adelaide1859/1/1513 monthsC. MarryatEllen Alderson, born 4 December 1857 to Richard Alderson and Hannah Hartigan, died 15 January 1859, aged 13 months. Registration District: Adelaide.
453AlecBarque Truro1856/9/320 months (years)BayfieldAdelaide Times (SA : 1848 - 1858), Thursday 4 September 1856, page 2. Fatal Accident at the Port.—One of the I.ascar seamen, forming the crew of the Truro, met his death on board that vessel through falling down the main hatchway on Monday last, lie sustained such severe injuries, that he only lingered to the next morning, when he expired.
436AleeBarque Alice Brook1856/6/822 yearsBayfieldA lascar died suddenly on board the Alice Brooks on Thursday night. We sup pose an enquiry will be made into the circumstances of the case. Adelaide Times (SA : 1848 - 1858), Saturday 7 June 1856, page 2
159Alexander, Allan (Brown?)Queenstown1854/2/2119 monthsBayfieldDied 19 February 1854, at Semaphore Hotel, Allan Alexander, aged 19 months, son of Captain Allan Brown, brig Lochinvar, late of Glasgow. [Adelaide Observer, Saturday 25 February 1854, Family Notices, page 5]
248Allan, Eliza ClaraAlberton (from Clare)1870/4/135 years 5 monthsSAREliza Clara Allen, Age 5 years, of Clare, died 11 April 1870, at Alberton, (father) William Allen, Registration District: Adelaide.
124Allen, Harrold EdgarSemaphore Rd, Lefevre's Peninsula1/4/18812 years 8 monthsSARYoungest son R H & M A. Allen. Father - Robert Harry Allen. Greenwich. SA Register April 1 1881. Harrold Edgar died 31 March 1881. Registration District Port Adelaide.
378Allen, JohnShip Nimrod1856/1/2121 yearsBayfieldLease no 200Lease No 200. No further information.
942Allen, Margery SertlanPort Adelaide1861/12/2110 monthsMarryatLease No 124Twin of Robert Harry Lease No 124. Margarey Scotlam Allen, Father - Robert H Allen, died 17 December 1861, Registration District: Adelaide.
39Allen, Martha AnnPort Adelaide1849/12/22 years 3 monthsBayfieldFever. No further information.
943Allen, Robert HarryPort Adelaide1861/12/2310 monthsMarryatLease No 124Twin of Margery Scotlan Lease No 124. Robert Henry Allen, of Port Adelaide, died 23 December 1861, (father) Robert H Allen. Registration District: Adelaide. Sym AM.
271Allen, Sarah AnnPort Adelaide1855/3/145 daysBayfieldNo further information.
1566Allen, Sarah AnnPort Adelaide25/9/186840 yearsGreenLease no 124Lease No 124. Sarah Ann Allen, died 23 September 1868, aged 40 years. Husband - Robert Harry Allen. Registration District: Adelaide. The funeral of the late Mrs. Allen, wife of Mr. R. H. Allen, of Port Adelaide, took place on Friday afternoon, and the remains of the deceased lady, who was an old colonist and much respected, were followed by a large cortege of sorrowing friends to the Alberton Cemetery", Express and Telegraph, Saturday 26 September 1868, page 2.
1591Allwood, CharlesPort1868/11/2859 yearsGreenAge 59 years, of Port Adelaide, died 26 November 1868, Registration District: Adelaide.
Allwood, HannahLefevre's Peninsula1869/12/1560 yearsSARWife of Charles buried 28/11/1868. Hannah Allwood, age 60 years, of Lefevre Peninsula, died 15 December 1869, (deceased husband) Charles Allwood, Registration District: Adelaide.
275Almond, HannahAt son in laws A Whitehall near Alberton station.1888/10/1582 yearsSARDied 14 October 1888, (deceased husband) Charles Almond, Registration District: Port Adelaide. Express and Telegraph (Adelaide, SA : 1867 - 1922), Friday 19 October 1888, p 2 - ALMOND.—On the 14th October, at her son-in-law's residence, Russell-street, Alberton, Hannah, relict of the late Charles Almond, of Port Adelaide, in her 83rd year, leaving two sons, two daughters, twenty grandchildren, and nine great grandchildren. "Her end was peace." Home papers please copy.
50Amory, SarahPort Adelaide1853/1/752 yearsBayfieldAge 52 years, died 6 January 1853, Registration District: Adelaide. Arrived in South Australia in May 1851 on the Wellington?
17Anderson, Alexandra TaylorBrig Ulrica1852/09/1239 yearsBayfieldAge 39 years, died 10 September 1852, Registration District: Adelaide.
761Anderson, JamesLefevre Peninsula1860/3/1511 monthsC. MarryatAge 10 months, of Lefevre Peninsula, died 13 March 1860, (father) James Anderson, Registration District: Adelaide.
273Anderson, Robert AndrewLefevre Peninsula1855/3/1911 monthsBayfieldDied 18 March 1855, infant son of Mr Andrew Anderson of Lefevre Peninsula, Port Adelaide. South Australian Register, Monday 26 March 1855, Family Notices, page 2
1104Anderson, ThomasPort Adelaide1864/2/103 years CHECK seaman of the DragonH M PollittDrowned. "The funeral of Thomas Anderson, the seaman of the Dragon, who was found drowned, took place on Wednesday afternoon, at the Alberton Cemetery. His remains were followed to the grave by the whole of the crew of the vessel'. The Adelaide Express, Thursday 11 February 1864, General News, page 2
1170Andrews, CatherineQueenstown1864/12/2360 yearsMarryatAge 60 years, of Queenstown, died 21 December 1864, (husband) John Andrews, Registration District: Adelaide.
1098Andrews, Emily JaneLefevre Peninsula (Port Adelaide)1/2/18642 weeksH M PollittAge 2 weeks, of Lefevre Peninsula, died 30 January 1864, (father) Charles Andrews, Registration District: Adelaide. Born 13 January 1864 to Charles Andrews and Sarah Jane Ainsh aboard the Northumberland. Registration District: Adelaide.
74Andrews, George JamesPort Adelaide14/6/185033 yearsBayfieldAge 31 years, of Port Adelaide, died 12 June 1850, Registration District: Adelaide.
XAndrews, ---nk1862/7/26StillbornMarryatAndrews, Mrs W.
566Anear, JohnPort Adelaide (Queenstown)1858/1/203 daysC. MarryatInability to swallow. Age 3 days, of Port Adelaide, died 18 January 1858, (father) George Anear, Registration District: Adelaide. Born January 15 1858 to George Annear and Harriett Snell of Port Adelaide. Registration District: Adelaide.
645Angelinawitch, Hannah GerevePort Adelaide25/10/18587 daysC. MarryatHannah Gerene Angelinawitch, Age 7 days, of Port Adelaide, died 23 October 1858, (father) Antonio Angelinawitch, Registration District: Adelaide. Born October 17, 1858 to Antonio Gerene and Eliza Fitzgerald. Registration District: Adelaide.
122Anstead (Ansted), Julia Emma MariaPort Adelaide1851/2/14nkBayfieldJulia Maria born January 29 1850 to Frederic Ansted and Maria Tidmarsh at Port Adelaide.. Registration District: Adelaide. Father: Frederic (Customs House Officer), Mother: Maria Endine, Sister: Maria Endine arrived in SA c1848. Biographical Index of South Australians.
11Anthony, Sarah AnnPort Adelaide1848/9/51 dayNewenhamNo service ill from birth. Born 4 September, 1848 to John Anthony and Emma Liddon. Died 8 hours, of Port Adelaide, 4 September 1848, (father) John Anthony. Registration District: Adelaide.
1525Antonio (Antonie), JemimaPort Adelaide1868/5/192 years 8 monthsMarryatJemima Antonio, born 22 November 1865 to Manuel Antonie and Anne Lawrence at Port Adelaide. Died, age 2 years, of Port Adelaide, 18 May 1868, (father) Manuel Antonio. Registration District: Adelaide.
56Arabella, Jane (Rennison?)Port Adelaide1850/2/141 monthBayfield.Thrush Baptism certificate: Jane Arabella Rennison baptised 10 February 1850 at St Pauls Church. Father Henry Rennison mother Eliza Thackerer. (St Pauls baptism records)
29Arbor (Arbon), ElizabethShip Emily at Port Adelaide1849/8/1414 monthsBayfield.Whooping Cough. Elizabeth Arbon, Age 14 months, of Port Adelaide, died 12 August 1849, Registration District: Adelaide.
453Armstrong, ElizabethLefevre Peninsula1856/6/118 monthsBayfield.Possibly Elizabeth Jane Armstong born to Samuel Armstrong and Elizabeth Tegg on December 18 1854 at Cowandilla. Registrtation District: Adelaide.
XArmstrong, FrancisQueenstown1870/5/868 yearsTombstone.Husband of Mary Murray Armstrong - Late of Fowlers Bay. Age 68 years, died 8 May 1870, at Queenstown, Registration District: Adelaide. PAEVF 002 Headstone Inscriptions: Francis Murray died 8 May 1870 aged 68. Mary Murray, his wife, died 13 March 1876, aged 74.
XArmstrong, Mrs F (Mary Murray)Alberton1876/3/1674 yearsTombstone.At the residence of her son-in-law Capt. W Tullock, Alberton (husband Francis deceased). Age 74 years, of Streaky Bay, died 15 March 1876, at Queenstown, Registration District: Port Adelaide. PAEVF 002 Headstone Inscriptions: Francis Murray died 8 May 1870 aged 68. Mary Murray his wife died 13 March 1876, aged 74.
XArnold, HarryPortland Estate1877/5/1515 monthsTombstone.Lease no 227Lease No 227, son of Capt Robert and Mary Arnold. Harry Arnold, Age 14 months, of Portland Estate, died 11 May 1877, (father) Robert Arnold, Registration District: Port Adelaide. PAEVF 002 Headstone inscription: Mary Ann born 13 Oct 1865, died 6 August 1868. Robert eldest son of Robert and Mary Arnold born 6 July 1863 died 21 September 1882. Their son Harry born 1 March 1876 died 11 May 1877.
1549Arnold, Mary AnnPort1868/8/73 yearsGreen, Tombstone.Lease no 227Lease No 227 Daughter of Capt. Robert and Mary Arnold. Age 3 years, of Port Adelaide, died 6 August 1868, (father) Robert Arnold, Registration District: Port Adelaide. PAEVF 002 Headstone inscription: Mary Ann born 13 Oct 1865, died 6 August 1868. Robert eldest son of Robert and Mary Arnold born 6 July 1863 died 21 September 1882. their son Harry born 1 March 1876 died 11 May 1877.
XArnold, RobertPortland Estate1882/9/2219 yearsTombstone. CongregationalLease no 227Lease No 227 Eldest son of Capt Robert and Mary Arnoild, member Northern Star IOR. Age 19 years, of Portland Estate, died 21 September 1882, (father) Robert Arnold, Reigstration District: Port Adelaide. PAEVF 002 Headstone inscription: Mary Ann born 13 Oct 1865, died 6 August 1868. Robert eldest son of Robert and Mary Arnold born 6 July 1863 died 21 September 1882. their son Harry born 1 March 1876 died 11 May 1877.
XArnold, Robert Capt.Gracechurch Street, Portland Ward1897/10/760 yearsSAR. KirbyLease no 227Lease 227 Gracechurch Street, wife Mary, Victoria Lodge/A O F Court Concord. Age 60 years, of Portland Ward, died 5 October 1897, Registration District: Port Adelaide.
XArthur, Jean IbisterCommercial Road, Portland Estate1894/7/2164 yearsF W SamwellWife of Thomas Whitford. Jean Isbister Arthur, Age 64 years, of Portland, died 19 July 1894. Registration District: Port Adelaide. Express and Telegraph (Adelaide, SA : 1867 - 1922), Tuesday 24 July 1894, p 2 - ARTHUR.—On the 19th July, at Portland Ward, Port Adelaide, Jean Isbister Arthur, the beloved wife of Captain Thos. Whitford Arthur. A colonist of over 40 years. Orkney and Aberdeen papers please copy.
1593Asgood, Charles JohnQueenstown1868/12/1512 monthsGreenBorn 18 December 1867 at the Reedbeds to Daniel Asgood and Mary Harwood, died age 12 months, 13 December 1868, at Alberton. Registration District: Adelaide.
272Ash, Edwin JamesPort Adelaide1855/3/165 weeks 5 daysBayfieldBorn Febuary 5, 1855 to Henry Ash and Elizabeth Wills. Registration District: Adelaide.
127Ash, William JamesPort Adelaide1853/11/276 monthsBayfieldBorn May 16, 1853 to Henry Ash and Elizabeth Wills. Registration District: Adelaide.
939Ashby, Charles (Joseph)Alberton1861/12/133 weeksMarryatJoseph Ashby, of Alberton, born 20 November 1861 to Charles William Ashby and Bridget Scamlan, died 11 December 1861, aged 3 weeks. Registration District: Adelaide.
1369Ashby, Charles EdwardAlberton1867/1/614 monthsMarryatCharles Edward Ashby, born Octber 29, !865 to Charles William Ashby and Bridget Scanlan died, age 1 year, of Queenstown, 5 January 1867. Registration District: Adelaide.
106Ashby, CorneliusAlbert Town1851/1/414 daysBayfieldTwin of Lewis Ashby. No further information
201Ashby, EdwardCheltenham1854/6/132 monthsBayfieldNo further information
319Ashby, ElizaCheltenham1855/8/219 weeksBayfieldTwin of John Ashby , 9 weeks, burial no 321. Born June 7 1855 to Edward Ashby and Naomi Blabor. Registration District: Adelaide.
177Ashby, EmmaCheltenham1854/4/411 (12) monthsBayfieldBorn March 26, 1853 to Edward Ashby and Naomi Blabor. Registration District: Adelaide.
464Ashby, Frederick WilliamQueens Town1856/11/185 monthsBayfieldAge 5 months, of Queenstown, died 16 November 1856, (father) James Ashby, Registration District: Adelaide.
1361Ashby, GeorgeAlberton1866/12/174 yearsMarryatIn grave with Jane below buried at 1 week 1/12/1864. Age 4 years, of Alberton, died 15 December 1866, Registration District: Adelaide.
1167Ashby, JaneAlberton1864/12/11 weekMarryatAge 7 days, of Alberton, died 29 November 1864, (father) George Ashby, Registration District: Adelaide.
322Ashby, JohnCheltenham1855/8/239 weeksBayfieldTwin of Eliza, burial no 319 buried 21/1/1855. Aged 9 weeks. Born June 7 1855 to Edward Ashby and Naomi Blabor. Registration District: Adelaide.
105Ashby, LewisAlbert Town1851/1/112 daysBayfieldTwin of Cornelius Ashby. No further information
750Ashwood Frederick WilliamPortland Estate1860/1/301 year 9 monthsC. MarryatAge 1 year, of Portland Estate, died 28 January 1860, (father) Thomas Ashwood, Registration District: Adelaide.
833Ashwood, Harriet AnnePortland Estate1861/1/98 monthsC. MarryatIn grave with her mother Harriet Ann buried died 28/2/1861 burial No 849.. Age 8 months, of Portland Estate, died 7 January 1861, (father) Thomas Godfrey Ashwood, Registration District: Adelaide.
849Ashwood, Harriet AnnePortland Estate1861/2/2833 yearsC. MarryatAge 33 years, of Portland Estate, died 27 February 1861, (husband) Thomas Godfrey Ashwood, Registration District: Adelaide.
52Asplin, JohnAlbert Town1853/1/104 monthsBayfieldJohn Asplin born October 2, 1852 to Sackville (Sackfield) Asplin and Mary Sanders (Saunders). Registration District: Adelaide.
XAston, ---nk1866/5/28StillbornMarryatMrs C D Aston.
603Atkins, BlanchePort Adelaide1858/4/1910 weeksC. MarryatBlanche Atkins, born February 7 1858 to Charles Atkins and Catherine Holland. Age 4 days, of Port Adelaide, died 17 April 1858, (father) Charles Atkins, Registration District: Adelaide.
465Atkins, JosephPort Adelaide1856/11/233 monthsBayfieldAge 3 months, of Port Adelaide, died 20 November 1856, (father) Charles Atkins, Registration District: Adelaide.
1165Attroll (Attrill), Lucy ElizabethLefevre's Peninsula1864/11/222 years 6 monthsMarryatLucy Elizabeth ATTRILL, Age 2 years, of Lefevre Peninsula, died 21 November 1864, (father) Joseph Attrill, Registration District: Adelaide.
13Aveline, Herbert LancelotLefevre's Peninsula1873/8/213 monthsGreenAge 1 year, of Glanville, died 31 July 1873, (father) James Aveline, Registration District: Port Adelaide.
1597Aylward, Annie MaryPort Adelaide1869/1/1InfantGreenAge 4 months, of Port Adelaide, died 30 December 1868, (father) William Aylward, Registration District: Adelaide.
165Backman, ClausShip Herder1851/10/2933 yearsBayfieldClaus Blackmann was a seaman of the Herder. He met his death as a result of an accident on the Port Road. See inquest Articles October - November 1851.
24Backman, MargaretDublin1873/9/2133 yearsJ Leslie SmithLease 303Lease 303. Age 33 years, of Dublin, died 19 September 1873, (husband) Charles Backman, Registration District: Port Adelaide.
1453Backman, Mary EleanorPortland Estate1867/10/91 year 2 monthsMarryatLease 303Lease 303. Age 1 year, of Portland Estate, died 6 October 1867, (father) Charles Backman, Registration District: Adelaide.
485Badman, RebeccaPort Adelaide1857/2/1014 monthsBayfieldAge 14 months, of Port Adelaide, died 8 February 1857, (father) George Badman, Registration District: Adelaide.
Baesruhey (see also Boasenby, Boesenberg), Caroline Augusta WhileminaPort Adelaide1858/4/2715 monthsC. MarryatLease 72Lease No 72 A lot, right angle AAA. Caroline Auguste Wilhelmine Boasenby died 25 April 1858. Registration District: Adelaide.
1125Bails, ThomasPort Adelaide1864/4/1212 monthsH M PollittThomas Bails born April 28 1863 to Joseph Bails and Lois Broadbent. John BAILS, age 1 year, of Queenstown, died 11 April 1864, (father) Joseph Bails, Registration District: Adelaide.
126Baker, George AlfredPort Adelaide1851/3/156 weeksBayfieldGeorge Alfred Baker, born January 30 1851 to Charles Baker and Mary Gallen. Registration District: Adelaide.
1522Baker, George EdwardPortland Estate1868/5/82 years 8 monthsMarryatAge 2 years, of Portland Estate, died 7 May 1868, (father) Henry Baker, Registration District: Adelaide.
797Baker, WilliamLefevre Peninsula1860/9/81 weekC. MarryatWilliam Baker, born August 31, 1860 to William Baker and Mary Ann Bowden.. Registration District: Adelaide.
491Bald, GeorgePort Adelaide1857/3/1153 yearsBayfieldAge 53 years, of Port Adelaide, died 10 March 1857, Registration District: Adelaide.
1012Bald (Bold), JanePort Adelaide1863/1/2718 yrMarryatAge 18 years, of Port Adelaide, died 25 January 1863, (husband) George Bold, Registration District: Adelaid.
1039Bald (Bold), RobertPort Adelaide1863/6/24mMarryatIn grave with Jane, 27/1/1863, 18 years. Died June 1 1863, aged 4 months, Father George Bald. Registration District: Adelaide.
148Baldock, William ThomasPort Adelaide1854/1/2918 monthsBayfieldBorn August 24, 1852 to William Thomas Baldock and Janet McKenzie. Registration District: Adelaide
898Ball, Sarah AnnLefevre's Peninsula1861/9/303 yearsMarryatIn Germein Ground with permission of B. Germein. Age 3 years, of Lefevre Peninsula, died 28 September 1861, at Port Adelaide, (father) Charles Ball, Registration District: Adelaide.
606Bampton, CatherineAlberton1858/4/215 yearsC. MarryatAge 5 years, of Alberton, died 19 April 1858, (father) George Bampton, Registration District: Adelaide.
317Bampton, JamesAlbert Town1855/8/53 monthsBayfieldNo further information
1124Bampton, JohnQueenstown1864/4/124 yearsH M PollittAge 4 years, of Alberton, died 11 April 1864, (father) George Bampton, Registration District: Adelaide.
1560Band, MarthaQueenstown (Peninsula)1868/8/30nkGreenNo further information
45Banks, Westfield GalwayPort AdelaideDec-2218524 monthsBayfieldNo further information
851Barber (Barker), JohnShip Mary Jane1861/3/731 yearsC. MarryatMaster of the Mary Jane drowned by falling into the water neear SA Company Basin. SA Weekly Cchronicle: March 9 1861
Barclay, JohnAboard HalcyonOctober 24 184934 yearsBayfieldAge 34 years, aboard the ship 'Halcyon', died 16 October 1849 at Port Adelaide, Registration District: Adelaide. Steward on the ship 'Halcyon', found drowned on 22 October. South Austrlaian Register, Wednesday 24 October 1849, page 3. Or may have been buried at Adelaide Cemetery, see South Australian Register, Saturday 27 October 1849, page 3, Letters to the editor, Sordid refusal of Christian burial.
1399Barnes, Anna ElizabethQueenstown1867/5/66 weeksMarryatLease No 21Age 6 weeks, of Queenstown, died 5 May 1867, (father) Edward Barnes, Registration District: Adelaide.
21Barnes, EdwardQueenstown1892/9/475 yrSARColonist C. 40 years/member Victoria Lodge. Age 75 years, of Queenstown, died 2 September 1892, Registration District: Port Adelaide. South Australian Chronicle (Adelaide, SA : 1889 - 1895), Sat 10 Sept 1892, p 11 - Mr. Edward Barnes, a pioneer colonist, died at his residence, at Queenstown, on Friday. The deceased landed here in the year 1835 from the brig Sir Charles McCarthy, being an apprentice to his uncle, Captain Walker, at the time.
121Barnes, WilliamWoodville1853/11/94 years 6 months (BR 42 years)BayfieldLease 21Lease No 21 (NOTE: in PAHS book says 42 years) Born April 30, 1849 - Parents Edward Barnes and Mary Ann Wilson. Registration District: Adelaide.
XBarnes, ---nk1862/4/8StillbornMarryatBarnes, Mrs. No further information
405Barnett, Richard ProutPort Adelaide1855/3/2411 monthsBayfieldNo further information
XBarreau, AlexanderPort Adelaide1876/10/1463 yearsSARLease 222Lease No 222 - suddenly of apoplexy (stroke) colonist for 29 years. Age 62 years, of Lefevre Peninsula, died 12 October 1876, at Port Adelaide, Registration District: Adelaide.
1524Barreau, AnnLefevre's Peninsula1868/5/1019 yearsW W EwbankLease 222Lease No 222. Anne Barreau, Age 19 years, of Lefevre Peninsula, died 6 May 1868, (father) Alexander Barreau, Registration District: Adelaide.
Barreau, Elizabeth CatherineExeter1898/07/0585 yearsNewspapersEvening Journal (Adelaide, SA : 1869 - 1912), Monday 4 July 1898, page 2 - BARREAU.—On the 4th July, at her residence, Exmouth-road, Exeter, Elizabeth, Catherine, relict of the late Alexander Barreau, in her 85th year. Arrived in the colony ship Katherine Stewart Forbes, October 16, 1837.
1252Barreau, HarryLefevre's Peninsula1866/1/187 weeksGreenLease 222Not baptised. Age 7 weeks, of Lefevre Peninsula, died 17 January 1866, (father) William Barreau, Registration District: Adelaide.
XBarrett, AdelaidePort1872/7/2715 monthsTombstoneLease 285Lease No 285 no notice in paper - daughter of Capt. Richard Henry & Elizabeth. Age 15 months, of Lefevre Peninsula, died 30 July 1872, (father) Richard Henry Barrett, Registration District: Port Adelaide. PAEVF 002 Headstone Inscriptions: Adelaide Barrett died 27 July 1872, aged 15 months. Elizabeth Stradwick died 3 November 1896, aged 26. Erected by their sorrowing parents Capt. R. H. and Elizabeth Barrett. Elizabeth Barrett died October 18, 1904, aged 62, wife of R. H. Barrett. William Barret father of the above died 10 December 1899 aged 87. Jane Barrett wife of William Barrett, died 19 May 1891 aged 87.
XBarrett, Elizabeth AnneSemaphore Rd, Semaphore20/10/190462 yearsTombstoneLease 285Lease No 285 - Wife of Capt. Richard Henry. Age 62 years, of Semaphore, died 18 October 1904, (husband) Richard Henry Barrett, Registration District: Port Adelaide. Funeral departed her residence at Semaphore Road, Semaphore, Thursday afternoon 20 October, for Alberton Cemetery, undertaker J.C. Haddy. Advertiser, Wednesday 19 October 1904, page 2. PAEVF 002 Headstone Inscriptions: Adelaide Barrett died 27 August 1872, aged 15 months. Elizabeth Stradwick died 3 November 1896, aged 26. Erected by their sorrowing parents Capt. R. H. and Elizabeth Barrett. Elizabeth Barrett died October 18, 1904, aged 62, wife of R. H. Barrett. William Barret father of the above died 10 December 1899 aged 87. Jane Barrett wife of William Barrett, died 19 May 1891 aged 87.
XBarrett, Elizabeth StradwickSemaphore1896/11/326 yearsTombstoneLease 285Lease No 285 - Youngest daughter of Capt. Richard Henry & wife Elizabeth long suffering - no funeral notice - erected by their sorrowing parents. PAEVF 002 Headstone Inscriptions: Adelaide Barrett died 27 August 1872, aged 15 months. Elizabeth Stradwick died 3 November 1896, aged 26. Erected by their sorrowing parents Capt. R. H. and Elizabeth Barrett. Elizabeth Barrett died October 18, 1904, aged 62, wife of R. H. Barrett. William Barret father of the above died 10 December 1899 aged 87. Jane Barrett wife of William Barrett, died 19 May 1891 aged 87.
148Barrett, Jane (Forman/Seaborn)Woolnough Road, Exeter21/05/190180 yearsSamwellLease 107Lease No 107 Woolnough Road - wife of late William Wilseley. Jane Forman Barrett, Age 80 years, of Exeter, died 19 May 1901, (deceased husband) William Wolsely Barrett, Registration District: Port Adelaide. Funeral procession departed her residence on Woolnough Road, Exeter, for Alberton Cemetery, Tuesday afternoon, 21 May, undertaker J.C. Haddy. Register, Monday 20 May 1901, page 2.
867Barrett, Sarah JaneTam Oshanter Belt1861/6/21 year 9 monthsC. MarryatLease 107Age 1 year, of Tam O'Shanter Belt, died 30 May 1861, (father) Henry Barrett, Registration District: Adelaide.
XBarrett, William (Wolseley)Woolnough Road, Exeter1899/12/1287 yearsTombstoneLease 285Lease No 285 - Father of Capt. R.H. - wife Jane; Colonist 49 years. Age 87 years, of Exeter, died 10 December 1899, Registration District: Port Adelaide. South Australian Register (Adelaide, SA : 1839 - 1900), Mon 11 Dec 1899, p 5 - Mr. William Barrett a well-known old colonist, who had been settled in South Australia since 1854, died on Sunday at his residence, Woolnough-road, Exeter, at the Age of eighty-seven. Mr. Barrett was born at Northampton, England, on April 3, 1812, PAEVF 002 Headstone Inscriptions: Adelaide Barrett died 27 August 1872, aged 15 months. Elizabeth Stradwick died 3 November 1896, aged 26. Erected by their sorrowing parents Capt. R. H. and Elizabeth Barrett. Elizabeth Barrett died October 18, 1904, aged 62, wife of R. H. Barrett. William Barret father of the above died 10 December 1899 aged 87. Jane Barrett wife of William Barrett, died 19 May 1891 aged 87.
907Barry, EdmundPort Adelaide1861/10/103 yearsMarryatAge 3 years, of Port Adelaide, died 8 October 1861, (father) Edward Barry, Registration District: Adelaide.
201Barry, ElizaPort Adelaide1852/5/115 monthsBayfieldNo further information
278Barry, FrancesLefevre Peninsula1855/4/118 monthsBayfieldNo further information
1183Barry , Thomas Alfred (see also Bairy)Ship Alexander1865/2/2726 yearsGreenFell Overboard. Thomas Alfred BARRY, Age 26 years, of Port Adelaide, died 26 February 1865, Registration District: Adelaide. Newspaper articles re inquest February 1927.
1430Barton, Horace DeanLefevre Peninsula1867/8/614 monthsMarryatAge 14 months, of Lefevre Peninsula, died 4 August 1867, (father) Pearce Barton, Registration District: Adelaide.
260Barton, RachelWoodville1855/2/82 monthsBayfieldAge 2 months, of Woodville, died 6 February 1855, (father) John Barton, Registration District: Adelaide.
636Bate (Bates), JamesQueenstown1858/9/1150 yearsC. Marryat(Bates) Age 50 years, of Port Adelaide, died 9 September 1858, Registration District: Adelaide.
XBate, Mrs. James (Phoebe)Queenstown1874/1/264 yearsSARWidow of James decd. 8/8/1858. Age 64 years, of Queenstown, died 1 January 1874, (husband) James Bate, Registration District: Port Adelaide.
451Bates, ElizabethPort Adelaide1856/8/315 weeksBayfieldElizabeth Emily Bates, Age 5 weeks, of Port Adelaide, died 29 August 1856, (father) Henry Weeks Bates, Registration District: Adelaide.
57Bates, ThomasTenterton, near Half Way House1850/2/171 monthBayfieldCause of dealth : consumption. No further information.
313Batten, AnnPort Road1855/7/1914 monthsBayfieldNo further information
Bauford (Ranford), Cordelia LouisaPort Adelaide1858/2/2614 monthsC. MarryatAge 1 year, of Port Adelaide, died 25 February 1858, (father) Henry Ranford, Registration District: Adelaide.
Bausdon (Ramsden), Margaret AnnHare St, Port Adelaide1858/3/304 yearsC. MarryatLease no 71Lease No 71. Age 4 years, of Port Adelaide, died 31 March 1858, (father) James Ramsden, Registration District: Adelaide.
528Baxter, AaronAlbert Town1857/8/252 hoursF. EvansTwinsTwin of Joe Baxter, below. Aaron Baxter, Age 2 hours, of Albert Town, died 20 August 1857, (father) Aaron Baxter, Registration District: Adelaide.
528Baxter, JoeAlbert Town1857/8/252 daysF. EvansTwinsTwin of Aaron Baxter above. Joe Baxter, Age 2 days, of Albert town, died 22 August 1857, (father) Aaron Baxter, Registration District: Adelaide.
132Baxter, DavidPort Adelaide1853/12/2828 yearsFred PlattsDied 8 December 1853. Registration District: Adelaide. Adelaide Times (SA : 1848 - 1858), Friday 9 December 1853, page 4 - Coroner's Inquest. - Yesterday, an inquest was held at Barnett's Port Hotel, by G. Stevenson, Esq., Coroner, on the body of David Baxter, a seaman belonging to the Port, who was reported to have died from injuries received on Sunday night. The jury was called over at eleven o'clock precisely, and Mr Clarke, in the employment of Capt. Duff, was fined 40s for refusing to attend when duly summoned.....
Baxter (Parker?), Elizabeth JanePort Adelaide1861/8/46 yearsC. MarryatAge 6 years, of Port Adelaide, died 6 August 1861, (father) Charles Parker, Registration District: Adelaide.
XBaxter, HarrietShip Duchess of Northumberland1856/3/208 years 8 months or (3 years 3 months)BayfieldShip - Duchess of Northumberland. DOD - 20/3/1856. Cause: Peritorus. - CD-ROM Deaths on Emigrant Vessels to SA 1849-1856. Ship records say she was 7 years old.
84Bayfield, Arthur EdwardParkside1876/5/829 yearsSAR - no funeral noteCause of dealth : phthisis, (son of Rev. Edward Bayfield). Age 27 years, of Adelaide, died 8 May 1876, Registration District: Adelaide.
526Bayfield, EdwardParsonage, Albert Town1857/8/1742 yearsA. Adelaide (Bishop) TombstoneLease 84Hear Failure. Lease No 84. Died 14 August 1857 at his residence in Alberton, Aged 42 years, late incumbent of St Paul's Church, Port Adelaide. Adelaide Observe, Saturday 22 August 1857, family notices, page 5. Funeral held at Alberton Cemetery, Monday 17 August 1857. South Australian Register, Monday 17 August 1857, page 1. PAEVF 002 Headstone Inscriptions: Reverend Edwind Bayfield incumbent of St Pauls Church, Port Adelaide, died 14 April 1857, aged 42. Harriet his wife died 13 August 1899, aged 89.
XBayfield, HarrietSemaphore1899/8/1589 yearsGreen TombstoneLease no 84Lease No 84 (in grave of husband burial no 526 - leased posthumously.) - Husband Rev. Edwin Bayfield. Age 89 years, of Semaphore, died 13 August 1899, (deceased husband) Edward Bayfield, Registration District: Port Adelaide. PAEVF 002 Headstone Inscriptions: Reverend Edwind Bayfield incumbent of St Pauls Church, Port Adelaide, died 14 April 1857, aged 42. Harriet his wife died 13 August 1899, aged 89.
557Bayley, RichardQueenstown1857/12/222 years 9 monthsJ, SheldonCause of death: Marasmus. Age 2 years 9 months, died 18 December 1857, (father) John Thomas Bayley, Registration District: Adelaide.
XBayly, Brandt BrockSemaphore Beach1876/7/144 yearsTombstoneLease no 208Lease No 208. Age 4 years, of Semaphore Beach, died 14 July 1876, (father) William Henry Fox Bayly, Registration District: Port Adelaide.
XBayly, Ethel JessieAlberton1875/4/123 yearsr 10 monthsSARLease no 208Lease No 208 - Daughter of William Lansell & Mary Ellen. Age 3 years, of Alberton, died 12 April 1875, (father) William Lansell Bayly, Registration District: Port Adelaide.
XBayly, Jane Harriet ElizabethAlberton1875/4/96 monthsSARLease no 208Lease No 208 - Youngest daughter of William Lansell & Mary Ellen. Age 6 months, of Alberton, died 9 April 1875, (father) William Lansell Bayly, Registration District: Port Adelaide.
1194Beallie (Beatty, Beattie), Mary JanePort Adelaide1865/4/73 monthsGreenMary Jane Beattie, Age 10 months, of Port Adelaide, died 5 April 1865, (father) James Beattie, Registration District: Adelaide.
29Beasley, AliceAlberton1873/10/23 yearsM.LloydAge 2 years, of Alberton, died 30 September 1873, (father) William Beasley, Registration District: Adelaide.
695Beasley, AnnAlberton1859/3/147 weeksC. MarryatAnne Beasley, Age 7 weeks, of Alberton, died 12 March 1859, Registration District: Adelaide.
1565Beasley, AnnieAlberton1868/9/2210 monthsGreenAge10 months, of Alberton, died 21 September 1868, (father) William Beasley, Registration District: Adelaide.
1354Beasley, FannyAlberton1866/12/716 monthsMarryatAge 16 months, of Alberton, died 5 December 1866, (father) William Beasley, Registration District: Adelaide.
82Beasley, William HenryAlberton1850/9/67 monthsBayfieldAge 7 months, of Albert Town, died 3 September 1850, (father) William Beasley, Registration District: Adelaide.
199Beaton, AnnAlbert Town1854/6/541 years (months)Bayfieldno further information. Wife of David Beaton, nee Carmichael?
431Beaton, DavidReed Beds1856/5/319 yearsBayfieldAge 8 years 6 months, of Adelaide, died 29 May 1856, Registration District: Adelaide.
67Beaton, DavidAlbert TownMar-28185053 yearsBayfieldCause of death: Inflammation. Captain David Beaton, Customs Officer. Usual residence: Alberton
710Beaty, MartinPort Adelaide1859/5/513 monthsMarryatBorn March 18, 1858 to James Beaty and Margaret Ryan of Port Adelaide. Registration District: Adelaide.
Beggs (see Biggs)
Bell, Augusta (See also Woolbridge, Wooldridge)see Woolbridge1854/11/11see Woolbridgesee Woolbridgesee Woolbridge or Wooldridge, Augusta for full details. murdered. Augusta BELL, died 11 November 1854, Registration District: Adelaide. See article 'Another inquest' in the Adelaide Times, Tuesday 14 November 1854, page 3, for details.
187Bell, ElizabethPort Adelaide1854/4/2610 monthsBayfieldno further information
597Bell, ElizabethPortland1858/4/317 monthsC. MarryatCause of death: Diarrhea. Age 1 year, of Portland Estate, died 2 April 1858, (father) George Bell, Registration District: Adelaide.
791Bell, JanePortland Estate1860/8/641 years (months)C. MarryatAge 40 years, of Portland Estate, died 3 August 1860, (husband) George Bell, Registration District: Adelaide.
929Bell, Sarah GraceAlberton1861/11/295 weeksMarryatAge 1 month, of Alberton, died 28 November 1861, (father) George Bell, Registration District: Adelaide.
86Bennett, AmeliaPort Adelaide1850/9/186 yearsBayfieldNo further information
1312Bennett, HelenPortland Estate1866/6/301 year 5 monthsMarryatAge 1 year, of Portland Estate, died 29 June 1866, (father) Thomas Bennett, Registration District: Adelaide.
1540Bennett, JohnAdelaide1868/7/135 yearsMarryatNo further information
85Bennett, MatthewPort Adelaide1850/9/189 yearsBayfieldNo further information
XBennett, Richard Sr.St Vincent Street, Port Adelaide1870/11/673 yearsSARLease no 8Lease No. 8 - St. Vincent Street, (Late of Lewanick Cornwall). Age 73 years, of St Vincent Street, died 4 November 1870, Registration District: Port Adelaide. Funeral procession left his residence on St Vincent Street for the Alberton Cemetery on Sunday afternoon, 6 November, S. Haddy undertaker. Express and Telegraph, Saturday 5 November 1870, page 1.
1Beresford, Edward ATasmania1883/7/7not recordedSAREdward Angelo Beresford, Age 27 years, of Adelaide, died 4 July 1883, Registration District: Adelaide.
Bernard, Frederick WitheldonBarque Sophia Port Adelaide1858/10/252 years 6 monthsC. MarryatNo further information. Not mentioned in the passenger list or the ships deaths.
73Berry, Charles WilliamHampstead1850/5/86 monthsBayfieldCause of death: Consumption (Son of Samuel of Walkerville.) Age 1 year, 4 months, of North Road, died 7 May 1850, (father) Samuel Berry, Registration District: Adelaide.
1525Berry, Emily ElizaPort Adelaide1868/5/112 years 7 monthsMarryatAge 2 years, of Port Adelaide, died 9 May 1868, (mother) Jane Rhodes Berry, Registration District: Adelaide.
46Berry, MariaShip Minerva at Port Adelaide1849/12/2125 yearsBayfieldCause of death: General debility. No further informatinon. Samuel Berry plus wife and two children included on passenger list for the Minerva?
1133Bevan, GeorgePort Adelaide1864/5/118 monthsGreenAge 18 months, of Port Adelaide, died 29 April 1864, (father) Robert Bevan, Registration District: Adelaide.
9Bewley, RobertBrig Lady Mary Pelham1849/3/1825 yearsAugustus StrongCause of death: Drowned. Age 22 years, aboard Lady Mary Pelham, died 16 March 1849, at Port Adelaide, Registration District: Adelaide.
1429Bews, Robert SlaterWoodville1867/7/302 months 5 daysHendersonLease no 207Lease No 207. Age 2 months, of Woodville, died 29 July 1867, (father) David Bews, Registration District: Adelaide.
222Bichard (Bickard), NancyShip Navarino1854/8/1717 monthsBayfieldLease no 173Lease No 173. DOD 15/8/1854. Cause: convulsions. [CD-ROM: Bound for SA. Births and Deaths on gov assisted immigrant ship 1848-1885].
142Bickers, AnnCamilla House, Semaphore1896/5/980 yearsJ.C. Kirby. Tombstone.Lease no 265Lease No 265 - PAEVF 002 Headstone Inscriptions: Ann wife of Captain John Bickers, died 7 May 1896, aged 80. John Bickers, Master Mariner, died 7 November 1899, aged 89. Age 80 years, of Semaphore, died 8 May 1896, (husband) John Bickers, Registration District: Port Adelaide. Chronicle (Adelaide, SA: 1895 - 1954), Saturday 9 May 1896, page 16 - Mrs. Bickers, wife of Captain Bickers, died at the Semaphore on Thursday at the advanced age of 80. The deceased lady came out to South Australia in the Royal Archer in 1847. She was a native of Scotland, and was married a few years before she left home.
XBickers, Capt. JohnCamilla House, Esplanade, Semaphore1897/11/982 yearsTombstone. SAR(Life Deacon Congregational Church Port Adelaide) Lease no 265 - Master Mariner. Reg. Wed 10 November 1897. DOD 7/11/1897 South Australian Newspaper Obituaries (SANO) - 1836-1900 CD-ROM - C0462130491. Age 82 years, of Semaphore, died 7 November 1897, at Semaphore, Registration District: Port Adelaide. "One of the best friends Port Adelaide ever had", funeral held at Alberton Cemetery Tuesday 9 November, procession departing his residence at Camilla House, South Esplanade, Semaphore, with a service held at Port Adelaide Congregational Church. He was buried alongside his late wife. He was born October 1815, and died November 1897. South Australian Register, Wednesday 10 November 1897, page 7. PAEVF 002 Headstone Inscriptions: Ann wife of Captain John Bickers, died 7 May 1896, aged 80. John Bickers, Master Mariner, died 7 November 1899, aged 89.
Bid (Bird?), CharlesPort Adelaide1858/10/146 daysC. MarryatCharles BIRD, Age 6 days, of Port Adelaide, died 13 October 1858, (father) Charles Bird, Registration District: Adelaide.
210Biggs (Beggs?), CatharineDistrict of Port Adelaide1854/7/2212 monthsBayfieldLease no 29Lease No 29. Possibly Catherine Beggs born July 29,1853, father John Beggs mother Mary Ann
75Biggs, EbenezerAlbert Town1850/6/1510 monthsBayfieldAge 10 months, of Albert Town, died 13 June 1850, (father) James Biggs, Registration District: Adelaide.
XBiggs (Beggs), JohnWoodville1873/12/262 yearsSARLease no 29Lease No 29 - Cause of death: accident from his dray at Woodville (Court Australias pride IOR). Age 62 years, of Woodville, died 30 November 1873, Registration District: Port Adelaide. Member of the Court of Australia's Pride, Australian Order of Foresters, funeral procession left his residence at Woodville for Alberton Cemetery on Tuesday afternoon, 2 December. South Australian Advertiser, Tuesday 2 December 1873, page 1.
220Biggs, Mary AnnDistrict of Port Adelaide1854/8/1438 yearsBayfieldLease no 29Lease No 29. No further information.
1286Biggs (Beggs), SarahWoodville1866/4/87 monthsGreenLease no 29Lease No 29. Age 6 months, of Woodville, died 6 April 1866, (father) John Biggs. Registration District: Adelaide.
1013Binning, AlexanderPort Adelaide1863/1/2730 yearsMarryatCause of death: Drowned. Unregistered deaths in SA from July 1842 - Seaman -Ship: Mary Agnes. See also Inquest article in the South Australian Register, Wednesday 28 January 1863, page 2, for more details.
640Bird, CharlesPort Adelaide1858/10/146 daysMarryatAge 6 days, of Port Adelaide, died 13 October 1858, (father) Charles Bird. Registration District: Adelaide.
663Bird, (Elizabeth) KatePort Adelaide (Queenstown)1859/1/3not knownF. EvansKate Bird, born to Robert Bird and Martha Ann Grant, died January 1, 1859. Registration District: Adelaide.
1452Bird, Lewis WilliamPortland Estate1867/10/815 monthsMarryatAge 1 year, of Portland Estate, died 6 October 1867, (father) Robert Bird. Registration District: Adelaide.
1215Bird, Mary AgnesPort Adelaide1865/8/1912 daysGreenMary Alice BIRD, Age 12 days, of Port Adelaide, died 18 August 1865, (father) Robert Bird. Registration District: Adelaide.
864Birkett (see also Burkett) , Josephine Marie Louise MadeleineAlberton1861/5/1376 yearsMarryat. Tombstone.Lease no 115Lease No 115 nee L'Affenere mother-in-law of E G Collinson. BIRKETT, Josephine Marie Louise Madeline, Age 76 years, of Alberton, died 11 May 1861, Registration District: Adelaide. "On the 11th May, at the residence of her daughter, Mrs. E. G. Collinson, Alberton, Josephine Marie Louise Madeleine Birkett, widow of the late James Birkett, Esq., H.M. 86th Regiment, and daughter of the late Louis L'Afferiare, M.P., St. Denis, Reunion, Aged 76", South Australian Register, Monday 13 May 1861, page 2, Family Notices. PAEVF 002 Headstone Inscriptions: Edward Gascoigne Collinson born 30 March 1810, died 26 April 1861, aged 51. His Mother-in-law Josephine M. L. Madelaine Birkett nee L'Affenere died 11 May 1861, aged 76.
460Bishop, EstherPort Adelaide1856/10/1057 yearsBayfieldLease no 59Lease No 59. DOD 8 October 1856. On the 8th of October in Port Adelaide in the 57th yewar of her age, wife of John bishop, mother of Mrs John Hailes. Adelaide Observer October 11 1856 p1.
1404Bishop, Esther EleanorQueenstown1867/5/151 year 1 monthsMarryatLease no 59Lease No 59. Age 18 months, of Queenstown, died 13 May 1867, (father) John Bishop. Registration District: Adelaide.
779Bishop, JohnAdelaide1860/6/1964 yearsC. MarryatLease no 59Lease No 59. Age 64 years, of Adelaide, died 17 June 1860. Registration District: Adelaide.
1040Blackler, Ida MaryPort Aelaide1863/6/511 monthsMarryatAge 11 months, of Port Adelaide, died 3 June 1863, (father) Richard Blackler. Registration District: Adelaide.
1212Blackler, John BurtonPort Adelaide1865/7/168 monthsGreenLease no 176Lease No 176. Youngest son of William. Age 8 months, of Port Adelaide, (father) William Blackler. Registration District: Adelaide.
XBlackler, John DaviesPort Adelaide1875/8/1610 yearsSARLease no 200Lease No 200. Youngest son of Richard and Sarah, Grandson of John Davies. John Davis BLACKLER, Age 10 years, of Port Adelaide, died 12 August 1875, (father) Richard Blackler, Registration District: Adelaide.
1338Blackler, Lucy LloydPort Adelaide1866/10/113 weeksMarryatAge 3 weeks, of Port Adelaide, died 10 October 1866, (father) Richard Blackler, Registration District: Adelaide.
Blackler, Mary HarriottGrange1877/07/0136 yearsSARExpress and Telegraph (Adelaide, SA : 1867 - 1922), Saturday 30 June 1877, p 2 - BLACKLER.—On the 29th June, at her residence, The Grange, Reedbeds, Mary Harriott, the beloved wife of Mr. W. Blackler, Aged 36 years.
XBlackler, RichardMrs Fords Royal Arms Hotel Pt Adelaide1899/2/870 yearsSARLease no 200Lease No 200. Age 70 years, of Adelaide, died 7 February 1899, Registration District: Adelaide.
XBlackler, Richard ParkerPort Adelaide1875/8/2211 years 8 monthsSARLease no 200Lease no. 200 - Cause of death: scarlatina, (son Richard & Sarah, grandson John Davies of Modbury) Age 11 years, of Port Adelaide, died 21 August 1875, (father) Richard Blackler, Registration District: Adelaide.
XBlackney, Emma PatienceCommercial Rd, Port Adelaide1878/2/2021 yearsTombstoneWife of Samuel Blackney. Age 20 years, of Port Road, died 19 February 1878, (husband) Samuel Blackney, Registration District: Port Adelaide. PAEVF 002 Headstone incription. Emma Patience wife of Samuel Blackney died 19 February 1878, aged 21.
1053Blain, ArthurPort Adelaide1863/7/511 monthsMarryatAge 11 months, of Port Adelaide, died 4 July 1863, (father) John Chippendale Blain, Registration District: Adelaide.
1008Blair, JaneShip Castle Eden1863/1/229 yearsMarryatAge 29 years, died 31 December 1862, aboard 'Castle Eden', (husband) James Jamieson Blair, Registration District: Adelaide.
XBlake, James WilliamNorth Parade, Port Adelaide1871/2/2258 yearsTombstone293Cause of death: apoplexy, (Wife Mary Hannah). Age 58 years, of North Parade, died 19 February 1871, Registration District: Port Adelaide. Funeral procession left his residence on North Parade, Port Adelaide on Wednesday afternoon, 22 February for Alberton Cemetery, undertaker S. Haddy. Express and Telegraph, Tuesday 21 February 1871, page 1.
1204Blakeley, BenjaminLefevre's Peninsula1865/5/2337 yearsGreenNo Service. Age 37 years, of Port Adelaide, died 12 May 1865, at Semaphore, Registration District: Adelaide.
1496Blakeley, ElizabethLefevre's Peninsula1868/2/2636 yearsMarryatAge 36 years, of Lefevre Peninsula, died 25 February 1868, (deceased husband) Benjamin Blakely, Registration District: Adelaide.
XBlencowe (Blencow, Blencoe), MariaCannon Street, Port Adelaide1876/4/2641 yearsSARLease no 268Lease No 268. Maria Blencow, age 41 years, of Cannon Street, died 18 April 1876, (husband) Thomas Blencow, Registration District: Port Adelaide.
231Blencoe (Blencowe), ThomasSemaphore8/08/190984 yearsM. WilliamsLease No 268Lease No 268. Thomas Blencowe, age 84 years, of Semaphore, died 6 August 1909, Registration District: Port Adelaide. Funeral departed the residence of his daughter-in-law Mrs T.J. Blencowe, at Germain Street, Semaphore, on Sunday afternoon 8 August, for Alberton Cemetery, undertaker J.C. Haddy & Son. Express & Telegraph, Saturday 7 August 1909, page 1.
XBlencowe, Elizabeth Ferrel (Farrell)Port Adelaide1871/4/136 years 3 monthsSARLease no 268Lease No 268. Second daughter of Thomas and Maria. Elizabeth Farrell Blencowe, age 6 years, of Port Adelaide, died 9 April 1871, (father) Thomas Blencowe, Registration District: Port Adelaide.
35Blue, Isabella AgnesPort AdelaideNov-27185212 monthsBayfieldLease no 20Lease No 20. Isabella Catherine Blue. Daughter of Mr Sinclair Blue, Surgeon Supt. of Ship China. Age 1 year, died 25 November 1852, Registration District: Adelaide. At Port Adelaide, on the 25th instant, Isabella Agnes, Aged 12 months.
609Boesenberg (see also Baesenby), Caroline Augusta WhileiminaPort Adelaide1858/4/2715 monthsMarryatLease no 72Lease No 72 A lot:right angle AAA. Caroline Auguste Wilhelmine Boasenby died 25 April 1858. Registration District: Adelaide.
491Bold (Bald), GeorgePort Adelaide1857/3/1153 yearsBayfieldAge 53 years, of Port Adelaide, died 10 March 1857, Registration District: Adelaide.
1012Bold (Bald), JanePort Adelaide1863/1/2718 yearsMarryatAge 18 years, of Port Adelaide, died 25 January 1863, (husband) George Bold, Registration District: Adelaid.
1039Bold (Bald), RobertPort Adelaide1863/6/24 monthsMarryatIn grave with Jane, 27/1/1863, 18 years. Died June 1 1863, aged 4 months, Father George Bald. Registration District: Adelaide.
1110Booker, William (Dr.)Port Adelaide1864/2/1734 yearsMarryatAge 34 years, of Port Adelaide, died 16 February 1864. Registration District: Adelaide.
743Brothwick, (Borthwick) IsabellaPort Adelaide1860/1/211 monthsC. MarryatIsabella BORTHWICK, Age 11 months, of Port Adelaide, died 1 January 1860, (father) John Borthwick, Registration District: Adelaide.
224Boso (See also Boyd) (Lascar)Schooner Fame1854/9/645 yearsBayfieldThe schooner Fame, during her voyage from Bally, had nearly all her sails and rigging camed away, as also part of her Starboard bulwarks. She is also very leaky. One of the crew died at Bally from black fever; the other seamen arrived in a weakly condition from exposure to continuous rough weather, and one of them (a man of colour) who had suffered severely from wet and cold died at the lightship anchorage. When the Fame left the Island of Bally black fever and and ague were raging fear-fully. Adelaide Observer (SA : 1843 - 1904), Saturday 9 September 1854, page 6

XBosustow, Capt. Joseph MPort Adelaide1873/11/138 yearsTombstone. SARLease no 309Lease No 309. Born Penzance 16/5/1935. Joseph Bosustow, age 37 years, of Port Adelaide, died 1 November 1873, Registration District: Port Adelaide. Captain Joseph M. Bosustow of the schooner Lady St Aubyn, was buried at the Alberton Cemetery on Sunday afternoon, 2 November, with the service conducted by the Rev. Mr. Hodge. The respect felt for the shipmaster was shown by the numerous attendance at the grave, of locals and ship captains. For more details see: Evening Journal, Saturday 1 November 1873, page 2; Evening Journal, Wednesday 5 November 1873, page 2. PAEVF 002. Headstone Inscription. Captain Joseph M. Bosustow, born at Penzance 16 May 1835, died at Port Adelaide ….... 30th 1874.
509Bousfield, ThomasPort Adelaide1857/5/132 yearsBayfieldAge 2 years, of Port Adelaide, died 11 May 1857, (father) Thomas Bousfield, Registration District: Adelaide.
1513Bott, William HenryLefevre's Peninsula1868/4/711 monthsMarryatAge 11 months, of Lefevre Peninsula, died 5 April 1868, (father) William Bott, registratin District: Adelaide.
140Bowden, Alice MargaretPort Adelaide1854/1/616 monthsBayfieldBorn August 8, 1852 to Thomas Bowden and Catherine Richardson. Registration District: Adelaide.
1641Bowden, ElizabethPort1869/7/3174 yearsGreen(Paralysed Woman) Elisabeth Bowden, Age 77 years, died 30 July 1869, (deceased husband) John Bowden. Registration District: Adelaide.
916Bowden, ElizabethLefevre's Peninsula1861/11/414 daysMarryatAge 2 weeks, of Lefevre Peninsula, died 3 November 1861, (father) George Bowden. Registration District: Adelaide.
998Bowden, JohnLefevre's Peninsula1862/12/127 daysMarryatIn grave with his sister Elizabeth, burial no 916 14 days, 4/11/1861. Age 8 days, of Lefevre Peninsula, died 10 December 1862, (father) George Bowden. Registration District: Adelaide.
995Bowden, JohnLefevre's Peninsula1862/12/166 yearsMarryatAge 66 years, of Lefevre Peninsula, died 30 November 1862. Registration District: Adelaide.
680Bowden, Phoebe AnnLefevre Peninsula1859/2/49 monthsC. MarryatAge 9 months, of Lefevre Peninsula, died 3 February 1859, (father) James Bowden. Registration District: Adelaide.
1255Bowden, William GeorgeLefevre's Peninsula1866/1/203 monthsGreenAge 3 months, of Lefevre Peninsula, died 18 January 1866, (father) George Bowden. Registration District: Adelaide.
1010Bowen, JosephQueenstown1863/1/1737 yearsMarryat. Tombstone.Lease no 130Lease No 130 - Formerly of Oxford street, London. Age 37 years, of Queenstown, died 15 January 1863. Registration District: Adelaide. Funeral held at Alberton Cemetery on Saturday 17 January 1863. South Australian Register, Saturday 17 January 1863, page 1. PAEVF 002 Headstone Inscription: Joseph Bowen, born 24 April 1826. died 15 January 1863 at Queenstown, South Australia, formeerly of Oxford Street, London.
XBowen, -Lefevre's Peninsula1864/10/11StillbornMarryatMrs W stillborn child of.
1136Bowen, WilliamLefevre Hotel, Lefevre's Peninsula1864/5/826 yearsMarryatLease No 159Lease No 159. Age 26 years, of Lefevre Peninsula, died 6 May 1864. Registration District: Adelaide. Accidental death after falling from his horse, with his step-daughter in the saddle in front of him. "...The deceased was known as a very civil and obliging person. At the time of the accident he was riding a horse which had been his own for a long period, during which he attended to the Port mails - a duty which he had recently resigned when taking possession of hte Lefevre's Hotel. He was but 26 years of Age, and leaves a widow and two stepchildren. The funeral, on Sunday afternoon was numerously attended by the inhabitants of the surrounding neighbourhood, who, with a large number of Oddfellows, followed the hearse to the Alberton Cemetery". South Australian Register, Monday 9 May 1864, page 2.
XBower, AmosPort Adelaide1878/10/758 yearsTombstoneLease no 57Lease No 57. Brother of David and Hannah decd 1/8/1856. Age 58 years, of Port Adelaide, died 4 October 1878. Registration District: Port Adelaide. PAEVF 002 Headstone Incriptions: Hannah Bower, died 1 August 1856, age 26. Her brother Amos Bower, died 4 October 1878, aged 58.
XBower, FlorenceAlberton1885/5/2518 yearsSARLease no 58Lease No 58. Daughter of the late Amos and Mrs. Bower. Age 18 years, of Yatala, died 24 May 1885, (father) Amos Bower. Registration District: Port Adelaide. Evening Journal (Adelaide, SA : 1869 - 1912), Tuesday 26 May 1885, page 2 - BOWER.—On the 24th May, suddenly, near Alberton, Florence Bower, the beloved niece of D. Bower, M P., of Woodville, Aged 19 years. Deeply regretted by her many friends.
445Bower (s), HannahPort Adelaide1856/8/326 (24) yearsBayfieldLease no 57Lease No 57. Died 1 August 1856 at the home of her brother David Bower at Port Adelaide, Aged 24 years. South Australian Register, Saturday 2 August 1856, page 2, family notices PAEVF 002 Headstone Incriptions: Hannah Bower died 1 August 1856, age 26. Her brother, Amos Bower, died 4 October 1878, aged 58.
316Bowgen, BenjaminPort Adelaide1855/7/3145 yearsBayfieldNo further information
Bowles (See also Vowles), HenryQueens Town1857/9/624 yearsF. EvansAge 24 years, of Queenstown, died 3 September 1857. Registration District: Adelaide.
1029Bowman, JanetQueenstown1863/3/1825 yearsMarryatAge 24 years, of Alberton, died 16 March 1863. Registration District: Adelaide.
1099Boyce, [unnamed]Queenstown1864/2/42 hoursMarryatAge 1 day, of Alberton, died 2 February 1864, (father) William Boyce. Registration District: Adelaide.
447Boyd, JohannaPort Adelaide1856/8/1042 yearsBayfieldDied Friday 8 August 1856, Aged 42 years, at her home in Port Adelaide, cause of death - apoplexy. South Australian Register, Monday 11 August 1856, page 2, 'Inquest at the Port'
Boyd (See Also Boso), Lucas (Lascar)Schooner Fame1854/9/645 yearsBayfieldThe schooner Fame, during her voyage from Bally, had nearly all her sails and rigging camed away, as also part of her Starboard bulwarks. She is also very leaky. One of the crew died at Bally from black fever; the other seamen arrived in a weakly condition from exposure to continuous rough weather, and one of them (a man of colour) who had suffered severely from wet and cold died at the lightship anchorage. When the Fame left the Island of Bally black fever and and ague were raging fear-fully. Adelaide Observer (SA : 1843 - 1904), Saturday 9 September 1854, page 6
367Boykett, Catherine EleanorPort Adelaide1856/1/1216 monthsBayfieldLease no 66Lease No 66. No further information
503Boykett, Thomas HerbertLefevre Peninsula1857/4/28nk (51 years)BayfieldLease no 66Lease No 66. Died 27 April 1857 at his residence at Lefevre Peninsula, Aged 51 years. Adelaide Observer, Saturday 2 May 1857, page 4, Family Notices
936Boyle (Bryle), JaneQueenstown1861/12/935 yearsMarryatAge 37 years, of Queens Town, died 8 December 1861, Registration District: Adelaide.
921Boyle, Peter Harris WrightReedbeds1861/11/1618 monthsMarryatPeter Harvey Wright Boyle, died age 17 months, of Reed Beds, on Novembeer 15 186. Registration District: Adelaide.
35Bragg (Brogg), HenryPort Adelaide1849/9/187 monthsBayfieldcause of death - Inflamation. No further information
1278Brackenshaw, Elizabeth JaneAlberton1866/3/183 weeksH HowittElizabeth Jane BROKENSHA, Age 12 days, of Alberton, (father) John Brokensha, Registration District: Adelaide.
179Brans (Braus), AnnaPeninsula1851/12/1422 yearsBayfieldNo further informaiton
1290Braus (?Brans) CatherinePort Adelaide1866/4/177 daysGreenBuried among stillborn. No service. Catherine BRANS, Age 9 days, of Lefevre Peninsula, died 16 April 1866, (father) Joseph Brans, Registration District: Adelaide.
1296Brian, MarthaYatala1866/5/547 yearsGreenAge 47 years, of Yatala, near Port Adelaide, died 4 May 1866, Registration District: Adelaide.
924Brian (Bryant), Richard DesboroughQueenstown1861/11/2243 yearsMarryatBorn ca. 1818 in Northamptonshire, England, parents Thomas Brian and Mary Desborow, arrived Port Adelaide 26 December 1857 aboard 'Caucasian' Aged 39, died at Alberton, 22 November 1861, Aged 43 years. Biographical Index to South Australians. Richard Bryant died 20 November 1861 at Alberton aged 43. Registration District: Port Adelaide.
1113Brian (Brien), WilliamAlberton1864/3/1414 yearsH M PollittKilled by a truck. William BRIEN, son of Martha Brien, Aged 14 years, died Saturday 12 March 1864, killed while carrying out work at Port Adelaide Railway Station, when his foot became caught between rails, and was crushed by three railway trucks. South Australian Advertiser, Monday 14 March 1864, page 2, 'Fatal accident - Coroner's Inquest'
XBridge, -1863/8/1StillbornMarryatMrs W stillborn child.
1214Bridges, James WilliamPort Adelaide1865/8/143 weeksGreenAge 3 weeks, of Port Adelaide, died 13 August 1865, (father) William Bridges. Registration District: Adelaide.
XBridges, -1862/7/4StillbornMarryatMrs stillborn child of
1103Bridgman, AlfredQueenstown1864/2/85 monthsH M PollittBridgeman in baptismal register 2-603. Alfred BRIDGEMAN, Age 5 months, of Queenstown, died 6 February 1864, (mother) Emily Bridgeman. Registration District: Adelaide.
XBright, SamuelRundle Street, Kent Town1877/9/2137 yearsSARRundle Street, member IOOF Loyal Len. Lodge; former licensee Semaphore; Adelaide. Age 37 years, of Kent Town, died 19 September 1877. Registration District: Adelaide.
XBright, Sarah JaneLefevre's Peninsula1872/1/36 weeksSARDaughter Samuel & Jane. Age 6 weeks, of Lefevre Peninsula, died 3 January 1872, (father) Samuel Bright (licensed Victualler). Registration District: Port Adelaide.
6Britain, John WilliamTam o'shanter belt nr half-way house1848/6/131 year 8 monthsNewenhamCause of death - teething. Age 1 year, 8 months, of Tam O'Shanter Belt, died 10 June 1848, (father) John Britain. Registration District: Adelaide.
1414Brock, Daniel GeorgeQueenstown1867/6/956 yearsMarryatLease no 208Lease No 208. Wife Delia. Age 56 years, of Alberton, died 8 June 1867. Registration District: Adelaide. "Daniel George Brock - who died on Saturday, June 8, after a painful illness of nearly five months' duration, at the Age of 57. He arrived in the colony in 1838, and accompanied Sturt in some of his gallant explorations in the interior, ..., but afterwards settled at hte Port, where he carried on business for several years as a Custom-House Agent. ... Upon the coffin was placed a very appropriate emblem, in the shape of a handsome bunch of hte Sturt pea - a flower first discovered by the intrepid party of which he was one", South Australian Register, Monday 10 June 1867, page 2. PAEVF 002 Headstone Inscriptions: Daniel George Brock died 8 June 1867, aged 56.
XBrock, DeliaQueenstown1886/3/1065 yearsLease no 208Lease No 208. Age 66 years, of Queenstown, died 9 March 1886, (deceased husband) Daniel G Brock. Registration District: Port Adelaide. South Australian Register (Adelaide, SA : 1839 - 1900), Wed 10 March 1886, p 4 - BROCK.— On the 9th March, at Queenstown, Delia Brock, relict of the late D. G. Brock, Aged 66.
Brolin (Boleni) (See also Robin), AlfredPort Adelaide1860/2/94 yearsC. MarryatLease no 93Lease No 93. Age 4 years, of Port Adelaide, died 8 February 1860, (father) Theophilus Robin. Registration District: Adelaide.
559Bromley, Henry HillPort Adelaide1857/12/2314 monthsC. MarryatAge 14 months, of near Port Adelaide, died 22 December 1857, (father) James Edward Bromley. Registration District: Adelaide.
1297Brookes, CharlesQueenstown1866/5/1616 monthsF GarrettAge 16 months, of Queenstown, died 14 May 1866, (father) William Brookes. Registration District: Adelaide.
149Brooks, William JohnQueenstown1851/7/66 weeksBayfieldWilliam John Brroks was born May 20, 1851 to William Brooks and Jane Victor at Queenstown. Registration District: Adelaide.
743Brothwick, Borthwick) IsabellaPort Adelaide1860/1/211 monthsC. MarryatIsabella BORTHWICK, Age 11 months, of Port Adelaide, died 1 January 1860, (father) John Borthwick. Registration District: Adelaide.
1503Browcy, Herbert WalterAlberton1868/3/1416 daysMarryatBrowncy, Walter Hubert in Baptismal Reg. Herbert Walter BROWNCY, Age 2 weeks, of Alberton, died 11 March 1868, (father) John Henry Browncy. Registration District: Adelaide.
159Alexander, Allan (Brown?)Queenstown1854/2/2119 monthsBayfieldDied 19 February 1854, at Semaphore Hotel, Allan Alexander, aged 19 months, son of Captain Allan Brown, brig Lochinvar, late of Glasgow. [Adelaide Observer, Saturday 25 February 1854, Family Notices, page 5]
1332Brown, Caroline MatildaPort Adelaide1866/9/86 yearsMarryatAge 6 years, of Port Adelaide, died 7 September 1866, (father) William Brown. Registration District: Adelaide.
824Brown, Charles AlexanderPort Adelaide1860/12/2214 years 6 monthsC. MarryatAge 14 years, of Port Adelaide, died 20 December 1860, (father) Charles Brown. Registration District: Adelaide.
1283Brown, EllenPort Adelaide1866/3/3053 yearsGreenAge 53 years, of Port Adelaide, died 29 March 1866, Registration dDstrict: Adelaide.
1171Brown, EmmaPortland Estate1864/12/2914 years 7 monthsMarryatIn reopened grave with brother Charles 14 years, 22/12/1860. Age 14 years, of Portland Estate, died 27 December 1864, (father) Charles Brown. Registration District: Adelaide.
XBrown, George William Capt.Victorian House, Dale Street, Port Adelaide1877/8/270 yearsSARLease no 82Lease No 82. Colonist 37 years; Victorian House, Dale Street, father of Jean Hosking. Age 69 years, of Port Adelaide, died 1 August 1877, Registration District: Port Adelaide. "G. W. Brown was an old hand who, in the early forties, arrived master of the Hawk, and was pilot, master of the Grappler on the Murray, steamboat Agent at the Port, and had his grave built in the Alberton Cemetery years before he died", Register, Friday 16 June 1922, page 4.
184Brown, Gilbert HenryPort Adelaide1854/4/1712 yearsBayfieldBaptised 1842 – father Joshua Brown. No further information
1316Brown, HenriettaPort Adelaide1866/7/166 monthsMarryatAge 6 months, of Port Adelaide, died 15 July 1866, (father) Wiliam Brown. Registration District: Adelaide.
154Brown, JamesShip Symmetry1851/8/1829 yearsBayfieldSeaman on the ship 'Symmetry', died Sunday 17 August 1851, accidentally drowned at Port Adelaide wharf. South Australian Register, Tuesday 19 August 1851, page 3, 'Another man drowned at the Port'
479Brown, JeanPort Adelaide1857/1/2844 (42) yearsFrederick Platts & BayfieldLease no 82Lease No 82. North/West Fence. Wife of Captain George William Brown (1 August 1877). Died 25 January 1857, Age 43 years, wife of G.W. Brown, station master at Port Adelaide. Adelaide Times, Tuesday 27 January 1857, page 2, Family Notices. PAEVF 002 Headstone Inscriptions: Jean wife of George William Brown, died 26 January 1857, aged 44.
624Brown, John AlexanderPort Adelaide1858/7/219 monthsC. MarryatAge 9 months, of Port Adelaide, died 20 July 1858, (father) James Brown. Registration District: Adelaide.
1547Brown, John CharlesPort Adelaide1868/8/636 yearsGreenAge 36 years, of Port Adelaide, died 5 August 1868. Registration District: Adelaide.
34Brown, John HenryPeninsulaNov-23185218 monthsBayfieldBorn June 13 1851, son of John Brown and Louisa (nee Bell). Registration District: Adelaide.
869Brown, JoshuaPort Adelaide1861/6/1649 yearsMarryatAge 49 years, of Port Adelaide, died 14 June 1861, Registration District: Adelaide.
80Brown, LouisaPeninsula1850/7/166 monthsBayfieldBorn on January 31, 1850, daughter of John Brown and Louisa (nee Bell). Registration District: Adelaide.
741Brown, LouisaLefevre Peninsula1859/12/2438 (30) yearsC. MarryatAge 38 years, of Lefevre Peninsula, died 24 December 1859. Registration District: Adelaide.
12Brown, MarthaLefevre Peninsula1848/9/273 monthsNewenhamIll from birth. Age 3 months, of Lefevre Peninsula, died 25 September 1848, (father) John Brown. Reegistration District: Adelaide.
351Brown, Mary JaneLefevre's Peninsula1855/12/15 monthsBayfieldAge 5 months, died 30 November 1855, (father) Martin Brown. Registration District: Adelaide.
1387Brown, MaryPort Adelaide1867/3/41 weekMarryatAge 1 week, of Port Adelaide, died 1 March 1867, (father) John Brown, Registration District: Adelaide.
549Brown, Sarah AnnLefevre Peninsula1857/12/36 yearsC. MarryatBuried in same grave as brother Thomas Henry - 9/11/1857. Croup. Age 6 years, of Port Adelaide, died 2 December 1857, (father) George Brown, Registration District: Adelaide.
XBrown, Sarah AnnPort Adelaide1867/1/12StillbornMarryatNo Service.
Brown, JoshuaPort Adelaide1861/6/1649 yearsC. MarryatJoshua BROWN, Age 49 years, of Port Adelaide, died 14 June 1861. Registration District: Adelaide.
542Brown, Thomas Henry (Huey)Peninsula1857/11/92 yearsC. MarryatAge 2 years, of Port Adelaide, died 7 November 1857, (father) George Brown. Registration District: Adelaide.
353Brown, William JohnQueens Town1855/12/718 monthsBayfieldDied 4 December 1855, Age 19 months, at Port Adelaide, only son of Captain Allan Brown of the brig 'Lochinvar', late of Glasgow. South Australian Registar, Friday 7 December 1855, page 2, Family Notices
1180Brown, William JohnWoodville1865/2/14 years 4 monthsGreenKilled by a kick from a horse. Age 4 years, of Woodville, died 31 January 1865, (father) George Brown, Registration District: Adelaide.
XBrowne, CarolinePort Lincoln1870/3/16 monthsSARInfant. Died at Semaphore Jetty Hotel, daughter of J S / S M of Port Lincoln. Age 6 months, of Port Lincoln, died 28 February 1870, at Lefevre Peninsula, (father) John Stewart Browne. Registration District: Adelaide.
78Browning, AlfredShip Countess of Yarborough1850/7/93 yearsBayfieldNo further information
480Browning, JosephQueens Town1857/1/3030 yearsFrederick Platts & BayfieldDied 28 January 1857 at Queenstown, Aged 29 years, leaving a widdow and two small children. South Australian Register, Saturday 31 January 1857, page 2, Family Notices
128Browning, Mary Maria JanePort Adelaide1853/11/2810 monthsBayfieldAge 10 months, died 27 November 1853, (father) Jospeh Browning, Registration District: Adelaide. (mother) Mary Smith
214Brusey, JohnPort Adelaide1852/11/714 daysBayfieldNo further information
XBryce, Mrs WQueenstown1864/9/26StillbornMarryatt
XBrydges, ---Port Adelaide1866/11/9StillbornMarryatStillborn child of Mrs William.
793Buck, Janette Mary AnnAlberton1860/8/1018 monthsC. MarryatLease no 98Lease No 98, Jeannette in Baptismal Regiter, 18 months in PAHS records. Janet Mary Ann, Age 17 months, of Albert Town, died 6 August 1860, (father) Robert Buck. Registration District: Adelaide.
534Buck, MariaLefevre Peninsula1857/9/2572 yearsF. EvansLease no 73Lease No 73 (Taits Lease). Age 72 years, of Lefevre Peninsula, died 23 September 1857, (husband) William Buck. Registration District: Adelaide.
XBuck, RobertLefevre Peninsula. Daughters residence near Exmouth Hotel.1872/10/983 yearsSARLease no 98Lease No 98. Cause of death: Old Age (Master Mariner/Colonist 36 years). Age 83 years, of Lefevre Peninsula, died 7 October 1872, Registration District: Port Adelaide. Funeral procession departed residence of his daughter, near Exmouth Hotel, Lefevre Peninsula, for Alberton Cemetery, Wednesday afternoon 9 October. South Australian Register, Tuesday 8 October 1872, page 2.
1479Buckingham, WilliamQueenstown1867/12/3112 monthsMarryatAge 12 months, of Little Queenstown, died 30 December 1867, (father) Robert Buckingham. Registration District: Adelaide.
130Buckland, Tom FrankPort Adelaide1851/04/1137 yearsBayfieldAge 36 years, died 10 April 1851. Registration District: Adelaide.
Bufseth (see also Bussell, Russell), Betsy BuirPort Adelaide1856/3/2856 yearsFred PlattsBetsy Buir (Muir) BUSSELL (Russell)? No further information
7Buist, WilliamBarque Princess Royal1848/30/622 yearsNewnhamKilled in a drunken riot and affray with the Police. Age 22 years, of Adelaide, died 28 June 1848. Registration District: Adelaide.
681Bullock, SarahPort Adelaide1859/2/53 yearsC. MarryatSarah BULLOCK, Age 3 years, of Port Adelaide, died 5 February 1859. Registration District: Adelaide.
XBurchell, Edgar ValentineDale Street, Port Adelaide1872/6/274 years 10 monthsTombstoneLease No 149Only son Thomas T & A. Age 4 years, of Dale Street, died 25 June 1872, (father) Thomas Tupper Burchell, Police Constable. Registration District: Port Adelaide. PAEVF 002 Headstone Inscriptions: Edgar V Burchell died 26 June 1872, aged 5 see also Ridge aged 2
5Burchell, Frederic HerneQueenstownAug-0718526 weeksBayfieldBirth certificate: Born June 29 1852, son of Frederick Burchell and Julia Sarah (nee Ansted). Registration District: Adelaide.
XBurchell, Mrs1865/10/1StillbornGreen
14Burchell, Thomas EdgarAdelaide1873/8/613 monthsGreenLease no 146Lease No 146. Age 1 year, of Adelaide, died 4 August 1873, (father) Thomas Tupper Burchell, Registration District: Port Adelaide.
1085Burdis, ElizabethAlberton1863/12/45 weeksMarryattBorn October 25 1863, daughter of Edward Burdis and Eliza Walton of Alberton. Registration District: Adelaide.
140Burfield, Mary AnnPort Adelaide1867/2/2219 yearsMarryattAge 19 years, of Port Adelaide, died 20 February 1867, (father) Robert Burfield, Registration District: Adelaide. Daughter of Robert Burfield of the Wharf Hotel in Port Adeliade. Funeral held on Friday 22 February. South Australian Advertiser, Friday 22 February 1857, page 1.
Burford, EdwardQueenstown1851/5/2033 yearsBayfieldAge 33 years, died 18 May 1851. Registration District: Adelaide.
266Burge, Mesha WilliamAlbert Town1855/2/253 monthsBayfieldPAHS record: Burge, Meshec William. No further information
66Burgess, Thomas1869/11/?No further information. ?There is a Thomas Burgess who died June 4 1871, aged 1 month, sone of Thomas Burgess of Stomatitis Tollicubosa
1149Burke, EdwardPort Adelaide1864/6/2112 monthsMarryatAge 1 year, of Port Adelaide, died 20 June 1864, (father) Edward Burke. Registration District: Adelaide.
Burkett, Josephine M L Madelaine nee L'Affenerenk1861/5/1176 yearsTombstoneMother-in-law of Collinson, Edward Gascoigne d 26/4/1861 Age 51 years. Josephine Marie Louise Madeline BIRKETT, Age 76 years, of Alberton, died 11 May 1861, Registration District: Adelaide. PAEVF 002 Headstone Inscriptions: Edward Gascoigne Collinson born 30 March 1810, died 26 April 1861, aged 51. His Mother-in-law Josephine M. L. Madelaine Birkett nee L'Affenere died 11 May 1861, aged 76.
214Burkett (Busket), RichardShip Ostrich1854/7/2711 monthsBayfieldDOD - 26/7/1854 (10 months?) Bronchitis and whooping cough. CD-ROM Bound for SA Births and Deaths on Government Assisted Immigrant Ships 1848 - 1885.
64Burley, Richard CampbellPort Adelaide1853/2/124 monthsBayfieldBorn on September 28,1852 to Richard Burley and Margaret Armstrong. Registration District: Adelaide.
XBurn, ---nk1863/1/12StillbornMarryat
540Burnet, ---Port Adelaide1857/11/2StillbornMarryatchild of Mrs …)
XBurns, AnnHart Street, Glanville1/02/190089 yearsSARLease no 277Lease No 277. Mother: J H Hannay. Age 89 years, of Glanville, died 31 January 1900, (deceased husband) John Burns. Registration District: Port Adelaide. The funeral procession departed her residence at Hart Street, Glanville, for Alberton Cemetery, Thursday afternoon, 1 February, undertaker J.C. Haddy. South Australian Register, Thursday 1 February 1900, page 2.
879Burns, Catherine May (Mary?)Port Adelaide1861/8/63 weeksC. MarryatPAHS Record: Burns, Catherine Mary. Catherine Mary BURNS, Age 3 weeks, of Port Adelaide, died 5 August 1861, (mother) Maria Burns. Registration District: Adelaide.
XBurns, JohnNile Street, Port Adelaide1881/07/2764 yearsSARLease no 277Lease No 277. Age 64 years, of Port Adelaide, died 25 July 1881. Registration District: Port Adelaide. Express and Telegraph (Adelaide, SA : 1867 - 1922), Tuesday 26 July 1881, p 2 - BURNS.—On the 25th July, at his residence, Nile-street, Port Adelaide, from the effects of an accident on the Copper Company's Wharf, John Burns, Aged 64 years; a colonist of 30 years.
1079Burns, Mary JanePort Adelaide1863/11/54 monthsMarryatAge 6 weeks, of Port Adelaide, died 3 November 1863, (father) William Patrick Burns. Registration District: Adelaide.
27Burstall, WilliamSteam Ship SydneyNov-04185218 yearsBayfieldHull, Yorkshire - buried from steamship Sydney/Light Ship SA. Died 1852/11/1. No further information
407Bussell (see also Russell), Betsy Buir (Muir)Port Adelaide1856/3/2856 yearsFrederick PlattsNo further information
146Butcher, Richard ThomasAlbert Town1851/6/2051 yearsBayfieldAccidently drowned in the Tam O'Shanter Creek on the side of Port Road on Friday 20 June 1851. 'The Port Flood - Coroner's Inquest', Adelaide Times, Saturday 21 June 1851, page 5.
174Butler, CharlesPort Adelaide1854/03/282 monthsBayfieldLease no 166Lease No 166. Charles was born February 6, 1854 to Charles John Butler and Laura Waters of Port Adelaide. Registration District: Adelaide.
895Butler, Charles HenryPort Adelaide1861/9/161 year 8 monthsMarryatLease no 79Lease No 79. Age 1 year, of Port Adelaide, died 14 September 1861, (father) Henry Butler. Registration District: Adelaide.
1096Butler, ErnestPort Adelaide1864/1/1710 monthsMarryatLease no 79Lease No 79. Age 9 months, of Port Adelaide, died 16 January 1864, (father) John Charles Butler. Registration District: Adelaide.
628Butler, LauraPort Adelaide1858/7/253 yearsMarryatLease no 79Lease No 79. Age 3 years, of Port Adelaide, died 23 July 1858, (father) Charles Butler. Registration District: Adelaide.
1299Butler, Laura FinellaAlberton1866/5/243 years 1 monthMarryatLease no 79Lease No 79. Laura Phanetta Butler, Age 3 years, of Alberton, died 23 May 1866, (father) Elijah Henry Butler, Registration District: Adelaide.
1615Butler, William EdwinH M S Himlaya1869/3/3041 yearsGreenAge 45 years, aboard the 'Himalaya', died 29 March 1869, at Port Adelaide, Registration District: Adelaide. Seaman aboard the 'Himalaya,' died of erysipelas the day before arrival at Port Adelaide, the cortege was met by a hearse at the Semaphore Jetty, and at once proceeded to the Alberton Cemetery where the burial service was read by the Rev. Dr. Green. For more details see 'H.M.S. Himalaya' in South Australian Register, Wednesday 31 March 1869, page 2.
404Butterfield, JohnPort Adelaide1856/3/2255 yearsBayfieldPAHS: Buttfield, John. No further information
58Button, GraceQueens Town1853/1/2544 yearsBayfieldAge 44 years, died 23 January 1853. Registration District: Adelaide. Messages to the diggings: To Isaac Button, of Queenstown.—Your wife died on the 23rd of January. The family expect and wish you to return home.
225Calbeck, JohnJosephine Louisa (L'Oizeau) Schooner1854/9/938 yrBayfieldNo further information
XCalder, JohnRailway Hotel, Port Adelaide1891/9/1732 yrSARAge 32 years, of Port Adelaide, died 16 September 1891. Registration District: Port Adelaide. - Express and Telegraph (Adelaide, SA : 1867 - 1922), Monday 21 Sept 1891, p 2 - CALDER.-On the 16th September, at Port Adelaide, John Calder, late of Forres, Morayshire, Scotland, Aged 32 years. West Australian and home papers please copy.
626Callaghan (see also Gallagher) (Callegher) , Edward JohnPortland Estate1858/7/219 daysC. MarryatPAHS: Callagher, Edward John. Edward John Gallagher was born July 11, 1858 to Megan Ryan and John Gallagher of Portland Estate. Died July 20 1858. Registration District: Adelaide.
642Calley (see also Catley), George FitchPort Adelaide1858/10/186 yearsMarryatGeorge Fitche Catley, aged 6 years, died October 15 1858. Reigstration District: Adelaide.
Callinson (See also Collinson), Edward GAlberton1861/4/2951 yearsC. MarryatLease 115Lease No 115. Edward Gascoigne COLLINSON, Age 51 years, of Alberton, died 26 April 1861, Registration District: Adelaide. Funeral held at Alberton Cemetery on Monday 20 April 1861. Most of the shops at Alberton, as well as many at the Port, were closed, and the flags of hte shipping at the latter place were hoisted half-mast high in token of respect. For details see South Australian Advertiser, Tuesday 30 April 1861, page 3. PAEVF 002 Headstone Inscriptions: Edward Gascoigne Collinson born 30 March 1810, died 26 April 1861, aged 51. His Mother-in-law Josephine M. L. Madelaine Birkett nee L'Affenere died 11 May 1861, aged 76.
XCampbell, EllenMundy Street, Port Adelaide1860/4/21StillbornC. Marryatchild of Mrs …) in grave 771.
386Campbell, MargaretPort Adelaide1856/2/515 monthsBayfieldNo further information.
167Cann, JohnPeninsula1851/11/545 yearsBayfieldNo further information
Caraway (see also Caroway), WilliamPort Adelaide1854/2/2640 yearsBayfieldLease no 23Lease No 23. No further information.
161Carew, ThomasShip Reliance1851/9/2323 yearsBayfieldNo further information
894Carey, EmilyPortland Estate1861/9/1610 monthsMarryatAge 9 months, of Portland Estate, died 15 September 1861, (father) Lawrence Carey. Registration District: Adelaide.
1550Carlson, Emma LouisePort1868/8/98 monthsGreenAge 8 months, of Lefevre Peninsual, died 8 August 1868, (father) Charles Carlson. Registration District: Adelaide.
Carmack (see also Cormack) , JemincaLefevre Peninsula1858/11/2218 monthsC. MarryatJemima CORMACK, Age 18 months, of Lefevre Peninsula, died 20 November 1858, (father) Andrew Cormack. Registration District: Adelaide.
Carmichael, FrancesSARFriends of the late Miss FRANCES CARMICHAEL are respectfully informed that her REMAINS will be removed from the residence of Mr. John S. Foot, Findon, for interment in the Alberton Cemetery, To-morrow, 2 o'clock, z S. HADDY & SON, Undertakers
XCarmichael, GeorgeAt brother in law, J S Duncan, Woodville1872/8/1558 yearsSARColonist 35 years, uncle James Beaton, Wallaroo. Age 58 years, Blacksmith, of Woodville, died 13 August 1872. Registration District: Port Adelaide. Funeral procession left the residence of his brother-in-law Mr Duncan, near Woodville, for Alberton Cemetery, Thursday afternoon 15 August, undertaker S. Haddy. South AUstralian Advertiser, Thursday 15 August 1872, page 1.
546Carmichael, ThomasNile Street, Port Adelaide1857/11/2917 monthsC. MarryatCharmical in Baptismal Register 1 - 585. Age 18 months, of Port Adelaide, died 28 November 1857, (father) Thomas Carmichael. Registration District: AdeliAdelaide.
1077Carmichael, Thomas JohnAlberton1863/10/294 yearsMarryatIn grave with Thomas, burial no 546, 17m, 1857/11/29. Age 4 years, of Alberton, died 28 October 1863. Registration District: Adelaide.
885Carmichael, WilliamWoodville1861/8/2937 yearsMarryatIn Duncans lease at North Corner. Age 37 years, of Hindmarsh, died 27 August 1861. Registration District: Adelaide.
248Carolan (Curolan), CharlesShip Marion1854/12/1815 monthsBayfieldNo further information
164Caroway (see also Caraway), WilliamPort Adelaide1854/2/2640 yearsBayfieldLease no 23Lease No 23. Carroway in Lease book. No further information.
142Carr, Ann DeborahPort Adelaide1854/1/1618 monthsBayfieldBorn June 14, 1852 to Robert Carr and Caroline Palmer. Registration District: Adelaide.
1620Carr, HenryPortland1869/4/244 monthsGreenAge 4 months, of Lefevre Peninsula, died 22 April 1869, (father) Joseph Carr, Registration District: Adelaide.
789Carr, John EdwardPort Adelaide1860/7/2020 monthsC. MarryatAge 20 months, of Port Adelaide, died 16 July 1860, (father) Robert Carr. Registration District: Adelaide.
1625Carr, Lucy SelinaPort1869/5/175 monthsGreenAge 5 months, of Lefevre Peninsula, died 16 May 1869, (father) Robert Carr. Registration District: Adelaide.
1015Carr, Richard JohnPort Adelaide1863/2/32 yearsMarryatIn grave with brother John, burial no 789, 20 months, buried 1860/7/20. Age 2 years, of Port Adelaide, died 1 February 1863, (father) Robert Carr. Registration District: Adelaide.
366Carrington, DavidPort Adelaide1856/1/1020 monthsBayfieldAge 18 months, died 8 January 1856, (father) Peter Carrington. Registration District: Adelaide.
1638Carroll, Sarah ClaraPeninsula1869/7/1934 yearsGreenLease no 239Lease No 239. Age 34 years, of Lefevre Peninsula, died 17 July 1869, (husband) William Moore Carroll. Registration District: Adelaide.
160Carter, GeorgeBurra Burra1851/9/2311 monthsBayfieldAge 11 months, died 22 September 1851, (father) Joseph Carter. Registration District: Adelaide.
73Carter, JohnLefevre Peninsula1881/8/316 yearsW G HarrisonLease No 314Relative William Carter - Lease No 314. Age 6 years, of Queenstown, died 31 August 1881, (father) William Carter. Registration District: Adelaide.
1382Carter, Stephen Robert (Steven?)Queenstown1867/2/222 years 3 monthsMarryatSteven Robert CARTER, Age 2 years, of Queenstown, died 20 February 1867, (father) William Carter. Registration District: Adelaide.
977Case, Francis DavidPortland Estate1862/6/2630 yearsMarryatAge 30 years, of Portland Estate, died 24 June 1862. Registration District: Adelaide.
Case (Cox), Jane AnnPort Adelaide1859/8/211monthsC. MarryatJane Ann COX, Age 11 months, of Port Adelaide, died 31 July 1859, (father) Samuel Cox. Registration District: Adelaide.
138Cast (Kast), EdwardTeakle Street, Exeter1895/10/755 yearsSamwell (SAR)Lease No 243Kast in the Register. Lease No 243. Age 55 years, of Exeter, died 6 October 1895. Registration District: Port Adelaide.
XCast, Emma MrsLefevre Peninsula1873/11/2732 YearsSARLease No 243Age 32 years, of Lefevre Peninsula, died 26 November 1873, (husband) Edward Cast. Registration District: Port Adelaide. Funeral procession left her residence at Lefevre Peninsula for Alberton Cemetery, Thursday afternoon 27 November, undertaker Robert Carr. South Australian Register, Thursday 27 November 1873, page 2.
1650Castendyke, HermanShip Coonatto1869/8/3127 yearsGreenHerman CASTENDYK, Age 24 years, aboard 'Coonatto', died 27 August 1869, near Cape Borda. Registration District: Adelaide.
196Catchpool, Mary AnnShip Amazon1852/2/217 yearsBayfieldPassenger of the Amazon.
Catley (See also Calley), George Fitch (Fitche)Port Adelaide1858/10/186 yearsC. MarryatAge 6 years, of Port Adelaide, died 16 October 1858. Registration District: Adelaide.
1189Catley, JosephPort Adelaide1865/3/2852 yearsGreenCATLEY, Joseph, Age 52 years, of Port Adelaide, died 27 March 1865. Registration District: Adelaide.
XCave, MrsLefevre Peninsula1863/5/10StillbornMarryat
591Cave, Alfred GeorgeQueenstown1858/3/94 yeasr 6 monthsC. MarryatFever. Age 4 years, of Port Adelaide, died 8 March 1858, (father) Alfred George Cave. Registration District: Adelaide.
870Cave, Alfred GeorgeLefevre Peninsula1861/6/2110 monthsC. MarryatLease no 105Lease No. 105. Age 10 months, of Lefevre Peninsula, died 20 June 1861, (father) Alfred George Cave. Registration District: Adelaide.
651Cave, Edward StokesPortland Estate1858/12/18 MonthsC. MarryatAt Portland Estate, Port Road, Edward Stokes, infant son of A.G. Caves, 8 months", Death Notices, 'The South Australian Advertiser', Wednesday 1 December 1858, page 2, Family Notices.
445Cave, Miriam MatildaAlbert Town1856/6/2916 monthsBayfieldAge 16 months, of Port Adelaide, died 28 June 1856, (father) Alfred George Cave. Registration District: Adelaide.
941Cave, William AmosLefevre Peninsula1861/12/1410 weeksMarryatLease no 105Lease No. 105. Age 10 weeks, of Lefevre Peninsula, died 14 December 1961, (father) Alfred George Cave, Registration District: Adelaide.
1065Cawthorne, JosephinePort Adelaide1863/9/314 monthsMarryatAge 14 months, of Port Adelaide, died 31 August 1863, (father) William Cawthorne. Registration District: Adelaide.
114Chade, JamesCook of Ship Indemnity1853/9/1053 yearsBayfieldPAHS: Cook on the ship Indimnity. No further information
471Chadwick, Eva HolroydLefevre Peninsula1857/1/513 years 7 monthsFrederick PlattsNo further information
1072(Chandler) Lane, EmilyPort Adelaide1863/10/13 months 20 daysMarryatAge 3 months, 2 weeks, of Port Adelaide, died 30 September 1863, (father) Stephen Chandler Registration District: Adelaide.(See also Emily Lane.)
232Chapman, MarkBarque Pestonjee Bomanjee1854/10/1221 yearsBayfieldDied 22 October 1854, cause of death: fever. [Deaths on Immigrant Vessels to SA 1849 - 1865].
784Chapman, Mary JaneLefevre Peninsula1860/6/287 weeksMarryatAge 7 weeks, of Lefevre Peninsula, died 26 June 1860, (father) Michael Chapman. Registration District: Adelaide.
1163Charlton, MarthaAlberton1864/11/155 monthsMarryatAge 5 months, of Alberton, died 13 November 1864, (father) John Charlton. Registration District: Adelaide.
1275Charlton, William VeseyAlberton1866/3/37 weeksGreenIn grave with Martha, burial no 1163, 5 months, died 15 November 1864. Age 7 weeks, of Alberton, died 4 March 1866, (father) John Charlton. Registration District: Adelaide.
544Chatterly, W M FLefevre Peninsula1857/11/1640 yearsC. MarryatWilliam Maddock F CHATTERLEY, Age 40 years, of Lefevre Peninsula, died 14 November 1857, Registration District: Adelaide.
XCheeseman, ---nk1858/8/29StillbornMarryatchild of Mrs Thomas
884Cheesman, BarbaraQueenstown1861/8/262 yearsMarryatAge 2 years, of Queens Town, died 24 August 1861, (father) Thomas Cheesman. Registration District: Adelaide.
529Cherry, Clarissa (Clarina)Adelaide1857/8/272 (22) yearsF. EvansLease No 59.Lease No. 59. In Bishops Lease. DIED. On the 24th inst., at the residence of her sister, West-terrace, Clarissa, wife of Mr. E. Cherry, Station-Master, Smithfield. South Australian Register, Tuesday 25 August 1857, page 2.
1320Cherry, EdwardPort Adelaide1866/7/2939 yearsMarryatLease no 194.Lease No. 194. Age 39 years, of Port Adelaide, died 27 July 1966. Registration District: Adelaide. Funeral held Sunday 29 July 1866, Undertaker S. Haddy. "His remains were followed to the grave, besides his own immediate friends, by a large number of the railway officials. Freemasons, and Oddfellows, of which the deceased was a member, and also by a number of vehicles and horsemen. There was a large number of persons assembled in the Cemetery. Deceased had suffered a long and lingering illness, and was much respected in the neighborhood." South Australian Advertiser, Tuesday 31 July 1866, page 2.
93Chittenden, Charles (see Crittendon)Port Adelaide1853/5/232 yearsBayfieldNo further information.
126Crittenden (Chittenden), Charles ThomasPort Adelaide1853/11/2733 yearsBayfieldNo further information.
30Chitterton, SusanahPort Adelaide1849/8/163 yearsBayfieldAge 3 years, of The Port, died 14 August 1849. Registration District: Adelaide.
XChristie, ---nk1865/6/28StillbornGreenchild of Mrs…
XChristie, ---nk1868/8/2StillbornGreenchild of Mrs…
1091Christie, William BurnsLefevre Peninsula1863/12/281 year 8 monthsMarryatLease no 151Lease No. 151. Age 1 year, of Lefevre Peninsula, died 26 December 1863, (father) William Christie, Registration District: Adelaide.
411Claney (Clancy), WilliamAlbert Town1856/4/122 yearsBayfieldPAHS: Clancy, William. No further information
1197Clark, (John Albert)Port Adelaide1865/5/11not knownGreenJohn Albert of Port Adelaide, age 7 months, died May 9 1865, Father John Clark. Regiistration District: Adelaide.
XClark, ---nk1862/7/8StillbornMarryatchild of Mrs…
64Clark, GeorginaPort Adelaide1876/10/2364 yearsTombstoneWife of John, died 6/3/1865. Georgina Clark, Age 64 years, of Alberton, died 23 October 1876, (deceased husband) John Clark. Registration District: Port Adelaide. PAEVF 002 Headstone Inscriptions: John Clark, born 8 October 1808, died 6 March 1865. Georgina Clark, his wife died 23 October 1876, aged 64.
1372Clark, HannahPort Adelaide1867/1/1111 monthsMarryatAge 11 months, of Port Adelaide, died 10 January 1867, (father) Albert Clark. Registration District: Adelaide.
163Clark, Henry AlbertTenderton1851/10/133 monthsBayfieldHenry Albert was born July 2 1851 to George Clark and Emma Meadows of Adelaide.Registration District: Adelaide.
672Clark (Clarke), Henry Whitly (Whitby) (Harry Whitely)Woodville1859/1/16Not knownC. MarryatIn grave of Letitia Clark buried 16/11/1858. Harry Whitley, born September 21, 1858 to William Falla Clark and Letiitia Whitley of Lefevre Peninsula, died January 15, 1859, aged 4 months. Registration District: Adelaide.
1187Clark, JohnPort Adelaide1865/3/2055 yearsGreen. Tombstone.Lease No 167Poisoned himself - no service (husband of Georgina). Age 55 years, of Port Adelaide, died 7 March 1865, at Lefevre Peninsula. Registration District: Adelaide. For details see: The South Australian Advertiser, Tuesday 21 March 1865, page 3, Coroner's Inquest. PAEVF 002 Headstone Inscriptions: John Clark, born 8 October 1808, died 6 March 1865. Georgina Clark, his wife died 23 October 1876, aged 64.
1084Clark, John AlbertPort Adelaide1863/11/263 weeksMarryatAge 3 weeks, of Port Adelaide, died 25 November 1863, (father) Albert Clark. Registration District: Adelaide.
647Clark, LetitiaLefevre Peninsula1858/11/1636 yearsC. MarryatAge 36 years, of Lefevre Peninsula, died 13 November 1858, (husband) William Falla Clark, Registration District: Adelaide.
641Clark, MaryShip Bee, Port Adelaide1858/10/1542 yearsC. MarryatAge 42 years, died 14 October 1858. Registration District: Adelaide.
1164Clarke, Adelaide AugustaAlberton1864/11/1810 monthsMarryatAge 10 months, of Alberton, died 17 November 1864, (father) William Falla Clark. Registration District: Adelaide.
953Clarke, AnniePort Adelaide1862/2/116 monthsMarryatAge 16 months, of Port Adelaide, died 30 January 1862. Registration District: Adelaide.
274Clarke, Arthur WhilleyLefevre Peninsula1855/3/2210 monthsBayfieldLease no 54Lease No 54 PAHS: Buried alongside Mrs Jackson. Arthur Whitley CLARKE, Age 10 months 6 days, (father) William Falla Clarke. Registration District: Adelaide.
123Clarke, Henry WrightPort Adelaide1851/2/185 weeksBayfieldAt Port Adelaide, died 17 February 1851, Aged 1 month, 8 days, (father) S.R. Clarke, Esq. Adelaide Times, Tuesday 18 February 1851, page 2, Family Notices
1175Clarke, JamesPort Adelaide1865/1/93 yearsH M PollittAge 2 years, of Port Adelaide, died 8 January 1865, (father) John Clark, Registration District: Adelaide.
1157Clarke, William FallaWoodville1864/8/2742 yearsMarryatLease no 54Lease No. 54. Age 42 years, of Woodville, died 25 August 1864. Registration District: Adelaide. "Mr William Falla Clarke, of the firm of Clarke, McKenzie, & Co., Port Adelaide, who died on Thursday, after a short illness, at the Age of 42 years. He leaves a widow and family of eleven, and the respect in which he was held was shown at the funeral on Saturday afternoon, when upwards of 30 wehicles, exclusive of the mourning coaches, filled with friends, followed his remains from his late residence at Woodville to the Alberton Cemetery, where the Rev. C. Maryatt performed the funeral service", Adelaide Observer, Saturday 3 September 1864, page 4.
1179Clayson, Eliza JanePortland Estate1865/2/13 years 3 monthsGreenAge 3 years, of Portland Estate, died 31 January 1865, (father) John Clayson, Registration District: Adelaide.
832Clayson, HenryAlberton1861/1/814 monthsC. MarryatAge 14 months, of Alberton, died 6 January 1861, (father) John Clayson, Registration District: Adelaide.
1196Cleave, JaneRosewater1865/5/857 yearsGreenAge 57 years, of Rosewater, died 6 May 1865, Registration District: Adelaide.
960Cleave, Richard FrideneYatala1862/3/1418 yearsMarryatRichard Frederic Cleave, Age 18 years, of Port Adelaide, died 12 March 1862, Registration District: Adelaide.
1105Clements, WilliamPort Adelaide1864/2/1112 monthsMarryatJames William Clements of Port Adelaide died February 10 1864, father John Clements. Registration District: Adelaide.
1Cleveland, ThomasBotswain of ship Canton1846/10/2840 yearsNewenhamDrowned while in a state of intoxication. Thomas Cleveland, Age 30 years, aboard 'Canton', died 26 October 1846, Registration District: Adelaide.
294Cluness, PeterSchooner Fame1855/5/1023 yearsBayfieldDrowned. Died 9 May 1855, Registration District: Adelaide.
1321Coatzwitch (Coatzevitch), StephenPort Adelaide1866/7/309 daysMarryatStephen COATZEVITCH, Age 9 days, of Port Adelaide, died 28 July 1866, (father) Prosper Coatzevitch, Registration District: Adelaide.
771Cobham, Jane GordonPort Adelaide1860/5/23 yearsC. MarryatAge 3 years, of Port Adelaide, died 1 May 1860, (father) Alfred Cobham, Registration District: Adelaide.
336Cobley, JohnAlbert Town1855/9/2755 yearsBayfieldLease no 51Lease No 51. "Died on the 23 September, of asthma, after many years patient suffering, at his residence, Alberton, Mr John Cobley, Aged 55 years". South Australian Register, Tuesday 2 October 1855, page 2, Family Notices
763Colbourne, SusanPort Adelaide1860/3/263 yearsF. EvansAge 3 years, of Portland Estate, died 23 March 1860, (father) Charles E Colbourne, Registration District: Adelaide.
1350Colegate, William HenryPortland Estate1866/11/186 yearsMarryatAge 6 years, of Portland Estate, died 16 November 1866, (father) John Buckner Colegate, Registration District: Adelaide.
284Coleman, Capt. GeorgeLefevre Peninsula1872/6/1443 yearsSARDied at Adelaide Lease No 284. Age 41 years, of Lefevre Peninsula, died 12 June 1872, at Adelaide, Registration District: Port Adelaide. Funeral procession departed his residence at Lefevre Peninsula for Alberton Cemetery, Friday afternoon 14 June, undertaker T. Haddy. Express and Telegraph, Thursday 13 June 1872, page 2.
XColeman, Eliza Elizabeth (Letitia)Exchange Hotel, Port Adelaide1872/7/26not knownSARLease no 36Lease No 36 Exchange hotel. Wife of Joseph Coleman, funeral procession departed her residence at the Exchange Hotel, Port Adelaide, for Alberton Cemetery, Friday afternoon 26 July, undertaker S. Haddy. Express and Telegraph, Thursday 25 July 1872, page 2.
112Coleman, GeorgePort Adelaide1851/1/167 yearsBayfieldGeorge Spencer Whitbread Coleman, aged 8 years, son of George Coleman was found drowned near Government Wharf, near where he had been fishing the day before. SA Register January 16 1851, page 2.
311Coleman, Honorine RebeccaLefevre Peninsula1855/7/135 years 20 daysBayfieldLease no 36Lease No 36. Honorine Rebecca Coleman born June 23 1850 to Joseph Coleman and Letitia Saunderson of Port Adelaide. Registration Distrct: Adelaide.
2Coleman, JamesShip RelianceJul-31185228 yearsBayfieldFrom newspaper advertisement: James Coleman formerly lived at the Sheaoak Log and died while travelling from Melbourne on board the 'Reliance'. South Australian Register, Wednesday 18 August 1852, page 4, advertising
36Coleman, Capt. JosephExchange Hotel, Port Adelaide1880/3/560 yearsSARDied at residence of Mrs A Shaw, Nelson Street, Adelaide. Age 60 years, of Port Adelaide, died 4 March 1880, Registration District: Port Adelaide. Express and Telegraph (Adelaide, SA : 1867 - 1922), Friday 5 March 1880, p 2 - COLEMAN.—On the 4th March, at the residence of Mr. A. Shaw, Nelson-street, Adelaide, Mr. Joseph Coleman, late of Exchange Hotel, Port Adelaide. An old colonist.
569Coleman, Mary Ann ElizabethPort Adelaide1858/1/2627 daysC. MarryatMarasmus. Died 25 January 1858, (father) Stephen Coleman. Registration District: Adelaide.
570Coleman, RebeccaLefevre Peninsula1858/1/2665 yearsC. MarryatOld Age. Age 65 years, of Lefevre Peninsula, died 24 January 1858, Registration District: Adelaide.
1416Coleman, WilliamLefevre Peninsula1867/6/977 yearsMarryatLease no 36Age 77 years, of Lefevre Peninsula, died 6 June 1867, Registration District: Adelaide.
116Coles, JamesAlbert Town1853/9/2742 yearsBayfieldLease no 73Lease No 73. died 25 September 1853, Registration District: Adelaide. Adelaide Times (SA : 1848 - 1858), Tuesday 27 September 1853, page 2 - Domestic News. - Coroner's Inquest. — Yesterday an inquest was held by the Coroner G. Stevenson, at Chandler's Halfway House, Port road, on the body of James Coles, a small farmer, residing near Albert Town. It appeared from the evidence that Coles was returning from the Tiers to his farm rather late on Saturday evening, with a very heavy load of posts and rails. When within a mile and a half from his house he had slipped from his dray, one of the wheels of which passed over his body, breaking and crushing the whole of his breast in a most frightful manner. Life was quite extinct, and he was carried to Mr Chandler's by the parties who discovered the body. Three sovereigns, and some silver, were found in his pockets which have been handed over to his widow. The Jury returned a verdict of "Accidental Death."
208Coles, WilliamOld Port1852/6/2414 monthsBayfieldWilliam Coles was born May 24 1851 to James Coles and Ann Bishop. Registration District: Adelaide.
866Colley (Coley, Coles, Coleg), MayLefevre Peninsula1861/5/2929 yearsC. MarryatAge 29 years of LeFevre Peninsula, died 17 May 1861. Husband Henry Colley. Registration District: Adelaide..
1306Colley, CatherinePort Adelaide1866/6/1811 yearsMarryatAge 11 years, of Port Adelaide, died 16 June 1866, (father) John Henry Colley, Registration District: Adelaide.
121Colley, EmilyPeninsula1851/2/1414 daysBayfieldEmily Colley born 2 February 1851 to Henry Colley and Mary Tomkins of Port Adelaide. Registration District: Adelaide.
1511Colley, Emily CatherinePort Adelaide1868/4/29 monthsMarryatEmily Catherine COLLEY, Age 9 months, of Port Adelaide, died 31 March 1868, (father) Henry Colley, Registration District: Adelaide.
1353Colley, Emma BridgetPort Adelaide1866/12/420 monthsMarryatAge 1 year, of Port Adelaide, died 2 December 1866, (father) John Harry Colley, Registration District: Adelaide.
1464Colley, John HenryPort Adelaide1867/11/68 yearsMarryatAge 8 years, of Port Adelaide, died 14 November 1867, (father) Henry Colley, Registration District: Adelaide.
22Collins, ElizaPort AdelaideSep-2618523 monthsBayfieldNo further information
147Collins, FrancesResidence of R Jamiseon, Maud Street, Glanville1899/6/186 yearsSamwellDied at the residence of R Jamieson, Maud Street, (female). Relict of H. A. Age 86 years, of Glanville, died 29 May 1899, (deceased husband) Henry Allen Collins, Registration District: Port Adelaide. Express and Telegraph (Adelaide, SA: 1867 - 1922), Thursday 1 June 1899, p 2 - Death has removed from the ranks of South Australia's pioneers Mrs. Frances Collins, relict of the late Henry Allen Collins, who died at the residence of her son in-law, at Maud-street, Glanville, on Monday. She arrived with her husband in South Australia in the ship John Morphett in 1839, and three sons, 10 daughters, 63 grandchildren, and 42 great-grandchildren survive her.
31Collins, (H A)Portland Estate1873/10/1168 yearsGreenHenry Allen COLLINS, Age 68 years, of Portland Estate, died 10 October 1873, Registration District: Port Adelaide.
863Collinson, Edward GascogneAlberton1861/4/2951 yearsMarryat. Tombstone.Lease 115Lease No 115. Edward Gascoigne COLLINSON, Age 51 years, of Alberton, died 26 April 1861, Registration District: Adelaide. Funeral held at Alberton Cemetery on Monday 20 April 1861. Most of the shops at Alberton, as well as many at the Port, were closed, and the flags of hte shipping at the latter place were hoisted half-mast high in token of respect. For details see South Australian Advertiser, Tuesday 30 April 1861, page 3. PAEVF 002 Headstone Inscriptions: Edward Gascoigne Collinson born 30 March 1810, died 26 April 1861, aged 51. His Mother-in-law Josephine M. L. Madelaine Birkett nee L'Affenere died 11 May 1861, aged 76.
486Connay, AnnQueens Town1857/2/1045 yearsBayfieldNo further information
1326Cook, Arthur HoraceAlberton1866/8/911 yearsMarryat. Tombstone.In grave next to brother and sister buried 1866/8/2. Age 11 years, of Alberton, died 8 August 1866, (father) William George Cook, Registration District: Adelaide. PAEVF 002 Headstone Inscriptions: Wallace Oswald Cook died 2 August 1866, aged 14. Evelyn Mary Ellen Cook died 4 August 1866, aged 7. Arthur Horrace Cook died 8 August 1866, aged 12.
1323Cook, Evelyn Mary EllenAlberton1866/8/16 yearsMarryat. TombstoneIn grave 1322 with brother Wallace buried same day. Age 6 years, of Alberton, died 2 August 1866, (father) William George Cook, Registration District: Adelaide. PAEVF 002 Headstone Inscriptions: Wallace Oswald Cook died 2 August 1866, aged 14. Evelyn Mary Ellen Cook died 4 August 1866, aged 7. Arthur Horrace Cook died 8 August 1866, aged 12
XCook, JosephLefevre Peninsula1875/5/3140 yearsSARLease No 110Loyal Duke of Portland Lodge. Wife Maria. No. 1,517, G.U.O.O.F.—The Members of the above Lodge are requested to meet at the residence of our late Brother, JOSEPH COOK, Lefevre's Peninsula, at 3 o'clock p.m., Tuesday, June 1, to follow his REMAINS to the Alberton Cemetery. By order of the N. G., J. F. DONNELL, Secretary.
918Cook, Thomas JosephLefevre Peninsula1861/11/69 monthsMarryatLease No 110Lease No 110. Age 9 months, of Lefevre Peninsula, died 4 November 1861, (father) Joseph Cook, Registration District: Adelaide.
1322Cook, Wallace (William) OswaldAlberton1866/8/214 years 3 monthsMarryat. Tombstone.William Oswald COOK, Age 14 years, of Alberton, died 31 July 1866, (father) William George Cook, Registration District: Adelaide. The three children died of diphtheria croup. South Australian Register, Thursday 30 August 1866, page 2, family notices. PAEVF 002 Headstone Inscriptions: Wallace Oswald Cook died 2 August 1866, aged 14. Evelyn Mary Ellen Cook died 4 August 1866, aged 7. Arthur Horrace Cook died 8 August 1866, aged 12
1289Cooke, Elizabeth SophiaPeninsula1866/4/177 monthsGreenLease no 110Maria Elizabeth Sophia Cooke of Lefevre Peninsula died April 16, 1866, aged 10 months. Father: Joseph Cook. Registration District: Adelaide.
1582Cooper, AnnPortland Estate1868/11/73 monthsGreenAnn Cooper born to Donald Cooper and Mary Jane Bailey on October 3 1868 at Rosewater died age 1 month, at Portland Estate on 6 November 1868, (father) Donald Cooper, Registration District: Adelaide.
899Cooper, Barbara DennisonPortland Estate1861/9/307 yearsSAR Marryat.Relative Lindsey Cooper. Age 7 years, of Port Adelaide, died 30 September 1861, (father) Thomas Cooper, Registration District: Adelaide.
449Cooper, CharlesPort Adelaide1856/8/2077 yearsSAR BayfieldDied 17 August 1856, at his residence in Port Adelaide, Aged 77 years. South Australian Register, Tuesday 19 August 1856, Family Notices, page 2. Funeral was held at the Port Cemetery on Wednesday 20 August. South Australian Register, Wednesday 20 August 1856, page 1.
1595Cooper, Frederick HiltonPortland Estate1868/12/27infantGreenFrederick Hilton Cooper was born December 3 1868 to John Cooper and Amelia Collins of Portland Estate. Registration District: Adelaide.
699Cooper, Mary AnnPort Adelaide1859/3/2078 yearsC. MarryatAge 72 (78) years, of Port Adelaide, died 18 March 1859, Registration District: Adelaide. Wife of Charles Cooper.
XCooper, ---Portland Estate1867/9/7StillbornMarryatMrs Cooper
XCorders, ---nk1864/6/30StillbornMarryatMrs C Corders
1394Corbett (Corbell), AmyPort Adelaide1867/4/1316 (26) monthsMarryatAmy Corbell died at Port Adelaide, of Cherry Gardens, on April 12, 1967. Father:John Corbell. Registration District: Adelaide
388Cormack, Andorena Margaret SkeaLefevre Peninsula1856/2/63 yearsBayfieldAndorena Margarey SKEA, Age 3 years 25 days, of Lefevre Peninsula, died 6 February 1856, (father) Andrew Cormack, Registration District: Adelaide.
385Cormack, DavidLefevre Peninsula1856/2/49 monthsBayfieldDavid Pottinger CORMACK, Age 9 months 15 days, of Lefevre Peninsula, died 3 February 1856, (father) Andrew Cormack, Registration District: Adelaide.
307Cormack, JamesLefevre Peninsula1855/6/107 weeksFred PlattsAge 52 days, of Lefevre Peninsula, died 9 June 1855, (father) Andrew Cormack, Registration District: Adelaide.
649Cormack, JemimaLefevre Peninsula1858/11/2218 monthsMarryatLease no 175Lease No 175. Jemima CORMACK, Age 18 months, of Lefevre Peninsula, died 20 November 1858, (father) Andrew Cormack. Registration District: Adelaide.
1231Cormack, JemimaLefevre Peninsula1865/11/56 monthsGreenLease no 175Lease No 175. In grave with Jemima, burial no 649. 18 months 22/11/1858. Age 6 months, of Lefevre Peninsula, died, 4 November 1865, (father) Andrew Cormack, Registration District: Adelaide.
175Cormack, MargaretLefevre Peninsula1871/11/118 yearsSARLease no 175Lease No 175. (second daughter of Andrew, mariner). 18 years, of Bridgewater near Lefevre Peninsula, died 31 October 1871, (father) Andrew Cormack, Registration District: Port Adelaide. Funeral procession left residence of her father, Andrew Cormack, at Lefevre Peninsula, on Wednesday afternoon, 1 November, for Alberton Cemetery, undertaker G. Haddy. South Australian Register, Wednesday 1 November 1871, page 1.
XCormack, Mary MrsBirkenhead1888/8/863 yearsSARLease no 175Lease No 175. Mary Cormack, Age 63 years, of Birkenhead, died 7 August 1888, (husband) Andrew Cormick, Registration District: Port Adelaide. Express and Telegraph (Adelaide, SA : 1867 - 1922), Tuesday 7 Aug 1888, p 2 - CORMACK.—On the 7th August, at Birkenhead, the wife of Andrew Cormack, Aged 63 years, and a colonist of 37 years.
937Cormack, William PotlingerLefevre Peninsula1861/12/920 monthsMarryatIn grave with James Cormack burial no 307, 7 weeks 10/6/1855. William Pottingar, Age 18 months, of Lefevre Peninsula, died 8 December 1861, (father) Andrew Cormack, Registration District: Adelaide.
XCornish, William RowlingNorth Parade, Port Adelaide1871/1/1634 yearsSARLease 263Lease No 263. Draper of North Parade, Port Adelaide. Consumption (eldest son of late John Frogwell, Callington, Cornwall). Age 34 years, of North Parade, died 15 January 1871, Registration District: Port Adelaide. Funeral procession left his residence on North Parade for Alberton Cemetery on Monday afternoon, 16 January 1871, undertaker S. Haddy. South Australian Register, Monday 16 January 1871, page 2.
1359Coster, Eliza TLefevre Peninsula1866/12/1528 yearsMarryatEliza Thorne Coster, Age 28 years, of Lefevre Peninsula, died 14 December 1866, (husband) Charles Coster, Registration District: Adelaide.
142Cothel (Cottrell), Frederic WilliamWoodville1851/5/293 monthsBayfieldFrederick William Cottrell died May 28 1851 aged 5 months 2 weeks. Father G Cottrell. Registration District: Adelaide.
296Cotton, FannyAlbert Town1855/5/16 (11)49 years or 47 yearsBayfieldNo further information
1281Cotton, Fanny CatherineAlberton1866/3/2514 monthsGreenAge 14 months, of Alberton, died 24 March 1866, (father) Edward Cotton, Registration District: Adelaide.
156Courtney, ElizaPort Adelaide1851/9/735 yearsBayfieldNo further information
10Courtney, MaryEmmigrant per barque Constance. Port Adelaide1848/8/3133 yearsNewenhamConsumption. Age 33 years, of Port Adelaide, died 29 August 1848, (husband) John Courtney. Registraiton District: Adelaide.
720Cox (See also Case?), Jane AnnPort Adelaide1859/8/211 monthsMarryatAge 11 months, of Port Adelaide, died 31 July 1859, (father) Samuel Cox, Registration District: Adelaide.
946Cox, LindaPort Adelaide1862/1/207 monthsMarryatAge 7 months, of Port Adelaide, died 19 January 1862, (father) William Cox, Registration District: Adelaide.
1506Cox, WilliamPort Adelaide1868/3/2439 yearsMarryatAge 39 years, of Port Adelaide, died 23 March 1868, Registration District: Adelaide.
745Craft (see also Crofts, Grafts), SamuelLefevre Peninsula1860/1/95 daysC. MarryatSamuel Crofts (Crafts) born January 4 1860 to Samuel Craft and Catherine Cleary of Lefevre Peninsula, died January 9 1860. Registration District: Adelaide.
156Craige, ElizabethLefevre Peninsula1854/2/420 monthsBayfieldno further information
688Craig, LindsayAlberton1859/2/2346 yearsF. EvansAge 46 years, of Alberton, died 22 February 1859, Registration District: Adelaide.
1488Craig, Robert JohnPort Adelaide1868/1/294 monthsMarryatRobert John CRAIG, Age 4 months, of Port Adelaide, died 28 January 1868, (father) Robert Craig (Snr), registraiton District: Adelaide. .
359Craigie, ElizaLefevre Peninsula1855/12/1812 monthsBayfieldLease no 25Lease No 25. No further information
25Craigie, Emma DouglasGlanville1874/9/162 yearsSARLease no 25Lease No 25. Age 2 years, of Glanville, died 14 September 1874, (father) James Douglas Craigie, Registration District: Port Adelaide.
25Craigie, JohnLefevre Peninsula1876/11/1862 yearsSARLease no 25Short and painful illness. Lease No 25. Age 62 years, of Birkenhead, died 16 November 1876, Registration District: Port Adelaide.
759Cramond, HamiltonPort Adelaide1860/3/635 yearsC. MarryatAge 30 years, of Port Adelaide, died 5 March 1860, Registration District: Adelaide.
108Crask, DavidLefevre Peninsula1853/8/22 weeksBayfieldNo further information
340Crask, HenryLefevre Peninsula1855/10/2715 monthsBayfieldHenry Crask of Lefevre Peninsula was born July 7 1854 William Crask and to Harriet Hailstone. Registration District: Adelaide.
523Crawford, Ann Amelia CampbellPort Adelaide1857/7/8 1857/8/55 years 20 daysBayfieldLease no 69Lease No 69. Father James Campbell Crawford. Ann Amelia was born January 9 1853 to James Cambpell Crawford and Juliana Bice. Registration District: Adelaide.
527Crawford, Donald CampbellPort Adelaide1857/8/212 years 4 monthsF. EvansLease no 69.Father: James Campbell Crawford. Donald Campbell Crawford was born March 30 1855 to James Cambpell Crawford and Juliana Bice. Registration District: Adelaide
*******Crawford, James CampbellSemaphore1898/05/22SARLease no 69Express and Telegraph (Adelaide, SA: 1867 - 1922), Tuesday 24 May 1898, p 2 - An old colonist (Mr. J C. Crawford) died at his residence, Semaphore, on Saturday at the Age of 76 years, after an illness extending over seven months.
1422Crawford, John CampbellPort Adelaide1867/6/195 yearsMarryatLease no 69James Crawford - Lease No 69. Age 5 years, of Port Adelaide, died 17 June 1867, (father) James Crawford, Registration District: Adelaide.
84Crawford, Julia AnnGlanville23/04/191988 yearsLease no 69Lease No 69. Age 88 years, widow, of Glanville, died 15 April 1919, (deceased husband) James Campbell Crawford, Registration District: Port Adelaide. Widow of James Campbell Crawford, funeral held at Alberton Cemetery on Thursday 17 April 1919, Undertaker J.C. Haddy & Son. Advertiser, Friday 18 April 1919, page 2.
1268Crawford, Margaret Ann CampbellPort Adelaide1866/2/141year 7 monthsHodgeLease no 69Lease no 69. Age 18 months, of Port Adelaide, died 13 February 1866, (father) James Crawford, Registration District: Adelaide.
1623Crawford, Thomas CampbellPort1869/4/305 weeksW. ScottLease no 69James Crawford - Lease No 69. Age 5 weeks, of Port Adelaide, died 28 April 1869, (father) James Crawford, Registration District: Adelaide.
444Crearar, JohnPort Adelaide1856/8/342 yearsBayfieldLease no 112Lease No 112. No further information
368Creer, JaneLefevre Peninsula1856/1/1227 yearsBayfieldLease no 50Lease No 50. Age 27 years, died 10 January 1856, (husband) Joseph Creer, Registration District: Adelaide.
1405Crickett, AlicePortland Estate1867/5/1610 hoursMarryatAge 4 hours, of Portland Estate, died 16 May 1867, (father) Frederick Crickett, Registration District: Adelaide.
26Crickett, Alice MaryPortland Estate1873/9/305 monthsGreenAge 5 months, of Portland Estate, died 29 September 1873, (father) Frederick Crickett, registraiton District: Port Adelaide.
126Crittenden (Chittenden), Charles ThomasPort Adelaide1853/11/2733 yearsBayfieldNo further information. Arrived by the schooner Captain Cook in 1848 from Tasmania?
93Crittendon, Charles see also ChittendeonPort Adelaide1853/5/232 yearsBayfieldNo further information
264Crocker, JanePort Adelaide1855/2/1822 yearsBayfieldLease no 62Lease No 62 buried in same grave as son John buried 16/2/1855. No further information
263Crocker, John Samuel SmithemPort Adelaide1855/2/1616 daysBayfieldBuried in same grave as mother buried on 18/2/1855. No further information
1561Crocker, WilliamPort1868/9/17 monthsGreenlease no 225Son of William and Theresa. Lease No 225. Age 6 months, of Port Adelaide, died 29 August 1868, (father) William Crocker, Registration District: Adelaide.
745Crofts (see also Crafts, Grafts), SamuelLefevre Peninsula1860/1/95 daysC. MarryatSamuel Crofts (Crafts) born January 4 1860 to Samuel Craft and Catherine Cleary of Lefevre Peninsula, died January 9 1860. Registration District: Adelaide.
1494Crowe, Harriet ElizabethPort Adelaide1868/2/1812 monthsMarryatAge 1 year, of Lefevre Peninsula, died 16 February 1868, (father) Henry Crowe, Registration District: Adelaide.
XCruickshank, Ellen SeabornTynte Street, North Adelaide1878/9/1245 yearsTombstoneLease no 31Tynte street. Lease No 31 - wife of Thomas. Age 45 years, of North Adelaide, died 10 September 1878, (husband) Thomas Cruikshank, Registration District: Adelaide. Evening Journal (Adelaide, SA : 1869 - 1912), Wednesday 11 Sept 1878, p 2. CRUIKSHANKS.—On the 16th September, at Tynte-street, North Adelaide, Ellen Seaborn, wife of Thomas Cruikshanks, Aged 45 years. PAEVF 002 Headstone Inscriptions: Ellen Seaborne Cruickshank died 10 September 1878 aged 45. Robert Cruickshank died 18 October 1898, aged 72. Thomas Cruickshank died 21 August 1903, aged 79. Robert Cruickshank born 7 January 1865, died 23 March 1922.
146Cruickshank, RobertFisher Street, Malvern1898/10/1972 yearsE. H. Bleby. Tombstone.Lease no 31Fisher Street, Malvern. Home for incurables - late of Birkenhead. Lease No 31 Robert CRUICKSHANK, Age 72 years, of Fullarton, died 18 October 1898, Registration District: Adelaide. Express and Telegraph (Adelaide, SA : 1867 - 1922), Thursday 20 Oct 1898, p 2 - CRUICKSHANK.—On the 18th October, at the Home for Incurables, Fullarton, Robert Cruickshank, late of Birkenhead, Aged 72 years. PAEVF 002 Headstone Inscriptions: Ellen Seaborne Cruickshank died 10 September 1878 aged 45. Robert Cruickshank died 18 October 1898, aged 72. Thomas Cruickshank died 21 August 1903, aged 79. Robert Cruickshank born 7 January 1865, died 23 March 1922.
265Cruickshank, RobertLargs Bay29/03/192257 yearsW. H. MillerLease no 31Lease No 31 - Cremated remains. Age 57 years, of Largs Bay, died 23 March 1922 at St Peters, Registration District: Norwood. His ashes were laid to rest in the Family Ground in the Alberton Cemetery, Wednesday morning 29 March, Rev. W.H. Miller officiating. Register, Thursday 30 March 1922, page 2. PAEVF 002 Headstone Inscriptions: Ellen Seaborne Cruickshank died 10 September 1878 aged 45. Robert Cruickshank died 18 October 1898, aged 72. Thomas Cruickshank died 21 August 1903, aged 79. Robert Cruickshank born 7 January 1865, died 23 March 1922.
XCruickshank, ThomasUnley Road, Malvern22/08/190380 yearsTombstoneLease no 31Lease No 31 - Unley road. Late of Birkenhead. Age 79 years, of Malvern, died 21 August 1903, Registration District: Adelaide. Funeral departed his residence at Unley Road, Malvern for Alberton Cemetery, Sunday afternoon 23 August 1903, undertaker W.F. Deslandes. Advertiser, Saturday 22 August 1903, page 2.PAEVF 002 Headstone Inscriptions: Ellen Seaborne Cruickshank died 10 September 1878 aged 45. Robert Cruickshank died 18 October 1898, aged 72. Thomas Cruickshank died 21 August 1903, aged 79. Robert Cruickshank born 7 January 1865, died 23 March 1922.
238Cruickshank, Thomas MoirPort Adelaide1854/11/87 weeksBayfieldLease no 31Lease No 31. Born September 17 1854 to Thomas Cruickshank and Ellen Seaborne Bell at Port Adelaide. Registration District: Adelaide.
161Cummings, EleanorQueens Town1854/2/2441 yearsBayfield. SARAdelaide Times (SA : 1848 - 1858), Saturday 25 February 1854, page 3 - Death at Queenstown.—Yesterday the Coroner proceeded to Queenstown to hold an inquest on the body of Eleanor Cumming, a widow. On investigating the circumstances, however, Mr Stevenson found that the unfortunate woman's death had been for some time expected, and though hastened by intemperance, was perfectly natural. He therefore declined to hold an inquest.
109Cummings, MarkShip Calabar1853/8/638 yearsBayfieldLease no 7Passenger of the Ship Calabar. (No further information)
1351Curtis, Frederick WilliamPort Adelaide1866/11/192 yearsMarryatAge 2 years of Port Adelaide, died 17 November 1866, (father) William Curtis, Registration District: Adelaide.
92Curtis, RichardTorrens Island1850/11/2not knownBayfieldNo further information
211Curtis, William HenryReed Beds1854/7/231 dayBayfieldBorn July 1 1854 to John Curtis and Emily Elizabeth Crettenden. Registration District: Adelaide
59Cutliffe, (Sutcliffe) RichardTam O'Shanter Belt1853/1/2725 yearsBayfieldNo further information
81Dagger, RobertSteam Ship Phrenif (Phoenix)1853/4/2425 yearsBayfield. SARAdelaide Times (SA : 1848 - 1858), Monday 25 April 1853, page 2, DIED, On Saturday, April 23, at Mr Wooldridge's, Port Adelaide, Robert Dagger, carpenter of the steamer Phoenix. By order of the Curator of Intestate Estates, in re Dagger, deceased, intestate — A few articles of Jewellery, Hat-box, Great Coat, Desk, Tool-Chest, &c, &c. South Australian Register (Adelaide, SA : 1839 - 1900), Saturday 14 May 1853, page 4.
874Dairs (also Davies), EdwardPort Adelaide1861/7/2329 yearsC. MarryatEdward Davies, of Port Adelaide, aged 29 years, died 22 July 1861. Registration District: Adelaide
Dainsh (also Sainsh, Tainsh), MaryPort Adelaide1860/4/720 monthsC. MarryatMary DAINSH, Age 20 months, of Port Adelaide, died 5 April 1860, (father) William Dainsh, Registration District: Adelaide.
1654Dale, Caroline FredericaPort1869/11/177 monthsW, ScottLease No 224Lease No 224. Caroline Fredericka DALE, Age 7 months, of Woodville, died 19 November 1869, (father) Henry David Dale, Registration District: Adelaide. Age 1 year, of Woodville, died 19 November 1869, (father) Henry David Dale, Registration District: Adelaide.
1543Dale, Herbert StanleyWoodville1868/7/1715 monthsH. M. PollittLease no 224Lease No 224. Age 1 year, of Woodville, died 15 July 1858, (father) Henry David Dale, Registration District: Adelaide.
Dale (Vale), Mary (Anne?) JaneLefevre1853/06/111mBayfieldAnn Jane Dale was born March 18 1853 to Henry David Dale and Janet Fell at Port Adelaide.
XDalton, -StillbornMarryatMrs Dalton
722Dalzel (Dalzol), GeorgeLefevre Peninsula1859/9/1135 yearsC. MarryatGeorge DALZELL, Age 35 years, of Lefevre Peninsula, died 10 September 1859, Registration District: Adelaide.
213Dalzill, James McCrie Flag (Delzill)Flag Staff Sea Beach1852/7/79 monthsBayfieldSee Delzill (twin). No further information
176Daniel, Edward MortonShip Canduhar1851/12/746 yearsBayfieldNo further information. Passenger on the Candahar.
18Daniels, RobertPort Adelaide1849/6/933 yearsNewenhamNervous Fever - no fees. Age 32 years, of Port Adelaide, died 8 June 1849, Registration District: Adelaide.
62Darwent, James EliasPort Adelaide1853/2/114 monthsBayfield(No further information)
15Davies, DavidShip WoodbridgeSep-11185248 yearsBayfieldLease no 2 (Benjamin Mockridge)Lease No 2. Age 48 years, died 10 September 1852, Registration District: Adelaide.
874Davies (also Dairs), EdwardPort Adelaide1861/7/2329 yearsC. MarryatEdward Davies, of Port Adelaide, aged 29 years, died 22 July 1861. Registration District: Adelaide
692Davies, Emily JaneQueenstown1859/3/114 weeksC. MarryatAge15 weeks, of Queenstown, died 28 February 1859, (father) Thomas Davies, Registration District: Adelaide.
99Davies, ElizabethStaplehurst1887/10/1278 yearsPAEVFAt daughters, Mrs W. Wooldridge, Peterhead. Age 77 years, of Staplehurst. Died 12 October 1887 at Peterhead, (deceased husband) Thomas Davies, Registration District: Port Adelaide. Express and Telegraph (Adelaide, SA : 1867 - 1922), Thursday 13 Oct 1887, p 2 - DAVIES.-On the 12th October, at the residence of her daughter, Mrs. W. Wooldrige, Peterhead, Elizabeth, relict of the late Captain Thomas Davies, of Port Adelaide, Aged 77 years. PAEVF 002 Heastone Inscriptions: Thomas Davies, Master Mariner, formerly of Swansea S. W. died 9 October 1860 aged 59. Elizabeth Davies, relict of the above late Capt Thomas died 12 October 1887, aged 78.
1206Davies, ElizabethHospital Adelaide1865/6/12not knownGreenNo further information. Lodge funeral.
Davies, ElizabethPort Adelaide1865/12/111 year 9 monthsSAGHS burial register. Elizabeth Davis, of Port Adelaide, died December 9 1865. Father: Matthew Davis. Registration District: Adelaide.
739Davies, JaneQueenstown1859/12/1030 hoursC. MarryatAge 1 day, of Queenstown, died 10 December 1859, (father) Thomas Davies, Registration District: Adelaide.
65Davies, JohnShip Selma1853/2/1220 yrearsBayfieldAge 25 years, died 12 February 1853, Registration District: Adelaide. The Late Fatal Accident at the Port.— The body of John Davis, the sailor belonging to the Selma who was drowned on Thursday while bathing with two shipmates, near the Princes Wharf, was recovered by the drags on Friday afternoon......
1378Davies, MaryQueenstown1867/1/2367 yearsPriceMary Davies of Queenstown, died January 22 1867, aged 67 years. Husband: John Davies. Registration District: Adelaide.
512Davies, SarahHalf Way House1857/5/234 daysBayfieldNo further information
801Davies (Davis), Thomas Capt.Lefevre Peninsula1860/10/1059 yearsMarryatLease no 99Lease No 99 (Formerly of Swansea G.) (Buriel register = Davis) (wife Elizabeth/son William G.) - Master mariner formerly of Swansea S W. died 9 October 1860 at Lefevre Peninsula, Registration District: Adelaide. PAEVF 002 Heastone Inscriptions: Thomas Davies, Master Mariner, formerly of Swansea S. W. died 9 October 1860 aged 59. Elizabeth Davies, relict of the above late Capt Thomas died 12 October 1887, aged 78.
376Davies/Davis, William DowntonPort Adelaide1856/1/1911 daysBayfieldNo further information
1535Davis, BenjaminPortland Estate1868/6/535 yearsMarryatAge 35 years, of Portland Estate, died 3 June 1868, Registration District: Adelaide.
1545Davis, BenjaminPeninsula1868/7/26Not knownGreenNo further information
1402Davis, DavidPort Adelaide1867/5/1362 yearsMarryatAge 62 years, of Port Adelaide, died 11 May 1867, Registration District: Adelaide.
1236Davis, ElizabethPort Adelaide1865/12/111 year 9 monthsGreenLease no 99Lease No 99 - in grave with James Davis, burial no 954, 2 years 11m, 3/2/1862. Age 21 months, of Port Adelaide, died 9 December 1865, (father) Matthew Davis, Registration District: Adelaide.
954Davis, JamesPort Adelaide1862/2/32 years 11 monthsMarryatAge 3 years, of Port Adelaide, died 2 February 1862, (father) Matthew Davis, Registration District: Adelaide.
231Davis, John HenryPort Adelaide1854/10/85 weeksBayfieldNo further information
1558Davis, MatthewPort1868/8/2741 yearsGreenMatthew DAVIES, Age 42 years, of Port Adelaide, died 25 August 1868, at Adelaide, Registration District: Adelaide.
9Davis, PriscillaPort Adelaide1873/7/22Not knownWhitingtonAge 37 years, of Nile Street, died 21 July 1873, (husband) James Davis, Registration District: Port Adelaide. Funeral procession departed her residence in Nile Street, Port Adelaide, for Alberton Cemetery, Wednesdy afternoon 23 July. Express and Telegraph, Tuesday 22 July 1873, page 1.
Davis, ThomasLefevre Peninsula1860/10/1049 yearsC. MarryatLease No 99Lease No 99. Of Lefevre Peninsula, died 9 October 1860, Registration District: Adelaide.
1106Dawkins, SamuelShip Utopia1864/2/14FullMarryatDrowned. Died Saturday 13 February 1864 at Port Adelaide from excessive alcohol consumption and drowning. He was a baker and former worker on the ship 'Utopia'. 'Coroner's Inquest', South Australian Register, Monday 15 February 1864, page 3.
27Dawson, WilliamPortland Estate1873/10/13 weeksGreenAge 25 days, of Portland Estate, died 30 September 1873, (father) Henry Dawson, Registration District: Port Adelaide.
1410Day, Ellen AnnPortland Estate1867/5/289 weeksMarryatAge 9 weeks, of Portland Estate, died 24 May 1867, (father) William Day, Registration District: Adelaide.
1642Day, Emily SarahPortland1869/8/3InfantGreenAge 5 years, of Portland Estate, died 2 August 1869, (father) William Day, Registration District: Adelaide.
1400Day, Rosa SarahQueenstown1867/5/85 monthsMarryatAge 5 months, of Queenstown, died 6 May 1867, (father) Thomas Day, Registration District: Adelaide.
17Deaux, -Lefevre Peninsula1849/5/265 weeksNB/NSSon of, child unamed, father a Shipwright - Want of nourishment through illness of mother - no fees-N'ham. Felix DE CAUX, Age 5 weeks, of Lefevre Peninsula, died 26 May 1849, (father) Felix De Caux, Registration District: Adelaide.
484De Garis, AlfredPort Adelaide1857/2/107 monthsBayfieldAge 7 months, of Port Adelaide, died 9 February 1857, (father) Elisha De Garis, Registration District: Adelaide.
1466De Garis, GeorginaPort Adelaide1867/11/1766 yearsMarryatAge 66 years, of Port Adelaide, died 16 November 1867, Registration District: Adelaide. Funeral procession left late residence at North Parade, funeral service held at Alberton Cemetery on Sunday afternoon, R. Carr Undertaker. South Austrlaian Register, Saturday 16 November 1867, page 1.
1151De Garis, JosephPortland Estate1864/7/2311 daysMarryatAge 11 days, of Portland Estate, died 22 July 1864, (father) Abraham De Garis, Registration District: Adelaide.
XDe Garis, (Mary)1863/6/30StillbornMarryatStillborn child of Mrs A De Garis. Mary De Garis, Age 1 day, of Port Adelaide, died 1 July 1863, (father) Abraham De Garis, Registration District: Adelaide.
507De Garis, Selina/LinaPort Adelaide1857/5/113 years 9 monthsBayfieldCelena De Garis, Age 3 years, of Port Adelaide, died 9 May 1857, (father) Elisha De Garis, Registration District: Adelaide.
207De Goede, HugoBarque Twygger1854/6/2433 yearsBayfieldDied 23 June 1854, Registration District: Adelaide. - Adelaide Times (SA : 1848 - 1858), Saturday 24 June 1854, page 3 - Coroner's Inquest. ~ Yesterday Mr Stevenson held an inquest at Burford's Hotel, Port Adelaide, on the body of H- de Goede, boatswain of the Dutch ship Zwygger, at present discharging coals for the P. and G. Steam Company, It appeared from the evidence of the first mate and carpenter, that the deceased was drinking on shore, on Thursday night, and in attempting to reach his ship somewhat late in the evening, missed his footing, and was drowned.
Delsman, -1867/5/26StillbornMarryatMrs, Stillborn
183Dalzill (Dabsill, Delzill, Dalziel), James McCrieFlag Staff Sea Beach1852/7/79 monthsBayfieldSee Delzill (twin). No further information
175Denny, DanielReed Beds in hundred of Yatala1851/11/2029 yearsBayfieldAge 29 years, of Reed Beds, died 18 November 1851, Registration District: Adelaide.
1520Deslandes, Edward JohnLefevre Peninsula1868/5/518 monthsH. M. PollittAge 18 months, of Glanville, died 3 May 1868, (father) John Deslandes, Registration District: Adelaide.
896Deslandes, JaneLefevre Peninsula1861/9/1819 yearsMarryatAge 19 years, of Lefevre Peninsula, died 17 September 1861, (husband) George Deslandes, Registration District: Adelaide.
944Deslandes, John HenryPort Adelaide1862/1/79 weeksHodgeAge 7 weeks, of Port Adelaide, died 5 January 1862, (father) John Deslandes, Registration District: Adelaide.
58De Vuteron (Puteron), MatthewPort Adelaide1850/2/2426 yearsBayfieldInflamation. Matthew DE PUTERON, Age 26 years, of Port Adelaide, died 23 February 1850, Registration District: Adelaide.
46Dewar, Francis ArthurAlbert TownDec-22185210 monthsBayfieldLease no 18 (John Dewar)Lease No 18 (No further information)
XDewar, JohnPort Adelaide1876/11/1156 yearsSARMember Victoria Lodge. Publican Wife - Margaret. Age 56 years, of Lefevre Peninsula, died 9 November 1876, Registration District: Port Adelaide.
809Dewar, Margaret RosinaExeter18/02/191696 yearsC. H. WilliamsLease No 18Died 17 February 1916, (deceased husband) John Dewar. Funeral departed her residence at Exmouth Road, Exeter for Alberton Cemetery on Friday morning, 18 February, undertaker F.W. Moore. Advertiser, Friday 18 February 1916, page 2.
872Dick, George HallAlberton1861/7/717 monthsC. MarryatAge 17 months, of Port Adelaide, died, 5 July 1861, (father) George Hall Dick, Registration District: Adelaide.
838Dirston, Sydney BridlePort Adelaide1861/1/2231 yearsC. MarryatAge 31 years, of Port Adelaide, died 21 January 1861, Registration District: Adelaide.
XDixon, AliceAlberton1872/5/835 yearsSARLease no 281Lease No 281. Age 35 years, of Alberton, died 6 May 1872, (husband) Joseph Icendon Dixon, Registration District: Port Adelaide. Funeral procession left her residence at Alberton, Wednesday afternoon 8 May, for Alberton Cemetery. Evening Journal, Tuesday 7 May 1872, page 2.
933Dixon, David PettyAlberton1861/12/14 yearsMarryatLease no 112Lease No 112 in grave with sister Elizabeth, burial no 927.. Age 4 years, of Alberton, died 28 November 1861, Registration District: Adelaide.
XDixon, ElizabethAdelaide1874/5/1734 yearsSARCity hotel, Hindley Street. - (died at father's at Clare/wife of Jochin). Age 34 years, of North Adelaide, died 15 May 1874, (husband) Joshua Dixon, Registration District: Clare.
927Dixon, Elizabeth TrevanionAlberton1861/11/262 years 6 monthsMarryatLease no 112Lease No 112. Age 2 years, 6 months, of Alberton, died 24 November 1861, Registration District: Adelaide.
736Dixon, JohnPort Adelaide1859/12/439 yearsC. MarryatJohn DIXON, Age 40 years, of Port Adelaide, died 3 December 1859, Registration District: Adelaide.
1444Dixon, Mary AnnQueenstown1867/9/152 years 6 monthsMarryatLease no 112Lease no 112 (4th grave - 1 adult 2 children buried previously. Age 2 years, 6 months, of Queenstown, died 11 September 1867, (father) David Dixon, Registration District: Adelaide.
XDixon, Mary AnnQueenstown1871/12/872 yearsSARLease No 112Lease No 112 (relict late Richard Bell Dixon) Mary Ann Letty DIXON, Age 72 years, of Queenstown, died 6 December 1871, (deceased husband) Richard Bell Dixon, Registration District: Port Adelaide. Funeral procession left residence at Queenstown for Alberton Cemetery, Friday afternoon 8 December, undertaker G. Henry. Evening Journal, Thursday 7 December 1871, page 2.
1176Dixon, Richard BellAlberton1865/1/2265 yearsGreenLease no 112Lease No 112 (widow Mary Ann lease 211 and 281 by Joseph I Dixon) Age 65 years, of Alberton, died 20 January 1865, Registration District: Adelaide.
******Dixon, RichardRedbanks1873/3/2141 yearsSARAge 41 years, of Redbanks, died 21 March 1873, Registration District: Port Gawler. Funeral departed his brother's residence at Alberton for Alberton Cemetery on Sunday afternoon, 23 March 1873, undertaker S. Haddy. Evening Journal, Saturday 22 March 1873, page 2.
4Dobson, JosephOstler at the Port Hotel1848/1/2950 yearsNewenhamFell out of a gig while intoxicated. Age 50 years, of Adelaide, died 28 January 1848, Registration District: Adelaide.
595Dobson, Marian FollerPort Adelaide1857/5/1033 yearsBayfieldAge 33 years, of Port Adelaide, died 8 May 1857, Registration District: Adelaide.
1257Doe, JohnPort Adelaide1866/1/24Child (newborn)GreenFound drowned - inquest held, verdict of wilful murder. South Australian Register, 24 January 1866, page 2.
XDoe, JohnTorrens Island1867/12/4Not knownSARSkeletal remains found by Manuel Antonio 27/11/1867 - coroner deemed unnecessary to hold inquest into his death. 'A discovery of remains', in South Australian Register, Friday 29 November 1867, page 2.
33Doe, John1873/10/22InfantGreenNo service. No further information.
XDoe, John1869/5/30Not knownGreen. SARHuman remains found at Alberton. 'Topics of the Day' in The South Australian Advertiser, Tuesday 1 June 1869, page 2.
555Doe, JohnAlberton1857/12/19New BornMarryatAbandoned newborn buried on Coroner's Warrant. Inquest on a male child found in a pool of water by two boys. SA Register 21 December 1857.
XDoe, JohnMale ChildMarryatFound dead, buried by Coroner's Warrant. No further information
308Donald, MargaretShip Grand Trianon1855/6/1816 yearsBayfieldNo further infromation
1498Douglas, BloomfieldLefevre Peninsula1868/3/513 yearsMarryatLease no 135Lease No 135 (Lease adjoins C. Marryat's - taken out in 1863). Age 13 years, of Lefevre Peninsula, died 5 March 1868, (father) Bloomfield Douglas, Registration District: Adelaide. Bloomfield Douglas, eldest son of Captain. B Douglas, Collector of Customs, died after a short illness on Thursday 5 March. Captain Douglas had been on an official visit to Port Wakefield in the Government schooner, and returned only in time to hear the sad intelligence. The flags on board the ships and on shore were half-masted, and the funeral was attended by a very large number of gentlemen, including most of the Officers of the Customs and Marine Departments, 17 vehicles besides a number of horsemen and pedestrians, following the body to Alberton Cemetery, where the burial service was perfomed by the Rev. Canon Marryat. "There were not many youngsters at the Port who were so well thought of as Captain Douglas's son Bloomfield. Whether at school or at play he was a chip off the old block, a fine sample of British puck". For more details see "Death of Master B. Douglas" in Adelaide Observer, Saturday 7 March 1868, page 3, and South Australian Advertiser, Friday 6 March 1868, page 2. PAEVF 002 Headstone Inscriptions: Mary Atkinson daughter of William Bloomfield Douglass R. N. R. died 17 June 1863, aged 7. Bloomfield son of the above died 5 March 1868, aged 13 years.
1045Douglas, Mary AtkinsonPort Adelaide1863/6/196 yearsMarryatLease no 135Lease No 135 - daughter of William Bloomfield Douglas(s?) R N R. Age 6 years, of Port Adelaide, died 17 June 1863, (father) Bloomfield Douglas, Registration District: Adelaide. PAEVF 002 Headstone Inscriptions: Mary Atkinson daughter of William Bloomfield Douglass R. N. R. died 17 June 1863, aged 7. Bloomfield son of the above died 5 March 1868, aged 13 years.
*****Dougle (Dougal), Sarah AnnPort Adelaide1853/2/1512 monthsBayfield(No further information) (Dougal)
706Dower or Donell, Joseph John JamesPort Adelaide1859/4/271 yearC. MarryatJoseph John James Dower was born April 7 1858 to Abraham Dower and Mary Ann Gardham at Port Adelaide, Registration District: Adelaide.
118Doweswell, IdaPort Adelaide1851/2/48 monthsBayfieldNo further information
1586Dowling, -Peninsula1868/11/16InfantGreenNo further information
508Dowsett,Alberton1857/5/1340 yearsBayfieldEdward DOWSETT, Age 40 years, of Alberton, died 11 May 1857, Registration District: Adelaide.
15Dowsett, Jessie MayAlberton1873/8/85 yearsGreenAge 4 years, of Queenstown, died 6 August 1873, (father) William Dowsett, Registration District: Port Adelaide.
309Drewett, ThomasAlbert Town1855/6/2714 monthsBayfieldBorn May 3 1854 to Thomas Drewett and Jane Charlton at Port Adelaide. Registration District: Adelaide.
98Drewett, RobertAlbert Town1853/6/62 yearsBayfieldNo further information.
732Drummond, AlexanderLefevre Peninsula1859/11/181 year 3 monthsC. MarryatAge 15 months, of Lefevre Peninsula, died 16 November 1859, Registration District: Adelaide.
667Drummond, AndrewLefevre Peninsula1859/1/933 yearsC. Marryat2 similar entries: (1) Drummond, Andrew, Age 26 years, of Port Adelaide, died 8 January 1859, Registration District: Adelaide; (2) Drummond, Andrew, Age 35 years, of Port Adelaide, died 8 January 1859, Registration District: Adelaide. For details see 'Coroner's Inquest' in South Australian Register, Monday 10 January 1859, page 3: Approximately 36 years, Drowning.
839Duncan, AnnePort Adelaide1861/1/2225 yearsC. MarryatLease no 113Lease No 113 (in grave with son Charles, burial no 593, 10 months buried 25/3/1858. Ann DUNCAN, Age 25 years, of Port Adelaide, died 21 January 1861, (husband) Handasyde Duncan, Registration District: Adelaide.
593Duncan, Charles HandasydePort Adelaide1858/3/2510 monthsC. MarryatLease no 113Lease No 113 (son of Dr. Handasyde and Ann). Age 10 months, of Port Adelaide, died 25 March 1858, (father) Handasyde Duncan, Registration District: Adelaide.
1652Duncan, Emilynk1869/9/29Not knownGreenEmily Susan DUNCAN, Age 36 years, of Port Adelaide, died 27 September 1869, (husband) Handasyde Duncan, Registration District: Adelaide. Died after a long illness, funeral held at Alberton Cemetery on Wednesday 29 September, 7pm. Wife of the doctor and Health Officer at the Port. For details see 'Funeral of the late Mrs H. Duncan', Evening Journal, Thursday 30 September 1869, page 2, and South Australian Register, Tuesday 12 October 1869, page 4.
1392Duncan, FrancesWoodville1867/3/3047 yearsMarryatLease no 163Lease No 163 (wife for 29 years to J.S). Age 47 years, of Woodville, died 28 March 1867, (husband) John Duncan, Registration District: Adelaide. Funeral held Saturday afternoon 30 March at Alberton Cemetery, P. Cray Undertaker. South Australian Advertiser, Saturday 30 March 1867, page 1. PAEVF 002 Headstone Inscriptions: Francis, wife for 29 years to J. S. Duncan died 28 March 1867, aged 47.
XDuncan, Handasyde Dr.Port Adelaide1878/2/2466 yearsGreenLease No 113Lease No 113 (funeral in evening at Dr's request - no tombstone) (Annie's Diary) Age 66 years, of Port Adelaide, died 24 February 1878, Registration District: Port Adelaide. "Dr. Duncan had three wives. I remember seeing the second or third buried in the Alberton Cemetery by torchlight. Dr. Handseyde Duncan wrote, and in 1850 published,- 'The Colony of South Australia,' in one volume. Dr. Duncan arrived on March 21, 1839, on the Kathe-rine Stewart Forbes", Register, Thursday 1 May 1919, page 3.
749Duncan, JamesPort Adelaide1860/1/265 years 5 monthsC. MarryatAge 5 years, of Port Adelaide, died 24 January 1860, (father) Alexander Duncan, Registration District: Adelaide.
962Duncan, MargaretPort Adelaide1862/3/212 years 5 daysMarryatAge 2 years, of Port Adelaide, died 20 March 1862, (father) Robert Duncan, Registration District: Adelaide.
XDuncan, -1867/10/7StillbornMarryatMrs. J Stillborn
711Duncanson, GeorgePortland Estate1859/5/207 daysC. MarryatAge 7 days, of Portland Estate, died 19 May 1859, (father) George Duncanson, Registration District: Adelaide.
725Duncanson, GeorgePortland1859/10/232 yearsC. MarryatAge 32 years, of Port Adelaide, died 29 September 1859, Registration District: Adelaide.
1589Dupre, EdwardPort1868/11/2434 yearsGreenEdward DUPREE, Age 36 years, aboard 'Tommy', died 20 November 1868 at Port Adelaide, Registration District: Adelaide.
742Durbridge, MarkPort Adelaide1859/12/255 monthsC. MarryatAge 5 months, of Port Adelaide, died 24 December 1859, (father) Richard Durbridge, Registration District: Adelaide.
735Durbridge, MatthewPort Adelaide1859/12/34 monthsMarryatAge 4 months, of Port Adelaide, died 2 December 1859, (father) Richard Durbridge, Registration District: Adelaide.
XDurston, MaryNot knownNot knownNot knownTombstone(Wife of Sidney B. - remarried - see Mrs Mary TAYLOR) (Buried with her husband William Taylor?) PAEVF 002 Headstone Inscriptions: Sidney B Durston died 21 January 1861, aged 31. and of Mary his wife. Sidney Bridle Durston married Mary Middleton, daughter of Thomas Middleton on July 1 1860.
XDurston, Sidney BNot known1861/1/2131 yearsTombstoneNo death or funeral notice. Sydney Bridle DURSTON, Age 31 years, of Port Adelaide, died 21 January 1861, Registration District: Adelaide. PAEVF 002 Headstone Inscriptions: Sidney B Durston died 21 January 1861, aged 31. and of Mary his wife.
530Dybold (Dyball), Priscilla ElizaPort Adelaide1857/8/2818 monthsF. EvansPriscilla Eliza Dyball was born February 4 1856 to James Dyball and Mary Lithell at Alberton. Registration District: Adelaide.
XDyer, MaryPort Admiral Hotel, Port Adelaide1877/11/1547 yearsTombstonePort Admiral Hotel. Age 45 years, of Port Adelaide, died 13 November 1877, (deceased husband) John Dyer, Registration District: Port Adelaide. PAEVF 002 Headstone Inscriptions: Mary dyer died 14 November 1877, aged 47.
653Dyke, Louis SeptimusPort Adelaide1858/12/310 weeksC. MarryatLouis Septimus Dyke born September 17 1858 to Thomas William Dyke and Catherine Hicks Campbell, died age 2 months, of Port Adelaide on 2 December 1858, (father) TW Dyke, Registration District: Adelaide.
370Eager, Ann ElizabethPort Adelaide1856/1/141 year 10 daysBayfieldAnn Elizabeth Eager was born January 2 1855 to Edmund Eager and Elvira Harding (Hearding) at Port Adelaide. Registration District: Adelaide.
905Eager, Richard KingPortland Estate1861/10/720 monthsMarryatAge 20 months, of Port Adelaide, died 5 October 1861, (father) Richard EAger, Registration District: Adelaide.
******Eally (see May), Margaret Louisa ElizabethPort Adelaide1855/1/414 monthsBayfieldNo further information
32Easton (Eaton), SusanKingston1873/10/1753 yearsGreenSusan EATON, Age 51 years, of Kingston, died 16 October 1873, at Kingston, (husband) William Eaton, Registration District: Port Adelaide.
306Eastwood, BetsyPort Adelaide1855/6/812 monthsBayfieldNo further information
16Eaven, RichanderPortland Estate1873/8/84 yearsGreenRichander EAVENS, Age 5 years 6 months, of Queenstown, died 6 August 1873, (father) Edward Eavens, Registration District: Port Adelaide.
145Edkins, WilliamPort Adelaide1851/6/2030 yearsBayfieldNo further information
976Edmunds, John HenryPort Adelaide1862/6/233 years 7 monthsMarryatPlaced in grave burial no 871 after transfer of this to lease. Age 3 years, of Port Adelaide, died 22 June 1862, (father) Thomas Edmunds, Registration District: Adelaide.
1339Edmunds, May AnnPort Adelaide1866/10/193 monthsMarryatIn grave with John, burial no 976, 3 years 7 months, 23/6/1862. No further information
1648Edwardes, Ellen RosaPortland1869/8/22InfantGreenEllen Rosa EDWARDS, Age 14 days, of Portland Estate, died 21 August 1869, (father) Henry Edwards, Registration District: Adelaide.
973Edwards, Alice Ann GriffithsPort Adelaide1862/6/811 monthsMarryatTwin of Margaret. Alice Ann Griffith EDWARDS, Age 11 months, of Port Adelaide, died 6 June 1862, (father) Charles Edwards, Registration District: Adelaide.
322Edwards, EmmaLefevre Peninsula1855/8/279 weeksBayfieldAge 9 weeks, died 26 August 1855, (father) Alfred Edwards, Registration District: Adelaide.
1646Edwards, Julia MariaPortland1869/8/18infantGreenAge 11 days, of Portland Estate, died 18 August 1869, (father) Henry Edwards, Registration District: Adelaide.
973Edwards, Margaret SelmaPort Adelaide1862/11/611 monthsMarryatMargaret Selina EDWARDS, Age 11 months, of Port Adelaide, died 4 June 1862, (father) David Edwards, Registration District: Adelaide.
799Edwards, Mary JanePort Adelaide1860/10/111 daysChas J. MartinAge 11 days, of Port Adelaide, died 29 September 1860, (father) John Edwards, Registration District: Adelaide.
57Edwards, Octavia PhilipsAlbert Town1853/1/2210 monthsBayfieldOctavia Phillips Edwards,Age 10 months, of Albert Town, died 19 January 1853, (father) Charles Edwards, Registration District: Adelaide.
1475Edwards, SelinaPort Adelaide1867/12/1728 yearsMarryatAge 28 years, of Port Adelaide, died 15 December 1867, Registration District: Adelaide.
1049Elliott, Charles EdwardPort Adelaide1863/6/26days not recordedMarryatAge 9 weeks, of Port Adelaide, died 25 June 1863, (father) Edward Elliott, Registration District: Adelaide.
1474Ellis, CharlesPortland Estate1867/12/1615 monthsMarryatIn grave with James, burial no 123713 months, 11/12/1865. Age 15 months, of Portland Estate, died 15 December 1867, (father) Joseph Ellis, Registration District: Adelaide.
1237Ellis, James ThomasPortland Estate1865/12/1113 months 11 daysGreenAge 13 months, of Portland Estate, died 10 December 1865, (father) Joseph Ellis, Registration District: Adelaide.
******Elwell, MaryPortland Estate1876/11/5(c.67) not recordedSAR (?)Wife of Joseph late of Marryatville ov. 1889. Age 70 years, of Portland Estate, died 4 November 1876, (husband) William Elwell, Registration District: Adelaide.
8Emerson, WilliamShip GloucesterAug-1818522 yearsBayfieldnot on passenger listNo further information
17Emes, AnnLefevre Peninsula1873/8/2553 yearsGreenLease no 302Lease No 302. Age 53 years, of Semaphore, died 23 August 1873, (husband) Henry Emes, Registration District: Port Adelaide. Funeral procession departed Semaphore for the Alberton Cemetery, Monday afternoon, 25 August, S. Haddy and Sons, undertakers. South Australian Register, Monday 25 August 1873, page 2.
687Emes (Ernes), JohnPort Adelaide1859/2/21not recordedF. EvansNo further inforamtion
XEunson, FloraLass O' Gowrie Hotel, Port Adelaide1876/9/2034 yearsSARWife of John. Age 36 years, of Port Adelaide, died 19 September 1876, (husband) John Eunson, Registration District: Port Adelaide.
1408Evans, AdelaidePort Adelaide1867/5/2416 monthsMarryatIn grave with Frances, burial no 1182, 1y 10m, 8/2/1865. Age 16 months, of Port Adelaide, died 22 May 1867, (father) Edward Evans, Registration District: Adelaide.
1426Evans, BridgetLefevre Peninsula1867/7/2134 yearsMarryatLease no 213Lease no 213, in grave with William, Burial no 914, 1 year 11 months, 29/10/1861. Age 34 years, of Lefevre Peninsula, died 20 July 1867, (husband) Thomas Evans, Registration District: Adelaide.
1035Evans, DavidPort Adelaide1863/5/2451 yearsMarryatAge 51 years, of Port Adelaide, died 22 May 1863, Registration District: Adelaide.
50Evans, EdwardShip Douglas at Port Adelaide1850/1/1539 yearsBayfieldCause of death fever. "At Port Adelaide, on board the barque Douglas, on Sunday January 13th 1850, Edward Evans, brother of Mr Evans of the London firm of Bradbury and Evans, of dropsy, superinduced by habitual intoxication during the voyAge", in the Adelaide Observer, Saturday 19 January 1850, Family Notices, page 1.
XEvans(Evens), EdwardCommercial Road, Port Adelaide1875/2/24not recordedSARLease no 140Lease no 140 (wife Eleanor). Edward EVANS, Age 54 years, of Commercial Road, died 23 February 1875, Registration District: Port Adelaide. Early on Tuesday morning, February 23, while Edward Evans, a greengrocer residing at Port Adelaide, was driving along the Port-road, he fell off his cart and received severe injuries about the forehead. He was conveyed to the Halfway House, but shortly afterwards expired. An inquest was held at Hindmarsh. The deceased was formerly messenger at the Marine Board Offices.
191Evans, ElizaPort Adelaide1852/2/427 yearsBayfieldNo further information
1182Evans, FrancesPort Adelaide1865/2/81 year 10 monthsGreenAge 1 year, of Port Adelaide, died 6 February 1865, (father) Edward Evans, Registration District: Adelaide.
960Evans, George WilliamPort Adelaide1862/5/242 weeksMarryatAge 2 weeks, of Port Adeliade, died 25 May 1862, (father) John Evans, Registration District: Adelaide.
402Evans, JaneQueenstown1856/3/1920 monthsBayfieldAge 20 months, died 18 March 1856, (father) Richard Evans, Registration District: Adelaide.
1070Evans, JanePort Adelaide1863/9/2813 monthsMarryatLease no 140Lease no 140. Age 1 year, of Port Adelaide, died 26 September 1863, (father) Edward Evans, Registration District: Adelaide.
1497Evans, MaryPort Adelaide1868/2/2755 yearsMarryatAge 55 years, of Port Adelaide, died 25 February 1868, (husband) David Evans, Registration District: Adelaide.
718Evans, RichardQueenstown1859/7/2931 yearsC. MarryatAge 31 years, of Queenstown, died 27 July 1859, Registration District: Adelaide.
914Evans, William ThomasLefevre Peninsula1861/10/291 year 11 monthsMarryatAge 1 year, of Lefevre Peninsula, died 27 October 1861, (father) Thomas Evans, Registration District: Adelaide.
XEve, Robert DuncanPort Adelaide1877/1/510 monthsSARYoungest son Thomas & Eileen. Age 10 months, of Port Adelaide, died 1 January 1877, (father) Thomas Eve, Registration District: Port Adelaide.
1616Eve, Thomas AdamPort1869/3/313 yearsGreenLease no 231Lease no 231. Age 3 years, of Port Adelaide, died 31 March 1869, (father) Thomas Eve, Registration District: Adelaide.
474Evenden, AlicePort Adelaide1857/1/2313 monthsBayfieldAge 1 year, of Port Adelaide, died 21 January 1857, (father) James William Evenden, Registration District: Adelaide.
32Evingden (Evenden), BenjaminPort AdelaideNov-22185230 yearsBayfieldBenjamin EVENDEN, died 21 November 1852, Registration District: Adelaide.
610Evenden (also Ivenden), ElizabethAlberton1858/5/110 monthsC. MarryatElizabeth Evenden, died April 29 1858, aged 10 months, at Port Adelaide. Father: Thomas Evenden. Registration District: Adelaide.
338Ewer. EdwardLefevre Peninsula1855/9/3015 monthsBayfieldNo further information
XEy, Isabella HenriettaPort Adelaide1877/1/187 monthsSAREldest daughter of Julius of Kadina. Isabel Henrietta EY, Age 6 months, of Kadina, died 15 January 1877 at Port Adelaide, (father) Julius Ey, Registration District: Port Adelaide.
23Falkirk, Davidsee belowLook under Farquhar for details below.
23Farquhar, DavidEmigrant Ship Gloucester1852/08/1624 yearsBayfieldAlso spelt Falkirk, one of the crew - drowned. died 16 August 1852, Registration District: Adelaide. Adelaide Morning Chronicle (SA : 1852 - 1853), Thursday 19 August 1852, p 3
ANOTHER DEATH BY DROWNING. - While the Gloucester was being towed up to the Port last Monday, a boat attached to the ship's stern was capsized. Two men were in her at the time, one of whom was drowned.
393Farrow, ElizabethPort Adelaide1856/2/1918 monthsBayfieldLease no 56Lease No 56. Elizabeth Farrow was born to John Farrow and Johanna Helena Schwarzar on July 23, 1854. Registration District: Adelaide.
XFarrow, Johanna HelenaPort Adelaide30/08/190073 yearsSARLease No 5640 years S.S. Teacher Congregational Church/relict John, Lease no 56. Age 73 years, of Port Adelaide, died 28 August 1900, (deceased husband) John Farrow, Registration District: Port Adelaide. Funeral procession departed her residence at Dale Street, Port Adelaide for Alberton Cemetery on Thursday afternoon, 30 August. She taught Sunday School at the Port Congregational Church for forty years. Undertaker J.C. Haddy. Evening Journal, Wednesday 29 August 1900, page 2.
XFarrow, JohnDale Street, Port Adelaide1887/10/766 yearsSARAge 66 years, of Port Adelaide, died 6 October 1887, Registration District: Port Adelaide. Evening Journal (Adelaide, SA : 1869 - 1912), Monday 10 October 1887, page 3 - MEMORIAL SERVICE.—On Sunday evening, in the Port Adelaide Congregational Church, the Rev. J. C. Kirby preached a memorial sermon upon the late Mr. J. Farrow. Mr. Farrow was a resident of the District for many years, a member of the Congregational Church, and an Oddfellow of both Orders. He was widely respected.
289Fawcett, EmilyPort Adelaide1855/4/225 monthsBayfieldEmily Fawcett was born November 12,1854 to John Fawcett and susan Wood of Port Adelaide. Registration District: Adelaide.
147Fayle, William DemneyShip Condor1851/6/2461 yearsBayfieldWilliam Disney FAYLE, Age 60 years, died 24 June 1851, aboard the ship 'Condor', Registration District: Adelaide.
1047Ferguson DavidPort Adelaide1863/6/2445 yearsF. GarrettLease no 137Lease No 137. Age 45 years, of Port Adelaide, died 21 June 1863, Registration District: Adelaide.
753Ferguson, Edwin JamesKilkenny1860/2/810 yearsC. MarryatAge 10 years, of Kilkenny, died 7 February 1860, (father) not recorded, Registration District: Adelaide.
493Ferguson, MaryPort Adelaide1857/3/1519 monthsBayfieldBorn August 3 1855 to David Fergusson and Ellen Horne at Adelaide. Registration District: Adelaide.
770Ferguson, Mary WilhelminaPort Adelaide1860/4/162 years 8 monthsMarryatBorn August 20 1857 to David Fergusson and Ellen Horne at Queenstown. Registration District: Adelaide.
980Fernandes, AlicePort Adelaide1862/8/184 monthsMarryatAlice FERNANDER, Age 4 months, of Port Adelaide, died 17 August 1862, (father) Antonis Fernander, Registration District: Adelaide.
600Fernando, ManuelLefevre Peninsula1858/4/143 yearsC. MarryatCause of death croup. Manuel FERNANDES, Age 3 years, 8 months, of Port Adelaide, died 2 October 1862, (father) not recorded, Registration District: Adelaide.
660Ferrers, John Henry NeehamLefevre Peninsula1858/12/1946 yearsC. MarryatLease no 90Lease no 90. John Henry Needham FERRERS, Age 46 years, of Lefevre Peninsula, died 16 December 1858, Registration District: Adelaide.
70Fidler, RobertPeninsula1850/4/155 1/2 yearsBayfieldNo further Information
1418Fielder, FlorenceQueenstown1867/6/135 weeksMarryatAge 1 month, of Portland Estate, died 11 June 1867, (father) John Fielder, Registration District: Adelaide.
197Fielding, Mary AnnAlbert Town1852/3/62 1/4 yearsBayfieldNo further information
170Fielding, Stephen HarperPort Adelaide1851/11/95 monthsBayfieldStephen Hopper FIELDING, Age 5 months, 3 weeks, died 6 November 1851, (father) Stephen Fielding, Registration District: Adelaide.
XFilgate, RichardWoodville1872/12/565 yearsSARLease no 290Lease no 290, cause death apoplexy (late H.M. Customs-wife Mary Jane). Age 65 years, of Woodville, died 4 December 1872, Registration District: Adelaide. Funeral procession departed his residence at Woodville, Thursday afternoon 5 December, for Alberton Cemetery. South Australian Advertiser, Thursday 5 December 1872, page 1.
510Filmer, Lucy LauraPort Adelaide1857/5/167 monthsBayfieldAda Lucy Laura FILMER, Age 7 months, of Port Road, died 13 May 1857, (father) John Filmer, Registration District: Adelaide.
1112Findlay, Henry A.Port Adelaide1864/2/2218 yearsH.M.PollittLease no 154Lease no 154, drowned, father was ships captain. Henry George FINDLAY. Age 17 years, 6 months, of London (England), died 20 February 1864 at Port Adelaide, (relative) George Alexander Findlay, Registration District: Adelaide.
49Finlayson, IsabellaPort Adelaide1853/1/72 yearsBayfieldNo further infromation
33Fish, Maria JunePort AdelaideAug-3018492 years 3 monthsBayfieldWhooping Cough. Maria Jane FISH, Age 2 years, 3 months, of the Port, died 29 August 1849, (father) not recorded, Registration District: Adelaide. Newspaper article: Father John Fish
1617Fisher, ?Port1869/4/6InfantGreenWilliam Fisher of Portland Estate, died April 4 1869, age 1 day. Father: William Fisher. Registration District: Adelaide.
19Fisher, Charles HenryPort Adelaide1849/6/106 monthsNewenham- no feesInflammation of the brain. Charles Henry Fisher was born to Thomas Fisher and Elizabeth Phillips of Port Adelaide on December 17 1848. Registration District: Adelaide.
95Fisher, Clara AmeliaPeninsula1850/11/83 yearsBayfieldNo further information
151Fisher, Emily CharlottePort Adelaide1851/7/2415 monthsBayfieldEmily Charlotte was born May 2 1850 to Thomas Fisher and Elizabeth Phillips, of Port Adelaide. Registration District: Adelaide.
Fisher, Mrs. Thos-stillborn child of1863/8/28StillbornMarryat
88Fisher, Richard MatthiasPort Adelaide1850/10/68 monthsBayfieldNo further information
236Fisher, Richard Syrel (Cyril)Lefevre Peninsula1854/11/54 monthsBayfieldLease no 12No further information
197Fisher, SabinaLefevre Peninsula1854/5/252 years 7 monthsBayfieldNo further information
410Fleet (Flett), DavidPort Adelaide1856/4/1131 yearsBayfieldDrowned. One of three seaman who drowned while engaged in a sailing race between the Victory and Iron Age. An inquest is recorded in the Adelaide Observer, on April 12 1856.
135Fleetwood, Charles RufusFullarton1895/9/1271 yearsSamwell TombstoneLease no 95Lease No 95. Age 71 years, of Wayville, died 8 September 1895, Registration District: Adelaide. PAEVF 002 Headstone Inscriptions: Charles Rufus Fleetwood died 8 September 1895, aged 71. Edwin Rufus died 22 June 1869 aged 1 year 11 months.
780Fleetwood, Edwin RufusPort Adelaide1860/6/221 year 11 monthsC. Marryat TombstoneLease no 95Lease No 95. Age 23 months, of Port Adelaide, died 19 June 1860, (father) Charles Fleetwood, Registration District: Adelaide. PAEVF 002 Headstone Inscriptions: Charles Rufus Fleetwood died 8 September 1895, aged 71. Edwin Rufus died 22 June 1869 aged 1 year 11 months.
XFleetwood, Frederick W.late Murray Bridge, at mother's Rose Terrace, Wayville1898/2/1037 yearsSARLease no 95Frederick Walter FLEETWOOD, Age 37 years, of Murray Bridge, died 9 February 1898 at Wayville, Registration District: Adelaide. Evening Journal (Adelaide, SA : 1869 - 1912), Thursday 10 February 1898, p 2 - FLEETWOOD.—On the 9ih February, at his 'mother's residence, Rose-terrace, Wayville, Frederick W. Fleetwood, of Murray Bridge, fourth son of the late Charles Rufus Fleetwood, in his 37th year.
1032Fletcher, Eliza Julia HarveyPort Adelaide1863/5/1620 yearsBennett-WesleyanLease no 134Lease no 134. Age 21 years, of Port Adelaide, died 15 May 1863, (husband) George Fletcher, Registration District: Adelaide.
435Fletcher, Elizabeth MaryLefevre Peninsula1856/6/55 monthsBayfieldEliza Mary Fletcher was born 28 December 1855 to Charles Fletcher and Sarah Jordan of Adelaide. Registration District: Adelaide.
1336Fletcher, GeorgePort Adelaide1866/9/2523 yearsMarryatLease no 134Lease no 134. Age 39 years, of Portland Estate, died 24 September 1866, Registration District: Adelaide.
1038Fletcher, George HenryPort Adelaide1863/5/2814 daysBennett-WesleyanLease No 134Buried with mother Eliza Fletcher burial no 1032 of 16/5/1863. Born 8 May 1863 to George Fletcher and Eliza Julia Harvey Wright of Port Adelaide died aged 17 days, on died 25 May 1863, (father) John Fletcher, Registration District: Adelaide.
XFoggo, Miss BarbaraPort Road, Portland Ward1895/3/1857 yearsSARLease no 192Lease no 192,. Drowned. 3rd daughter late Elizabeth-Aunt Robert Mackay. Age 40 years, of Portland Ward, died 17 March 1895, Registration District: Port Adelaide.
XFoggo, Mrs. Elizabeth LandleuPortland Estate (res. Son-in-law Robert Mackay)1871/5/17not recordedSARLease no 192Lease no 192. Relict late Wm Garrald Foggo, Bootmaker, East London, Scotland. Elizabeth Foggo, Age 76 years, of Portland Estate, died 15 May 1871, (deceased husband) William Foggo, Registration District: Port Adelaide. Funeral procession departed residence of her son-in-law, Robert Mackay, at Portland Estate on Wednesday afternoon, 17 May, for Alberton Cemetery, undertaker S. Haddy.
44Fonsaker, Margaret LisdalePort Adelaide1849/12/121 monthBayfieldMargaret Clisdale Fonsaker born 8 November 1848 to John Fonsaker and Mary Clisdale of Port Adelaide. Registration District; Adelaide.
XFooks, George, Capt.Lefevre Peninsula1876/6/22SARGreenAge 36 years, of Lefevre Peninsula, died 19 June 1876, Registration District: Port Adelaide. DEATH OF GEORGE FOOKS.—Yachtsmen of all degrees will regret to learn the death of George Fooks, familiarly known as "Trotters" He arrived here about ten years back, and just at that time was in great request.
1062Forbes, Adelaide RoberthaPort Adelaide1863/8/2617 monthsF. EvansAge 17 months, of Port Adelaide, died 14 August 1863, (father) Robert Forbes, registraiton District: Adelaide.
196Ford, Mary AnnPort Adelaide1852/2/2714 years 3 monthsBayfieldNo further information (Catchpool?)
554Ford, Ellen LouiseTam O'shanter's Belt1857/12/193 weeksnkTwinsTwins, unbaptized. Ellen Louisa. Age 3 weeks, of Tam O'Shanter Belt, died 18 December 1857, (father) Samuel Ford, Registration District: Adelaide.
554Ford, Mary AnnTam O'shanter's Belt1857/12/193 weeksnkTwinsTwins, unbaptized. Mary Ann, Age 3 weeks, of Tam O'Shanter Belt, died 18 December 1857, (father) Samuel Ford, Registration District: Adelaide.
95Fordon, Mary HelenPort Adelaide1853/5/293 weeksBayfieldMary Ellen Forden. Age 3 weeks, of Adelaide, died 26 May 1853, (father) Frederick Alfred Forden, Registration District: Adelaide. Born May 3, 1853 to Frderick Alfred Fordon and and Sarah Carr.
1609Foreman, ChristianaThebarton1869/2/566 yearsGreenLease no 230Lease no 230. Christina Foreman, Age 66 years, of Thebarton, died 3 February 1869, (husband) John Foreman, Registration District: Adelaide. Funeral procession left residence at Thebarton for Alberton Cemetery on Friday afternoon, 5 February, Joseph Pritchard undertaker. Evening Journal, Friday 5 February 1869, page 1.
1191Foreman, GeorgeQueenstown1865/4/450 yearsGreenAge 50 years, of Queenstown, died 3 April 1865, Registration District: Adelaide.
XForeman, GeorgeThebarton5/01/190576 yearsTombstoneLease no 230Lease no 230. Age 76 years, of Thebarton, died 5 January 1905, Registration District: Hindmarsh. Funeral departed his residence at Chapel Street, Thebarton, on Saturday afternoon 7 January, for Alberton Cemetery, undertaker, E. Hennings. Advertiser, Friday 6 January 1905, page 2. PAEVF 002 Headstone Inscriptions: George Foreman died 5 January 1905, aged 76. John Foreman father of the above died 22 January 1882, aged 79.
XForeman, JohnThebarton1882/1/2278 yearsTombstoneLease No 230father of George -Age 79 years, of Thebarton, died 22 January 1882, Registration District: Hindmarsh. Express and Telegraph (Adelaide, SA : 1867 - 1922), Monday 23 Jan 1882, p 2 - FOREMAN.—On the 22nd January, at his resi-dence, Thebarton; John Foreman, Aged 79 years. A colonist of 42 years. Formerly employed at the Register and Observer. PAEVF 002 Headstone Inscriptions: George Foreman died 5 January 1905, aged 76. John Foreman father of the above died 22 January 1882, aged 79.
50Formby, AliceAlberton11/11/191864 yearsM. WilliamsLease no 127Lease no 127. Age 64 years, of Alberton, died 10 November 1918, Registration District: Port Adelaide. Funeral departed her residence at Brougham Place, Alberton for Alberton Cemetery on Monday afternoon 11 November, Undertaker J.C. Haddy & Son. Advertiser, Monday 11 November 1918, page 8.
971Formby, AnnieAlberton1862/6/41year 3 daysMarryatLease no 127Lease no 127. Age 1 year, of Alberton, died 1 June 1862, (father) John Formby, Registration District: Adelaide.
223Formby, ElizabethAlberton3/07/191058 yearsLease no 127Lease no 127. Age 58 years, of Alberton, died 1 July 1910, Registration District: Port Adelaide.
646Formby, JohnAlberton1/10/190686 yearsG.E.YoungLease no 127Lease no 127. Age 87 years, of Alberton, died 30 Sept 1906 at Alberton, (rel) not recorded, Registration District: Port Adelaide. John Formby passed away after a long illness, Aged 88 years. He arrived in Port Adelaide in 1841. For a long time he was connected with the Queenstown and Alberton District Council, and was also a member of the Port Adelaide Corporation. For four years, 1869-73, he was Mayor of Port Adelaide, and he sat as a warden of the Marine Board from February, 1869, till May, 1895. For full obituary see: Advertiser, Monday 1 October 1906, page 6. His funeral departed his residence at Brougham Place, Alberton, on Monday afternoon 1 October for Alberton Cemetery, undertakers J.C. Haddy & Sons. Advertiser, Monday 1 October 1906, page 2.
596Forster, RobertPort Adelaide1858/4/246 yearsMarryatCause of death: apoplexy. Age 46 years, of Port Adelaide, died 29 March 1858, Registration District: Adelaide.
1559Foster, Alfred WilliamPort1868/8/3011 weeksGreenAge 2 months of Port Adelaide, died 28 August 1868, (father) James Foster, Registration District: Adelaide.
727Foster, Frederick WilliamPort Adelaide1859/10/1315 monthsC. MarryatAge 15 months, of Port Adelaide, died 11 October 1859, (father) Robert Foster, Registration District: Adelaide.
1427Foster, Jamesship Mary Nicholson1867/7/2240 yearsMarryatAge 40 years, of Liverpool [ENG], died 20 July 1867, aboard 'Mary Nicholson', (rel) not recorded, Registration District: Adelaide.
773Fowler, ElizabethPort Adelaide1860/5/221 weekC. MarryatAge 7 days, of Portland Estate, died 21 May 1860, (father) Edward Fowler, Registration District: Adelaide.
520Fowler, Mary AnnPort Adelaide1857/6/2640 yearsBayfieldNo further information
516Fowler, William JohnQueens Town1857/6/1913 weeksBayfieldWilliam John Fowsler was born March 21 1857 to John Fowler and Mary Ann Merrick at Port Adelaide. Registration District: Adelaide.
1292Fowles (Fowler), Charlotte WhitfordLightship1866/4/245 yearsGreenLease no 186Lease No 186. Age 5 years, of Lefevre Peninsula, died 23 April 1866, (father) Thomas Fowler. Registration District: Adelaide.
171Fowles, ThomasPort Adelaide1851/11/99 monthsBayfieldNo further information
551`Fox (2 twin stillborn children of Mrs…)Lefevre Peninsula1857/12/11StillbornMarryat
674Foxton, GeorgeQueenstown1859/1/21InfantC. MarryatAge 3 weeks, of Alberton, died 20 January 1859, (father) George Foxton, Registration District: Adelaide.
1119Foxton, GeorgeRosewater1864/3/212 yearsGreenAge 2 years, of Rosewater, died 20 March 1864, (father) George Foxton, Registration District: Adelaide.
291Fradgley, EdwardLefevre Peninsula1855/5/212 monthsBayfieldAge 12 months, died 30 April 1855, (father) Edward Fradgley, Registration District: Adelaide.
1599Francis, DavidLefevre Peninsula1869/1/6InfantGreenAge 4 days, of Lefevre Peninsula, died 5 January 1869, (father) William Francis, Registration District: Adelaide.
737Francis, ElizaPort Adelaide1859/12/917 daysC. MarryatAge 18 days, of Port Adelaide, died 8 December 1859, (father) William Francis, Registration District: Adelaide.
105Francis, James (see also Smith)Steamship Phoenix1853/7/1638 years (32 years in book)BayfieldAdelaide Observer (SA : 1843 - 1904), Saturday 9 July 1853, page 6
Man Drowned at the Port —Francis Smith, boiler maker, who had been seven years in the Phoenix steamer, was accidentally drowned on Thursday week. It seems that Smith was returning on board the steamer between I1 and 12 o'clock at night, and in crossing over the other vessels to get to his own, must have missed his hold on his footing.
476Francis, MargaretPort Adelaide1857/1/2410 monthsBayfieldAge 10 months, of Port Adelaide, died 22 January 1857, (father) John Francis, Registration District: Adelaide.
1446Francis, ThomasPort Adelaide1867/9/1922 yearsPriceLease 212Lease No 212. mother=Mary, a widow. Age 22 years, of Port Adelaide, died 17 September 1867, (relative) not recorded, Registration District: Adelaide.
1445Francis, WilliamLefevre Peninsula1867/9/1811 daysMarryatLease No 212Age 11 days, of Lefevre Peninsula, died 18 September 1867, (father) William Francis, Registration District: Adelaide.
318Franks, ElizabethAlbert Town1855/8/145 yearsBayfieldNo further information
952Fraser, Allen (Ellen?)Port Adelaide1862/1/288 monthsMarryatIn grave brother George, burial no 781, 10 months, 23/6/1860. Ellen was born 28 May 1861 to George Fraser and Ellen Amdrew of Port Adelaide. Registration District: Adelaide. (same parents as George, right birth date)
781Fraser, GeorgePort Adelaide1860/6/2310 monthsC. MarryatAge 10 months, of Port Adelaide, died 21 June 1860, (father) George Fraser, Registration District: Adelaide.
1295Fraser, JamesShip Atalanta1866/5/12 yearsGreenDOD 30 April 1866 - Marasmus. Bound for SA 0 Births & Death on gov. assisted immigrant ship - 1848-1885.
1438Fraser, ThomasLefevre Peninsula1867/8/256 daysMarryatThomas FRAZER, Age 6 days, of Lefevre Peninsula, died 24 August 1867, (father) Thomas Frazer, Registration District: Adelaide.
203Frazer, MargaretShip Joseph Rowan1854/6/215 yearsBayfieldPAHS - Ship Joseph Rowan & name Margaret Fraser/Fawyer. Bound for South Australia. Births & Deaths on government-assisted immigrant ships 1848-1885. Bronchitis (says buried at sea)
104Freebotty (Freebody), WilliamAlbert Town1850/12/297 monthsBayfieldWilliam Freebody was born July 4 1850 at Albert Town to William Freebody and Doroothy Kindley. Registration District: Adelaide.
11Freeth, GeorgePort Adelaide1849/3/284 yearsNewenhamCause of Death - Croup. Age 4 years, of Port Adelaide, died 25 March 1849, (father) George Freeth, Registration District: Adelaide
134French, AlfredAlbert Town1853/12/15weeksBayfieldLease no 53Age 9 weeks, died 14 December 1853, Registration District: Adelaide. Born in 1853 to Alfred French and Jane Hayman
438French, JaneLefevre Peninsula1856/6/2037 yearsBayfieldLease no 53Lease No 53. Died 17 June 1856, at their residence in Lefevre's Peninsula, wife of Captain Edward French. Adelaide Observer, Saturday 21 June 1856, Family Notices, page 5.
619French, JaneAlberton1858/6/103 yearsC. MarryatAge 3 years, of Port Adelaide, died 8 June 1858, (father) Alfred French, Registration District Adelaide.
776French, Jane EllenLefevre Peninsula1860/5/3018 yearsC. MarryatAge 18 years, of Lefevre Peninsula, died 28 May 1860, (father) Edward French, Registration District: Adelaide.
1649Friburg, Albert HermanPeninsula1869/8/239 weeksGreenAlbert Herman Friberg, Age 9 weeks, of Lefevre Peninsula, died 21 August 1869, (father) Anders Jacob Herman, Registration District: Adelaide.
1397Fricker, Elizabeth AnnQueenstown1867/5/124 hoursMarryatLease no 252Lease No 252 - Unbaptised - No service. Age 24 hours, of Queenstown, died 30 April 1867, (father) Jonathan Fricker, Registration District: Adelaide.
670Fricker, Richard JamesQueenstown1859/1/151year 7 monthsC. MarryatAge 1 years, of Queenstown, died 14 January 1859, (father) Richard Fricker, Registration District: Adelaide.
1598Fricker, RichardHappy Valley1869/1/347 yearsGreenLease no 252Lease No 252. Wife Eliza Ann. Age 43 years, of Happy Valley, died 1 March 1869, Registration District: Adelaide.
112Frost, JamesShip Madgalena1853/9/110 yearsBayfieldShip - 'Magdalene', DOD 30 August 1853, Bound for South Australia, Births & Deaths on government-assisted immigratn ship - 1848-1885.
185Fuge, EdwardPort Adelaide1852/1/230 yearsBayfieldSouth Australian Register (Adelaide, SA : 1839 - 1900), Thursday 1 January 1852, page 3. MAN DROWNED AT THE PORT. — Yesterday morning, three men were sailing up from the Steam-Dredge at Snapper Port in a dingy, when a puff capsized her, and, after swimming some time, one named Edward Fuge became exhausted, and sunk. ...
834Fullarton, ArchibaldPortland Estate1861/1/104 yearsC. MarryatPAHS - in Father's gave burial bo 760 - John, 33 years buried 12/3/1860. Archibald William FULLARTON, Age 3 years, of Port Adelaide, died 8 January 1861, (father) John Fullarton, Registration District: Adelaide.
760Fullarton, JohnPortland Estate1860/3/1233 yearsC. MarryatPAHS - Age of Death - 33 years. Husband of Millicent. Age 33 years, of Portland Estate, died 10 March 1860, Registration District: Adelaide.
999Fullarton, MillicentPortland Estate1862/12/1231 yearsMarryatAge 31 years, of Queenstown, died 10 December 1862, (deceased husband) John Fullarton, Registration District: Adelaide.
1208Fuller, MargaretPort Adelaide1865/6/2823 yearsJ. Price-BaptistAge 23 years, of Port Adelaide, died 26 June 1865, (husband) Frederick Fuller, Registration District: Adelaide.
1487Fuller, MaryLefevre Peninsula1868/1/2866 yearsMarryatAge 66 years, of Lefevre Peninsula, died 27 January 1868, Registration District: Adelaide.
1352Fuller, Walter FrederickPort Adelaide1866/11/2817 monthsMarryatAge 1 year, of Lefevre Peninsula, died 26 November 1866, (father) Frederick Fuller, Registration District: Adelaide.
665Fulton, ChristinaLefevre Peninsula1859/1/68 monthsF. EvansPAHS - Minister - Marryat. Age 8 months, of Lefevre Peninsula, died 5 January 1859, Registration District: Adelaide.
1370Fulton, HenriettaLefevre Peninsula1867/1/66 monthsMarryatBuried next to Jane, burial no 665. Buried 22/9/1866. Age 6 months, of Lefevre Peninsula, died 5 January 1867, (father) Robert Fulton, Registration District: Adelaide.
1335Fulton, JaneLefevre Peninsula1866/9/2235 yearsMarryatIn grave with Christina,burial no 665, 8 months, 6/1/1859. No further information Jane McClure, Mother of Christina and Henrietta, wife of Robert Fulton.
412Furnell, Eliza AnnPort Adelaide1856/4/121 monthBayfieldEliza Ann Furnell was born March 8 1856 to William Furnell and Ann Sergeant. Registration District: Adelaide.
1375Fuss, FredericLefevre Peninsula1867/1/144 monthsMarryatAge 3 months, of Lefevre Peninsula, died 12 January 1867, (father) Hermann Fuss, Registration District: Adelaide.
1224Fusy (Fusz), CharlesQueenstown1865/9/283 daysGreenNot baptised - no service. Charles FUSZ, Age 2 days, of Portland Estate, died 27 September 1865, (father) Herman FUSZ, Registration District: Adelaide.
629Fyffe, ArchilbaldAlberton1858/8/413 daysC. MarryatAge 13 days, of Alberton, died 2 August 1858, (father) Archibald Wilson Fyffe, Registration District: Adelaide.
390Fyffe, Elizabeth AnnieAlberton1858/3/617 monthsMarryatLease no 26Lease No - 26 - Cause of Death - Diarrhea (in Marsden's Lease). Age 1 year, of Port Adelaide, died 4 March 1858, (father) Archibald Wilson Fyffe, Registration District: Adelaide.
30Gaffney, David PatrickPort AdelaideNov-18185233 yearsBayfieldPAHS - Age - About 37 years. Death of Mr. Gaffney.— Yesterday all the ships in port had their colours hoisted half mast out of respect to the deceased, who for a considerable period had conducted the business of a shipping Agent his death occurred very suddenly on Tuesday
Gallagher, Edwin John - Callaghan Edwin John
1302Galway, Ann AgnesQueenstown1866/6/872 yearsMarryatLease no 172Lease No - 172 - Child removed and placed on top in leased ground. Anne Agnes GALWAY, Age 71 years, of Queenstown, died 7 June 1866, (deceased husband) William Galway, Registration District: Adelaide. Funeral held Friday 8 June 1866, Undertaker S. Haddy. South Australian Advertiser, Friday 8 June 1866, page 2.
752Galway, JamesQueenstown1860/2/516 monthsC. MarryatLease no 172Lease No - 172. Age 16 months, of Queenstown, died 4 February 1860, Registration District: Adelaide.
1213Galway, WilliamQueenstown1865/7/2975 yearsGreenLease no 172Lease No - 172. Age 75 years, of Queenstown, died 27 July 1865, Registration District: Adelaide. Funeral was held at Alberton Cemetery at 4pm, Saturday 29 July 1865. Adelaide Express, Friday 28 July 1865, page 2.
626Gallagher (see also Callaghan) (Callegher) , Edward JohnPortland Estate1858/7/219 daysC. MarryatPAHS: Callagher, Edward John. Edward John Gallagher was born July 11, 1858 to Megan Ryan and John Gallagher of Portland Estaate. Registration District: Adelaide.
*****Gammy (Young?), ElizabethPort Adelaide1860/12/252 daysC. MarryatNo further information - see Elizabeeth Young?
34Gando, AugusteShip Australian at Port Adelaide1849/9/418 yearsBayfieldDied in confinement on board German vessel Australian. No further information.
948Gard, AlbertPort Adelaide1862/1/283 daysMarryatAge 3 days, of Port Adelaide, died 27 January 1862, (father) Thomas Gard, Registration District: Adelaide.
796Gard, CharlesPort Adelaide1860/9/62 daysC. MarryatAge 2 days, of Port Adelaide, died 4 September 1860, (father)Thomas Gard, Registration District: Adelaide. Charles was born to Thomas Gard and Agnes Phillips of Port Adelaide on 2 September 1860. Registration District, Adelaide.
430Gard, ElizabethPort Adelaide1856/5/312 daysBayfieldNo further information
700Gard, FredericPort Adelaide1859/3/293 daysC. MarryatAge 2 days, of Port Adelaide, died 28 March 1859, (father) Thomas Gard, Registration District: Adelaide.
130Gard, HannahPort Adelaide1853/12/210 weeksBayfieldBorn September 18, 1853 to Thomas Gard and Agnes Phillips. Registration District: Adelaide.
564Gard, ThomasPort Adelaide1858/1/153 daysC. MarryatCause of Death - Jaundice. Age 3 days, of Port Adelaide, died 14 January 1858, (father) Thomas Gard, Registration District: Adelaide.
38Gardener, JohnPort Adelaide1849/10/2641 yearsBayfieldCause of Death - Inflamation. John GARDINER, Age 46 years, of Port Adelaide, died 14 October 1849, (wife) Ann Gardiner, Registration District: Adelaide.
XGardiner, SarahBrompton (at residence of brother-in-law)1878/6/135 yearsSARLease No 146Cause of Death - Painful illness (Sister Mrs T T Burchell, Mrs G Hills). Age 35 years, of Brompton, died 30 May 1878, (husband) William Sedgewick Gardiner, Registration District: Hindmarsh.
1613Garnett (Garnaut), Alice RuthPort1869/3/216 monthsGreenAlice Ruth GARNAUT, Age 6 months, of Port Adelaide, died 30 March 1869, (father) Giles Garnaut, Registration District: Adelaide.
19Gary (Gay), Mary AnnPort AdelaideSep-15185229 y earsBayfieldMary Ann Gay, died September 13 1852, 29 years, BDM Registration District: Adelaide.
141Gaskin, George RobertLefevre Peninsula1854/1/129 weeksBayfieldBorn November 5, 1853 to James H Gaskin and Caroline (not recorded). Registration District: Adelaide.
1169Gaskin, Robert GeorgeLefevre Peninsula1864/12/146 weeksMarryatAge 6 weeks, of Lefevre Peninsula, died 13 December 1864, (father) James Gaskin, Registration District: Adelaide.
371Gaskin, William HenryLefevre Peninsula1856/1/144 weeksBayfieldWilliam James GASKIN, Age 4 weeks, died 12 January 1856, (father) James Gaskin, Registration District: Adelaide.
495Gaskin, William HenryLefevre Peninsula1857/3/253 monthsBayfieldWilliam Henry, born December 26 1856 to James Gaskin and Caroline Moscrop. Registration District: Adelaide.
320Gellalby (see also Gilleatly, Gellatley, Gellatly), HenryPort Adelaide1855/8/215 yearsBayfieldLease no 39Lease No 39 - PAHS - Name - Gellatly, Henry. Henry GILLATLY, Age 3 years, died 19 September 1855, (father) John Gillatly, Registration District: Adelaide.
320Gellatley (see also Gilleatly, Gellatley, Gellatly), Thomas HornePort Adelaide1856/11/219 yearsBayfieldLease no 39Lease No 39 - Same grave as brother Henry buried 21/8/1855. Thomas Horne GILLATLEY, Age 9 years, of Port Adelaide, died 19 November 1856, (father) John Gillatley, Registration District: Adelaide.
1491Gellento, FredericQueenstown1868/2/98 monthsMarryatAge 8 months, of Queenstown, died 7 February 1868, (father) Salvador Gellento, Registration District: Adelaide.
1415Georgeson, William AmbrosePort Adelaide1867/6/932 yearsMarryatAge 32 years, of Port Adelaide, died 8 June 1867, Registration District: Adelaide. Member of the Court Concord A.O.F. Lodge at Port Adelaide. Brothers of the Court followed the remains of the late Brother W.A. Georgeson to the Alberton Cemetery on Sunday 9 June. Express and Telegraph, Saturday 8 June 1867, page 3.
1621Germain, JohnLefevre Peninsula1869/4/2588 yearsGreenLease no 41Lease No 41. Age 90 years, of Lefevre Peninsula, died 23 April 1869, Registration District: Adelaide.
1367Germein, ChristianaLefevre Peninsula1867/1/381 yearsMarryatChristiana GERMAIN, Age 81 years, of Lefevre Peninsula, died 2 January 1867, (husband) John Germain, Registration District: Adelaide.
348Germein, Henry (Harry)Lefevre Peninsula1855/11/223 yearsBayfieldLease no 41Lease No 41 - PAHS - Name - Germain, Harry. No further information.
XGermein, Jane OlindaLefevre Peninsula1875/5/74 years 7 monthsSARYoungest daughter Benjamin & Elizabeth Coulam. Age 4 years, of Glanville, died 7 May 1875, (father) Benjamin Germein, Registration District: Port Adelaide.
XGermein, Mary Isabella (Elizabeth)Lefevre Peninsula1870/10/1311 years 3 monthsSARLease no 41Lease No 41 - Cause of Death - Diptheria - (daughter of Samuel and Mary). Mary Elizabeth GERMAIN, Age 11 years, of Lefevre Peninsula, died 13 October 1870, (father) Samuel Germain, Registration District: Port Adelaide.
1441Gibb, Alice MoffattQueenstown1867/8/303 years 1 monthMarryatLease No 34Lease no 34 - 4 graves - unknown adult 301,800. Age 3 years, of Queenstown, died 28 August 1867, (father)William Gibb, Registration District: Adelaide.
713Gibb, MaryQueenstown1859/6/960 yearsC. MarryatAge 60 years, of Queenstown, died 7 June 1859, (husband) William Gibb, Registration District: Adelaide.
301Gibb, ThomasQueenstown1855/5/2926 yearsBayfieldLease No 34Lease No - 34 - (Lease in name Gibb, William). Died 26 May 1855, at Queen's Town, son of William Gibb, cooper, Age 26 years. Adelaide Times, Monday 28 May 1855, Family Notices, page 2.
800Gibb, ThomasQueenstown1860/10/22 years 8 monthsF. EvansLease No 34Age 2 years, 8 months, of Queenstown, died 30 September 1860, Registration District: Adelaide.
7Giesecke, Heinrich FriedrickShip George Washington1849/3/923 yearsNewenhamCause of Death - Debility. His wife died on the voyage, leaving behind a child in Port Adelaide. Died March 8 1849, age 23 years. Registration District: Adelaide.
841Gifford, CatherineLefevre Peninsula1861/1/2510 monthsC. MarryatAge 10 months, of Lefevre Peninsula, died 23 January 1861, (father) Laurence Gifford, Registration District: Adelaide.
1145Gifford, CatherineLefevre Peninsula1864/6/112 years 5 monthsMarryatAge 2 years, of Lefevre Peninsula, died 9 June 1864, (father) Lawrence Gifford, Registration District: Adelaide.
13Gilchrist, Eliza MargaretPort Road1852/09/103 monthsBayfieldAge 3 months, 2 weeks, Died 9 September 1852, Registration District: Adelaide. Born May 22, 1852 (Father) Frederick Whittle Gilchrist, (Mother) Ann McKune
455Giles, Edith MaryGreen Hill1856/9/95 monthsBayfieldAge 5 months, of Green Hills, died 7 September 1856, (father) Henry Giles, Registration District: Adelaide.
9Giles, Elllen JanePort Adelaide1848/8/24 monthsNewenhamIll from her birth. Age 4 months, of Port Adelaide, died 29 July 1848, (father) Henry Giles, Registration District: Adelaide.
281Giles, Emily EleanorGlenelg1855/4/53 monthsBayfieldEleanor Emily GILES, Age 3 months, of Glenelg, died 3 April 1855, (father) Henry Giles, Registration District: Adelaide.
1279Giles, Eustace CharlesBeaumont1866/3/189 monthsH.HowittAge 9 months, of Greenhill, died 16 March 1866, (father) Henry Giles, Registration District: Adelaide.
731Giles, Henry EvelynBeaumont1859/11/118 monthsMarryatLease no 1Lease No 1. Age 8 months, of Greenhill, died 10 November 1859, (father) Henry Giles, Registration District: Adelaide.
66Giles, MillicentPort Adelaide1850/3/258 monthsBayfieldCause of Death - Fever. Age 8 months, of Port Adelaide, died 23 March 1850, (father) Henry Giles. Registration District: Adelaide.
811Gill, SamuelYatala Smelting works1860/11/273 monthsC. MarryatAge 12 weeks, died 25 November 1860, (father) Christopher Gill, Registration District: Adelaide.
908Gilleatly (see also Gilleatly, Gellatley, Gellatly), William JamesPort Adelaide1861/10/1411 monthsMarryatLease no 39Lease No 39. William James GILLEATLY, Age 10 months, of Port Adelaide, died 10 October 1861, (father) John Gilleatly, Registration District: Adelaide.
137Gillhatly (see also Gilleatly, Gellatley, Gellatly), (Mrs)Gun Street, Birkenhead (son Richard's)1895/9/471 yearsSamwell (SAR)Lease no 39Lease No 39. Charlotte GILLATLY, Age 74 years, of Bridgewater, Birkenhead, died 28 August 1895, (deceased husband) John Gillatly, Registration District: Port Adelaide.
212Glass, Mary JanePort Adelaide1854/7/233 monthsBayfieldMary Jane Glass was born to Peter Glass and Chistina McMurray on May 5 1854. Registration District: Adelaide.
165Glass, WilliamPort Adelaide1854/3/110 monthsBayfieldWilliam Glass was born to Peter Glass and Christina McMurray on May 7 1853. Registration District: Adelaide.
118Glendy, DavidBarque Clipper1853/10/1550 yearsBayfieldDied 13 October 1853, Registration District: Adelaide. SA Register (Adelaide, SA : 1839 - 1900), Saturday 15 October 1853, page 3 - Coroner's Inquest. — Mr. Stevenson held an inquest at the Port yesterday, on the body of David Glendy, mate of the schooner Clipper, Carmichael, master, whose sudden disappearance on Friday evening, 7th inst, had caused the most serious apprehensions. It appeared from the depositions that he had left the vessel in the course of the day to purchase some articles of apparel, and remained on shore in the company of some friends until about 9 o'clock, when he left them to go on board the Clipper, alongside the Queen's Wharf. Under the strong presumption that he had met his death by drowning, search was made the next day and afterwards, but nothing was seen of his body until yesterday, when it was found floating. In the pockets some silver was found, and the body presented no marks of violence. Verdict, 'Accidentally drowned
1130Gliddon, Frederic ThomasQueenstown1864/4/2313 monthsMarryatFrederick Thomas GLIDDON, Age 1 year, of Queenstown, died 22 April 1864, (father) George Robbins Gliddon, Registration District: Adelaide.
XGliddon, Josephine EugenieQueenstown1872/1/19 monthsDaughter of George R & Emma. Age 9 months, of Queenstown, died 1 January 1872, (father) George Robbins Gliddon. Registration District: Port Adelaide.
23Gliddon, Kate Frances Meuveynot recorded1873/9/168 years 6 monthsGreenKate Frances Meavey GLIDDON, Age 8 years, of Queenstown, died 14 Sept 1873, (father) George Robbins Gliddons. Registration District: Port Adelaide.
Gliddon, Mrs. - stillborn child of1862/12StillbornMarryatStillborn
347Glover, CharlesShip Victoria Regia1855/11/2040 yearsBayfieldDOD: 19 November 1855, Age 41, Typhoid Fever. Bound for South Australia - Birth & Deaths on government assisted immigrant ships - 1848-1885.
1459Glover, MargaretPortland Estate1867/10/3118 months 14 daysMarryatAge 1 year, of Portland Estate, died 29 October 1867, (father) John Glover, Registration District: Adelaide.
Girdlestone, MaryRosewater23/07/190085 yearsNewspapersMary Girdlestone died July 21 1900 of Port Adelaide. Husband: John Girdlestone. Registration District: Adelaide.
550Goad (Good), JosephShip Omagh1857/12/725 yearsF. EvansCause of death - Drowned. Age 25 years, aboard the 'Omagh', died 5 December 1857, Registration District: Adelaide.
748Godden, AnnieAlberton1860/1/218 monthsC. MarryatAge 8 months, of Albert Town, died 20 January 1860, (father) Albert Godden, Registration District: Adelaide.
1528Godfrey, GeorgePort Adelaide1868/5/2613 monthsMarryatAge 13 months, of Port Adelaide, died 24 May 1868, (father) Thomas Godfrey, Registration District: Adelaide.
579Goldsmith, Arthur MillarPort Adelaide1858/2/65 monthsC. MarryatArthur William GOLDSMITH, Age 5 months, of Port Adelaide, died 5 February 1858, (father) Charles Henry Goldsmith, Registration District: Adelaide.
932Goldsworthy, ElizabethPortland Estate1861/12/15 yearsC. MarryatLease no 121Lease No 121. Age 5 years, of Portland Estate, died 29 November 1861, (father) William Goldsworthy, Registration District: Adelaide.
342Goldsworthy, ElizabethPort Adelaide1855/11/68 daysBayfieldNo further information.
802Goldsworthy, William HenryReed Beds1860/10/178 yearsC. MarryatAge 8 years, of Queenstown, died 16 October 1860, Registration District: Adelaide.
193Goodall, JanePort Adelaide1852/2/1219 yearsBayfieldLease no 11Lease No 11. No further information
194Goodall, WilliamPort Adelaide1852/2/162 monthsBayfieldLease no 11Lease No 11. No further information
XGooden, Mrs - Stillborn child ofAlberton1863/11/28MarryatCause of Death - Stillborn
28Goodland, HenryTentertonNov-14185222 yearsBayfieldAge may be 24 years. No further information
357Goodrick (Goodrich), MargaretPort Adelaide1855/12/1431 yearsBayfieldLease 201Lease No 201. No further information
920Goodwin, Sarah JaneLefevre Peninsula1861/11/1519 monthsMarryatLease no 38Lease no 38 - in grave with Esther Munyard burial no 215, 15 years, 26/7/1854. Age 1 year, of Peninsula, died 13 November 1861, (father) Thomas Goodwin, Registration District: Adelaide.
283Gordon, JamesGlanville1872/6/175 years 6 monthsSARLease No 283Cause of Death - Croup (2nd son Captain James). Age 5 years, of Glanville, died 16 June 1872, (father) James Gordon, Master Mariner). Registration District: Port Adelaide. Funeral procession departed his father's residence at Glanville, Monday afternoon 17 June, for Alberton Cemetery. South Australian Register, Monday 17 June 1872, page 2.
XGordon, James CaptDundas Street, Glanville1896/12/365 yearsSARLease No 283Colonist 36 years. Age 65 years, of Glanville, died 2 December 1896, Registration District: Port Adelaide. Evening Journal (Adelaide, SA : 1869 - 1912), Friday 4 December 1896, page 2 - DEATH OF A SEA CAPTAIN.—The death is announced at his residence, Glanville, of Captain James Gordon, well known for a number of years among mariners sailing out of Port Adelaide. The late gentleman came to the colony as mate of the steamer Lubra, of the Adelaide Steamship Company's fleet, and afterwards served in several of the Company's vessels, including the Royal Shepherd and the Kangaroo.
XGordon, Maryat son in law F Crickett, Herbert Street, Cheltenham1904/09/21not recordedSARLease no 283relict Capt. James. Age 68 years, of Franklin, died 20 September 1904, (deceased husband) James Gordon, Registration District: Port Adelaide.
XGordon, WilliamGlanville1872/7/243 years 6 monthsLease No 2833rd son of Capt. James. Age 3 years, of Glanville, died 23 July 1872, (father) James Gordon, Registration District: Port Adelaide. Funeral held at Alberton Cemetery, Wednesday afternoon 24 July. Express and Telegraph, Wednesday 24 July 1872, page 2.
1480Gordon, Daniel FraiserPort Adelaide1868/1/110 monthsMarryatFrancis in Baptismal Register. Age 10 months, of Port Adelaide, died 31 December 1867, (father) Daniel Gordon. Registration District: Adelaide.
135Goss, MaryWoodville1853/12/199 monthsBayfieldLease no 22Lease No 22. Age 9 months, of Woodford, died 16 December 1853, (father) John Goss. Registration District: Adelaide. (mother Elizabeth Gooding)
846Goss, Thomas WarrenNorth Adelaide1861/2/1513 months 3 daysC. MarryatAge 14 months, of Port Adelaide, died 13 February 1861, (father) George Goss, Registration District: Adelaide.
240Gourady, MarkBarque Oceania1854/11/1320 yearsBayfieldA Lascar (Indian sailor). GOURADDY, died 11 November 1854, Registration District: Adelaide. David Halket was charged with the manslaughter of Gouraddy, a Lascar (sailor of Indian or South Asian descent), one of the crew of the barque 'Oceania'. For details see Adelaide Times, Tuesday 14 November 1854, 'Inquest at the Port', page 2.
1219Govett, Mary Emma HarrisPort Adelaide1865/29/83 yearsGreenMary Emma Harris was born June 10 1865 to John Govett and Eliza Ann Harris. Age 11 months, of Port Adelaide, died 28 August 1865, (father) John Govett, Registration District: Adelaide.
426Gowans, GeorgeAdelaide Hospital1912/02/2268 yearsM.WilliamsGeorge GOWENS, Age 68 years, of Alberton, died 21 February 1912, Registration District: Adelaide.
1097Gowling, Mary AnnLefevre Peninsula1864/1/2310 monthsMarryatLease No 153Lease No 153. Age 10 months, of Lefevre Peninsula, died 22 January 1864, (father) John Gowling, Registration District: Adelaide.
745Craft (see also Crofts, Grafts), SamuelLefevre Peninsula1860/1/95 daysC. MarryatSamuel Crofts (Crafts) born January 4 1860 to Samuel Craft and Catherine Cleary of Lefevre Peninsula, died January 9 1860. Registration District: Adelaide.
65Granfield, BarnettAlbert Town1850/3/1522 yearsBayfieldCause of death - Drowned. "The body of a labourer named Barnard Granfield, who drowned at Port Adelaide on Thursday, the 7th instance, whilst bathing near the South Australian Company's wharf, was picked up yesterday…the deceased has left a wife and child to deplore his untimely end", South Australian Register, Friday 15 March 1850, page 2.
1340Grant, JohnShip Petria1866/10/2628 yearsMarryatAge 28 years, aboard the 'Pekina', died 26 October 1866, at Port Adelaide, Registration District: Adelaide. Carpenter on the ship Pekina, fell overboard and drowned on Friday 26 October. For more details see the articile 'Coroner's Inquest' in the South Australian Register, Saturday 27 Octover 1866, page 2.
959Gray, EmilyBrig Kestrel1862/2/283 yearsMarryatAge 3 years, aboard the 'Kestril', died 27 February 1862, at Port Adelaide, (father) Alfred Gray, Registration District: Adelaide.
644Gray, William AlexanderPort Adelaide1858/10/256 weeksC. MarryatAge 6 weeks, of Port Adelaide, died 24 October 1858, (father) Alexander Gray, Registration District: Adelaide.
617Green, ElizaQueenstown1858/06/0912 hoursMarryatAge 12 hours, of Queenstown, died 4 June 1858, (father) John Green, Registration District: Adelaide.
167Green, JohnBowden1854/3/531 yearsBayfieldDied 4 March 1854, Registration District: Adelaide. - SA Register (Adelaide, SA : 1839 - 1900), Saturday 4 March 1854, page 3 - FATAL ACCIDENT. — Last evening, about dusk, a fatal accident occurred on the Port-road. A Bowden teamster, named John Green, being intoxicated, was riding on a dray-load of coal drawn by bullocks, towards Adelaide ; but before they had reached Albert Town, Green fell off, and one wheel of the dray passed over his neck. The effect was almost instantaneously fatal, and furnishes another instance of those lamentable consequences of intemperance which are of such frequent occurrence.
1036Green, JohnAlberton1863/5/2617 monthsMarryatAge 17 months, of Alberton, died 23 May 1863, (father) John Green, Registration District: Adelaide.
1128Green, Rosa SarahShip Mary Rae1864/4/1932 yearsGreen TombstoneLease no 158Lease no 158 (Wife of Capt. Henry Green, of Poole, Dorset) (Died at sea 26/12/1863 - kept in spirits to be buried by request) "The vessels at Prince's Wharf wore their flags at half-mast on Tuesday, as a tribute to the memory of the late Mrs Green, wife of the commander of the Mary E. Ray. The deceased lady died on the passAge from England, and was interred on Tuesday in the Alberton Cemetery," South Australian Register, Wednesday 20 April 1864, page 2. PAEVF 002 Headstone Inscriptions: Mrs R. S. Green wife of Captain Green, of Poole, Dorsett who died at sea on 26 December 1863, aged 32.
795Green, SarahQueenstown1860/8/2511 monthsC. MarryatAge 1 year, of Albert Town, died 23 August 1860, (father) John Green, Registration District: Adelaide.
257Green, Sophia AnnShip Telegraph1855/2/55 weeksBayfieldShip docked - 23 January 1855, Died February 5 1855. Ill from Birth. The ships list per SAGovernment Gazette, 1866 page 88.
152Green, WilliamPort Adelaide1851/8/332 yearsBayfieldSouth Australian Register (Adelaide, SA : 1839 - 1900), Monday 4 August 1851, page 2 William Green drowned along with John May and William Jordan when their whale boat belonging to the Steam Dredge endeavouring to get some barges off the place where they were driven during a storm, was capsized. They tried to swim to shore but drowned.
63Greenhow, JohnPort Adelaide1850/3/525 yearsBayfieldCause of death - Drowned. Age 26 years, of Port Adelaide, died 1 March 1850, Registration District: Adelaide.
1481Greenslade, MaryLefevre Peninsula1868/1/232 yearsH.M.PollittAge 32 years, of Lefevre Peninsula, died 31 December 1867, (husband) William Greenslade, Registration District: Adelaide.
659GrenfellShip Melbourne1858/12/154 daysC. MarryatUnbaptised. 2 days. Male child, at Port Adelaide, aged 2 days died 14 December 1858, Registration District: Adelaide. Bound for SA - Birth & Deaths on government-assisted immigrant ships - 1848-1885.. The ships list - Born to Sarah Grenfell and Abel Grenfell, a copper miner of Linkeard Cornwall,on December 12 1858. COD Debility
756Greves, John WilliamAlberton1860/2/227 monthsC. MarryatParson's lease with sister (mother?) Susanna. Age 7 months, of Alberton, died 22 February 1860, Registration District: Adelaide.
756Greves, SusannaAlberton1860/2/2219 years 3 monthsC. MarryatParson's lease with brother John. Susanna Jane GREVES, Age 19 years, of Alberton, died 20 February 1860, (husband) James Greves, Registration District: Adelaide.
1362Griffiths, Florina MadelinaAlberton1866/12/183 monthsMarryatLease no 73Lease No 73 IN GRAVE WITH Photoebe Jane, burial no 1116, by permission telegram W.Tait. Age 3 months, of Alberton, died 17 December 1866, (father) John Griffiths, Registration District: Adelaide.
845Griffiths, John DavidLefevre Peninsula1861/2/1435 yearsC. MarryatLease no 103Lease No 103. Age 32 years, of Lefevre Peninsula, died 13 February 1861, registraiton District: Adelaide. Funeral held at Alberton Cemetery on Thursday 14 February 1861. South Australian Register, Thursday 14 February 1861, page 1.
1116Griffiths, Phoebe JaneAlberton1864/3/1920 monthsMarryatLease no73Lease No 73 (buried in Tait's lease by permission sent by telegram). Age 1 year, of Alberton, died 17 March 1864, (father) John Griffiths, Registration District: Adelaide.
1260Grigg, Joseph HenryShip Salamanca1866/1/273 daysGreenAge 3 days, aboard ship 'Salamanca', died 27 January 1866, (father) Richard Grigg, Registration District: Adelaide. DOD 27 January 1866, general ability, consequent on immaturity - Bound for SA - Birth & Deaths on govt. assisted immigrant ships 1848-1885. The ships list- Born January 24 1866, premature birth, mother Elizabeth Grigg.
1134Grimble, Charles HerbertPort Adelaide1864/5/311 monthsGreenAge 11 months, of Port Adelaide, died 2 May 1864, (father) Jabez Grimble, Registration District: Adelaide.
293Grimmett, WilliamShip Mallard1855/5/1017 monthsBayfieldDOD - 8 May 1855, 'Marasmus' - William M. Grimmett/Gummutt - Bound for SA - Births & Deaths on gov. assisted immigrant ships, 1848-1885. Shipslist: Father James a sawyer of Woodstock Oxfordshire, mother Marria Harris.
XGross, Mrs - Stillborn child of1867/7/22StillbornMarryatCause of Death - Stillborn.
XGrosse, Frances ElizabethPort Adelaide1883/1/8TombstoneFrances Elizabeth GROSE, Age 53 years, of North Adelaide, died 8 January 1883, (husband) John Grose, Registration District: Adelaide. PAEVF 002 Headstone Inscriptions: James Grosse of Port Adelaide died 13 September 1874, aged 47. Rose Matilda, his wife, died 2 March 1866, aged 30. Elizabeth mother of the…. Died January …..
XGrosse, JamesFindon1874/9/1647 yearsSAR TombstoneCause of Death - illness of 9 hours (late of Port Adelaide) - wife Rose Matilda. Age 47 years, of Findon, died 13 Sept 1874, Registration District: Hindmarsh. THE FRIENDS of the late Mr. JAMES GROSSE are respectfully informed that his REMAINS will leave his late residence, Findon, on WEDNESDAY, at half past 2 o'clock p.m., for Interment in the Alberton Cemetery. d2 S HADDY & SONS, Port. PAEVF 002 Headstone Inscriptions: James Grosse of Port Adelaide died 13 September 1874, aged 47. Rose Matilda, his wife, died 2 March 1866, aged 30. Elizabeth mother of the…. Died January …..
1567Grosse, James JoshuaPort Adel1868/9/28InfantGreenAge 14 days, died 27 September 1868, (father) Joshua Grosse, registraiton District: Adelaide.
XGrosse, JohnNorth Parade, Port Adelaide1874/4/2633 yearsSARNephew of James. Age 33 years, of North Parade, 23 April 1874, registration District: Port Adelaide. Funeral procession left his residence at North Parade, Port Adelaide, for Alberton Cemetery, Sunday afternoon, 26 April. Evening Journal, Saturday 25 April 1874, page 1.
611Grosse, John ThomasPort Adelaide1858/5/315 monthsC. MarryatAge 1 year, of Port Adelaide, died 29 April 1858, (father) Joshua Grosse, Registration District: Adelaide.
1365Grosse, Joshua JamesPort Adelaide1866/12/282 yearsMarryatIn grave with John, burial no 611, 15 Months, 3/5/1858. Age 1 year, 11 months, of Port Adelaide, died 27 December 1866, (father) Joshua Grosse, Registration District: Adelaide.
352Grosse, Rosetta MaryPort Adelaide1855//12/17 weeksBayfieldRosetta Mary was born Ocotber 10 1855, to James Grosse and Rosetta Matilda Venn. Registration District: Adelaide.
1274Grosse, (Rose) Rosetta MatildaPort Adelaide1866/3/430 yearsHodge TombstoneLease no 6Lease No 6 (in Venn's Lease). Rosetta Matilda GROSSE, Age 30 years, of Port Adelaide, died 2 March 1866, (husband) James Grosse, Registration District: Adelaide. Funeral held Sunday 4 March 1866. "The deceased was highly esteemed by a large circle of friends. Her remains were followed to the grave by more than 20 vehicles and a number on foot. The children of the Congregational CHurch (of which THE deceased was a member) were also at the grave with a large concourse of persons. A hymn was sung at the grave, and an impressive address and funeral service by the Rev. M. H. Hodge." South Australian Advertiser, Monday 5 March 1866, page 2. PAEVF 002 Headstone Inscriptions: James Grosse of Port Adelaide died 13 September 1874, aged 47. Rose Matilda, his wife, died 2 March 1866, aged 30. Elizabeth mother of the…. Died January …..
203Guard, RichardPort Adelaide1852/5/193 daysBayfieldNo further information
1619Guinau, MaryPort Adelaide1869/4/2017 yearsGreenAge 17 years, of Port Adelaide, died 18 April 1869, (mother) Rebecca Guinan, Registration District: Adelaide.
1640Gunn, Millicent MarianPort Adelaide1869/7/205 yearsGreenAge 5 years, of Port Adelaide, died 18 July 1869, (mother) Hannah Gunn, registraiton District: Adelaide.
1624Gunn, WilliamPort Adel1869/5/941 yearsGreenAge 41 years, of Port Adelaide, died 7 May 1869, Registration District: Adelaide.
312Gunn, WilliamBarque Constantine1855/7/1750 yearsBayfieldDied 16 July 1855, Registration District: Adelaide.
XHaddy, Elizaat son in law's John Mitchelmore, Semaphore Road1876/7/2381 yearsSARLease no 32Lease No 32 - Relict late Joseph; colonist 37 years. Age 81 years, of Semaphore Road, died 20 July 1876, (deceased husband) Joseph Haddy, Registration District: Port Adelaide.
970Haddy, JosephLefevre Peninsula1862/6/172 yearsMarryatLease no 32Lease No 32. Age 72 years, of Port Adelaide, died 30 May 1862, Registration District: Adelaide.
935Haddy, Julie MaryDry Creek1861/12/532 yearsMarryatLease no 32Lease No 32 (Wife of R.). Julia Mary HADDY, Age 32 years, of Dry Creek, died 4 December 1861, (husband) Robert Haddy, Registration District: Adelaide.
1395Haddy, Mary BorrowesPort Adelaide1867/4/2160 yearsHodgeLease no 123Lease No 123 (Wife of Stephen) Mary Burrows HADDY, Age 60 years, of Port Adelaide, died 19 April 1867, (husband) Stephen Haddy, Registration District: Adelaide. Funeral held Sunday afternoon 21 April at Alberton Cemetery. South Australian Advertiser, Saturday 20 April 1867, page 1.
XHaddy, Mary MissPort Adelaide1871/11/2583yrSARLease no 123Lease No 123 (Sister of Mr. S.) Age 83 years, of Port Adelaide, died 24 November 1871, Registration District: Port Adelaide. Gentlewoman, spinster.
XHaddy, StephenSt Vincent Street, Port Adelaide1875/8/1175 yearsSARLease no 123Lease No 123 (Died Mintaro accidentally thrown from buggy at son Stephen's). Age 75 years, of Port Adelaide, died 7 August 1875, at Mintaro, Registration District: Port Adelaide. HADDY.—On the 8th August, at Mintaro, in consequence of being thrown from a buggy, whilst on a visit to his son, Stephen Haddy, of Port Adelaide, Aged 75 years.
258Haddy, Susanna CatherinePort Adelaide1855/2/622 yearsBayfieldLease no 32Lease No 32 - PAHS - (Daughter of Mary). No further infromation
3Hadson, Mary1873/7/9S. WhitingtonMary Ann Hudson, Age 60 years, of Jane Street, ied 8 July 1873, (husband) George Hadson, Registration District: Port Adelaide.
571Hagen (Hogen), JohnPort Adelaide1858/1/26Not knownC. MarryatDrowned while bathing. Ship 'Burra Burra' - 23 years - seaman - unregistered Deaths in SA from July 1842. John HOGEN, Age 24 years, died 25 January 1858, at Port Adelaide, Registration District: Adelaide. Adelaide Observer (SA : 1843 - 1904), Saturday 30 January 1858, page 3. William Hagen drowned while bathing in the creek which led to the powder magazine.
____Hagley, James Johnaboard 'Tararua'1872/2/245 yearsAge 45 years, aboard 'Tararua', died 2 February 1872, at Port Adelaide, Registration District: Port Adelaide. "Captain Hagley, late master of the 'Tararua', was buried in the Alberton Cemetery on Friday afternoon. His remains were followed to the grave by a numerous cortege. The President of the Marine Board, a large number of Freemasons and masters of vessels, besides several personal friends of the deceased, were amongst those who formed, the procession. During the day the vessels half-masted their flags as a testimony of respect, the example being followed by those who possessed flagstaffs", South Australian Chronicle and Weekly Mail, Saturday 3 February 1872, page 10.
450Haines, Catherine AnnPort Adelaide1856/8/256 monthsBayfieldCatherine Ann Haines was born March 1 1856 to John Haines and Ann Davey of Port Adelaide. Registration District: Adelaide.
807Haines, Edward AdmellAlberton1860/11/106 monthsC. MarryatEdward Admella HAINES, Age 6 months, of Alberton, died 9 November 1860, (father) Edward Haines, Registration District: Adelaide.
303Hains (Haynes), AlexanderPort Adelaide1855/6/55 weeksBayfieldLease no 45Lease No 45. Alexander Hains was born April 29 1855 to John Hains and Ann Davey of Port Adelaide. Registration District: Adelaide.
1380Hale, AliceQueenstown1867/2/240 yearsMarryatLease no 206Lease No 206 - Wife of Capt. R.B. Age 40 years, of Alberton, died 31 January 1867, (husband) Richard Blagden Hale, Registration District: Adelaide.
926Hale, WilliamAlberton1861/11/261 year 5 monthsMarryatWilliam HALL, Age 18 months, of Alberton, died 24 November 1861, Registration District: Adelaide.
68Hales, Caroline FrancesPort Adelaide1853/2/1934 yearsBayfieldLease no 35 (Mr Hales)Lease No 35 - PAHS - Buried 6 feet from the foot of Mrs Smith grave. Caroline Frances Hailes - On the 17th inst., at Port Adelaide, of consumption, Caroline Frances wife of John Hailes, builder, at the Port, in the 33rd year of her Age. John Dunn, youngest son of the deceased, died on the 27th January Aged nine months. Friends at a distance will please accept of this intimation. Adelaide Observer
678Hales, John BishopPortland Estate1859/2/313 monthsC. MarryatAge 13 months, of Port Adelaide, died 1 February 1859, (father) John Hales, registraiton District: Adelaide.
61Hales, John DunnPort Adelaide1853/1/319 monthsBayfieldLease no 35 (Mr Hales)Lease No 35. Born May 5,1852 to John Hales and Caroline Dunn. Registration District: Adelaide. Caroline Frances Hailes - On the 17th inst., at Port Adelaide, of consumption, Caroline Frances wife of John Hailes, builder, at the Port, in the 33rd year of her Age. John Dunn, youngest son of the deceased, died on the 27th January Aged nine months. Friends at a distance will please accept of this intimation. Adelaide Observer
158Hall, Augustus WilliamPort Adelaide1854/2/148 monthsBayfieldBorn May 30, 1853 to George August Hall and Jessy Hodgetts. Registration District: Adelaide.
1571Hall, CatherinePort1868/10/2Not recordedGreenNo further information
830Hall, Charlotte JanePort Adelaide1861/1/713 monthsC. MarryatAge 13 months, of Port Adelaide, died 5 January 1861, (father) William Richard Middlemore, Registration District: Adelaide.
457Hall, Henry MiddlemorePort Adelaide1856/9/244.5 monthsBayfieldHenry Middlemore HALL, Age 4 months, of Port Adelaide, died 23 September 1856, (father) Richard Middlemore Hall, Registration District: Adelaide.
47Halladay (Halleddey), Elizabeth JaneCheltenhamDec-27185217 monthsBayfieldBorn July 31, 1851 to (father) John Halleddey, (mother) Martha Williams. Registration District: Adelaide.
359Hallam, JosephQueenstown1855/10/212 yearsBayfieldJoseph Hallum was born September 1853 to Joseph Hallum and Anna Pidd of Albert town. Registration District: Adelaide.
69Halleby, JosephPort Adelaide1850/4/1327 yearsBayfieldCause of Death - Burning. Died Thursday 11 April when a remedy he was using on his body to treat rheumatism (turpentine and olive oil) accidentaly caught alight from a candle flame, and he died as a result of the burn injuries. For details see 'Local Intelligence' in South Australian Register, Monday 15 April 1850, page 4.
******Halesy, Frank1874/12/31SARTHE Friends of Mr. GEORGE HALSEY are respectfully informed that the REMAINS of his late Nephew, Frank Halsey, will leave his residence, Church-street, Port Adelaide, at 11 o'clock, TO-MORROW, for interment in the Alberton Cemetery.
1244Halsey, George A.Portland Estate1865/12/284 monthsGreenLease no 183R. CARR, Undertaker. George Alexander Halsey of Portland Estate, age 4 months, died 25 December 1865. Father George Halsey. Registration District: Adelaide.
202Hamilton, Ann CatherinePort Adelaide1852/5/611 monthsBayfieldAnn Catherine Hamilton was born June 11 1851 to Richard Hamilton and Margaret Collins. Registration District: Adelaide.
20Hamilton, MaryPort AdelaideSep-2018521 weekBayfieldBorn September 11, 1852 to (father) Richard Hamilton and (mother) Margaret Collins. Registration District: Adelaide
XHamilton, Mrs (Jessie) - Stillborn children ofAge 24 hours, of Adelaide, died 12 October 1862, (mother) Jessie Hamilton, Registration District: Adelaide.
650Hamilton, Sarah JaneLefevre Peninsula1858/11/276 monthsC. MarryatAge 6 months, of Lefevre Peninsula, died 26 November 1858, Registration District: Adelaide.
475Hammert (Hamet), Geroge ArnielPort Adelaide1857/1/2315 monthsBayfieldPAHS - Hamment, George Amiel. George HAMET, Age 15 months, of Portt Adelaide, died 22 January 1857, (father) Richard Hamet, Registration District: Adelaide.
XHanly, Mrs. - Stillborn child ofPort Adelaide1864/2/12StillbornMarryatNo further information
1428Hannaman, John EdwardPortland Estate1867/7/2331 yearsMarryatAge 31 years, of Portland Estate, died 20 July 1867, Registration District: Adelaide.
XHannay, Constance ElizabethPort1871/9/524 yearsTombstoneLease No 277Wife of John Herbert Hannay, blacksmith of Commerical Road Age 24 years, of Commercial Road, died 5 September 1871, (husband) John Herbert Hannay, Registration District: Port Adelaide. PAEVF 002 Headstone Inscriptions: Constance Elizabeth Hannay died 5 September 1871, aged 24.
XHannay, Constance MariaPort Adelaide1875/3/244 yearsSARDaughter J.H & late C.E. Constance Marie HANNEY, Age 3 years, of Commercial Road, died 22 March 1875, (father) John Herbert Hanney, Registration District: Port Adelaide.
299Hanson, John HenryAurora1855/5/1938 yearsBayfieldJohann Hendrick Hansson a seaman of the Swedish Barque Aurora was picked up out of the Port River. Coroners inquest found it to be an accidental drowning. Adelaide Times. 21 May 1855.
136Hanton, Iney HardyWoodville1851/5/119 monthsBayfieldLucy Hardy Hanton was born July 30 1850 to James Hanton and Mary Ann Hardy of Port Adelaide. Registration District: Adelaide.
1509Haran, WilliamQueenstown1868/3/3132 yearsMarryatLease no 220Lease No 220. Age 32 years, of Queenstown, died 30 March 1868, Registration District: Adelaide. Also William HARRAN, member of the Victoria Lodge, remains departed the Oddfellows' Hall at Port Adelaide on Tuesday afternoon, 31 March, for burial at the Alberton Cemetery. South Austrlaian Register, Tuesday 31 March 1868, page 1.
168Harder, AaronGawler Town1851/11/773 yearsBayfieldAaron Harder…was driving a bullock-dray, and resorted to the dangerous habit of riding on the pole, from which he fell and injured himself so much as to cause almost instant death", 'Coroner's Inquest' in South Australian Register, Saturday 8 November 1851, page 3.
1348Hardy, Edmund F.Queenstown1866/11/1517 monthsMarryatEdmond Frederick HARDY, Age 17 months, of Queenstown, died 13 November 1866, Registration District: Adelaide.
865Hardy, Mary Sonisa (Louisa)Queenstown1861/5/224 monthsC. MarryatPAHS - Hardy, Mary Louisa. Mary Louisa HARDY, Age 4 months, of Queenstown, died 21 May 1861, Registration District: Adelaide.
262Hardy, WilliamPort Adelaide1855/2/142 years 8 monthsBayfieldNo further information
380Harnet, SamuelPort Adelaide1856/1/2434 yearsBayfieldSamuel HARNETT, died 23 January 1856, Registration District: Adelaide.
421Harper, Mary AnnShip Violet1856/4/193 yearsBayfieldDOD - 19 April 1856, croup, Age 2. Bound for SA - Births & Deaths on government assisted immigrant ships, 1848-1885.
******Harren (see Hurren), CharlotteLefevre Peninsula1859/3/17 daysC. MarryatHurren Age 7 days, of Lefevre Peninsula, died 28 February 1859, (father) Charles Hurren, registraiton District: Adelaide.
59Harriet RosiaPort Adelaide1850/2/257 monthsBayfieldCause of Death - Consumption. No further information
14Harris, Elizabeth (see Mary Ann Harris)Port AdelaideSep-10185240 yearsBayfieldLease no 17 (Mr Harris)Lease No 17 - PAHS - Born 1809 in Monmouthshire, Wales, arrived in South Australia 3 April 1849 on the ship Mary Anne with husband John Evan Harris and 6 children, died about 8 September 1852, buried 10 September 1852, Lease 17, Alberton Cemetery, South Australia. DIED. On Wednesday, the 8th instant, after an illness of about six weeks, Elizabeth, the wife of Mr. John Harris, of Port Adelaide.
1600Harris, HenryLefevre Peninsula1869/1/1334 yearsGreenCause of Death - Found dead on the beach. Age 34 years, of Lighthouse, St Vincent Gulf, died 7 January 1869, at Lefevre Peninsula, Registration District: Adelaide.
887Harris, Henry Richard WrightQueentown1861/9/41 year 9 monthsMarryatAge 1 year, 9 months, of Queenstown, died 2 September 1861, Registration District: Adelaide.
349Harris, John EvanPort Adelaide1855/11/2844 yearsBayfieldLease no 17Lease No 173 - PAHS - Lease No 17. Born ca1812 in Monmouthshire, Wales, arrived in South Australia probably on 3 April 1849 on the ship Mary Anne with wife and 6 children, died 26 November 1855 as a result of delerium tremens, buried 28 November 1855, Lease 17, Alberton Cemetery, South Australia (Minister Bayfield). DELIRIUM TREMENS. - Another instance of the fatal effects of intemperance has just occurred at Port Adelaide. A person named John Harris, who kept a shop on the North-parade, expired suddenly on Monday night, in consequence of his excesses. Mr. Stevenson, on Tuesday, made an enquiry into the facts, and being satisfied from the testimony of various persons acquainted with them, and having received a certificate from the medical man who attended Mr. Harris that he died of delirium tremens, and there being no marks of violence upon the body, the usual order for Interment was issued. South Australian Register, Wednesday 28 November 1855, page 3.
73Harris, Mary Ann (Jane)Lefevre Peninsula1853/3/154 years 3 monthsBayfieldLease no 17 (Mr Harris)Lease No 17 - PAHS - Harris, Mary Jane. No further inforamtion. Possible child of Mary Ann below.
14Harris, Mary Ann (See Elizabeth Harris)Port Adelaide1852/9/1040 yearsBayfieldLease no 17 (Mr Harris)Born 1809 in Monmouthshire, Wales, arrived in South Australia 3 April 1849 on the ship Mary Anne with husband John Evan Harris and 6 children, died about 8 September 1852, buried 10 September 1852, Lease 17, Alberton Cemetery, South Australia. DIED. On Wednesday, the 8th instant, after an illness of about six weeks, Elizabeth, the wife of Mr. John Harris, of Port Adelaide.
1009Harry, James JohnPort Adelaide1863/1/88 monthsMarryatIn grave with sister Jane, burial no 862, buried 14/4/1861, 11 months. Age 8 months, of Port Adelaide, died 7 January 1863, (father) John Harry, Registration District: Adelaide.
862Harry, Jane EmilyPort Adelaide1861/4/1411 monthsC. MarryatAge 11 months, of Port Adelaide, died 13 April 1861, (father) John Harry, Registration District: Adelaide.
1419Harry, Thomas WalterPort Adelaide1867/6/145 monthsMarryatAge 5 months, of Port Adelaide, died 13 June 1867, (father) John Harry, Registration District: Adelaide.
454HartLefevre Peninsula1856/9/41 dayBayfieldNo further information
1071Hartley, SamuelPort Adelaide1863/9/288 monthsMarryat(in children's row). Age 8 months, of Port Adelaide, died 26 September 1863, (father) James Harley, Registration District: Adelaide.
173Harvey, MarianeSemaphore (residence son Samuel)1878/12/2978 yearsSARRelict Capt. Samuel. Marianne HARVEY, Age 78 years, of Lefevre Peninsula, died 27 December 1878, (deceased husband) Samuel Harvey, Registration District: Port Adelaide. Adelaide Observer (SA : 1843 - 1904), Saturday 28 December 1878, page 2 - HARVEY. — On the 27th December, at the residence of her son, Semaphore, Mariane, relict of the late Captain Samuel Harvey, Aged 78 years.
141Harvey, AnnQueens Town1851/5/2623 yearsBayfieldDied May 23rd, of consumption, Ann, the beloved wife of Mr Robert Harvey, Port Adelaide. 'Family Notices', Adelaide Observer, Saturday 31 May, 1851, page 5.
1412Harvey, John DonaldPortland Estate1867/6/323 daysMarryatAge 23 days, of Portland Estate, died 3 June 1867, (father) James William Harvey, Registration District: Adelaide.
1222Harvey, Samuel (Capt.)Lefevre Peninsula1865/9/464 yearsGreenLease no 173Lease No - 173 - Master Mariner. Age 64 years, of Lefevre Peninsula, died 2 Sept 1865, registraiton District: Adelaide.
116Harvey, Thomas WattsPort Adelaide1851/2/2Not knownBayfieldDied on the 31st of January, of disease of the heart, Thomas Watts Harvey, son of Robert Harvey, ironmonger, of Port Adelaide, Aged 5 months. 'Family Notices', South Australian Register,Monday 3 February 1851, page 3.
Hasten (see also Kasten, Karsten), Geroge HenryBarque Steinwaller1854/11/1537 yearsBayfieldPassenger per the Steinwaller, Steinwaerder
HauletQueenstown1857/11/5Stillbornnk(Baby of Mrs..)
612Hawkes, Richard MiskeuPort Adelaide1858/5/313 daysC. MarryatPAHS - Hawkes, Richard Misken. Richard Misken HAWKES, Age 11 days, died 1 May 1858, (father) Richard John Hawkes, Registration District: Adelaide.
162Hawke, RichardShip: Reliance1851/10/420 yearsBayfieldPassenger per the Reliance which arrived in Port Adelaide on September 13 1851.
730Hawkes, CarolinePort Adelaide1859/10/224.5 monthsC. MarryatCaroline Ann HAWKES, Age 4 months, 2 weeks, of Port Adelaid, died 21 October 1859, (father) Richard Hawkes, Registration District: Adelaide.
814Hawkes, John RobertPort Adelaide1860/12/64 years 6 monthsC. MarryatIn grave with brother Richard, burial no 612, 13 days - 3/5/1858. Age 4 months, of Port Adelaide, died 4 December 1860, (father) Richard Hawkes, Registration District: Adelaide.
1129Hawkes, Rebecca MaryQueenstown1864/4/2015 monthsMarryatAge 1 year, of Queenstown, died 18 April 1864, (father) William Hawkes, Registration District: Adelaide.
1360Hay, CatherineLefevre Peninsula1866/12/1636 yearsMarryatAge 36 years, of Lefevre Peninsula, died 14 December 1866, (deceased husband) James Hay, Registration District: Adelaide. Funeral held Sunday 16 December, undertaker S. Haddy. South Australian Register, Saturday 15 December 1866, page 1.
994Hay, JamesPort Adelaide1862/11/2447 yearsMarryatAge 47 years, of Port Adelaide, died 23 November 1862, Registration District: Adelaide.
1118Hayes, EllenPort Adelaide1864/3/219 monthsGreenLease no 150Lease no 155. Age 21 months, of Port Adelaide, died 19 March 1864, (father) Samuel George Hayes, Registration District: Adelaide.
545Hayes, John ThomasPort Adelaide1857/11/203 yearsC. MarryatAge 3 years, of Port Adelaide, died 18 November 1857, (father) Charles Hayes, Registration District: Adelaide.
11Hayes, MarthaPort AdelaideAug-3118527 yearsBayfieldBorn March 21, 1845 at New Port. Died 29 August 1852, (father) Charles Hayes, (mother) Maria Hayes (nee Lucas). Registration District: Adelaide.
1144Hayes, MaryAdelaide1864/6/115 weeksMarryatLease No 155In grave with William, burial no 744, 7 months, 7-1-1860. Age 5 weeks, of Adelaide, died 8 June 1864, (father) Samuel Hayes, Registration District: Adelaide.
744Hayes, WilliamPortland Estate1860/1/77 monthsC. Marryatlease No 155Age 7 months, of Portland Estate, died 5 January 1860, (father) Samuel Hayes, Registration District: Adelaide.
803Hayman, ElizaQueenstown1860/10/245 monthsC. MarryatEliza Hayman, of Queenstown, died 22 Ocotber 1860. Father: John Hayman. Mother Mary Ann Narey. Registration District: Adelaide.
XHayman, John Thomas Sr.Old Port Road, Queenstown1888/12/360 yearsSARLease No 191Victoria Lodge; Boiler Maker & Iron Ship Builders Soc. S.A. Age 60 years, of Queenstown, died 2 December 1888, Registration District: Port Adelaide. South Australian Advertiser (Adelaide, SA : 1858 - 1889), Mon 3 Dec 1888, p 4v-vHAYMAN.—On the 2nd December, at Port-road, Queenstown, John Thomas, sen., the beloved husband of Catherine Hayman, Aged 60 years. A colonist of 34 years.
1310Hayman, MaryPort Adelaide1866/6/2437 yearsPriceLease no 191Lease No 191. Age 37 years, of Queenstown, died 22 June 1866, (husband) John Hayman, Registration District: Adelaide.
1358Hayman, MatildaPortland Estate1866/12/1456 yearsMarryatRelict Robert - colonist 30 years. Age 56 years, of Portland Estate, died 13 December 1866, (husband) Robert Hayman, Registration District: Adelaide.
303Haynes (Hains), AlexanderPort Adelaide1855/6/55 weeksBayfieldLease no 45Lease No 45. Alexander Hains was born April 29 1855 to John Hains and Ann Davey of Port Adelaide. Registration District: Adelaide.
Haynes (Hynes), SamuelShip Orient1859/10/2126 yearsC. MarryatSamuel HYNES, Age 26 years, aboard the 'Orient', died 20 October 1859, Registration District: Adelaide.
XHaytread, John EdwardSpring Street, Queenstown1901/08/1170 yearsSARLease no 67Wife Susannah nee Wooldridge - in family vault. John Edwards HAYTREAD, Age 72 years, of Queenstown, died 9 August 1901, Registration District: Port Adelaide. Funeral procession departed his residence at Spring Street, Queenstown, for Alberton Cemetery on Sunday afternoon, 11 August, undertaker J.C. Haddy, Register, Saturday 10 August 1901, page 2.
XHaytread, SusannahSpring Street, Queenstown1915/08/2577 yearsSARLease no 67Widow John Edward - buried in family vault of Wooldridge. Died 24 August 1915, (deceased husband) John Edward Haytread, Registration District Port Adelaide. The death occurred early yesterday morning of Mrs. Susannah Haytread, widow of Mr. J. E. Haytread, at her residence in Spring street, Queenstown. Deceased, who was 77 years of Age, was a native of Yorkshire, and was a sister of Mr. John Hirst, one of the State's pioneer squatters, who also died at Snug Cove, Kangaroo Island, a few days ago. Mrs. Haytread's funeral will take place this afternoon, when her remains will be interred in the family vault at the Alberton Cemetery. Daily Herald, Wednesday 25 August 1915, page 4.
XHazeal, WilliamQueenstown1879/01/16not recordedSARMember Loyal Princess Royal Lodge. William HAZEL, Age 35 years, of Queenstown, died 14 January 1879, Registration District: Adelaide. South Australian Advertiser (Adelaide, SA : 1858 - 1889), Wed 15 Jan 1879, p 4 - HAZEAL.— On the 14th January, at Adelaide, William, eldest son of the late Peter Hazeal, Aged 35 years.
531Hazelgrove, Harriet MaryPort Adelaide1857/9/65 monthsF. EvansDied on the 4th inst., at the Port, Harriet Mary, infant daughter of Mr. Hazelgrove, Aged 5 months. 'Family Notices', Adelaide Observer, Saturday 12 September 1857, page 5.
1626Heaney, FloraPeachey Belt1869/5/191 weekGreenAge 1 week, of Cheltenham, died 18 May 1869, (father) William Heaney, Registration District: Adelaide.
26Heap, GeorgeAlbert Town1849/11/765 yearsNewnhamDysentery and exposure to cold. Age 65 years, of Albert Town, died 9 July 1849, Registration District: Adelaide.
707Heard, James ThomasPort Adelaide1859/5/17 yearsC. MarryatIn grave with father William, burial no 702. Age 8 years, of Port Adelaide, died 29 April 1859, (father) James Thomas Heard, Registration District: Adelaide.
702Heard, WilliamPort Adelaide1859/4/4Not knownC. MarryatAge 74 years, of Port Adelaide, died 2 April 1859, Registration District: Adelaide.
25Heath, GeorgeShip: Brakenmoor1849/7/91 year 6 monthsNewenhamno fees. Tabes Mesenterica. Age 1 year, 8months, died 7 July 1849, aboard 'Brankenmoor', (father) George Heath, Registration District: Adelaide. Marasmus - Bound for South Australia - Births & Deaths on government -assisted immigrant ships 1848-1885.
836Heath, Harriet SophiaLefevre Peninsula1861/1/151 year 3 monthsC. MarryatLease no 101Lease No 101. PAHS: Age 1years 3m, in grave of Joseph, burial no 820, removed to lease 101. Age 1 year, of Lefevre Peninsula, died 14 January 1861, (father) Charles Heath, Registration District: Adelaide.
820Heath, Joseph (Henry)Lefevre Peninsula1860/12/192 years 4 monthsC. MarryatLease no 101Lease No 101. Henry Heath, of Lefevre Peninsula, aged 2 years, died 18 Decembeer, 1860. Father Joseph Heath. Registragtion District: Adelaide.
52Heath, Mary FrancisAlbert Town1850/1/231 year 6 monthsBayfieldCOD: Teething. Mary Frances Heath was born to Henry Heath and Ann Yates of Albert Town on August 13 1848. Registration District: Adelaide.
427Hedger, Frederick Alfred WilliamLefevre Peninsula1856/5/1812 monthsBayfieldDied on the 16th instant, Frederick Alfred William Hedger, infant son of F. Hedger, butcher, Lefevre's Peninsula, Aged 12 months. 'Family Notices', South Australian Register, Thursday 22 May 1856, page 2.
738Heenan, JohnShip: David McIvor1859/12/93 daysC. MarryatAge 2 days, of Port Adelaide, died 8 December 1859, (father) Maurice Heenan, Registration District: Adelaide. Cause - debility - immature child, 8 days old, born on board - Bound for SA - Births & Deaths on government-assisted immigrant ships, 1848-1885.
182Hellman (Hillman), Charles (alias Harry Wilson)Ship: Elizabeth1851/12/2627 yearsFulfordCharles HILLMAN (alias Harry Wilson), mate of the brigantine Elizabeth, died Thursday 25 December 1851 from coup de soleil (sunburn/heatstroke) after working all day in the sun unloading cargo. 'Local News', South Australian Gazette and Mining Journal, Saturday 27 December 1851, page 2.
7Hellman (Hellmann), Gustaff SolomansonShip: Swede1873/7/2036 yearsJohn Leslie SMITHGustav Solomonsen HELLMAN, Age 38 years, aboard 'Albert Wilhelm', died 10 July 1873, Registration District: Port Adelaide.
783Hemsley, Benjamin ThomasAlberton1860/6/262 monthsC. MarryatLease no 97Lease No 97. PAHS: In Oranges lease - father buried in same grave. Age 9 weeks, of Queenstown, died 24 June 1860, (father) John Hemsley, Registration District: Adelaide.
786Hemsley, James CameronPort Adelaide1860/7/1130 yearsC. MarryatLease no 97Lease No 97. PAHS: In grave with Benjaamin, Burial no 783, Oranges Lease. Wife & 4 children per ship Harpley. Died July 9, at the Ship Inn, Port Adelaide, after five days' illness, leaving a wife and four children to deplore his loss, Mr James Hemsley, Aged 30, per ship Harpley. 'Family Notices', The South Australian Register, Wednesday 11 July 1860, page 2.
1160Hemsley, CarolineAdelaide1864/10/66 years 11 monthsC. MarryatLease no 97Lease No 97. In Oranges lease. Helmsley in Register. HEMSLEY - on the 5th October, at the residence of her Uncle, Mr Orange, Caroline, eldest daughter of the late Mr James Hemsley, of Port Adelaide, of diphtheria, Aged 6 years and 11 months. 'Family Notices, South Australian Register, Thursday 6 October 1864, page 2.
139Henderson, Alexander EagleLong Street, Queenstown1895/9/1672 yearsSamwellLease No 229Lease No 229, (wife Mary … UXOR…) Aged 71 years, of Queenstown, died 12 September 1895, Registration District: Port Adelaide. Express and Telegraph (Adelaide, SA: 1867 - 1922), Tuesday 17 Sept 1895, p 3 - Mr. Alexander Engle Henderson, an old Portonian, died at his residence, Long-street, Queenstown, on Saturday last at the Age of 72 years. He was a native of Portobello, in Scotland, and came to South Australia in the barque Sultana 45 years ago. He had been a resident in the Port Adelaide District from the time of his arrival in the colony to March 1850.
1576Henderson, BeatricePortland Estate1868/10/1517 yearsGreenLease No 229Lease No 229. Age 16 years, of Queenstown, died 14 October 1868, (father) Alexander Eagle Henderson, Registration District: Adelaide.
1468Henderson, Frances Jane DennetPort Adelaide1867/11/2610 weeksC. MarryatLease no 162Lease No 162. By permission in writing - in Reynolds Lease. Frances Jane Dennett HENDERSON, Age 10 weeks, died 23 November 1867, (father) James Henderson, Registration District: Adelaide.
1148Henderson, Mary (Uxor Alexandris Aquila) (see Maria Henders above)Queenstown1864/06/1535 yearsMarryatt TombstoneLease no 161Lease No 161, (Latin inscription - Uxor … - by Dr Tripe for husband Alex. Eagle). Age 35 years, of Queenstown, died 14 June 1864, (husband) Alexander Henderson, Registration District: Adelaide. "Mr. Henderson was an eccentric. When his wife died in the 'sixties, she was buried in the Alberton Cemetery, and Mr. Henderson made a tombstone for her, which was intact a few months ago. The inscription is in Latin by Dr. Tripe, who then lived-in Queenstown ; "Mater Peramans et uxor Fidellis" is part of it", Port Adelaide News, Friday 12 January 1917, page 11. PAEVF 002 Headstone Inscriptions: Maria Uxon Alexandris Aquila Henders died 11 June 1864.
1333Herbert, Benjamin CampbellLefevre's Peninsula1866/9/923 daysC. MarryatBenjamin HERBERT, Age 3 weeks, of Lefevre Peninsula, died 9 September 1866, (father) John Campbell, (mother) Selina Herbert, Registration District: Adelaide.
928Hewlett, CharlesQueenstown1861/11/283 yearsC. MarryatLease no 114Lease No 114. Age 3 years, of Port Adelaide, died 24 November 1861, Registration District: Adelaide.
1389Hewlett, MabelQueenstown1867/3/2210 monthsC MarryattLease no 114Lease No 114, (2nd grave in this ground). Age 10 months, of Queenstown, died 20 March 1867, (father) William Hewlett, Registration District: Adelaide.
77Hickinhambotham, JaneShip: Countess Yarborough1850/6/292 years 6 monthsBayfieldHickenbotham. Passenger by the Countess of Yarborough
716Hickman, Charolotte AdelaideShip Sir James Yardin (Jardin)1859/7/516 daysC. MarryatCharlotte Adelaide HICKMAN, Age 16 days, aboard 'James Jardine', died 3 July 1859, (mother) Sarah Hickman, Registration District: Adelaide.
131Hieatt, Edward John (Joseph)Queens Head Hotel, Kermode Street, North Adelaide1894,12/2866 yearsA E Green TombstoneLease no 197Lease No 197. Late H. M. Customs. Edward Joseph HIEATT, Age 65 years, of North Adelaide, died 26 December 1894, Registration District: Adelaide. Express and Telegraph (Adelaide, SA : 1867 - 1922), Thursday 27 Dec 1894, p 2 - HIEATT.—On the 26th December, at the Queen's Head Hotel, North Adelaide, Edward Joseph Hieatt, late of H.M. Customs, Port Adelaide, Aged 65 years. A colonist of 56 years. PAEVF 002 Headstone Instricptions: Edward Joseph Hieatt died 26 December 1894, aged 65. Kate Eliizabeth youngest twin daughter of the above aged 40. Mary Ann Hieatt wife and mother of the above died 14 May 1912, aged 76.
562Hieatt (Hierit), John Edward FriedkeAlberton1857/12/293mC. MarryatJohn Edward Fricake HIEATT, Age 3 months, of Port Adelaide, died 27 December 1857, (father) Edward Joseph Hieatt, Registration District: Adelaide.
XHieatt, Kate Elizabeth1874/11/193 weeksTombstoneYoungest twin daughter of Edward Joseph and Mary Ann. T - no paper notices. Kate elizabeth born October 24 1874 to Mary Ann Lipscomb, died age 3 weeks, of Commercial Road, on 19 November 1874, (father) Edward Joseph Hieatt, Registration District: Port Adelaide. PAEVF 002 Headstone Instricptions: Edward Joseph Hieatt died 26 December 1894, aged 65. Kate Eliizabeth youngest twin daughter of the above aged 40. Mary Ann Hieatt wife and mother of the above died 14 May 1912, aged 76.
452Hieatt, Mary AnnKent Town14/05/191276 yearsM. Williams TLease no 197Lease No 197. Wife of Edward Joseph (John), mother of Kate Elizabeth. Age 76 years, of Kent Town, died 14 May 1912, (deceased husband) Joseph Hieatt, Registration District: Norwood. Widow of the late Mr. E J. Hieatt. of H.M. Customs. Port Adelaide, and mother of Mrs. E. M. Atkins. Mrs. A. Lienau. Mrs. W. C. Wedd. Her fuuneral departed her residence at King William Street, Kent Town for Alberton Cemetery on Wednesday afternoon 15 May, Undertakers Pengelley and Knabe. Advertiser, Wednesday 15 May 1912, page 2. PAEVF 002 Headstone Instricptions: Edward Joseph Hieatt died 26 December 1894, aged 65. Kate Eliizabeth youngest twin daughter of the above aged 40. Mary Ann Hieatt wife and mother of the above died 14 May 1912, aged 76.
890Hieatt, Mary AnnAlberton1861/9/113 weeksMarryatIn grave with brother John, burial no 562, 3 months buried 29/12/1857. Mary Ann HIATT, Age 3 weeks, of Queenstown, died 9 September 1861, Registration District: Adelaide.
982Hieatt, Sarah AnnAlberton1862/9/77 weeksMarryatFoot of grave. Age 6 weeks, of Alberton, died 4 September 1862, (father) Joseph Hieatt, Registration District: Adelaide.
41Hiern, Denis WoodShip CleopatraDec-1218527 yearsBayfieldDrowned from the ship with father. Denis (Dinis) Wood Hiern, Age 9 years, of Adelaide, died 10 December 1852, (father) Hy Hiern, Registration District: Adelaide.
40Hiern, Henry (Revd.)Ship CleopatraDec-12185263 yearsBayfieldDrowned with son. Age 60 years, of Adelaide, died 10 December 1852, Registration District: Adelaide.
64Higgins, Lorenzo (Areena)Port Adelaide1850/3/1411 monthsBayfieldTeething. .Arena Higgins born May 9 1849 to George Higgins and Caroline Trewin of Port Adelaide. Registration District: Adelaide.
113Higgins, Mary JanePort Adelaide1851/1/256 monthsBayfieldMary Jane Higgins born July 10 1850 to George Higgins and Caroline Trewin of Port Adelaide. Registration District: Adelaide.
186Higgins, Robert Oakey Daniel SinclairPort Adelaide1852/1/103 monthsBayfieldNo further information
1531Higson, MartinPort Adelaide1868/6/184 yearsMarryatAge 84 years, of Port Adelaide, died 30 May 1868, Registration District: Adelaide.
1242Hill, ArabellaPort Adelaide1865/12/2250 yearsHillAge 49 years, of Port Adelaide, died 21 December 1865, (husband) Thomas Hill, Registration District: Adelaide.
244Hill, CatherineQueens Town1854/12/934 yearsBayfieldNo further information
1016Hill, George ThomasFindon1863/2/1915 weeksMarryatIn grave with Thomas Hill,aged 47 years, burial no 120, 28/10/1853. Age 3 months, of Findon, died 17 February 1863, (father) James Hill, Registration District: Adelaide.
211Hill, Mary Ann GibsonPort Adelaide1852/6/2711 monthsBayfieldMary Ann Gibson Wright Hill was born July 27 1851 to Thomas Hill and Arabella Rowse of Adelaide. Registration District: Adelaide.
XHill, Mrs.-stillborn child of1862/7/24StillbornMarryat
47Hill, SarahTenterton near Half Way House1850/1/47 yearsBayfieldScarlet fever. Age 7 years, of Port Road, died 3 January 1850, (father) John Hill, registraiton District: Adelaide.
1195Hill, Sarah AnnReedbeds1865/5/52 daysGreenAge 2 days, of Findon, died 3 May 1865, (father) James Hill, Registration District: Adelaide.
120Hill, ThomasFindon, near Half Way House1853/10/2847 yearsBayfieldAge 47 years, died 26 October 1853, registraiton District: Adelaide.
XHills, GeorgeQueenstown1871/6/250 yearsSARLease no 226Lease No 226, disease heart, congestion of lungs. Age 50 years, of Queenstown, died 13 May 1871, Registration District: Port Adelaide. Funeral held at Alberton Cemetery Friday Morning, 2 June, undertaker T. Wigmore. South Australian Advertiser,Thursday 1 June 1871, page 1.
XHills, George CharlesCommercial Road, Port Adelaide1875/4/239 yearsSARLease no 226Lease No 226 (2nd son of George). Age 9 years, of Commercial Road, died 22 April 1875, (father) George Hills, Registration District: Port Adelaide. HILLS.—On the 22nd April, at the Commercial-road, Port Adelaide, George Charles, the second son of Mr. George Hills, Aged nine years.
1562Hills, MaryQueenstown1868/9/4not recordedGreenLease no 226Lease No 226. Age 48 years, of Queenstown, died 1 September 1868, (husband) George Hills, Registration District: Adelaide. Funeral held Thursday morning 3 September, undertaker Thomas Wigmore. South Australian Register, Wednesday 2 September 1868, page 1.
XHills (Eliza)Commercial Road, Port Adelaide1870/5/162 years 6 monthsSARLease no 226Lease No 226 daughter of George & Edith/Eliza - confectioner. Eliza Alexandra HILLS, Age 2 years, 6 months, of Port Adelaide, died 13 May 1870, (father) George Hills, Registration District: Adelaide.
209Hilton, AnnBrigantine Grenada1854/7/1434 yearsBayfieldLease no 261Lease No 261. Passenger on the Grenada.
3Hind, WilliamBarque Samuel Boddington1849/2/626 yearsNewenham (no fee paid)Poisoned himself while intoxicated. Age 24 years, aboard 'Samuel Boddington', died 4 February 1849, Registration District: Adelaide.
2Hindley (also Kindley), Catherine EllenPort Aelaide1849/1/296 monthsNewenhamCause of death: Manition. Age 6 w, died 25 January 1849. Catherine Ellen Kindley, (mother) Dorothy Kindley, Registration District: Adelaide.
1504Hoare, HenryAlberton1868/3/181 monthMarryatAge 5 weeks, of Alberton, died 16 March 1868, (father) Henry Hoare, Registration District: Adelaide.
208Hoare, PhoebeAlbert Town1854/7/33 yearsBayfieldPhebe HOARE, Age 3 years, died 26 June 1854, Registration District: Adelaide.
XHodge, Eleanor HonymanLefevre's Peninsula (at Captain Bickers)1873/3/2063 years(Rev.M.H.Hodge) SARLease No 295Wife of Rev. M.H. daughter late George Payne, Plymouth. Age 63 years, of Yatala, died 18 March 1873, at Semaphore, (husband) Matthew Henry Hodge, Registration District: Port Adelaide. Wife of the Congregational minister, M.S. Hodge, at Port Adelaide, funeral service performed by Reverends F.W. Cox, C. Manthorpe, and C.W. Evan at Alberton Cemetery, Thursday 20 March. Shops were partially closed and flags half-masted in respect and sympathy. Express and Telegraph, Friday 21 March 1873, page 3.
150Hodge, Elizabeth RidleyFashoda Street, Hyde Park2/02/190664 yearsTombstoneLease No 295Lease No 295, wife of George Payne, son of Rev. M.H. Age 64 years, of Hyde Park, Died 1 February 1906, (deceased husband) George Payne Hodge, Registration District: Adelaide. Funeral departed her residence at Hyde Park on Friday afternoon 2 February, for Alberton Cemetery, undertaker J.C. Haddy. Express and Telegraph, Thursday 1 February 1906, page 1. PAEVF 002 Headstone Inscriptions: Rev M H Hodge of Port Adelaide died 13 January 1877 aged 71. George Payne Hodge eldest son of the above of Guildford, Alberton. Elizabeth Ridley Hodge, wife of George Payne Hodge, died 1 February 1906, aged 64. died 24 August 1899, aged 64.
975Hodge, Frederic GeorgeLefevre's Peninsula1862/6/184 years 8 monthsMarryatAge 4 years, of Port Adelaide, died 14 June 1862, (father) John Hodge, Registration District: Adelaide.
1271Hodge, Frederic GeorgeLefevre's Peninsula1866/2/2016 months (Hours)GreenAge 16 hours, of Lefevre Peninsula, died 19 February 1866, (father) John Hodge, Registration District: Adelaide.
XHodge, George PayneGuildford, Sussex Street, Alberton1899/8/2562 yearsSARLease no 295Lease No 295, son of Rev. M.H. Hodge - member P.A. Congregational Church Choir. Age 61 years, of Alberton, died 24 August 1899, Registration District: Port Adelaide. PAEVF 002 Headstone Inscriptions: Rev M H Hodge of Port Adelaide died 13 January 1877 aged 71. George Payne Hodge eldest son of the above of Guildford, Alberton. Elizabeth Ridley Hodge, wife of George Payne Hodge, died 1 February 1906, aged 64. died 24 August 1899, aged 64.
978Hodge, Isabella ElizaLefevre's Peninsula1862/7/12 yearsMarryatAge 2 years, of Lefevre Peninsula, died 30 June 1862, (father) John Hodge. Registration District: Adelaide.
1417Hodge, Jane KateLefevre's Peninsula1867/6/134 monthsMarryatAge 4 months, of Lefevre Peninsula, died 11 June 1867, (father) John Hodge, Registration District: Adelaide.
721Hodge, JuliaLefevre's Peninsula1859/8/184.5 monthsMarryatAge 4 months, of Lefevre Peninsula, died 16 August 1859, (father) John Hodge, Registration District: Adelaide.
XHodge, Rev. Matthew HenryEdgecombe near Port Adelaide1877/1/1371 yearsTTyphoid (27 1/2 years pastor Congregational Church, Port). Age 71 years, of Yatala, died 13 January 1877, Registration District: Port Adelaide. PAEVF 002 Headstone Inscriptions: Rev M H Hodge of Port Adelaide died 13 January 1877 aged 71. George Payne Hodge eldest son of the above of Guildford, Alberton. Elizabeth Ridley Hodge, wife of George Payne Hodge, died 1 February 1906, aged 64. died 24 August 1899, aged 64.
819Hodges, Adeline EvelineQueenstown1860/12/194 monthsC. MarryatAge 4 months, of Queenstown, died 18 December 1860, Registration District: Adelaide.
1185Hodges, SarahNorwood1865/3/963 yearsGreenLease No 157In Snewin's Lease. Age 63 years, of Norwood, died 7 March 1865, Registration District: Adelaide.
134Hodgson, ElizabethAlbert Town1851/5/21 monthsBayfieldNo further information
701Hodgson, EmmaPort Adelaide1859/4/24 monthsMarryatAge 4 months, of Port Adelaide, died 31 March 1859, (father) Abraham Hodgson, Registration District: Adelaide.
119Hodgeson, JohnAlbert Town1851/2/58 yearsBayfieldNo further information
675Hoffman, BealePort Adelaide1859/1/284 wseeksC. MarryatNo further information
1603Hoffman, Robert JohnQueenstown1869/1/19infantW. HendersonRobert John HOFFMANN, Age 11 months, of Queenstown, died 18 January 1869, (father) William Hoffmann, Registration District: Adelaide.
1Hokin, John HenryPort Adelaide1849/1/213 monthsNewenhamSyphillis. Age 3 monhts, died 20 January 1849, (father) John Hokin, Registration District: Adelaide.
107Hokin, Mary LouisaPort Adelaide1851/1/536 yearsBayfieldNo further information
1574Holland, ElizabethPort Adelaide1868/10/81 monthGreenAge 1 month, of Port Adelaide, died 6 October 1868, (father) Matthew Holland, Registration District: Adelaide.
577Holland, Emmeline (Emmalilius)Port Adelaide1858/2/12 yearsC. MarryatEmmaline in book, cause of death croup. Emmilius HOLLAND, Age 2 years, of Port Adelaide, died 30 January 1858, (father) James Holland, Registration District: Adelaide.
85Holland, HenryAlbert Town1853/5/244 yearsBayfieldAge 44 years, died 30 April 1853, Registration District: Adelaide. The late Mr. Holland.— The Coroner went to the Port yesterday to enquire into the circumstances attending the death of Mr. Holland, late engineer of the Steam-Dredge; but finding that although sudden, it arose from natural causes, he did not think it necessary to hold an inquest
392Hollingwood (Hollinghworth) Ada AnnPort Adelaide1856/2/1819 monthBayfieldNo further information
42Holloway, HenryShip Cleopatra - just arrived from EnglandDec-13185225 yearsBayfieldDrowned. Age 22 years, aboard 'Cleopatra', died 10 December 1852, Registration District: Adelaide.
XHolloway, Mrs - stillborn child ofPort Adelaide1863/10/26stillbornMarryat
1517Holman, John EdwardPort Adelaide1868/4/2110 monthsF. GarrettAge 11 months, of Portland Estate, died 19 April 1868, (father) John Holman, registratio District: Adelaide.
******Holman, john1876/08/532 yearsSARJohn Holman died August 3 1876, aged 32, at Glenelg. Registration District: Port Adelaide. Evening Journal (Adelaide, SA: 1869 - 1912), Saturday 5 August 1876, page 2
COURT AUSTRALIANS' PRIDE.— The Members of the above Court are requested to Assemble at the Court-Room, at 3 o'clock TOMORROW, August 6, to Follow the REMAINS of late BROTHER HOLMAN to Alberton Cemetery, z WM. BOUNDY, Sec.
719Holmes, Frederick Henry (see Jones)Queenstown1859/7/308 years 5 monthsMarryatIn grave with sister Ruth Holmes, burial no 592, buried 10/4/1858. Age 8 years, of Queenstown, died 28 July 1859, registraiton District: Adelaide.
202Holmes, NancyShip Joseph Rowan1854/6/1959 yearsBayfieldLease no 171Lease No 171. DOD - 17 June 1854 - Diarrhoea. - Bound for South Australia - Births & Deaths on government-assisted immigrant ships, 1848-1885. Adelaide Times (SA : 1848 - 1858), Monday 19 June 1854, page 2 James Hodge and Nancy Holmes, both of advanced Age, have died, but not from contagious disease, sickness of that character not having appeared amengst the emigrants. The Joseph Rowan is now in the stream.
592Holmes, RuthQueenstown1858/3/106 monthsC. MarryatTeething. Age 6 months, of Port Adelaide, died 8 March 1858, (father) Henry Holmes, registraiton District: Adelaide.
1583Holzberger, Julia FrancescaRosewater1868/11/8not recordedGreenAge 1 year, of Rosewater, died 7 November 1868, (father) Louis Holzberger, Registration District: Adelaide.
1108Hooker, AnnPortland Estate1864/2/167 yearsMarryatElizabeth Ann Hooker died 15 February 1864, aged 7 years. Father: James Hooker. Registration District: Adelaide.
168Hooper, Mary AnnPort Adelaide1854/3/155 monthsBayfieldMary Ann was born October 2, 1853 to Charles Hooper and Elizabeth Smaldon. Registration District: Adelaide.
1028Hooper, RichardPort Adelaide1863/4/18not recordedMarryatDOD - 17 April 1863 - mariner - drowned - unregistered Deaths in SA from July 1842.
32Hopkins, Effie ElizabethGlanville1875/3/276 years 4 monthsSARYoungest d. George Feltham & Clara of 9 children. Age 6 years, of Glanville, died 27 March 1875, (father) George Hopkins, Registration District: Port Adelaide.
900Hopkins, Frederic MorganPort Adelaide1861/10/22 yearsMarryatLease no 32Lease No 32, in Haddy's lease. Frederick Morgan HOPKINS,Age 2 years, died 30 September 1861, (father) George Hopkins, Registration District: Adelaide.
XHopkins, Mrs. Stillborn child of1862/2/1Marryat
XHopkins, William Henry JosephGlanville1871/7/426 yearsSARPainful illness- late S.A. Telegraph Dept. Age 26 years, of Glanville, died 2 July 1971, Registration District: Port Adelaide. Funeral procession left his residence in Glanville, Lefevre Peninsula, Tuesday afternoon 4 July for Alberton Cemetery, undertaker S. Haddy. South Australian Register, Monday 3 July 1871, page 2.
1373Hopkinson, Mary LouisaPort Adelaide1867/1/132 monthsMarryatAge 2 months, of Port Adelaide, died 12 January 1867, (father) Henry Hopkinson. Registration District: Adelaide.
947Hornby, EdwardPort Adelaide1862/1/2114 monthsMarryatIn grave with sister Mary, burial no 553, 3 months 18/12/1857. Age 14 months, of Port Adelaide, died 18 January 1862, (father) William Hornby, registraiton District: Adelaide.
553Hornby, Mary AnnChurch Street, Port Adelaide1857/12/183 monthsC. MarryatAtrophy. Age 3 weeks, of Port Adelaide, died 17 December 1857, (father) William Hornby, Registration District: Adelaide.
574Horne, stillborn child of Henry & CatherineQueen's Street, Alberton1858/1/29stillbornMarryat
68Horne (Hoore), EmmaAlbert Town1850/3/289 monthsBayfieldTeething. No further information
114Horne, GeorgeAlbert Town1851/1/2810 monthsBayfieldGeorge was born 9 March 1850 to Charles Horne and Lydia Cheeseman of Albert town. Registration District: Adelaide.
5Horrocks, RobertAlbert Town1848/4/212 yearsNewenhamLow fever. Age 2 years, 7 months, of Albert Town, died 19 April 1848, (father) James Horrocks, Registration District: Adelaide.
310Horrocks, SarahPort Adelaide1855/7/443 yearsBayfieldNo further information
314Horrocks, WilliamPort Adelaide1855/7/248 weeksBayfieldWilliam was born 30 May 1855 to James Horrocks and Sarah Heap of Adelaide. Registration District: Adelaide.
1256Hosie, MaryPort Adelaide1866/1/218 monthsGreenAge 2 years, of Port Adelaide, died 19 January 1866, (father) Robert Hosie, Registration District: Adelaide.
419Horsley, HenryPort Adelaide1856/4/1727 yearsBayfieldLease no 58Lease No 58 or 59/8, drowned. (John Horsley) Drowned with others in a sailing match at Port Adelaide. For details see article 'Coroner's inquest at the Port' in the Adelaide Observor, Saturday 12 April 1856, page 4.
1227Howard, JamesWoodville1865/10/192 years 5 monthsGreenAge 2 years, 6 months, of Woodville, died 18 October 1865, (father) James Howard, Registration District: Adelaide.
1440Howard, William JohnQueenstown1867/8/299 monthsMarryatAge 9 months, of Queenstown, died 27 August 1867, (father) James Howard, registraiton District: Adelaide.
1523Howe, CatherinePortland Estate1868/5/811 monthsMarryat(In grave 1522). Age 11 months, of Portland Estate, died 6 May 1868, (father) Thomas Howe, Registration District: Adelaide.
1240Howe, EdwardLefevre's Peninsula1865/12/1914 monthsGreenAge 14 months, of Portland Estate, died 17 December 1865, (father) Thomas Wilkinson Howe, Registration District: Adelaide.
1384Howe, Joseph WilliamPortland Estate1867/2/2715 monthsH M PollittAge 15 monyths, of Portland Estate, died 26 February 1867, (father) Thomas Wilkinson Howe, Registration District: Adelaide.
XHowell, -1858/4/17stillbornMarryatChild of Matilda
548Howitt, JohnQueens Town1857/2/1214 years 3 monthsC. MarryatAge 14 years, of Queenstown, died 1 December 1857. Registration District: Adelaide.
72Hubert, MargaretPort Adelaide1853/3/1015 monthsBayfieldAge 1 year, 3 months, died 9 March 1853, Registration District: Adelaide. Born October 17, 1851 to John Henry Hubert and Mary Taylor
1434Hubert, MaryPort Adelaide1867/8/1640 yearsHendersonLease no 209Lease No 209. Age 40 years, of Port Adelaide, died 14 August 1867, (husband) John Hubert, Registration District: Adelaide. Funeral procession left her late residence in Cannon Street, Port Adelaide on Friday 16 August at half past three, for the Alberton Cemetery, S. Haddy Undertaker. South Australian Register, Friday 16 August 1867, page 1.
32Huckson, HermanShip ELIZA at Port Adelaide1849/8/253 monthsBayfieldDysentery. Hermon Huckson, of the Port, d. 23 August 1849, Registration District: Adelaide. Bound for SA - Births & Deaths on government-assisted immigrant ships 1848-1885.
205Hughes, ElizabethNorwood1854/6/2265 yearsBayfieldGrandchild at the foot of her grave. Age 55 years, died 18 June 1854, Registration District: Adelaide.
1059Hughes, Margaret JaneLefevre's Peninsula1863/8/161 yearMarryatAge 1 year, of Lefevre Peninsula, died 15 August 1863, (father) Stephen Hughes, Registration District: Adelaide.
1448Hughes, Whynot henryLefevre's Peninsula1867/9/2811 daysMarryatAge 11 days, of Lefevre Peninsula, died 27 September 1867, (father) Stephen Hughes, Registration District: Adelaide.
******Huitson, FrancisQueenstown1858/2/2527 yearsC. MarryatAge 28 years, of Port Adelaide, died 23 February 1858, Registration District: Adelaide. Funeral took place at the Alberton Cemetery, 4pm on Thursday 25 February 1858. Adelaide Times, Thursday 25 February 1858, page 1. - On the 23rd inst., at his residence, Queenstown, after a short illness, of consumption, in the 28th year of his Age, Francis Huitson, teller of the Union Bank of Australia, Port Adelaide
541Hulet, William R NQueenstown1857/11/5stillbornMarryatNo further information
213Hull, FrederickShip Ostrich1854/7/2418 monthsBayfieldCD-ROM Bound for SA Births and Deaths on Government Assisted Immigrant Ships 1848 - 1885.
1243Humphrey, JaneGlanville1865/12/284 monthsGreenJane Humphry, Age 4 months, of Lefevre Peninsula, died 27 December 1865, (father) Hugh Humphrey, Registration District: Adelaide.
497Humphries, OliviaPort Adelaide1857/4/715 monthsBayfieldAge 15 months, of Port Adelaide, died 6 April 1857, (father) John Humphries, registraiton District: Adelaide.
175(Hunsphoy) Humphry, WilliamShip HYDERABAD1854/3/291year 11 monthsBayfieldDied 14 days after arrival. DOB - 28 March 1854 - cause Diarrhoea. Bound for SA - Births & Deaths on government-assisted immigrant ships 1848-1885 - says he was buried at sea.
886Hunt, ElizaPort Adelaide1861/9/245 yearsMarryatAge 45 years, of Port Adelaide, died 31 August 1861, (husband) Thomas Hunt, registraiton District: Adelaide.
396Hunt, Richard JamesShip Navarino1856/2/2610 yearsBayfieldDOD - 24 February 1856, cause - Pleuitis. Bound for SA - Births & Deaths on government-assisted immigrant ships 1848-1885.
131Hunter, DanielSteam Ship Havilah1853/12/8nkFred Platts Officiating MinisterDrowned.Died 6 December 1853, Registration District: Adelaide. Adelaide Times (SA : 1848 - 1858), Thursday 8 December 1853, page 3 - Man Drowned at the Port. — On Tuesday, one of the seamen of the Havilah, named Daniel Hunter, having received his pay from the Captain, went on shore about 5 p.m. It appears that he frequented several public houses, and got the worse for liquor, and on his returning to his vessel at 1 a.m., he fell between two ships, and was drowned. The police were immediately informed of the circumstance, and after a search of about 20 minutes, the body was found, but life was quite extinct. Mr Newland, in the absence of Mr Stevenson, examined several witnesses, and finding it was purely accidental, thought it unnecessary to call an inquest.
1122Hurley, JohnQueenstown1864/4/1013 monthsMarryatAge 1 year, of Queenstown, died 9 April 1864, (father) George Hurley, registraiton District: Adelaide.
******Hurne, CatherineAlberton1858/1/29Stillborn(child of Mrs..)
693Hurren, CharlotteLefevre's Peninsula1859/3/17daysMarryatHurren Age 7 days, of Lefevre Peninsula, died 28 February 1859, (father) Charles Hurren. Registration District: Adelaide.
1223Hurren, EmilyPort Aelaide1865/9/13nkGreenAge 3 years, 6 months, of Lefevre Peninsula, died 12 September 1865, (father) Charles Hurren, registraiton District: Adelaide.
604Hutcheon, GeorgePort Adelaide1858/4/1937 yearsMarryatJaundice. Age 37 years, of Port Adelaide, died 18 April 1858, registraiton District: Adelaide.
9Hutchinson, JamesCutter OGAug-21185236 yearsBayfieldDrowned near Holdfast Bay. Age 33 years, died 7 August 1852, Registration District: Adelaide.
174Hutchinson, William HenryAlbert Town1851/11/184 monthsBayfieldAge 4 months, of Port Adelaide, died 15 November 1851, (father) George Hutchinson, registraiton District: Adelaide.
415Hutton SophiaPort Adelaide1856/4/1266 yrBayfieldNo further information
1029Hyde, Ellen AnnPort Adelaide1863/4/201 year 2 daysMarryatLease no 87Lease No 87. In Marshalls Lease. Age 1 year, of Port Adelaide, died 19 April 1863, (father) Henry James Hyde, registraiton District: Adelaide.
729Hynes, SamuelShip ORIENT1859/10/2126 yearsMarryatAge 26 years, aboard 'The Orient', died 20 October 1859, at Port Adelaide, Registration District: Adelaide.
521Innis (also Jomis) , MargaretPort Adelaide1857/7/52 yearsBayfieldAge 2 years, of Port Adelaide, died 3 July 1857, (father) George Innis, of Port Adelaide, Registration District: Adelaide.
*****Irnstead (also Unstead), ElizaLefevre Peninsula1856/3/2010 monthsBayfieldAge 10 months, died 19 March 1856, (father) Charles Unstead, Registration District: Adelaide.
178Isaac, John Bayley TaylorPort Adelaide1851/12/1027 yearsBayfieldArrived by the Madawaska on July 17 1849. Married Mahala Smith on June 5 1851. Registration District: Adelaide.
610Ivenden (Evenden), ElizabethAlberton1858/5/110 monthsC. MarryatElizabeth Evenden, died April 29 1858, aged 10 months, at Port Adelaide. Father: Thomas Evenden. Registration District: Adelaide.
265Jackson, FrancesAlbert Town1855/2/2172 yearsBayfieldFrances Jackson, Age 72 years, died 19 February 1855, Registration District: Adelaide.
102Jackson, ImmanuelShip TRAFALGAR1850/12/1640 yearsBayfieldNo further information
613Jackson, JosephQueenstown1858/5/4C. MarryatAge 33 years, of Queenstown, died 3 May 1858, Registration District: Adelaide. Funeral took place at Alberton Cemetery on Tuesday 4 May 1858. South Australian Register, Tuesday 4 May 1858, page 1.
558Jackson, Lavina Janenk. Of Port Adel.1857/12/226 monthsJ. SheldonRupia Anasarea (thick, dark, raised, lamellated, adherent crusts on the skin, somewhat resembling oyster shells, as in late recurrent secondary syphilis -A general accumulation of serous fluid in various tissues and body cavities). Age 6 months, of Port Adelaide, died 21 December 1857, (father) William Jackson, Registration District: Adelaide.
251Jackson, Maria JanePort Adelaide1855/1/29 daysBayfieldNo further information
1536Jacobson, Anna Maria C. ForsterPort Adelaide1868/6/545 yearsMarryatLease no 226Lease No 226 - Wife of John William. Anna Maria Christina Forster Jacobson, Age 45 years, of Port Adelaide, died 3 June 1868, (husband) Wilhelm Jacobson, Registration District: Adelaide. PAEVF 002 Headstone Inscriptions: Maria Forster wife of J. W. Hacobsen died 3 June 1868, aged 45.
223Jacobsen, HenryPort Adelaide1875/1/18Not recordedSARLease no 223Lease No 223 - Youngest son of John William. Henry Jacobsen died 17 February 1875, aged 1 year. Father: William Jaconbsen. Registration district: Adelaide.
137James, AnnaBarque Dreadnought1853/12/276 monthsBayfieldNo further information
923James, CatherinePort Adelaide1861/11/1924 yearsMarryatLease No 116Age 24 years, of Port Adelaide died 18 November 1861, (husband) John James, Registration District: Adelaide.
931James, Mary CatherinePort Adelaide1861/11/303 monthsMarryatLease no 116Lease No 116 - in grave with mother Catherine, 19/11/1861. Age 3 months, of Port Adelaide, died 30 November 1861, (father) John James, Registration District: Adelaide.
******James, Spencer1877/01/25SAREvening Journal (Adelaide, SA: 1869 - 1912), Thursday 25 January 1877, page 2. - THE LATE FATAL ACCIDENT AT PORT ADELAIDE -—The funeral of the deceased, YOUTH, Spencer James, the subject of the shocking fatal accident which occurred at Messrs. Robin and Hack's timber yard on the Port-road on the previous morning, took place on Wednesday afternoon, at Alberton. The whole of his fellow employees and many friends followed the remains to the Alberton Cemetery.
337James, WilliamWoodville1855/9/2826 years 6 monthsBayfieldLease No 271 - of Georgina Little taken out 10/5/1871. Age 28 years, of Hindmarsh, died 25 Sept 1855, Registration District: Adelaide.
637James, WilliamWoodville1858/9/1149 yearsF. EvansLease no 80Lease No 80 East/west side (Solicitor). Died on the 9th of September at his residence, Woodville, Willliam James, solicitor, aged 49. Sa Advertiser, 10 September 1858.
1546Jamieson, Alexander James (Capt.)Glanville1868/8/581 yearsGreenLease no 228Lease No 228 (Wife Helen). Alexander James Jamieson, 80 years, of Yatala VillAge, died 2 August 1868, Registration District: Adelaide. Captain, shipmaster and marine surveyor, died Aged 81 years after a fall from a boat. He was a well-known figure in the Port and funeral was very largely attended, and amongst those pre sent we observed many of the most influential persons connected with the shipping interest. Twenty-one vehicles followed the hearse to the Alberton Cemetery, when the Rev. M. H. Hodge officiated and delivered an impressive address. The funeral was held on Wednesday 5 August. For obituary and details of the funeral see the article in the South Australian Register, Saturday 15 August 1868, page 6. PAEVF 002 Headstone Inscriptions. Captain Alexander Jamiseon died 2 August 1868, aged 80
94Jamieson, CharlesOld Port1853/5/264 yearsBayfield(No further information, no death certificate, no funeral notice)
1254Jamieson, JanePort Adelaide1866/1/1819 yearsGreenDrowned. Age 18 years, of Port Adelaide, died 16 January 1866, Registration District: Adelaide.
56Jardine, JohnPort Adelaide1853/1/1612 monthsBayfieldBorn on January 24,1852 to Neilson Henderson Jardine and Elizabeth Mills (Miles). Registration District: Adelaide.
1587Jeal, Roland TPeninsula1868/11/217 monthsGreenLease no 267Lease No 267 - Son of Thomas & Sarah Jane. Roland JEALE, Age 8 months, of Portland Estate, died 19 November 1868, (father) Thomas Jeale, Registration District: Adelaide. PAEVF 002 Headstone Inscriptions: Sarah Jane wife of Thomas N Jeal died 29 September 1868, aged 24. Rowland T Jeal son of the above died November 19 1868, aged 7 months.
569Jeal, Sarah JanePeninsula1868/10/124 yearsGreenLease no 267Lease No 267 - fever - wife of Thomas, Mother of Roland T. Age 24 years, of Lefevre Peninsula, died 29 September 1868, (husband) Thomas Noah Jeal, Registration District: Adelaide. PAEVF 002 Headstone Inscriptions: Sarah Jane wife of Thomas N Jeal died 29 September 1868, aged 24. Rowland T Jeal son of the above died November 19 1868, aged 7 months.
1025Jeanes, CharlesPort Adelaide1863/4/913 yearsMarryatAge 13 years, of Port Adelaide, died 8 April 1863, (father) John Jeanes, Registration District: Adelaide.
1537Jeanes, James AlmondPort Adelaide1868/6/168 yearsMarryatAge 8 years, of Port Adelaide, died 14 June 1868, (father) James Jeanes, Registration District: Adelaide.
1037Jeffries, SarahYatala1863/5/264 months 13 daysMarryatAge 4 months, of Rosewater, died 24 May 1863, (father) Alfred Jeffries, Registration District: Adelaide.
1585Jelly, William EdwardPort1868/11/16infantGreenAge 7days, of Port Adelaide, died 14 November 1868, (father) Thomas James Jelly, Registration District: Adelaide.
734Jennings, JohnPort Adelaide1859/11/2635 yearsMarryatAge 35 years, of Port Adelaide, died 26 November 1859, Registration District: Adelaide.
424Jew (also Tew), William MorrisLefevre Peninsula1856/4/2511 monthsBayfieldWilliam died 23 April 1856 of Adelaide. Father: William Tew. Registration District: Adelaide. Born 26 May 1855. Mother: Elizaneth Ann Morris.
469Jewell, Jane (June??)Port Adelaide1856/12/213 weeksBayfieldNo further information
840Jewell, Mary AnnPort Adelaide1861/1/2416 monthsC. MarryatAge 16 months, of Port Adelaide, died 23 January 1861, (father) Richard Jewell, Registration District: Adelaide.
1211Jewell, RichardPort Adelaide1865/7/103 yearsGreenLease no 12Lease No 12. Age 2 years, of Port Adelaide, died 9 July 1865, (father) Richard Jewell, Registration District: Adelaide.
1324Jewell, RichardPort Adelaide1866/8/410 daysMarryatLease no 12Lease No 12 - in Fisher's lease with consent. Age 10 days, of Port Adelaide, died 2 August 1866, (father) Richard Jewell, Registration District: Adelaide.
1209Jewell, William PaulPort Adelaide1865/7/314 monthsGreenLease no 12Lease No 12 - in Fisher's lease with consent. Age 14 months, of Port Adelaide, died 1 July 1865, (father) Richard Jewell, Registration District: Adelaide.
1501Jiggins, JosephLefevre Peninsula1868/3/84 yearsMarryatJoseph Jiggins died March 7 1868, father Joseph Jiggins. Registration District: Adelaide.
1433Jiggins, SarahLefevre Peninsula1867/8/155 years 9 monthsMarryatSarah Jiggins died August 13 1867, father Joseph Jiggins. Rgistration District: Adelaide.
420Johnson, Angus AbrahamAlbert Town1856/4/1810 monthsBayfieldAngas in Baptismal Register. No further information
96Johnson, Christopher DickensonNr Yatala Smelting Works1853/6/13 weeksBayfieldBorn May 7, 1853 to Christopher Dickinson Johnson and Amelia Wheeler. Registration District: Adelaide.
300Johnson, EmmaAlbert Town1855/5/2218 monthsBayfieldNo further information
1442Johnson, Harold CoppinRosewater1867/9/38 yearsMarryatAge 8 years, of Kingston, near Port Adelaide, died 1 Sept 1867, (father) William Johnson, Registration District: Adelaide.
28Johnson, HenryPort Adelaide1849/8/126 yearsNewenham(no fees) bursting of a blood vessel. Age 26 years, of Port Adelaide, died 31 July 1849, Registration District: Adelaide.
288Johnson, JosephPort Adelaide1855/4/158 monthsBayfieldJoseph born August 14 1854 to William Johnson and Jane Coppen. Registration District: Adelaide.
125Johnson, MiraAlbert Town1853/11/2627 yearsBayfieldDied November 24 1853. Husband James Johnson. Registration District Adelaide.
989Johnson, PeterPort Adelaide1862/10/1928 yearsMarryatAge 28 years, of Port Adelaide, died 15 October 1862 at Port Wakefield, Registration District: Adelaide.
******Jomis (also Innis), MargaretPort Adelaide1857/7/52 yearsBayfieldAge 2 years, of Port Adelaide, died 3 July 1857, (father) George Innis, of Port Adelaide, Registration District: Adelaide.
71Jonas (Jones), Betsy AnnPort Adelaide1853/3/1013 monthsBayfieldLease no 49 (Mr Jonas)Age 13 months, of Port Adelaide. Born March 13, 1852, died 8 March 1853, (father) John Jonas, Registration District: Adelaide. (Mother) Betsy Honey.
401Jonas, CharlottePort Adelaide1856/3/136 yearsBayfieldLease no 49Born July 3 1850 to John Jonas and Betsey Goodman Honey of Goodwood. Registration District: Adelaide.
XJonas, John (Samuel)Quebec street, Port Adelaide1878/7/1367 yearsSARLease no 49Colonist 31 years - wife Betsy Goodman. Age 67 years, of Port Adelaide, died 10 July 1878, Registration District: Port Adelaide. Adelaide Observer (SA : 1843 - 1904), Saturday 13 July 1878, page 2 - JONAS.—On the 10th July, at his residence, Quebec-street, Port Adelaide, John Jonas, Aged 67; a colonist of 31 years. Cornish papers please copy.
957Jonas, SelinaPort Adelaide1862/2/226 monthsMarryatAge 6 months, of Port Adelaide, died 21 February 1862, (father) John Jonas, Registration District: Adelaide.
34JonesKingston1873/10/233 monthsGreenFrederick Britain Jones, aged 12 weeks, of Kingston, died 22 October 1873. Father:Frederick Britiain Jones. Registration District: Port Adelaide.
1048Jones, Amy ElizaPort Adelaide1863/6/267 daysMarryatAge 6 days, of Port Adelaide, died 24 June 1863, (father) William Hammond Jones, Registration District: Adelaide.
1011Jones, BenjaminPort Adelaide1863/1/2316 daysMarryatAge 16 days, of Port Adelaide, died 22 January 1863, (father) Davey Jones, Registration District: Adelaide.
Jones (see Jonas) , Betsy AnnPort Adelaide1853/3/1013 monthsBayfieldNo further information
1003Jones, CatherinePort Adelaide1862/12/204 years 6 monthsMarryatAge 4 years, of Port Adelaide, died 19 December 1862, (father) Samuel Jones, Registration District: Adelaide.
55Jones, EmilyUnley or Hinley1850/2/109 weeksBayfieldWhooping Cough. Emily Unus Jones was born December 9 1849 to William Jones and Anne Sergeant of Bowden. Registration District: Adelaide.
169Jones, EstherPort Adelaide1851/11/840 yearsBayfieldNo further information
1581Jones, Frederick BrittainPort1868/11/324 daysGreenAge 24 days, of Port Adelaide, died 1 November 1868, of Port Adelaide, (father) Frederick Brittain Jones, Registration District: Adelaide.
607Jones, George WilsonPortland Estate1858/4/237 weeks 5 daysMarryatAge 7 weeks, of Portland Estate, died 22 April 1858, (father) William Henry Jones, Registration District: Adelaide.
243Jones, HenryPort Adelaide1854/11/2231 yearsBayfieldDied 21 November 1854, Registration District: Adelaide.
******Jones (see Holmes) , Frederick Henry HolmesQueenstown1859/7/308 yr 5mC. MarryatAge 8 years, of Queenstown, died 28 July 1859, Registraiton District: Adelaide.
XJones, JohnPortland Estate1871/8/20Not knownSARMember Duke of Portland Lodge. Mariner. Age 44 years, of Rosewater, died 16 August 1871, Registration District: Port Adelaide.
49Jones, Joseph AldenAlbert Town1850/1/135 years 6 monthsBayfieldConsumption. No further information
93Jones, Maurice WilliamPort Adelaide1850/11/3Not knownBayfieldNo further information
XJones, ---Yatala1863/10/20StillbornMarryatStillborn child of Mrs Jones
1489Jones, Thomas JohnPort Adelaide1868/2/914 monthsMarryatAge 1 yearr, of Port Adelaide, died 6 February 1868, (father) William Jones, Registration District: Adelaide.
1007Jordan, DanielCastle Eden1862/12/291 year 11 monthsMarryatDaniel JARDAN, Age 1 year, died 26 December 1862, (father) John Jardan of Port Adelaide, Registration District: Adelaide.
153Jordan, WilliamPort Adelaide1851/8/326 yearsBayfieldDied at sea when a whale boat capsized during a storm at Port Adelaide on the evening of Friday 1 August 1851. For more details see article 'Dreadful loss of life' in the Adelaide Times, Saturday 9 August 1851, page 8, and 'Fatal accident at the Port', in the South Australian Register, Monday 4 August 1851, page 2.
113Kaptein, SimonShip Helena Christina1853/9/334 yearsBayfieldFatal Accident at the Port. — Yesterday, at a quarter-past 4 in the afternoon, a man named Simeon Kaptein, cook of the Helena Christina, while in the act of sending down the main-topsail-yard, fell on the rail of the ship, and only survived about five minutes. .....
241Kasten (Karsten, Hasten), George HenryBarque STEINWALLER1854/11/1537 yearsBayfieldAlso infant son of Captain Ward buried with. Passenger per the Steinwaller, Steinwaerder
1030Keal, Fanny EdithRosewater1863/5/310 monthsMarryatFanny Elizabeth KEAL, Age 10 months, of Rosewater, died 1 May 1863, (father) William Hurst Keal, Registration District: Adelaide.
74Keeble, Jane (see also Jane Veeble)Port Adelaide1853/3/2013 monthsBayfieldJane Keeble died March 16 1853 at Port Adelaide, father Joseph. Registration District: Adelaide. Mother: Mary Ann Holland. Born Fenruary 4 1852.
502Keeble, JosephPort Adelaide1857/4/2637 yearsBayfieldLease No 149Lease No 149 No further information (Father of above)
1483Keeble, MargaretPort Adelaide1868/1/1982 yearsAlfred HonnerAge 82 years, of Port Adelaide, died 17 January 1868, Registration District: Adelaide.
622Kelly, JohnPort Adelaide1858/7/644 yearsF. EvansAge 54 years, of Port Adelaide, died 5 July 1858, Registration District: Adelaide.
1305Kelly, MariaPort Adelaide1866/6/1613 years 11 monthsMarryatAge 13 years, of Port Adelaide, died 14 June 1866, (father) John Kelly, Registration District: Adelaide.
661Kendall (Randall?), WilliamPort Adelaide1859/1/110 yearsC. MarryatNo further information. William Randall? Died December 31 1858, aged 10 years of Port Adelaide. Rgistration District: Adelaide.
13Kendrick, SusanBarque ONYX1848/11/108 months 13 daysNewenhamIll from her birth. Passenger per the Onyx.
1610Kenrick, Herbert CranmerPeninsula1869/2/8infantGreenAge 4 weeks, of Lefevre Peninsula, died 9 February 1869, (father) Henry George Kenrick, Registration District: Adelaide.
129Kershaw, CharlesShip PANAMA1851/4/1050 yearsBayfieldDied Thursday 10 April 1851, of a broken back after falling into the hold of the ship 'Panama', on which he was the cook. For details see article 'Inquest at the Port', in South Australian Register, Friday 11 April 1851, page 2.
Keyworldsnk1858/4/10Stillborn(child of Mrs…
54Kidd, Mary JanePort Adelaide1853/1/129 monthsBayfieldBorn April 17, 1852 to Joseph William Kidd and Ann Jane Wannell. Registration Distrcit: Adelaide.
XKiltick, ---1863/2/26StillbornMarryatChild of Mrs Kiltick
2Kindley (also Hindley), Catherine EllenPort Aelaide1849/1/296 monthsNewenhamCause of death: Manition. Age 6 w, died 25 January 1849. Catherine Ellen Kindley, (mother) Dorothy Kindley, Registration District: Adelaide.
950King, AaronPortland Estate1862/1/2833 yearsMarryat31 years old, died 26 January 1862, Registration District: Adelaide.
655King, JaneQueenstown1858/12/650 yearsC. MarryatDied 4 December 1858, (husband) Thomas John King, Registration District: Adelaide.
871King, JohnPortland Estate1861/6/2314 daysC. MarryatDied 22 June 1861, (father) Aaron King, Registration District: Adelaide.
1193King (also Ring), Rebecca Hillnk1865/4/711 monthsGreenRebecca Hill Ring of Lefevre Peninsula, aged 11 months, died 6 April 1865 . Father Henry Ring. Registration District: Adelaide. Born May 2 1864 to Herbert James Ring and Mary Ann Morris of Lefevre Peninsula. Registration District Adelaide.
King, ThomasAdelaideAug-14184637 yearsSARAge 37 years, of Adelaide, died 10 August 1846, Registration District: Adelaide. Thomas King, carpenter, was found drowned in Port Adelaide. He was buried in Albert Town Cemetery a few days later, but the Reverend Mr Newenham refused to read the funeral service, not knowing the religion of the deceased. For more details see Adelaide Observer, Saturday 15 August 1846, page 5.
723King, WalterPortland Estate1859/9/1211 monthsMarryatAge 11 months, of Port Adelaide, died 11 September 1859, of Port Adelaide, (father) Reuben King, Registration District: Adelaide.
727Kirkman, EmmaPort Adelaide1859/10/2025 daysC. MarryatPAHS : 25d. Age 3 weeks, of Port Adelaide, died 19 October 1859, (father) David Kirkman, Registration District: Adelaide.
249Kitson, SarahBrigantine non Pareil1854/12/254 yrBayfieldNo further information
Klorlman, John HenryAlberton1860/6/1019mC. MarryatLease no 94Lease No 94. No further information
949Knapman, JohnPort Adelaide1862/1/2812hMarryatBuried near stillborn. Age 1 day, of Port Adelaide, died 28 January 1862, (father) William Knapman, Registration District: Adelaide.
XKnap, ---Port Adelaide1865/12/17StillbornGreenMrs George - stillborn child of
1046Knapp, Eliza MaryPort Adelaide1863/6/2515mF. GarrettEliza Jane KNAPP, Age 16 months, of Lefevre Peninsula, died 23 June 1863, (father) George Knapp, Registration District: Adelaide.
1473Knapp, GeorgeLefevre's Peninsula1867/12/77mMarryatAge 7 months, of Lefevre Peninsula, died 5 December 1867, (father) George Henry Knapp, Registration District: Adelaide.
Knell, Matildank1858/4/17StillbornC. Marryat(Baby of Mrs..)
15Knill, George WilliamLefevre Peninsula1849/5/43m 6dNewenhamTeething. Age 3 months, of Albert Town, died 3 May 1849, (father) William Knill, Registration District: Adelaide.
Kreig, E.G.Helene1856/1/2927 yrBayfieldLease no 208Lease No 208. No further information
XKrause, Hannah Sophia WilheminaLefevre Peninsula1872/12/125y 3mSARLease no 291Lease No 291. Cause of death: Diptheria. (Eldest of William (Master Mariner) and Hannah). Age 5 years, of Lefevre Peninsula, died 11 December 1872, (father) William Krause, Registration District: Port Adelaide.
Kupell, AliceRosewater1860/5/23w 2dC. MarryatNo further information
253Kurll, SarahShip Coromandel1855/1/1340 yrBayfieldDOD - 12 January 1855, Sarah Kurl, cause - debility and gangrene. Bound for SA - Births & Deaths on government-assisted immigrant ships 1848-4885.
583Kurn, Emily JanePort Adelaide1858/2/111yrC. MarryatCroup. Age 1 year, of Port Adelaide, died 10 February 1858, (father) George Kurn, Registration District: Adelaide.
585Kurn, William GeorgePort Adelaide1858/2/203 yrC. MarryatCroup. Age 3 years, of Port Adelaide, died 19 February 1858, (father) George Kurn, Registration District: Adelaide.
806Kurnes, John FitzherbertPort Adelaide1860/11/94m 2wMarryatJohn Fitzhubert KURNS, Age 4 years 6 months, of Lefevre Peninsula, died 8 November 1860, (father) John Kurns, Registration District: Adelaide.
Kutcheon, GeorgePort Adelaide1858/4/1937 yrC. MarryatNo further information
1318Lada, ElizaQueenstown1866/7/213dQueenstownEliza LADO, Age 3 days, of Queenstown, died 20 July 1868, (father) John Lado, Registration District: Adelaide.
694Lake, EmmaPortland Estate1859/3/29 yrC. MarryatLease no 85Lease No 85 A lot: East/West side. Age 9 years, of Portland Estate, died 28 February 1859, (father) Henry Lake, Registration District: Adelaide.
195Laker, JamesPort Adelaide1854/5/1632 yrBayfieldBaptised on 12 April 1822, St. Mary The Virgin Dover, Kent, England. Married Maria Moon on 29 October 1843, Church of St. James the Apostle, Dover Kent, England, and arrived in South Australia on 1 December 1851 on board the 'Candahar'.
229Laker, JamesPort Adelaide1854/9/295 yrBayfieldSon of James Laker and Maria (nee Moon) who were married on 29 October 1843, Church of St. James the Apostle, Dover Kent, England, and arrived in South Australia on 1 December 1851 on board the 'Candahar'.
221Laker, WilliamPort Adelaide1854/8/174mBayfieldSon of James Laker and Maria (nee Moon) who were married on 29 October 1843, Church of St. James the Apostle, Dover Kent, England, and arrived in South Australia on 1 December 1851 on board the 'Candahar'. Born April 6, 1854. Registration District: Adelaide.
1605Lamb, Annie EthelLefevre Peninsula1869/1/229mGreenLease no 234Lease No 234 (daughter of Corbin). Age 10 months, of Lefevre Peninsula, died 20 October 1869, (father) Corbin Lamb, Registration District: Adelaide.
892Lamb, ArthurAlberton1861/9/1411mMarryatLease no 234Lease No 234 (Son of Corbin). Age 11 months, of Lefevre Peninsula, died 14 Sept 1861, (father) Corbin Lamb, Registration District: Adelaide.
XLamb, EdithSemaphore1874/10/169 yr 6mSARLease no 234Lease No 234 (daughter of Corbin). Age 9 years, of Semaphore, died 13 October 1874, (father) Corbin Lamb, Registration District: Port Adelaide.
XLamb, ElizabethSeaton Cottage Semaphore1874/6/337 yrSARLease no 234Lease No 234 (Wife of Corbin). Age 36 years, of Semaphore, died 1 June 1874, (husband) Corbin Lamb, Registration District: Port Adelaide. LAMB.—On the 1st June, at Seaton CottAge, Semaphore Beach, Elizabeth, wife of Corbin Lamb, in her 37th year.
Lander (see also Lawder?), JohnExeter1887/11/1772 yrSAREvening Journal (Adelaide, SA : 1869 - 1912), Thursday 17 November 1887, p 2 - SUDDEN DEATH AT EXETER. —A man named John Lander, 72 years of Age, and residing in Collins-Street, Exeter, died suddenly of heart disease at 6.30 on Wednesday evening. Dr. H. Curtis had attended him for that complaint, and gave a certificate.
1653Landey, WilliamPort1869/10/850 yrGreenNo further information
391Lane, CharlesPort Adelaide1856/2/1511mBayfieldNo further information
1072Lane, EmilyPort Adelaide1863/10/13 months 20 daysMarryatAge 3 months, 2 weeks, of Port Adelaide, died 30 September 1863, (father) Stephen Chandler, Registration District: Adelaide.(See also Emily Lane CHANDLER.)
69Lane, JamesQueenstown1853/3/543 yrBayfieldAge 43 years, died 4 March 1853, Registration District: Adelaide.
1153Lane, Tracey HenryLeFevre Peninsula1864/8/427 yearsWesleyan MinisterTracey Henry died August 2 1864, Age 27 Years, of LeFevre Peninsual. Registration District: Adelaide.
1636Langley, Charles Alexander HallPort1869/7/87 yrGreenAge 7 years, of Port Adelaide, died 22 June 1869, at Saltwater Creek, (father) William Langley, Registration District: Adelaide. Drowned in Port River, falling in from steps at North-Parade. See article 'Found Drowned' in Evening Journal, Thursday 8 July 1869, page 2, Latest News.
816Langley, Elizabeth MatildaPortland Estate1860/12/137mMarryatAge 7 months, of Portland Estate, died 12 December 1860, (father) William Langley, Registration District: Adelaide.
179Langley, MatildaPort Adelaide1854/4/518mBayfieldNo further information
1635Langlois, AlfredPeninsula1869/6/23infantGreenAge 6 years, of Portland Estate, died 21 June 1869, (father) John Langlois, Registration District: Adelaide.
1516Lankers, JohnPort Adelaide1868/4/1828 yrMarryatAge 28 years, of Port Adelaide, died 16 April 1868, Registration District: Adelaide.
236Not known (Lascar)Ship Pestonjee Bomanjee1854/10/16nkBayfieldOne of the crew (Lascar was a term for an Indian Sailor), died during the voyAge from Southampton which departed 18 June 1854, and arrived at South Australia on 7 October 1854. See article 'The Pestonjee Bomanjee' in the South Australian Register, Monday 9 October 1854, page 2.
1482Laurence, HenryPort Adelaide1868/1/1842 yrAlfred HonnerHenry LAWRENCE, Age 42 years, of Port Adelaide, died 16 January 1868, Registration District: Adelaide.
117Lavington, BridgetPeninsula1851/2/43mBayfieldNo further information
XLawder, Ann Elizabeth. MrsWoolnough Road Exeter1890/8/3070 yrSARLease no 100Lease No 100. Ann Elizabeth LAWDER, Age 70 years, of Exeter, died 28 August 1890, Registration District: Port Adelaide. Evening Journal (Adelaide, SA : 1869 - 1912), Friday 29 August 1890, page 2 - DEATH OF AN OLD COLONIST.— Another old resident, Mrs. John Lawder; died at her residence, "Woolnough road, Exeter, on Thurs-day, August 28. Mrs. Lawder arrived here in the Emily in August, 1849, with her husband, who died in November, 1887. Shortly after their arrival they settled at the Reedbeds and afterwards at Para Hills. Of a family of nine there are six daughters surviving and twenty-two grandchildren.
826Lawder, FloraReed Beds1860/12/282 yr 6mC. MarryatLease no 100Lease No 100. Age 3 years, of Reed Beds, died 22 December 1860, (father) John Lawder, Registration District: Adelaide.
XLawder, John (See also Lander)Collins Street Exeter1887/11/1872 yrSARLease no 100Lease No 100 - Sudden (colonist 28 years) - formerly of Para hills. Age 72 years, of Exeter, died 16 November 1887, Registration District: Port Adelaide.
287Lawrence, ElizaShip Lady McDonald1855/4/1426 yrBayfieldDOD - 13 April 1855, cause - diorrhoea. Bound for SA - Births & Deaths on government-assisted immigrant ships - 1848-1885.
984Lawson, Charlotte CeliaPort Adelaide1862/9/2516 yrMarryatIn fathers grave, Thomas died 22/3/1849). Age 16 years, of Port Adelaide, died 22 September 1862, Registration District: Adelaide.
297Lawson, HenryQueenstown1855/5/15nkBayfieldLease no 33Lease No 33. Died on Monday the 14th instant, at Queenstown, after a short illness, Mr. Henry Lawson, blacksmith, late of Kincardine, Perthshire, Scotland', South Australian Register, Thursday 24 May 1855, Family Notices, page 2.
8Lawson, Robert EdwardPort Adelaide1849/3/136mNewenhamGeneral Debility. No fee paid. Robert Edward Lawson, Age 1 month 18 days, of Port Adelaide, died 10 May 1849, Registration District: Adelaide.
10Lawson, ThomasLefevre Peninsula1849/3/2237 yrNewenhamDisease of the heart. Age 37 years, of Lefevre Peninsula, died 20 March 1849, Registration District: Adelaide.
XLawton, IsabellaQueenstown1874/6/1745 yrSARWife of Charles. Age 45 years, of Alberton, died 14 June 1874, (husband) Samuel Lawton, Registration District: Adelaide.
1530Lawton, Sarah AnnAlberton1868/5/29infantF. GarrettAge 3 years, of Queenstown, died 27 may 1868, (father) Charles Lawton, Registration District: Adelaide.
1138Lawton, Sarah EllenNorth Adelaide1864/5/1314dMarryatAge 14 years, of North Adelaide, died 12 May 1864, (father) Thomas Lawton, Registration District: Adelaide.
XLeake, Mrs Annat Mrs Sinclairs Semaphore Road1887/11/3078 yrSARAge 78 years, of Glanville, died 29 November 1887, (husband) John Leake, Registration District: Port Adelaide.
599Lee, HenryQueenstown1858/4/122 yrC. MarryatAge 2 years, of Queens Town, died 10 April 1858, (father) John Lee, Registration District: Adelaide.
3Lee, JohnSeaman of the Steam Ship JUNO1848/1/2423 yrNewenhamDrowned whilst intoxicated. Age 24 years, of aboard 'Juno', died 23 January 1848, Registration District: Adelaide.
138Lee, LouisaPort Adelaide1851/5/1821 yrBayfieldNo further information
181Lee, ThomasShip CANDUAHAR1851/12/2234 yrBayfieldCook on board the ship 'Candahar', died on Sunday 21 December 1851 from an accidental fall and drowning. For details see article 'Inquest at the Port', South Australian Register, Tuesday 23 December 1851, page 3.
903Leech, AnniePortland Estate1861/10/62 yr 3mMarryatAnnie Leach, Age 2 years, of Port Adelaide, died 4 October 1861, (father) Henry Leech, Registration District: Adelaide.
1407Leech, Henry RichardPortland Estate1867/5/237mMarryatAge 7 months, of Portland Estate, died 21 May 1867, (father) William Henry Leech, Registration District: Adelaide.
777Lees, AbigailPort Adelaide1860/6/413dC. MarryatAge 13 days, of Port Adelaide, died 3 June 1860, (father) George Lees, Registration District: Adelaide.
1447Lees, RobertPort Adelaide1867/9/2216mMarryatAge 16 months, of Port Adelaide, died 21 September 1867, (father) George Lees, Registration District: Adelaide.
1057Leicester, Alexander JamesLefevre Peninsula1863/8/38mMarryatAge 8 months, of Lefevre Peninsula, died 1August 1863, (father) Richard Leicester, Registration District: Adelaide.
1629Leicester, James Isaac GeorgeLefevre Peninsula1869/5/2558 yrW. ScottLease no 233Lease No 233 - Good faithful servant beloved by all who knew him. Age 58 years, of Lefevre Peninsula, died 23 May 1869, Registration District: Adelaide.
XLeicester, ---Lefevre Peninsula1861/6/16StillbornMarryatStillborn child of Mrs Leicester
1431Leisk, ElizaLefevre Peninsula1867/8/121d 1/2F. GarrettAge 2 days, of Lefevre Peninsula, died 11 August 1867, (father) James Leisk, Registration District: Adelaide.
1058Leleu, FrancisLefevre Peninsula1863/8/144 yr 3mMarryatAge 4 years, of Lefevre Peninsula, died 12 August 1863, (father) Friedrich Morgan Leleu, Registration District: Adelaide.
1460LeMessurier, Ada MaryPortland Estate1867/11/74 yrMarryatAge 4 years, of Portland Estate, died 5 November 1867, (father) Adolphus Wincey Le Messurier, Registration District: Adelaide.
XLeMessurier, Betsy Pradon (Prideaux)Sarnia Place Yatala1871/4/2552 yrTLease no 270Lease No 270 - Consumption (wife of Peter). Betsey Prideaux Le Messurier, Age 52 years, of Yatala, died 22 April 1871, (husband) Peter Le Messurier, Registration District: Port Adelaide. Funeral procession left her residence at Sarnia Place, Yatala, for Alberton Cemetery on Tuesday afternoon, 25 April. Express and Telegraph, Monday 24 April, page 1.
XLeMessurier, PeterSarnia Place Yatala1876/3/560 yrT - with familyLease no 270Lease No 270 - Husband of Betsy Pradon. Age 60 years, of Yatala, died 3 March 1867, Registration District: Port Adelaide. THE Friends of the late Capt. PETER Le MESSURIER are respectfully informed that his REMAINS will be removed from his late Residence, Yatala, for interment at the Alberton Cemetery, on Sunday, March 5, at 3 o'clock, x J. C. & G. HADDY, Undertakers.
1463LeMessurier, Sydney GeorgePortland Estate1867/11/154mMarryatat foot of grave burial no 1460 (Ada). Age 4 months, of Portland Estate, died 14 November 1867, (father) Adolphus Wincey Le Messurier, Registration District: Adelaide.
515Lennie, AnderinaPort Adelaide1857/6/132 yrBayfieldLease no 62Lease No 62. No further information
876Lennie, WilliamAlberton1861/8/348 yrC. MarryatAge 48 years, of Alberton, died 2 August 1861, Registration District: Adelaide.
Lennings, JohnPort Adelaide1859/11/2635 yrC. MarryatNo further information
561Lepage, Alice SelinaQueenstown1857/12/294mC. MarryatDiarrhea. Alice Selina LE page, Age 4 months, of Queenstown, died 27 December 1857, (father) Peter Le page, Registration District: Adelaide.
XLeslie, Emma MaryQueenstown1874/10/812mSARLease no 217Lease No 217, daughter William Wood and Emma = uncle's lease. Age 1 year, of Queenstown, died 6 October 1874, (father) William Leslie, Registration District: Port Adelaide. THE FRIENDS of Mr. W. W. LESLIE are respectfully informed that the REMAINS of his late DAUGHTER EMMA MARY will be removed from his Residence, Queenstown, for Interment in the Alberton Cemetery, on Thursday next, at 3.30. S. HADDY & SON, Undertakers
1476Leslie, RobertPortland Estate1867/12/2013dMarryatLease no 217Lease No 217. Age 13 days, of Portland Estate, died 19 December 1867, (father) George Firth Leslie, Registration District: Adelaide.
823Lester, Francis WilliamQueenstown1860/12/208mMarryatAge 8 months, of Queenstown, died 19 December 1860, (father) Henry Lester, Registration District: Adelaide.
36Lewis, Elizabeth MatildaPort AdelaideNov-30185213mBayfieldAge 13 months, died 29 November 1852, Registration District: Adelaide.
1089Liccioni, AnnPort Adelaide1863/12/156mF. GarrettAnn LICEIONI, Age 6 months, died 13 December 1863, of Lefevre Peninsula, (father) Donati Liceioni, Registration District: Adelaide.
1436Liddell, Margaret Florence LakePort Adelaide1867/8/212y 11mMarryatLease no 85Lease No 85, by permission of mother-in-law, Mrs Lake. Age 3 years, of Port Adelaide, died 19 August 1867, (father) Anthony Liddell, Registration District: Adelaide.
XLiddell, Mrs. - stillborn child of1863/9/21Marryatstillborn - Mrs Buchanan nurse
77Liddle, SarahPort Adelaide1853/4/241 yrBayfield(No further information, no death certificate, no funeral notice)
143Liddle, ThomasPort Adelaide1854/1/1641 yrBayfield(No further information, no death certificate, no funeral notice)
646Liebick, Friedrick Wilhelm BernardBarque Sophie1858/10/252 1/2 yrMarryatFriedrich Wilhelm Bernerd LIEBICH, Age 2 years, of Port Adelaide, died 24 October 1858, Registration District: Adelaide.
1142Lindsay, Annie IsabellaPortland Estate1864/6/45wMarryatno service. Age 5 weeks, of Port Adelaide, died 2 June 1864, of Port Adelaide, (father) Robert Lindsay, Registration District: Adelaide.
1270Lindsay, IsabellaPort Adelaide1866/2/1874 yrGreenAge 79 years, of Portland Estate died 16 February 1866, Registration District: Adelaide.
XLindsay, IsabellaLargs Bay Road1888/7/1124 yrSARLease No 189Step daughter James H. Turner. Age 24 years, of Exeter, died 9 July 1888, Registration District: Port Adelaide.
850Lindsay, JamesPortland Estate1861/3/713mC. MarryatAge 1 year, of Queenstown, died 6 March 1861, (father) John Lindsay, Registration District: Adelaide.
XLindsay, Mrs. Robert-stillborn child ofPortland Estate1866/7/2StillbornMarryat
1461Lindsay, PeterLefevre's Peninsula1867/11/1115mMarryatLease 189Lease No 189, grave od burial no 1313 Peter, 25 years. No further information
1313Lindsay, PeterLefevre's Peninsula1866/6/3025 yrNewmanLease 189Lease No 189. Age 25 years, of Lefevre Peninsula, died 18 June 1866, Registration District: Adelaide.
55Lines, Frederick OscarNoarlunga1853/1/1512mBayfieldBorn January 30, 1852, mother Mary Ann Carpenter. Registration District: Adelaide. Died on the 12th instant, at Noarlunga, Frederick Oscar Lines, infant son of Mr Frederick Lines, Aged 12 months'. Adelaide Observor, Saturday 15 January 1853, Family Notices, page 5.
1259Linton, Adelaide IsabellaPortland Estate1866/1/2413m 10dGreenAge 13 months, of Portland Estate, died 22 January 1866, (father) John Reid Linton, Registration District: Adelaide.
Lister, Francis WilliamQueenstown1860/12/208mC. MarryatFrancis William LESTER,Age 8 months, of Queenstown, died 19 December 1860, (father) Henry Lester, Registration District: Adelaide.
756Lithell, Elizabeth AnnHindmarsh1860/2/1511 yrs 9 monthsC. MarryatLease no 144Lease No 144. Elizabeth Lithall, Age 7 years, of Brompton, died 13 February 1860, (mother) Mary Ann Lithall, Registration District: Adelaide.
204Lithell, SusanaAlbert Town1854/6/2214mBayfieldLease no 144Lease No 144. Sarah Sussanah was born in 1853 to Mary Ann Floyd and John Lithell
452Little, FannyShip Aliquis1856/9/120mBayfield(Govt.) DOD - 30 August 1856, Age 1, cause of death - marasmus. Bound for SA - CD-Rom, Births & Deaths on government-assisted immigrant ships, 1848-1885.
XLittle, Kate MayLefevre's Peninsula1872/4/2811mSARLease no 250Lease No 250, youngest d. of J.A.G. telegraph master, Port Darwin. Age 11 months, of Port Adelaide, died 28 April 1872, (father) John Archibald Graham Little, Registration District: Adelaide.
XLittle, MargaretAlberton1870/5/24SARLease No 250Widow of Edward, merchant of Liverpool. Age 69 years, of Alberton, died 22 May 1870, (deceased husband) Edward Little, Registration District: Adelaide. Funeral procession left her residence at Alberton for the Alberton Cemetery on Tuesday afternoon, 24 May. South Australian Advertiser, Monday 23 May 1879, page 1.
627Littleton, FrancisPort Adelaide1858/7/2573 yrC. MarryatLease no 78Lease No 78. Age 73 years, of Reed Beds, died 24 July 1858, Registration District: Adelaide.
423Littleton, William Weston (Burial register=Lyttleton)Port1856/4/1930 yrBayfield TLease no 78Lease No 78, this stone erected as tribute of esteem by friends… of North Adelaide. Age 30 years, of North Adelaide, died 19 April 1856, (father) Francis Littleton, Registration District: Adelaide.
6Livermore, Robert ElgarQueenstown1873/7/1850 yrGreenRobert Elger LIVERMORE, Age 50 years, of Queenstown, died 16 July 1873, Registration District: Port Adelaide.
1344Lloyd, Sarah JessieLefevre's Peninsula1866/11/69 yrMarryatAge 9 years, of Lefevre Peninsula, died 5 November 1866, (father) Titus Lloyd, Registration District: Adelaide.
1288Loane, JohnPeninsula1866/4/16not recordedGreenLease No 185, in Pearse's Lease. Age 53 years, of Lefevre Peninsula, died 15 April 1866, Registration District: Adelaide.
18Lobb1873/9/3infantGreenNo further information
2Lock, GeorgeGlanville1873/7/814 yrGreenAge 14 years, of Lefevre Peninsula, died 7 July 1873, (father) Thomas Lock, Registration District: Port Adelaide.
504Lock, Thomasnk1857/5/34 yr 6mBayfieldLease no 70Lease No 70. No further information
956Locke, ThomasPort Adelaide1862/2/931 yrMarryatLease no 70Lease No 70. Age 31 years, of Port Adelaide, died 8 February 1862, Registration District: Adelaide.
Loeve, RobertPort Adelaide1856/2/2028 yrBayfieldSee Lowe, Robert, below.
463Logg, JosephBarque Blundell1856/10/204 yrBayfieldNo further information
856Logg, WilliamPortland Estate1861/3/2213 yrC. MarryatKilled on railway. Age 13 years, of Portland Estate, died 21 March 1861, (father) John Logg, Registration District: Adelaide.
1319Long, ElizabethPort Adelaide1866/7/29not recordedMarryatAge 49 years, of Portland Estate, died 27 June 1866, (husband) John Long, Registration District: Adelaide.
94Lony, WilliamShip Abberton1850/11/339 yrBayfieldNo further information
8Lossell, SamuelShip Brankenmoor1848/7/2740 yrNewenhamKilled by a fall down a ship's hold while intoxicated. Age 40 years, of aboard 'Brankenmoor', died 26 July 1848, Registration District: Adelaide.
1277Loveday, Ann ElizabethReedbeds1866/3/164mH. HowittIn burial no 1168, Richard, 10 hours, 8/12/1864. Age 4 months, of Bowden, died 15 March 1866, at Reed Beds, (father) Richard John Loveday, Registration District: Adelaide.
1572Loveday, EllenAlberton1868/10/5not recordedF. GarrettIn their lease - not located. Age 1 year, of One Tree Hill, died 4 October 1868, (father) Richard Loveday, Registration District: Adelaide.
1168Loveday, Richard JohnReedbeds1864/12/810 hrsMarryatAge 2 days, of Reedbeds, died 8 December 1864, (father) Richard John Loveday, Registration District: Adelaide.
1637Lowe, ElizabethAlberton1869/7/14not recordedGreenAge 47 years, of Queenstown, died 12 July 1869, (husband) Maurice Lowe, Registration District: Adelaide.
1499Lowe, Julius AugustusQueenstown1868/3/712mMarryatAge 1 year, of Queenstown, died 5 March 1868, (father) William Lowe, Registration District: Adelaide.
394Lowe, RobertPort Adelaide1856/2/2028 yrBayfieldNo further information
XLumbers, JamesSemaphore Road1882/10/2934 yrSARMember Lodge of Unity. Age 34 years, of Glanville, died 27 October 1882, Registration District: Port Adelaide. Evening Journal (Adelaide, SA : 1869 - 1912), Monday 30 October 1882, page 2 - LUMBERS.—On the 27th October, at his residence, Semaphore-road, Glanville, James Lumbers, jun., Aged 34.
279Luscombe, JohnPort Adelaide1855/4/217dBayfieldNo further information
915Lynch, Hannah MargaretAlberton1861/11/31yrMarryatAge 19 months, of Alberton, died 27 September 1861, Registration District: Adelaide.
1308Lynch, JamesEmigrant Ship Charlotte Gladstone1866/6/198mMarryatJames LYNCH, Age 8 months, of Darrah, Limerick [Ireland], died 18 June 1866 aboard 'Charlotte Gladstone', (father) John Lynch, Registration District: Adelaide. DOD - 18 June 1866, cause of death - whooping cough. Bound for SA - CD ROM - Births & Deaths on government ships 1848-1885.
709Lynch, StephenAlberton1859/5/44mC. MarryatLease no 86Lease No 86 A lot: AAA. Age 4 months, of Alberton, died 2 May 1859, Registration District: Adelaide.
Lyttleton, William Wiston (see Littleton)
14Macgregor, DavidShip Duke of Bedford1848/12/1948 yrNewenhamDrowned while intoxicated. Age 40 years, aboard 'Duke of Bedford', died 17 December 1848, Registration District: Adelaide.
XMackay, AlexanderYatala, late of Queenstown1875/12/619 yrSARLease No 152Lease No 152, eldest son John & Helen. Age 19 years, of Yatala, died 6 December 1875, (father) John Mackay, Registration District: Port Adelaide.
1551Mackay, ElizaQueenstown1868/8/104wGreenLease no 192Lease No 192. Age 4 weeks, of Queenstown, died 8 August 1868, (father) John Mackay, Registration District: Adelaide.
XMackay, EuphimaQueenstown1875/1/1717 yrSARLease No 152Lease No 152, eldest d. John & Helen. Age 17 years, of Queenstown, died 16 January 1875, (father) John Mackay, Registration District: Port Adelaide.
1325Mackay, George FoggoPortland Estate1866/8/612 daysMarryatLease no 192Lease No 192. Age 11 days, of Portland Estate, died 5 August 1866, (father) Robert Mackay, Registration District: Adelaide.
XMackay, HelenPort Road, Portland Estate1877/3/344 yrSARLease No 192Lease No 192. Relict late Robert. Age 44 years, of Portland Estate, died 1 March 1877, (deceased husband) Robert Mackay, Registration District: Port Adelaide.
1092Mackay, RobertAlberton1863/12/3112mMarryatLease no 152Lease No 152. Age 1 year, of Alberton, died 29 December 1863, (father) John Mackay, Registration District: Adelaide.
XMackay, RobertPortland Estate1876/10/361 yrSARLease No 192Master mariner. Age 60 years, of Portland Estate, died 30 September 1878, Registration District: Port Adelaide.
Mackridge, SarahAlberton1860/8/1746 yrC. MarryatSarah MOCKRIDGE, Age 46 years, of Albertown, died 16 August 1860, (husband) B Mockridge, Registration District: Adelaide.
227MacMahon (Machom), William LowtherPort Adelaide1854/9/1823 yrBayfieldNo further information

1398MacNamara, Michael FrancisPortland Estate1867/5/442 yrMarryatLease no 219Lease No 219. Age 42 years, of Portland Estate, died 2 May 1867, Registration District: Adelaide. "The funeral of the late Mr Michael F. Macnamara, of H.M. Customs, took place on Saturday. A large number of friends, including most of the Customs House Officers, followed his remains to the Alberton Cemetery, where the funeral service was performed by the Rev. C. Marryat", Adelaide Observer, Saturday 11 May 1867, page 2.
1420Macpherson, HenryPortland Estate1867/6/181yr 8mMarryatAge 1 year, of Portland Estate, died 17 June 1867, (father) Hugh Macpherson, Registration District: Adelaide.
61Madigen, PatrickPort Adelaide1850/3/318mBayfieldTeething. No further information
Magris, (Magrie), SarahLefevre Peninsula1853/5/125wBayfieldBorn April 9, 1853 to William Margrie and Sarah Squire Pinn. Registration District: Adelaide
1154Maguire, CatherinePort Adelaide1864/8/1823 yrHodgeAge 23 years, of Port Adelaide, died 16 August 1864, Registration District: Adelaide.
8778Main, William TaylorThe Light ship1861/8/513mC. MarryatAge 1 year, of Port Adelaide, died 3 August 1861, (father) George Main, Registration District: Adelaide.
1261Malcolm, Isabella ScottPortland Estate1866/1/2916wGreenLease no 188Lease No 188. Age 16 days, of Smithfield, died 28 January 1866, (father) Robert Malcolm, Registration District: Adelaide.
1228Malcolm, James (Capt.)Ship Petrina1865/10/2956 yrRev J. GardinerAge 56 years, of Port Adelaide, died 28 October 1865, Registration District: Adelaide. "The funeral of Captain James Malcolm, of the Ship Pekina, who died on Saturday morning, at Ford's Hotel, took place on Sunday afternoon, at the Alberton Cemetery. His remains were followed to the grave by the vessel's crew, and a very large number of friends, all the ships in harbor having their flags half-mart high in token of respect. The deceased was an old and much-esteemed colonist, having arrived here in the brig Malcolm, his own property, in 1846. He returned to Europe shortly afterwards, and came out again a passenger, and for many years represented tbe house of Elder/Stirling, & Co., (now Elder, Smith and Co.) at Port Adelaide. In 1862 he left for Wallaroo, and was for some time manAger of the wharves and tramways there. In the early part of 1861, he proceeded to England, and superintended the building of the Pekina, and arrived here in command of that vessel some three weeks past in a precarious state of health. He leaves a wife and two children residing in the neighborhood of Liverpool to mourn their loss." South Australian Advertiser, Monday 30 October 1865, page2.
Male child found deadnknknkCoroners Warrant
XMalin, Sidney AlbertDale Street, Port Adelaide1876/11/22infantSARSon of Sidney & Mary Masterman. Sydney Albert MALIN, Age 3 months, of Port Adelaide, died 19 November 1867, (father) Sydney Malin, Registration District: Port Adelaide.
812Manly, HarrietPort Adelaide1860/11/2811m 1wC. MarryatBuried with sister Maraget burial no 809. Harriet MANLEY, Age 11 months, of Port Adelaide, died 27 November 1860, (father) Joseph Manley, Registration District: Adelaide.
809Manly, MargaretPort Adelaide1860/11/242 yr 5mC. MarryatAge 2 years, of Port Adelaide, died 23 November 1860, (father) Joseph Manly, Registration District: Adelaide.
XMansom, William HenryDuke of Wellington Hotel, Port Adelaide1898/7/3143 yrSARWilliam Henry MANSON, Age 43 years, of Port Adelaide, died 28 July 1898, Registration District: Adelaide.
XManson, Abrahamat residence mother, Harris St, Exeter1884/2/2538 yrSARLease No 244Lease no 244. Eldest son late Magnus. Age 38 years, of Exeter, died 24 February 1884, Registration District: Port Adelaide. Evening Journal (Adelaide, SA : 1869 - 1912), Monday 25 February 1884, page 2 - MANSON.—On the 24th February, at his mother's residence, Harris-street, Exeter, after a Iong and painful illness, Abram, eldest son of the late Magnus Manson, mail contractor, Aged 38 years.
XManson, HelenSemaphore Hotel1881/1/1123 yrSARLease No 244.Lease no 244. 4th daughter Magnus and Mary. Age 23 years, of Semaphore, died 10 January 1881, (father) Magnis Manson, Registration District: Port Adelaide. Evening Journal (Adelaide, SA : 1869 - 1912), Monday 10 January 1881, page 2 - MANSON.—On the 9th January, at the Semaphore, Helen Manson, the beloved fourth daughter of Magnus and Mary Manson, in the twenty-third year of her Age.
XManson, IsabellaSemaphore Hotel, Semaphore1870/2/1522 yrSAR - TLease No 244Lease no 244 consumption (2nd daughter of Magnus decd. and Mary). Age 22 years, of Semaphore, died 13 February 1870, of Lefevre Pen, (mother) Mary Manson, Registration District: Adelaide. Funeral procession left the Semaphore Hotel, Lefevre's Peninsula, for the Alberton Cemetery, on Tuesday 15 February, S. Haddy undertaker. South Australian Register, Tuesday 15 February 1870, page 2.
XManson, James Morrisat Harris St, Exeter (mother Mrs Amory)1886/5/3135 yrSARLease No 244Lease no 244. Widow and 5 children; Loyal Pen. Lodge; Mail contractor. James Marris MANSON, Age 34 years, of Port Darwin, died 29 May 1886, Registration District: Port Adelaide. South Australian Register (Adelaide, SA : 1839 - 1900), Mon 31 May 1886, p 4 - MANSON.— On the 29th inst., at the residence of his mother (Mrs. Amory), Harris-street, Exeter, James Morris, second son of the late Magnus Manson, mail contractor, Semaphore, and brother of Mrs. W. Mead, Port Adelaide. He was many years resident at Palmerston, N.T., and leaves a wife and five children to deplore their loss.
XManson, MagnusPort1863/7/3146 yrTLease no 244, drowned in gulf leaving widow & 10 children. Unregistered Deaths in SA from July 1842. Magnus Manson was a mail contractor and public servant at Port Adelaide. He died in a storm in the Gulf at the end of July 1863, falling overboard from the barque 'Stag' and drowning before he could be rescued. He left behind a wife and 10 children. For more details see the article 'Terrific gale and loss of life' in the South Australian Register, Saturday 1 August 1863, page 2.
XManson, SophieSemaphore Hotel1877/3/617 yrTLease No 244Lease No 244, consumption (daughter of Magnus. decd. And Mary). Age 17 years, of Semaphore Road, died 4 March 1877, (father) Magnus Manson, Registration District: Port Adelaide.
446Manuel, PhillipPort Adelaide1856/8/68mBayfieldAge 8 months, of Port Adelaide, died 4 August 1856, Registration District: Adelaide.
762Margrie, AnniePort Adelaide1860/3/182mC. Marryatin grave with William Margrie burial no 304, 8m 7/6/1855. Age 2 months, of Port Adelaide, died 17 March 1860, (father) William Margrie, Registration District: Adelaide.
88Margrie, SarahLefevre Peninsula1853/5/125wBayfieldBorn April 9, 1853 to William Margrie and Sarah Squire Pinn. Registration District: Adelaide
304Margrie, William JohnPort Adelaide1855/6/78mBayfieldBorn September 15 1854 to William Margire and Sarah Squire Pinn. Registration District Adelaide.
22Marjoram, HarrietQueenstown1873/9/1653 YearsGreenLease No 253Lease 253. Age 53 years, of Alberton, died 13 September 1873, (husband) George Marjoram, Registration District: Adelaide. Funeral procession left her residence at Young Street, Queenstown, for Alberton Cemetery, Tuesday afternoon, 16 September, P. Gay, undertaker. South Australian Advertiser, Tuesday 16 September 1873, page 1.
919Marlor, Emma ElizabethLefevre Peninsula1861/11/132 yrMarryatAge 1 year, of Lefevre Peninsula, died 12 November 1861, (father) John Samuel Marlor, Registration District: Adelaide.
979Marlor, John SamuelLefevre Peninsula1862/8/1611wksMarryatIn grave of sister Emma burial number 919, 2 years, died 13/11/1861. Age 10 weeks, of Port Adelaide, died 14 August 1862, (father) John Samuel Marlor, Registration District: Adelaide.
182Marsden, SamuelAlbert Town1854/4/1446 yrBayfieldLease no 261 (26?)Lease No 26. "Died on the 11th instant after a severe illness, Mr Samuel Marsden, of the Albert Hotel, Albert Town, Aged 46 years; deeply regretted by a large circle of friends", South Australian Register, Thursday 13 April 1854, 'Family Notices', page 2.
470Marsh, Arthur SebastopolLefevre Peninsula1856/12/2512mBayfieldLease no 88 (68 L:BR)Lease No 88. "Died on the 23rd instant, at Lefevre's Peninsula, Arthur Sebastopol, youngest son of Mr H.R. Marsh, Commander of the barque 'Rebecca'", South Australian Register, Friday 26 December 1856, 'Family Notices', page 2.
150Marsh, John Robert OwenPort Adelaide1854/1/317wBayfieldLease no 88 (68 LBR)Lease No 88. Born December 8, 1853 to Henry Rolfe Marsh and Mary Askew Hogg . Registration District: Adelaide.
41Marshall, JohnPort AdelaideDec-1118495 yr 6mBayfieldFever. No further information
708Marshall, JohnPort Adelaide1859/5/329 yrC. MarryatLease No 87Age 29 years, of Port Adelaide, died 1 May 1859, Registration District: Adelaide.
652Marshall, Sarah AnnPort Adelaide1858/12/28mC. MarryatLease no 87Lease No 87 A lot: South/East fence. Age 8 months, of Queenstown, died 30 November 1858, Registration District: Adelaide.
212Marsland, FannyPort Adelaide1852/7/42 yrBayfieldNo further information
XMarten, ---Lefevre Peninsula1866/3/16StillbornH HowittStillborn child of Mrs John.
XMartin, CatherineAlberton13/09/190274 yrSARLease No 62From nephew John Martin's, Glebe Street Alberton - Relict late Capt. John. Age 74 years, of Alberton, died 11 September 1902, (deceased husband) John Martin, Registration District: Port Adelaide. Wife of the late Captain John Martin, funeral left the residence of her nephew Mr John Martin at Glebe Street, Alberton, on Saturday afternoon 13 September 1902, for Alberton Cemetery, undertaker W.F. Deslandes. Advertiser, Friday 12 September 1902, page 2.
138Martin, CharlesPort Adelaide1854/1/139 yrBayfieldCut his throat. Age 35 years, died 1 January 1854, Registration District: Adelaide. SA Register (Adelaide, SA : 1839 - 1900), Monday 2 January 1854, page 3 - CORONER'S INQUEST. - Mr. Stevenson held an inquest yesterday (Sunday) morning at the British Tavern, Port Adelaide, on the body of a man named Charles Martin.
277Martin, ElizaPort Adelaide1855/4/131mBayfieldNo further informaiton
XMartin, John Capt.Rann Street, Birknhead6/04/190175 yrSARLease No 62Wife Catherine: colonist 51 years. Age 72 years, of Birkenhead, died 4 April 1901, at Parkside, Registration District: Norwood. Funeral procession left his residence on Rann Street, Birkenhead, Saturday afternoon 6 April, for Alberton Cemetery, W.F. Deslandes, undertaker. Advertiser, Friday 5 April 1901, page 2.
482Martin, Robert WilliamLefevre Peninsula1857/2/33 yr 3wBayfieldLease No 61Lease No 61 - only son James, shipwright. Age 3 years, of Lefevre Peninsula, died 31 January 1857, (father) John Martin, Registration District: Adelaide.
XMartine, ---nk1863/1/1StillbornMarryatStillborn child of Mrs Martine.
1272Martini, Mary ElizabethLefevre Peninsula21/2/186640 yearsGreenLease No 60In grave of rosalie, burial no 683, 1 year 3 months, died 10/2/1859. Further information
449Martini, Mary ElizabethLefevre Peninsula1856/8/173 yr 7mBayfieldLease No 60Lease No 60 - in grave 683 Rosalia, 1years 3m, 10/2/1859. Mary Elizabeth MARTINIE, Age 3 years 7 months, of Lefevre Peninsula, died 16 August 1856, Registration District: Adelaide.
683Martini, Rosalia MaryLefevre Peninsula1859/2/101yr 3mC. MarryatLease No 60Lease No 60. Age 1 year 3 months, of Port Adelaide, died 8 February 1859, (father) Charles Martine, Registration District: Adelaide.
MaryPort Adelaide1855/4/102mBayfieldNo further information
247Mason, Mary AnnWoodville1854/12/1556 yrBayfieldNo further information
578Mason, Monsoon (Mouson)Rosewater Village1858/2/212mC. MarryatTeething diarrhea. Age 10 months, of Port Adelaide, died 31 January 1858, (father) William Mason, Registration District: Adelaide.
1570Mason, ThomasQueenstown1868/10/24 yrGreenAge 4 years, of Queenstown, died 30 September 1868, (father) Thomas Mason, Registration District: Adelaide.
792Mason, Thomas Footil (Foottil)Queenstown1860/8/71yrC. MarryatTom Foolit MASON, Age 18 months, of Queenstown, died 4 August 1860, (father) Thomas Foolit Mason, Registration District: Adelaide.
616Mason, William GeorgeQueenstown1858/5/223mF. EvansNo further information
10Massen, John (Massen, Mayson)Ship Royal ShepherdessAug-29185227 yrBayfieldDrowned. Seaman aboard the 'Royal Shepherdess', departed London 10 March 1852 and arrived at Port Adelaide on 30 June 1852. From Passengers in History website. DANGEROUS PRACTICE - A sailor belonging to the Royal Shepherdess, attempted to jump on board as she was hauling off on Friday last, but missed his footing and slipped between the ship's side and the wharf. He was taken out of the water as quickly as possible, but was quite dead.
XMasson, Alexander JohnPrince's Hotel1887/2/219mSARYoungest son Alexander. Age 9 months, of Port Adelaide, died 20 January 1887, (father) Alexander Masson, Registration District: Port Adelaide.
Masson, JohnPort Adelaide1886/03/31nkSARSouth Australian Advertiser (Adelaide, SA: 1858 - 1889), Wed 31 Mar 1886, p 2 - THE Remains of the late CAPTAIN JOHN MASSON will be removed from the residence of his brother, Mr. Alex. Masson, Princes Hotel. Port Adelaide, THIS DAY (Wednesday) at 4 p.m., for interment in the Alberton Cemetery. 90 J. C. & G. E. HADDY, Undertakers
1262Masters, AmbroseLefevre Peninsula1866/1/298mGreenNo further informaiton
991Mather, Charles HeathcoteNormanville1862/11/124mMarryatAge 4 months, of Normanville, died 10 November 1862, (father) Charles A Mather, Registration District: Adelaide.
282Matson, ElizabethLefevre Peninsula1855/4/534 yrBayfieldNo further informaiton
86Matthews, MariaAlbert Town1853/5/940 yrBayfieldAdelaide Observer (SA : 1843 - 1904), Saturday 14 May 1853, page 4. SHOULD this meet the eye of GEORGE HURLEY, or any friend who may know him, this is to inform him of the death of his sister, Mrs. Matthews, at Alberton, on Friday, the 6th instant. He is requested to write immediately
1314Matthews, Tryphena CharlotteLefevre Peninsula1866/7/13 yr 11mMarryatTryphena Charlotte MATHEWS, Age 3 years, died 30 June 1866, (father) Henry Matthews, Registration District: Adelaide.
1248Matthews, William JamesShip GOSFORTH1866/2/24mGreenAge 4 months, aboard 'Gosforth', Port Adelaide, died 1 January 1866, (father) John Matthews, Registration District: Adelaide. DOD - 2 January 1865 (date different) - Bound for South Australia - Births & Deaths on government-assisted immigrant ships 1848-1885.
595Mattinson, (Mattuison) William HenryPortland1858/4/214mMarryatTeething diarrhea. Age 1 year, of Portland Estate, died 1 April 1858, (father) William Henry Mattinson, Registration District: Adelaide.
1162Maxwell, CharlesPort Adelaide - seaman on Brig ROMA1864/10/2145 yrH. M. PollittCoroners Warrant. Year: 1864, File No. 1854, Writer: R. Etheridge Sgt.. Subject: Port Adelaide death of Charles Maxwell, seaman killed in fight on board brig "Roma" From State Records of SA GRG 5/2 Correspondence files ('PCO' files) - Police Commissioner's Office.
Maygood, SarahPort Adelaide1858/2/974 yrC. MarryatNo further informaiton
252May (Eally), Margaret Louisa ElizabethPort Adelaide1855/1/414mBayfieldNo further informaiton
1349May, WilliamQueenstown1866/11/1875 yrMarryatIn old grave Margaret, burial no 252, 14m, died 4/1/1855. Age 75 years, of Queenstown, died 16 November 1866, Registration District: Adelaide. Funeral held Sunday afternoon, 18 November. South Australian Register, Saturday 17 November 1866, page 1.
1328May, WilliamQueenstown1866/8/129 yrMarryat
XMays, ---nk1867/9/20StillbornMarryatStillborn child of Mrs G Mays
XMazey, HannahAlberton1878/6/25c.50 yrSARLease No 111Lease No 111 - Wife of Isreal ; colonist 40 years. Age 50 years, of Alberton, died 19 June 1878, (husband) Israel Mazey, Registration District: Port Adelaide. Evening Journal (Adelaide, SA : 1869 - 1912), Tuesday 25 June 1878, page 2
DEATH -OF AN OLD COLONIST.— Mrs. Hannah Mazey, wife of Israel Mazey of Alberton, who died at her residence on Wednesday, June 19 after a long illness, was a colonist of 40 years, she having arrived in South Australia by the Navarino in 1837, at the Age of ten years.
917Mazey, IsraelAlberton1861/11/61yrMarryatLease No 111Lease No 111. Age 1 year, of Alberton, died 1 November 1861, Registration District: Adelaide.
XMazey, IsraelKing street, Alberton1894/6/28nkSARLease No 111Lease No 111 - arr. Duke of york 27/7/1836. Died Tuesday evening, 26 June 1894, after a week of ill health, Aged approximately 80 years. He was one of the earliest South Australian pioneers. For details of his life see obituary 'Death of an old colonist' in South Australian Chronicle, Saturday 30 June 1894, page 9.
51McArthur, JamesPort Adelaide1850/1/2312mBayfieldTeething. No further information
XMcArthur, JohnPort Adelaide1870/11/30c.54SARMember of Victoria Lodge wife Margaret. Age 54 years, of Church Place, Port Adelaide, died 28 November 1870, Registration District: Port Adelaide. Member of the Victoria Lodge, funeral procession left the Odfellows' Hall for Alberton Cemetery on Wednesday afternoon, 30 November. Express and Telegraph, Tuesday 29 November 1870, page 2.
XMcCallum, Margaret Lindsaynk1871/3/234 yrTLease No 264Lease No 264 Result of stillborn birth 3/2/1871 - wife of Capt. Duncan. Margaret McCALLUM, Age 32 years, of Semaphore, died 2 March 1871, (husband) Duncan McCallum, Registration District: Port Adelaide. Wife of Captain D. McCallum of the Lily, B.B. Line, every vessel in the harbour of Port Adelaide wore its colours at half-mast in token of sympathy, funeral held on Friday 3 March 1871, with a large number following her remains to Alberton Cemetery. Adelaide Observer, Saturday 4 March 1871, page 6.
62McCartney, AnnAlbert Town1850/3/536 yrBayfieldDied on the 4th instant, of erysipelas, Mrs Ann McCartney, wife of Samuel McCartney, of Albert Town, Aged 36 years. Also, on the 12th instant, Alfred Alexander McCartney, Aged 2 months, son of the above Mrs McCartney", South Australian, Friday 15 March 1850, 'Family Notices', page 3.
McCartney, Alfred AlexanderAlbert Town1850/3/122monthsAs above.
216McCole, WilliamShip Ostrich1854/7/2711wBayfieldDOD 26 July 1854, cause - bronchitis and whooping cough. Bound for SA - Births & Deaths on government-assisted immigrant ships 1848-1885.
714McCoy, Henry (baptised Harry)Alberton1859/6/1310mC. MarryatHarry McCoy, Age 10 months, of Alberton, died 12 June 1859, (father) Alexander McCoy, Registration District: Adelaide.
873McCoy, MargaretAlberton1861/7/935 yrC. Marryatwife of Capt. Alexander McCoy/sister Capt, W Davidson. Age 35 years, of Queenstown, died 7 July 1861, Registration District: Adelaide.
468McCoy, William EdwardQueens Town1856/12/161yr 7mBayfieldAge 19 months, of Queenstown, died 14 December 1856, (father) Alexander McCoy, Registration District: Adelaide.
988McCoy, WilliamPort Adelaide1862/10/1927 yrMarryatLease No 133William McKAY, Age 27 years, of Port Adelaide, died 15 October 1862, Registration District: Adelaide.
82McDonald, CatherinePort Adelaide1853/4/3016mBayfieldNo further information
123McDonald, DonaldBrig Casket1853/11/1826 yrBayfieldPassenger on board the Brig 'Casket', which departed Glasgow Tuesday 31 May 1853, and arrived at Port Adelaide on Monday 14 November 1853. From Passengers in History website.
362McDonald, FloraShip Royal Albert1855/12/2012mBayfieldLease no 40Lease No 40. Flora Jane McDONALD, Age 5 months, died 16 December 1855, (father) Thomas MacDonald, Registration District: Adelaide. DOD 19 December 1855, cause - diarrhoea. Bound for SA - Births & Deaths on government-assisted immigrant ships 1848-1885.
355McDonald, FrederickPort Adelaide1855/12/1011wBayfieldLease No 40Lease No 40. No further information
XMcDonald, Jean BellPort Adelaide1889/3/323 yearsSARLease No 40Lease No 40 - 9th child of John R and Prudence. Age 22 years, of Port Adelaide, died 2 March 1889, (father) John McDonald, Registration District: Port Adelaide.
90McDonald, JohnPort Adelaide1853/5/162 yr 8mBayfieldNo further information
XMcDonald, John (Francisco)Port Adelaide1877/2/427 yrSARLease No 40Lease No 40 - accident on wharf (wife Jane Margaret). John Francis McDONALD, Age 27 years, of Nile Street, died 3 February 1877, Registration District: Port Adelaide.
222McDonald, John RobertPort Adelaide2/07/190987 yrM. WilliamsLease No 40Lease No 40. John Robert McDONALD, Age 87 years, of Port Adelaide, died 30 June 1909, Registration District: Port Adelaide. Sir John Robert McDONALD, funeral departed his late residence at Quebec Street, Port Adelaide, on Friday afternoon, 2 July for Alberton Cemetery, undertaker J.C. Haddy & Son. Express & Telegraph, Saturday 3 July 1909, page 1.
414McDonald, Prudence SohpiaPort Adelaide23/12/191183 yrM. WilliamsLease No 40Lease No 40. Age 82 years, died 22 December 1911, (deceased husband) John Robert McDonald, Registration District: Port Adelaide. Funeral departed the residence of her son, Mr Jon McDonald, Quebec Street, Port Adelaide, for Alberton Cemetery on Saturday afternoon 23 December, Undertaker J.C. Haddy & Son. Express & Telegraph, Saturday 23 December 1911, page 1.
XMcDonald, Socrates FrederickWest Ward, Port Adelaide1895/7/2321 yrSARLease No 40Lease No 40 - died from a cricket ball accident, after long illness. Age 22 years, of Port Adelaide, died 22 July 1895, (father) John Robert McDonald, Registration District: Port Adelaide. Express and Telegraph (Adelaide, SA : 1867 - 1922), Thursday 25 July 1895, p 2m - McDONALD—On the 22nd July, in the Westward, in his 22nd year, after a long illness, Socrates Frederick, ninth son of John Robert and Prudence McDonald, all of whom were born in West Ward. Relatives accept this as the only intimation.
1643McDonald, Socrates (MacDonald in register)Port1869/8/15Infant (b.23/7/68)GreenLease No 40Lease No 40. Age 1 year, of Port Adelaide, died 14 August 1869, (father) John Robert McDonald, Registration District: Adelaide.
144McDowall, Irene AnnieAlberton1897/5/148mSamwellIrene Annie McDOWELL, Age 8 months, of Alberton, died 13 May 1897, (father) William McDowell, Registration District: Port Adelaide.
136McDowall, James LawrenceAlberton1895/9/14InfantSamwellLease No 310Lease No 310. James Lawrence McDOWELL, Age 11 months, of Alberton, died 12 September 1895, (father) William McDowell, Registration District: Port Adelaide.
1449McDowel, MargaretLefevre Peninsula1867/10/414mMarryatAge 14 months, of Lefevre Peninsula, died 2 October 1867, (father) William McDowel, Registration District: Adelaide.
149McDowell, IsabellaKing Street, Alberton15/06/190168 yrSamwellLease No 210Lease No 310 - (husband James, Presbyterian). Age 68 years, of Alberton, died 12 June 1901, (husband) James McDowell, Registration District: Adelaide. Funeral left her residence at King Street, Alberton for Alberton Cemetery, Saturday morning 15 June, undertaker W.F. Deslandes, Express and Telegraph, Friday 14 June 1901, page 2.
153McDowell, JamesKing Street, Alberton19/10/190666 yrTarnon ?Lease No 310. Age 66 years, of Alberton, died 18 October 1906, Registration District: Port Adelaide. Member of the Victoria Lodge, funeral departed his residence at King Street, Alberton for the Alberton Cemetery on Friday afternoon, 19 October, undertaker J.B. Siebert & Sons. Express and Telegraph, Thursday 18 October 1906, page 1.
30McFarlane, ---Glanville1873/10/7nkH. M. PollittNo further informaiton
1548McFarlane, HarrietPort1868/8/66 yrGreenAge 6 years, of Lefevre Peninsula, died 5 August 1868, (father) James McFarlane, Registration District: Adelaide.
1507McFarlane, Mary AnnPort Adelaide1868/3/253dMarryatBuried next to burial no 815 - her grandmother Mary Tyzack. Age 3 days, of Port Adelaide, died 24 March 1868, (father) Alexander McFarlane, Registration District: Adelaide.
1363McFie, Frederic WalterPort Adelaide1866/12/1811mMarryatLease No 199Lease No 199. Age 11 months, of Port Adelaide, died 17 December 1866, (father) Daniel McFie, Registration District: Adelaide.
511McInnes, MaryPort Adelaide1857/5/199mBayfieldMary McINNIS, Age 9 months, of Port Adelaide, died 17 May 1857, (father) Donald McInnis, Registration District: Adelaide.
1245McInnes, PatrickShip YATALA1865/12/2826 yearsGreenDrowned. Patrick McINNIS, Age 26 years, aboard 'Yatala', died 25 December 1965 at Port Adelaide, Registration District: Adelaide.
1054McIntyre, DuncanAdelaide1863/7/633 yrRev. T. SmellieAge 33 years, of Adelaide, died 4 July 1863, Registration District: Adelaide.
XMcIntyre, KateMilitary Road Semaphore1878/7/2180 yrSARHome of son-in-law Alfred Waterman - relict late Edwin. Age 80 years, of Lefevre Peninsula, died 19 July 1878, (deceased husband) Ewin McIntye, Registration District: Port Adelaide. - Evening Journal (Adelaide, SA : 1869 - 1912), Friday 19 July 1878, page 2 - McIntyre — On the 19th July, at the residence of her son-in-law, Alfred Waterman, at the Semaphore, Kate, relict of the late Ewin McIntyre, Aged 80 years
Mckay, GeorgeBirkenhead1883/05/2082 yrSARExpress and Telegraph (Adelaide, SA : 1867 - 1922), Saturday 19 May 1883, page 2 - McKAY.—On the 19th May, at his son's residence, Birkenhead, after a short and painful illness, George McKay, Aged 82 years; colonists of 45 years.
XMcKay, Mary Mrsat son's Capt. G - Birkenhead1891/8/2281 yrSARAge 81 years, of Birkenhead, died 21 August 1891, (deceased husband) George McKay, Registration District: Port Adelaide.
XMcKendrick, Davidat brother in law Charles Nelson, Denman street, Exeter.1886/11/853 yrSARLease No 274Lease No 274. Age 53 years, of Lefevre Peninsula, died 6 November 1886 at Adelaide, Registration District: Port Adelaide.
1301McKenzie, Jane HamptonLefevre Peninsula1866/6/342 yrHodgeLease No 190Lease No 190. Age 42 years, of Lefevre Peninsula, died 1 June 1886 at Lefevre Peninsual, (husband) William McKenzie, Registration District: Adelaide.
XMcKenzie, William SnrSemaphore Road, Glanville, Lefevre Peninsula1886/10/265 yrGreenLease no 190Lease No 190 - Loyal Peninsula Lodge. Age 65 years, of Exeter, died 19 September 1886 at Exeter, Registration District: Port Adelaide. South Australian Advertiser (Adelaide, SA: 1858 - 1889), Mon 4 Oct 1886, p 4 - A large number of Portonians and local residents assembled at the Alberton cemetery on Saturday afternoon, October 2, to pay their last tribute of respect to the memory of Mr. W. McKenzie, an old resident of Lefevre's Peninsula who died at his residence Semaphore road, on the previous Wednesday. Mr. McKenzie was a colonist of 35 years, and was 30 years of Age when he reached our shores.
1346McKeown, MargaretPort Adelaide1866/11/1236 yearsMarryatGovernment funeral. Age 36 years, of Adelaide, died 10 November 1866 at Port Adelaide, Registration District: Adelaide.
68McKinlay, JaneAlberton1870/12/1144 yrJ. PriceLease no 311Lease No 311 - wife of Andrew leaving 7 chldren. Age 44 years, of Alberton, died 9 December 1870 at Alberton, (husband) Andrew McKinlay, Storeman. registraiton District: Port Adelaide. Wife of Andrew, a member Northern Star Tent, Albert District, funeral procession left her residence in Alberton for the Alberton Cemetery on Sunday afternoon, 11 December. South Australian Advertiser, Saturday 10 December 1870, page 1.
McKinlay, SophiaQueenstown1859/2/2831 yrC. MarryatSophia McINLEY, Age 31 years, of Queenstown, died 27 February 1879, (husband) Robert McInley, Registration District: Adelaide.
689McKinlay, SophiaQueenstown1859/2/254dC. MarryatAge 4 days, of Queenstown, died 24 February 1859, (father) Robert McInlay, Registration District: Adelaide.
XMcLachlan, HughGlanville1875/2/87 yrSAReldest son of Capt. C. Age 6 years, of Glanville, died 7 February 1875 at Port Adelaide, (father) Colin McLachlan, Registration District: Port Adelaide. THE Friends of Captain Colin McLachlan are respectfully informed that the REMAINS of his late SON, HUGH, will be removed from his Residence, Glanville, for interment in the Alberton Cemetery, This Day (Monday), February 8, at 3 o'clock, S. HADDY
104McLean, CatherinePort Adelaide1853/7/760 yrBayfieldNo further information
189McLean, Mary AnnPort Road1852/1/2710wBayfieldNo further information
XMcPherson, CarolineSemaphore1882/1/1424 yrSARLease no 193Lease No 193 - Caroline McPHEARSON, Age 23 years, of Semaphore, died 12 January 1882, (father) John Henry McPhearson, Registration District: Port Adelaide. Adelaide Observer (SA : 1843 - 1904), Saturday 14 January 1882, page 24 - McPHERSON.— On the 12th January, Caroline, youngest daughter of the late J. H. and E. M. McPherson, Semaphore, in her 24th year.
McPherson, Elizabeth MariaSemaphore1/07/190884 yrElizabeth Maria McPherson, Age 84 years, of Semaphore, died 1 July 1908, (husband) John Henry McPherson, Registration District: Port Adelaide. Wife of the late Captain John H. McPherson, her funeral departed the residence of her son, Mr E.F. Brett, at Kelson Steet, Semaphore on Thursday afternoon, 2 July for Alberton Cemetery, undertakers J.C. Haddy & Sons. Express and Telegraph, Wednesday 1 July 1908, page 1.
1403McPherson, Ellen (McPhearson, Helen Anderson)Lefevre Peninsula1867/5/1341 yrMarryat - SARLease no 204Lease No 204. Wife of James. Age 41 years, of Lefevre Peninsula, died 10 May 1867, (husband) James McPherson, Registration District: Adelaide. Funeral took place Monday afternoon at Alberton Cemetery, S. Haddy Undertaker. South Australian Advertiser, Monday 13 May 1867, page 1.
XMcPherson, JamesDudley Street, Kew1890/1/364 yrSARLease no 204Lease No 204. Engineer, Melbourne and Sydney papers please note - Age 64 years, of Kew, died 1 January 1890 at Kew, Registration District: Port Adelaide. Advertiser (Adelaide, SA : 1889 - 1931), Friday 3 January 1890, page 4 - McPHERSON.— On the 1st January, at his residence, Dudley Street, Kew, James McPherson, Engineer, Aged 64 years. Melbourne and Sydney papers please copy.
XMcPherson, JohnQueenstown1869/12/215mSARson of John & Elizabeth. John Darling McPHERSON, Age 3 weeks, of Glanville, died 21 December 1869 at Glanville, (father) James McPherson, (mother) Jane Darling, Registration District: Adelaide.
1337McPherson, John HenryLefevre Peninsula1866/9/2844 yrMarryatLease No 293Lease No 193 - drowned, body recovered long after : Duke of York/Victoria Lodge. Age 44 years, of Lefevre Peninsula, died 6 September 1866 at Gulf of St Vincent, Registration District: Adelaide. Members of the Victoria Lodge: "The Brethren of the above Lodge are requested to assemble at the Lodge at 3 o'clock p.m. this day, Friday, to FOLLOW the REMAINS of the late Brother Pilot McPHERSON to the Alberton Cemetery", South Australian Register, Friday 28 September 1866, page 1.
1651McQueen, JamesShip ELIZABETH OLIVER1869/9/9nkGreenAge 40 years, aboard 'Elizabeth A. Oliver', died 27 August 1869 at sea, Registration District: Adelaide. Captain James McQueen of the 'Elizabeth A. Oliver', funeral procession was followed by a very large number of masters of vessels and others to Alberton Cemetery, Thursday 9 September. South Australian Register, Friday 10 September 1869, page 2.
1413McRidge, Jane GraceLefevre Peninsula1867/6/535 yrMarryatLease No 214Lease No 214 - wife of Henry. Age 35 years, of Lefevre Peninsula, died 2 June 1867, (husband) Henry McRidge, Registration District: Adelaide.
764Mead, Francis MrsGlanville1874/11/162 yrSARLease No 247Lease No 247 - died at Glanville at son in law's, Capt. Dowell. Paralysis of the brain. Age 62 years, of Glanville, died 29 October 1874, (deceased husband) Stephen Mead, Registration District: Port Adelaide. The Friends of the late Mrs. Samuel Mead are respectfully informed that her Remains will be Removed from the residence of her son-in-law, Captain Dowell, Glanville, on Sunday, November 1, at 3 o'clock, for interment in the Alberton Cemetery. S. Haddy & Son, Undertakers
764Meade, SamuelLefevre Peninsula1860/3/2657 yrF. EvansAge 57 years, of Lefevre Peninsula, died 25 March 1860 at Lefevre Peninsula, Registration District: Adelaide.
1044Medland, JohnLefevre Peninsula1863/6/177wksMarryatAge 7 weeks, of Lefevre Peninsula, died 14 June 1863, (father) William Medland, Registration District: Adelaide.
298Meech, Samuel McDonaldQueenstown1855/5/165mBayfieldNo further informaiton
63Megger (Megyer, Mezger), John GeorgeQueenstown1853/2/828 yrBayfieldDrowned. Hegger/Megger/Mezger John George MEZGER, Age 29 years, died 7 February 1853, Registration District: Adelaide. Coroner's Inquest - On Monday last G. Stevenson, Esq., the Coroner held an inquest at Port Adelaide, upon the body of a man named John G. Megger. It appeared from the evidence that the body of the unfortunate man was discovered on the previous day by Mr F. Sorrell, engineer, partly immersed in a waterhole between the Port and the Reedbeds.....
53Mellor (Miller), JaneTam oshanter Belt1853/1/1159 yrBayfieldNo further information
Melsh, Clara ElizabethAdelaide1861/1/64m 12dC. Marryat
633Melville, Robert PeterLefevre Peninsula1858/8/272yr 1mC. MarryatAge 2 years, of Lefevre Peninsula, died 24 August 1858, (father) Captain Melville, Registration District: Adelaide.
79Menhennitt, JamesKilkenny1853/4/1410 daysBayfieldAge 11 days, of Kilkenny, died 11 April 1853, (father) Thomas Menhennit, Registration District: Adelaide.Mother: Fanny Bailey
441Merrilees, JohnLefevre Peninsula1856/6/253 daysBayfieldNo further information
442Merrilees, MyraLefevre Peninsula1856/6/2922 yrBayfieldNo further information
906Merritt, Charlotte JunePort Adelaide1861/10/711mMarryatCharlotte Jane MERRETT, Age 2 years, of Port Adelaide, (father) Daniel Merritt, Registration District: Adelaide.
1604Mesker, Sophia FeliciteLefevre Peninsula1869/1/221yrGreenNo further information
XMichelmore, Charles WarranSemaphore1880/1/205mSARLease No 276Lease No 276 son of Thomas & Emily. Charles Warren MITCHELMORE, Age 5 months, of Semaphore Road, died 18 January 1880, (father) Thomas Mitchelmore, Registration District: Port Adelaide.
XMichelmore (Mitchelmore) HenryPort Adelaide1872/1/1527 yearsSARLease No 276Lease No 276. At Port Adelaide at Uncle Thomas' resident of Meadows . Consumption and rupture of blood vessel - son William decd and Jane. Age 27 years, of Meadows, died 15 January 1872 at Port Adelaide, Registration District: Port Adelaide or Strathalbyn (2x entries in BDM).
1241Michelmore, JanePort Adelaide1865/12/213w 3dHodgeLease No 178Lease No 178. In grave with burial no 440, William, 11m, 24/6/1856. Lily Sarah Jane MITCHELMORE, Age 25 days, of Port Adelaide, died 19 December 1865, (father) Thomas Mitchelmore, Registration District: Adelaide.
1043Michelmore, Lizzie JanePort Adelaide1863/6/149mHodgeLease No 276Lease No 276. Age 9 months, of Port Adelaide, died 11 June 1863, (father) Thomas Michelmore, Registration District: Adelaide.
XMichelmore, Mary DorothyPort Adelaide1870/7/839 yrSARLease No 276Lease No 276 - wife of Thomas. Age 39 years, of Port Adelaide, died 6 July 1870 at Beverley, (husband) Thomas Michelmore, Registration District: Adelaide. Funeral procession left her residence on Commercial Road for Alberton Cemetery, Friday afternoon 8 July. South Australian Register, Friday 8 July 1870, page 2.
XMichelmore, ---nk1867/6/14StillbornMarryatStillborn child of Mrs.
XMichelmore, Thomasnk1891/11/365 yrSARLease No 276From P. A. Congregational/member Victoria Lodge. Age 65 years, of Birkenhead, died 1 November 1891 at Adelaide, Registration District: Adelaide. Death of Mr. thomas Michelmore. We regret to announce the death of Mr. Thomas Michelmore, an old Portonian, who died in his 65th year at the Adelaide Hospital late on Sunday night. The late Mr. Michelmore was a native of Somersetshire, England, his father being a farmer.
572Michelmore, Thomas WilliamPort Adelaide1858/1/2810mC. MarryatAge 10 months, of Port Adelaide, died 27 January 1858, (father) Thomas Michelmore, Registration District: Adelaide.
440Michelmore, William ThomasPort1856/6/2411mBayfieldLease No 178Lease No 178
459Michie, CharlesAlbert Town1856/10/1815mBayfieldThe two brothers buried in the same grave. Son of Henry Michie and Mary Boddington.
461Michie, GeorgeAlbert Town1856/10/102 (27) years 9 monthsBayfieldThe two brothers buried in the same grave. Son of Henry Michie and Mary Boddington.
818Michie, HarryAlberton1860/12/177mC. MarryatIn grave of burial no 459 Charles 15m. buried 10/10/1856. Age 7 months, of Queenstown, died 15 December 1860, Registration District: Adelaide.
151Mickie, Henry JamesAlbert Town1854/2/418mBayfieldNo further information see. Charles and George above?
1510Mickie, CharlesPortland Estate1868/4/111 yrMarryatAge 11 years, of Portland Estate, died 30 March 1868, (father) Henry Mickie, Registration District: Adelaide.
767Middleton, AliceYatala1860/4/810 yrC. MarryatIn grave burial no 724 with mother (Ann) buried 28/9/1859. Age 8 years, of Tam O'Shanter Belt, died 6 April 1860, (father) George Middleton, Registration District: Adelaide.
724Middelton, AnnYatala1859/9/2844 yrC. MarryatAge 44 years, of 'Yatala', died 24 September 1859, (husband) George Middleton, Registration District: Adelaide.
787Middleton, Charles HenryPort Adelaide1860/7/166wC. MarryatBuried with stillborn children. Age 6 weeks, of Port Adelaide, died 14 July 1860, (father) William Bond Middleton, Registration District: Adelaide.
1173Middleton, David BondPort Adelaide1865/1/240 yrMarryatLease No 165Drowned - lease 165 paid by Catherine to pay by instalments. Drowned in the Port River on Wednesday 28 December 1864. For details see 'General News' in The Adelaide Express, Tuesday 3 January 1865, page 2.
172Middleton, John BPort Adelaide1854/3/238mBayfieldJohn Bond Middleton was born May 13 1853 to William Bond Middleton and Nancy Elizabeth Williams
768Middleton, LeatheYatala1860/4/88 yrC. MarryatIn grave burial no 724 with mother (Ann) buried 28/9/1859. Age 10 years, of Tam O'Shanter Belt, died 6 April 1960, (father) George Middleton, Registration District: Adelaide.
XMiddleton, ---nk1867/11/25StillbornMarryatStillborn child of Mrs J
131Middleton, Robert WilliamPort Adelaide1851/4/209mBayfieldNo further information
827Middleton, Rosa SelinaPort Adelaide1860/12/3111mC. MarryatRosa Selina, Age 11 months, of Port Adelaide, died 19 December 1860, (father) David Bond Middleton, Registration District: Adelaide.
160Middleton, Sarah AnnPort Adelaide1854/2/2210m 20dBayfieldBorn April 1, 1853 to David Middleton and Catherine Thomas.
1291Mildred, Mary AnnPort Adelaide1866/4/2248 yearsGreenAge 48 years, of Port Adelaide, died 20 April 1866, (husband) George Mildred, Registration District: Adelaide.
634Miles, Edward GeorgePort Adelaide1858/9/43wC. MarryatAge 3 weeks, of Port Adelaide, died 3 September 1858, (father), Philip John Miles, Registration District: Adelaide.
848Miles, PhilipPort Adelaide1861/2/2032 yrC. MarryatAge 32 years, of Port Adelaide, died 19 February 1861, Registration District: Adelaide.
XMillard, Ada MaryLefevre Peninsula1874/11/217m 18dSARLease No 184Lease No 184. Daughter of John and Mary Anne. Ada May Millard, Age 7 months, of Lefevre Peninsula, died 21 November 1874, (father) John Millard, Registration District: Port Adelaide.
1287Millard, Arthur JohnPeninsula1866/4/99y 7mGreenLease No 184Lease No 184. Age 9 years, of Lefevre Peninsula, died 8 April 1866, (father) John Millard, Registration District: Adelaide.
1439Millard, CharlesLefevre Peninsula1867/8/2516mMarryatLease No 184Lease No 184. No further information
XMillard, Edwin PercySemaphore1873/12/132y 2mSARLease No 184Lease no 184 youngest son John & Mary Anne. Edwin Perry Millard, Age 2 years, of Lefevre Peninsula, died 12 December 1873, (father) John Millard, Registration District: Port Adelaide.
XMillard, Ellen FrancesCommercial School, Lefevre's Peninsula1876/5/2317 yrSARConsumption - eldest surviving daughter John & Mary Anne. Age 17 years, of Semaphore Road, died 22 May 1876, (father) John Millard, Registration District: Port Adelaide.
XMillard, JohnSemaphore Road, Lefevre's Peninsula1886/11/2154 yrSARLease No 194Lease No 194. Age 54 years, of Clifton, died 19 November 1886, Registration District: Port Adelaide.
XMillard, Mary AliceSemaphore Road, Lefevre's Peninsula1874/2/1416 yrSARLease No 184Lease No 184 daughter of John and Mary Anne. Age 16 years, of Lefevre Peninsula, died 12 February 1874, (father) John Millard, Registration District: Port Adelaide. On the 12th February, of consumption, Mary Alice, eldest daughter of John and Mary Anne Millard, of the Commercial School, Lefevre's Peninsula, in the 16th year of her Age
XMillard, Mary AnnSemaphore1881/1/2346 yrC. Lane (Wesleyan) SARLease No 184Lease No 184 wife of John, teacher. Mary Anne Millard, Age 46 years, of Clifton, died 22 January 1881, (husband) John Millard, Registration District: Port Adelaide. Adelaide Observer (SA : 1843 - 1904), Saturday 29 January 1881, page 20 - MILLARD.—On the 22nd January, at her residence, Semaphore-road, Lefevre's Peninsula, Mary Anne, wife of John Millard, Aged 46 years.
53Miller, Charles ArchebelePort Adelaide1850/1/236mBayfieldSun stricken. No further information
1207Miller, HughQueenstown1865/6/2228 yrGreenLodge. Age 33 years, of Queenstown, died 20 June 1865, Registration District: Adelaide.
196Miller, JohnPort Adelaide1854/5/1912m 3dBayfieldAge 12 months, of Adelaide, died 17 May 1854, (father) William Miller, Registration District Adelaide.
230Miller, RebeccaBrig Fergus1854/10/82 yrBayfieldNo further information
280Miller, WilliamPort Adelaide1855/4/35 monthsBayfieldAge 5 months, of Adelaide, died 2 April 1855, (father) William Miller, Registration District: Adelaide.
456Miller, WilliamPort Adelaide1856/9/2137 yrBayfieldNo further informaiton
110Mills, RobertPort Adelaide1853/8/1226 yrBayfieldEmployee of the Harbour Master's Boat's Crew, accidentally drowned on Tuesday night, 9 August 1853, in the Port Adelaide River. 'Fatal Accident', Adelaide Times, Thursday 11 August 1853, Domestic News, page 2.
172Minney, CharlotteShip Oregon1851/11/149mBayfieldNo further information
373Mitch, Mary EllenPort Adelaide1856/1/1617mBayfieldNo further information
658Mitche, AndrewPort Adelaide1858/12/14nkC. MarryatAndrew MITCH, Age 38 years, of Port Adelaide, died 12 December 1858, Registration District: Adelaide.
150Mitchell, JohnPort Adelaide1851/7/1064 yrBayfieldNo further information
XMitchell, ThomasPortland Estate1873/4/1078 yrSARLease No 297Lease No 297. Age 78 years, of Portland Estate, died 8 April 1873. Stonemason. Registration District: Port Adelaide. Funeral departed his residence at Portland Estate on Thursday afternoon 10 April, for Alberton Cemetery, undertaker S. Haddy. Australian Advertiser, Thursday 10 April 1873, page 1.
284Mitchell, WilliamShip Lady McDonald1855/4/1017 yrBayfieldPAHS - Ship Lady McDonald. Died 8 April 1855, cause of death - diarrhoea [Bound for SA - Births and deaths on Government-assisted immigrant ships - 1848-1885].
XMitchell, ElizabethPortland Estate1878/4/432 YearsSARLease No 297Lease No 297 wife of George. South Australian Advertiser (Adelaide, SA: 1858 - 1889), Thurs 4 April 1878, p 2. Funeral Notices. The Friends of Mr. George Mitchell are respectfully informed that the remains of his latewife will be removed from his residence, Portland Estate, this day, Thursday, April 4, at 3.30 o'clock, for interment in the Alberton Cemetery. J. C. & G. E. Haddy , Undertakers
440Mitchelmore, William Thomas (see Michelmore)Port Adelaide1856/6/2411mBayfieldNo further information
48Mockridge, BenjaminAlbert Town1850/1/86wBayfieldGeneral debility. No further information
XMockridge, Benjamin Sr.Alberton1879/10/2668 yrSARLease no 2Lease No 2. Colonist 41 years. Age 68 years, of Alberton, died 23 October 1879, Registration District: Port Adelaide. Adelaide Observer (SA : 1843 - 1904), Saturday 25 October 1879, page 2 - MOCKRIDGE.— On the 23rd October, at Alberton, Mr. Benjamin Mockridge, sen., Aged 68 years. A colonist of 41 years.
87Mockridge, ElizabethAlbert Town1850/9/246 yrBayfieldAge 6 years, of Albert Town, died 21 September 1850, (father) Benjamin Mockridge, Registration District: Adelaide.
794Mockridge, SarahAlberton1860/8/1746 yrMarryatLease No 2Lease No 2. Age 46 years, of Albertown, died 16 August 1860, (husband) B. Mockridge, Registration District: Adelaide.
1432Mongar, Mary ElizabethLefevre Peninsula1867/8/147dMarryatMary Elizabeth MONGOR, Age 7 days, of Lefevre Peninsula, (father) Stephen Mongor, Registration District: Adelaide.
705Monhouse, EdwardYatala1859/4/141yr 10mC. MarryatNo further information
XMonk, AlfredAlmond Grove, near Woodville1873/12/3040 yrSARWife Jane Elizabeth. Age 40 years, of Woodville, died 28 December 1873, Registration District: Port Adelaide. Funeral procession left his residence at Almond Grove, near Woodville for Alberton Cemetery, Tuesday morning, 30 December. South Australian Register, Tuesday 30 December 1873, page 2.
682Monkhouse, ElizabethQueenstown1859/2/93 yr 6mC. MarryatElizabeth Monkhouse, Age 3 years, of Queenstown, died 8 January 1859, (father) John Monkhouse, Registration District: Adelaide.
618Monkhouse, John ThomasQueenstown1858/6/912mC. MarryatJohn Thomas Monkehouse, Age 1 year, of Queenstown, died 7 June 1858, (father) John Monkehouse, Registration District: Adelaide.
813Moon, Allen MasonPort Adelaide1860/12/127 yrC. MarryatAge 28 years, of Port Adelaide, died 25 November 1860, Registration District: Adelaide.
1472Moon, JamesPortland Estate1867/12/657 yrMarryatAge 57 years, of Portland Estate, died 5 December 1867, Registration District: Adelaide.
643Moore, Ellen EmmaLefevre Peninsula1858/10/223 monthsC. MarryatAge 3 months, of Lefevre Peninsula, died 21 October 1858, Registration District Adelaide.
556Moore, Ellen MariaCannon St. Port Adelaide1857/12/207mC. MarryatTeething. 7 months, of Port Adelaide, died 16 December 1857, (father) Joseph Moore, Registration District: Adelaide.
1598Moore, Joseph AndrewPort Adelaide1868/12/1568 yearsGreen TOf the Royal Sappers and Miners. Age 59 years, of Port Adelaide, died 13 December 1868, Registration District: Adelaide. Employee of the Custom-House, funeral held Tuesday afternoon, 15 December. Express and Telegraph, Monday 14 December 1868, page 1. See also 'A pioneering family' in the Chronicle, Thursday 10 January 1935, page 66.
Moore, Mary AnnSouth Australia16/03/194298 yrAge 98 years, of Glenelg, died 14 March 1942, registraiton District: South Australia. Funeral departed the residence of her niece, Mrs E. Peake, at Glenelg on Monday afternoon, 16 March, for the Old Alberton Cemetery, funeral directors Alfred James & Son. Advertiser, Monday 16 March 1942, page 8.
345Moore, William HenryPort Adelaide1855/11/1210 yr 6mBayfieldLease No 37Lease No 37. William Moore, died 12 November 1855, Registration District: Adelaide.
1225Mordaunt, JohnNorth Arm1865/9/2870 yrGreenAge 70 years, of North Port Adelaide, died 27 September 1865, Registration District: Adelaide.
1127Morgan, Annie MatildaPortland Estate1864/4/1618mMarryatAge 18 months, of Portland Estate, died 15 April 1864, (father) Edward Morgan, Registration District: Adelaide.
XMorgan, Jamesat son's residence, Port Road, Portland Estate1877/1/1277 yearsSARAge 77 years, of Portland Estate, died 11 January 1877, Registration District: Port Adelaide.
XMorgan, JaneRosewater (from Acraman)1879/11/2819 yrSARSevere illness, sister to Mrs Wadey, Adelaide and Mrs G. Carr, Port Adelaide). Age 19 years, of Perth, died 27 November 1879, (father) Louis Morgan, Registration District: Port Adelaide. Evening Journal (Adelaide, SA : 1869 - 1912), Friday 28 November 1879, page 2 - MORGAN.—On the 27th November, after a long and painful illness, Jane, the beloved daughter of Mr. Louis Morgan, and sister to Mrs. Wadey, butcher, Currie-street, Adelaide, and Mrs. G. Carr, Port Adelaide, Aged 19 years.
1017Morgan, JohnPort Adelaide, Ship Morning Star1863/2/2230 yrMarryatAge 30 years, died 21 February 1863, aboard 'Morning Star', Registration District: Adelaide. Cause of death - phthisis [Bound for SA - Births and deaths on Government-assisted immigrant ships - 1848-1885].
164Morgan, SusanPort Adelaide1851/10/268mBayfieldNo further information
XMorris, Catharine1873/12/1155 yrTLease No 299Lease No 299 no funeral or death notice (wife of Thomas) mother of William. Age 54 years, of Port Adelaide, died 11 December 1873, (husband) Thomas Morris, Registration District: Port Adelaide.
1056Morris, Mary AnnPort Adelaide1863/8/23 yrMarryatMaryann MORRIS, Age 3 years, of Port Adelaide, died 31 July 1863, (father) John Morris, Registration District: Adelaide.
1139Morris, Mary JanePortland Estate1864/5/1515dMarryatAge 15 days, of Portland Estate, died 11 May 1864, (father) John Lewis Morris, Registration District: Adelaide.
23Morris, Mercy Marian JaneBarque Posthumous, at Port Adelaide1849/6/2414 yrNewenhamEffusion of serum on the brain. Age 14 years, of Port Adelaide, died 21 June 1849, Registration District: Adelaide.
XMorris, Owen Hindmarsh1875/2/1051 yrTLease No 299No further information
XMorris, Owen HindmarshPort Adelaide (son of O. from Bonoka, S.E.)1873/2/1230 yrSARLease No 299Lease No 299. Age 30 years, Gentlemans Servant, of Divett Street, died 10 February 1873 at Saltwater River, Port Adelaide, Registration District: Port Adelaide. Funeral procession departed the residence of Mr Samuel Harvey, Lefevre's Peninsula, Wednesday afternoon, 12 February, for Alberton Cemetery, undertaker S. Haddy. Evening Journal, Tuesday 11 February 1873, page 2.
1303Morris, ThomasPort Adelaide1866/6/1224 yrMarryat TLease No 299Lease No 299 - son of Thomas & Catherine. Age 24 years, of Port Adelaide, died 11 June 1866, Registration District: Adelaide.
XMorris, Thomas1870/10/352 yrTLease No 299Lease No 299. No death of funeral notice. Husband to Catharine, father to Thomas. Age 52 years, of Nile Street, died 3 October 1870, Registration District: Port Adelaide.
1341Morris, WilliamPort Adelaide1866/10/3150 yrMarryatAge 53 years, of Port Adelaide, died 28 October 1866, Registration District: Adelaide.
1188Morrison, (female infant unnamed-parents John and Kate)1865/3/272dGreenAge 2 days, of Port Augusta, died 26 March 1865 aboard 'Lubra', (father) John Morrison, Registration District: Adelaide.
406Mortess, Lorah (Sarah, Laura)Albert Town1856/3/2514dBayfieldLaura MORTESS, Age 13 days, of Port Adelaide, died 24 March 1856, (father) William Mortess, Registration District: Adelaide.
27Mortimer, ThomasPort Adelaide1849/7/314 yr 6mNewenhamNo fees. Age 4 years, 6 months, of Port Adelaide, died 30 July 1849, (father) Thomas Mortimer, Registration District: Adelaide.
XMortor, JohnPort Adelaide1872/4/3not recordedSARMember Victoria Lodge. Funeral notice: "I.O.O.F., M.U, VICTORIA LODGE The Brothers of the above Lodge are requested to Meet in the Lodge room, Oddfellows' Hall at 4 o'clock, Wednesday afternoon, to FOLLOW the REMAINS of late Brother JOHN MORTOR to the Alberton Cemetery. By order of the N.G. HENRY TODD, Sec." South Australian Register, Funeral Notices, Wednesday 3 April 1872, page 2.
966Moyes, Ellen MargaretPortland Estate1862/4/1411wMarryatLease No 75Lease No 75. Helen Margaret Moyes, Age 11 weeks, of Port Adelaide, died 12 April 1862, (father) Robert Moyes, Registration District: Adelaide.
679Moyes, HelenPortland Estate1859/2/36mC. MarryatLease No 75Lease No 75 in Moyes Lease. Age 6 months, of Port Adelaide, died 2 February 1859, (father) Robert Moyes, Registration District: Adelaide.
292Moyes, JamesPort Adelaide1855/5/45mBayfieldLease No 75Lease No 75. No further information
286Moyes, RobertPort Adelaide1855/4/104 yrBayfieldLease No 75Lease No 75. No further information
1132Moyse, Samuel HenryPortland Estate1864/4/264 yr 3mH.M.PollittAge 4 years, of Portland Estate, died 25 April 1864, (father) Robert Moyse, Registration District: Adelaide.
268Muller, Bernard JohanMaster of the Loevenstein1855/3/946 yrBayfieldMaster of the ship 'Loevestein', died during the voyAge from London to Port Adelaide on 24 January 1855 after a long illness. His body was brought to Port Adelaide and buried in Alberton Cemetery in March 1855. See article 'Miscellaneous' in Adelaide Observer, Saturday 3 March 1855, page 4.
107Muller, JohannShip Euphrates1853/7/2242 yrBayfieldAge 38 years, died 21 July 1853, Registration District: Adelaide. Fatal Accident. — Yesterday afternoon a man named Johan Miller, seaman, belonging to the Drie Vrienden, who had absconded from that vessel, and shipped himself on board the Euphrates in the name of William Bertie, stating his Age to be 30, fell from the topsail-yard (of the last-named vessel), and pitching on the rail, fell overboard. ......
1376Mullinghen(?), JamesPort Adelaide1867/1/1422 yrMarryatJames Mulligan, died 31 January 1867, aboard ship 'Sea Star, cause of death - drowned [Unregistered Deaths in SA from July 1842].
12Munro, JamesPort AdelaideSep-08185240 yrBayfieldNo further information
985Munro, JamesQueenstown1862/9/2631 yrMarryatAge 31 years, of Queenstown, died 24 September 1862, Registration District: Adelaide.
1577Munyard,Lefevre Peninsula1868/10/1523mGreenLease No 38Lease No 38. Charles George MUNYARD, Age 23 months, of Lefevre Peninsula, died 13 October 1868, (father) William Charles Munyard, Registration District: Adelaide.
215Munyard, EstherPort Adelaide1854/7/2615 yrBayfieldLease No 38Lease No 38. No further information.
XMunyard, Maria SarahGlanville1875/11/2029 yrLease No 38Consumption (wife William Charles, eldest d. late Capt. T. Matson). Age 29 years, of Glanville, died 20 November 1875, (husband) William Munyard, Registration District: Port Adelaide.
1315Murray, JaneQueenstown1866/7/535 yrMarryatAge 35 years, of Queenstown, died 4 July 1866, (husband) John Murray, Registration District: Adelaide.
854Murray, MargaretPort Adelaide1861/3/1834 yrC. MarryatAge 34 years, of Port Adelaide, died 17 March 1861, (husband) William Murray, Registration District: Adelaide.
Murray, MargaretPortland Estate1860/7/1744 yrF. Evans
1034Murray, Margaret EllenPort Adelaide1863/5/227wMarryatIn mother's grave burial No 1027 of 12/4/1863. Age 7 weeks, of Port Adelaide, died 22 May 1863, (father) William Murray, Registration District: Adelaide.
1027Murray, Mary AnnPort Adelaide1863/4/1233 yrMarryatAge 33 years, of Port Adelaide, died 10 April 1863, (husband) William Murray, Registration District: Adelaide.
XMurray. Mrs J.A.-stillborn child ofQueenstown1866/5/23StillbornMarryat
788Murray, RobertPortland Estate1860/7/1744 yrF. EvansAge 44 years, of Portland Estate, died 14 July 1860, Registration District: Adelaide.
712Mussared, Charles ReedPort Adelaide1859/5/2841 yrC. MarryatCharles Weed MUSSARED, Age 40 years, of Port Adelaide, died 26 May 1859, Registration District: Adelaide.
751Mussared, Ellen E.Port Adelaide1862/1/283 yr 7mMarryatIn father's grave Burial No 712 of 28/5/1859. Ellen Emily Mussared, Age 3 years, of Port Adelaide, died 26 January 1862, (father) Charles Weed Mussared, Registration District: Adelaide.
1033Musson, John WilliamAlberton1863/5/2114mMarryatLease no 30Lease No 30 buried in Parson's Lease. Age 14 months, of Queenstown, died 19 May 1863, (father) Joseph Musson, Registration District: Adelaide.
21Musson, Rachel JanePortland Estate1873/9/7not recordedWesleyan MinisterLease no 30Lease No 30. Age 30 years, of Portland Estate, died 4 September 1873, (husband) William Musson, Registration District: Port Adelaide.
930Musson, Sarah AnnAlberton1861/11/2915mMarryatLease no 30Lease No 30. Youngest daughter of Joseph Musson, died 26 November at Alberton, Aged 15 months. Death notice in South Australian Register, Thursday 28 november 1861, Family Notices, page 2.
567Myers, AlfredPort Adelaide1858/1/211m 10dC. MarryatAge 40 days, of Port Adelaide, died 20 January 1858, (father) Abraham Myers, Registration District: Adelaide.
163nkShip Jeanette Cornelia1854/2/26nkBayfieldSA Register (Adelaide, SA : 1839 - 1900), Saturday 25 February 1854, page 3 - Found Drowned. — Yesterday the body of a seaman lately belonging to the barque Jeannette and Cornelia was found on Torrens Island. Deceased, who had evidently met his death by drowning, was found in almost a state of nudity, and is supposed to have fallen overboard during the night. An inquest will be held on the body this day at the Port
1210Nash, FrederickShip Runnymede1865/7/432 yrGreenAge 32 years, died at sea, died 2 July 1865 at Port Adelaide, Registration District: Adelaide.
Nash, William JamesPort Adelaide1853/11/276 monthsBayfield
1644Neal, Sarah JanePort1869/8/15infant (9m)GreenLease no 215Lease No 215. Age 9 months, of Port Adelaide, died 13 August 1869, (father) John Neal, Registration District: Adelaide.
1401Neale, IsabellaPort Adelaide1867/5/1056 yrMarryatLease no 215Lease No 215. Elizabeth Neale, Age 57 years, of Port Adelaide, died 9 May 1867, (husband) John Neale, Registration District: Adelaide.
259Neate, RichardCutter Breeze1855/2/825 yrBayfieldDrowned from ship. Richard NEAT, died 7 February 1855, Registration District: Adelaide.
250Neck, JohnLefevre Peninsula1854/12/2617mBayfieldNo further information
Nelix, Alice ElizabethPortland Estate1859/3/176wC. MarryatNo further information
1386Nelson, OrloffShip Charles Wilson1867/3/219 yrMarryatOrloff NELSEN, Age 19 years, aboard 'Alnion', died 1 March 1867 at Port Adelaide, Registration District: Adelaide.
New Born InfantFound at Alberton1857/12/19New BornCoroners WarrantNo further information
200Newman, AgnesQueens Town1854/6/1233 yrBayfieldLease no 27Lease No 27 . No further information
XNewman, EmilyKent Town14/03/190370 yrTLease No 304relative John. Emily NEWMAN, Age 69 years, of Kent Town, died 14 March 1903, (deceased husband) John Newman, Registration District: Norwood. Funeral departed her residence at 8 Pirie Street, Kent Town, Sunday afternoon 15 March, for Alberton Cemetery, undertaker J.C. Haddy. Evening Journal, Saturday 14 March 1903, page 1.
1Newman, JohnWoodville1873/7/363 yrJames Pollitt TLease no 304Lease No 304. Age 62 years, of Woodville, died 30 June 1873, Registration District: Port Adelaide. John Newman was an early colonist of the State, arriving on the Canton in 1838, and had been in business in the Port since its establishment. His funeral service was held at Woodville Church, followed by the burial ceremony at Alberton Cemetery on Thursday 3 July. For details see: Express and Telegraph, Friday 4 July 1873, page 2, and 'Obituary' in South Australian Register, Tuesday 15 July 1873, page 7.
XNewman, Mabel GraceQuebec Street, Port Adelaide1874/11/116 yrSAREldest daughter of Thomas and Alice. Age 6 years, of Quebec Street, died 9 November 1874, (father) Thomas Newman, Registration District: Port Adelaide.
1234Newton, FrederickShip Electric1865/11/3027 yrF. Garrettdied 29 November 1865, sailor, killed in fall aboard ship 'Runnymead' [Unregistered Deaths in SA from July 1842].
1083Nicholson, Richard JamesPort Adelaide1863/11/252 yr 3mMarryatLease no 145Lease No 145. Age 2 years, of Port Adelaide, died 24 November 1863, (father) Hunter Nicholson, Registration District: Adelaide.
1502Nines, AgnesLefevre Peninsula1868/3/104mMarryatAge 4 months, of Reedbeds, died 8 March 1868 at Lefevre Peninsula, (mother) Alice Nines, Registration District: Adelaide.
261Noble, ElizaWoodville1855/2/101yr 10mBayfieldAge 1 year, 10 months, of Woodville, died 8 February 1855, (father) Amos Noble, Registration District: Adelaide.
76Noble, ElizabethPort Adelaide1850/6/272 yrBayfieldNo further information
1068Noble, ElizabethPort Adelaide1863/9/25not recordedMarryatAge 43 years, of Port Adelaide, died 23 September 1863, (husband) George Noble, Registration District: Adelaide.
1508Nockolds, Louisa EmilyPort Adelaide1868/3/283 yr 9mMarryatLease no 107Lease No 107. In Barrett's lease. Louisa Emily NOCKOLDS, Age 3 years, of Port Adelaide, died 27 March 1868, (father) Henry Nockolds, Registration District: Adelaide.
315Norman, AmeliaLefevre Peninsula1855/7/306mBayfieldNo further information
210Norrell, FriendPort Adelaide1852/6/2742 yrBayfieldBorn in 1809 in Sussex, England, to William Norrell and Mary Ailing, married Louisa Boxall and had 9 children. Died in Port Adelaide in 1852.
1014Norris, MaryPort Adelaide1863/1/3029 yrMarryatAge 29 years, of Port Adelaide, died 28 January 1863, (husband) James Norris, Registration District: Adelaide.
1022Norris, Mary AnnQueenstown1863/3/272mMarryatIn grave with her mother Mary Burial no 1014 30/1/1863. Age 2 months, of Queenstown, died 26 March 1863, (father) James Norris, Registration District: Adelaide.
632Nottle, EdwardAlberton1858/8/211yrC. MarryatAge 1 year, of Alberton, died 19 August 1858, (father) Joseph Nottle, Registration District: Adelaide.
630Nottle, Elizabeth JaneAlberton1858/8/153 yrC. MarryatPAHS - Elizabeth Jane. Elizabeth Jane, Age 3 years, of Alberton, died 12 August 1858, (father) Joseph Nottle, Registration District: Adelaide.
96Nottle, Elizabeth JanePeninsula1850/11/98mBayfieldNo further information
902Nunn, JosephPort Adelaide1861/10/510mMarryatIn grave with sister Mary burial no 563 sister Mary buried 4-1-1858. Age 10 months, of Port Adelaide, died 4 October 1861, (father) William Nunn, Registration District: Adelaide.
563(Nuna) Nunn, Mary EllenPort Adelaide1858/1/411mMarryatDentition. Age 11 months, of Port Adelaide, died 3 January 1858, (father) William Nunn, Registration District: Adelaide.
1090O'Connell, AnniePortland Estate1863/12/283 yrMarryatAge 3 years, of Portland Estate, died 26 December 1863, (father) Thomas O'Connell, Registration District: Adelaide.
1298O'Halloran, WilliamShip Conqueror1866/5/2330 yrMarryatAge 31 years, aboard 'Conqueror', died 22 May 1866 at Port Adelaide, Registration District: Adelaide.
205Ockenden, RobertPort Adelaide1852/6/212mBayfieldBorn in Adelaide in 1851, son of Palmer Ockenden and Emma Marshall.
843Oliphant AlexanderRosewater1861/2/819m 19dC. MarryatPAHS- Alexander. OLIPHANT, Age 20 months, of Rosewater, died 6 February 1861, (father) William Oliphant, Registration District: Adelaide.
498Oliphant, WilliamRosewater Village1857/4/1516mBayfieldLease no 64Lease No 64. Age 16 months, of Port Adelaide, died 13 April 1857, (father) William Oliphant, Registration District: Adelaide.
XOliver, Mary AnnHutt Street, Adelaide1886/3/841 yrSARWife of Matthew, nee Hammond. Age 41 years, died 6 March 1886 at Queenstown, (husband) William Matthew Oliver, Registration District: Port Adelaide.Evening Journal (Adelaide, SA : 1869 - 1912), Tuesday 9 March 1886, page 2 - OLIVER.—On the 6th March, at Queenstown, Mary Ann, the dearly beloved wife of William Matthew Oliver, of Havelock Hotel, Adelaide, and only daughter of Frederick Hammond, Engineer, Queenstown, in her 41st year. London, Nottingham, and Cornish papers please copy.
580Olson, FrederickShip Ohio Port Adelaide1858/2/632 yrC. MarryatAccidentally drowned. Frederick Olson, seaman from Ohio, accidental death by drowning when intoxicated. See details on inquest in Adelaide Times, Monday 8 February 1858, page 3.
1390Omond, ElizabethTrowbridge Shoal1867/3/2320 yrMarryatLease no 62Lease No 62 (near head of Omond's lease). Age 20 years, of Troubridge Lighthouse, died 20 March 1867 at Gulf of St Vincent, (husband) Thomas Omond, Registration District: Adelaide.
543Omond, JohnSt Vincent Street1857/11/103 yrC. MarryatLease no 62Lease No 62. Age 3 years, of Port Adelaide, died 8 November 1857, (father) John Omond, Registration District: Adelaide.
488Omond (Osmond), Mary AnnPort Adelaide1857/2/173 yr 9mBayfieldLease No 62Mary Anne OMOND, Age 3 years, of Port Adelaide, died 16 February 1857, (father) John Omond, Registration District: Adelaide.
XOmond, Mrs. SamuelLipson Street, Port Adelaide1888/1/2381 yrSARLease no 62Lease No 62. Annie OMOND, Age 81 years, of Port Adelaide, died 22 January 1888, (deceased husband) Samuel Omond, Registration District: Port Adelaide.
1264Omond, SamuelPortland Estate1866/2/24y 4mGreenLease no 62Lease No 62. Age 4 years, of Portland Estate, died 1 February 1866, (father) John Omond, Registration District: Adelaide.
XOmond, Samuel PetrieLipson Street, Port Adelaide1876/6/270 yrSARLease no 62Lease No 62. Bootmaker, colonist 25 years. Age 70 years, of Lipson Street, died 31 May 1876, Registration District: Port Adelaide.
1069Ooriss(?) - (Malay)Port Adelaide1863/9/2623 yrMarryatNo service read. Oorip (not recorded), Age 20 years, aboard 'Omagh', died 25 September 1863 at Port Adelaide, Registration District: Adelaide.
127Orchard, William HenryAlbert Town1851/4/81yr 9mBayfieldAge 1 year, 9 months, died 6 April 1851, Registration District: Adelaide.
1205Organ, Elizabeth KateQueenstown1865/5/293 yrGreenAge 3 years, of Alberton, died 28 May 1865, (father) William Wesley Organ, Registration District: Adelaide.
1575Osborne, Harry HerbertPortland Estate1868/10/10not recordedGreenAge 6 weeks, of Port Adelaide, died 9 October 1868, (father) John James Osborne, Registration District: Adelaide.
Osenham, William JosephTorrens Island1857/1/2215mBayfieldWilliam Joseph OXENHAM, born in Adelaide in 1855, son of Joseph Oxenham and Mary Jane Westaway. See no. 1021 below.
861Oswald, George RylandPort Adelaide1861/4/61yr 9mC. MarryatGeorge Rylands OSWALD, Age 21 months, of Port Adelaide, (father) John Kenedy Oswald, Registration District: Adelaide.
1580Oswald, George ThomasPort1868/10/294 yrGreenAge 5 years, of Port Adelaide, died 27 October 1868, (father) John Oswald, Registration District: Adelaide.
1269Othen, EmmaPort Adelaide1866/2/1510mGreenAge 10 months, of Port Adelaide, died 13 February 1866, (father) Abraham Othen, Registration District: Adelaide.
1406Ottaway, ArabellaPort Adelaide1867/5/231yr 5mMarryatAge 1 year, of Port Adelaide, died 22 May 1867, (father) John Ottoway, Registration District: Adelaide.
1409Ottaway, Mary Ann EmmaPort Adelaide1867/5/263yr 2mMarryatAt foot of Arabella burial No 1406 buried 23/5/1867. Age 3 years, of Port Adelaide, died 25 May 1867, (father) John Ottoway, Registration District: Adelaide.
1126Ottaway, Rosanna ArabellaPort Adelaide1864/4/13not recorded (weeks)MarryatIn grave with brother Herburt Burial No 1042, 1 w, 11/6/1863. Age 3 weeks, of Port Adelaide, died 12 April 1864, (father) John Ottoway, Registration District: Adelaide.
1042Ottoway, HerbertPort Adelaide1863/6/111wMarryatAge 1 week, of Port Adelaide, died 10 June 1863, (father) John Ottoway, Registration District: Adelaide.
466Overden, Louisa Ann ElizabethPort Adelaide1856/12/111mBayfieldPAHS - Ovenden. Louisa Ann Elizabeth OVENDEN, Age 11 months, of Port Adelaide, died 29 November 1856, (father) Richard Ovenden, Registration District: Adelaide.
285Over, MaryPort Adelaide1855/4/102mBayfieldNo further information
1158Owen, JohnPort Adelaide1864/8/3020 yrMarryatAge 20 years, aboard 'Alert', died 28 August 1864, Registration District: Adelaide.
1596Owens, AlicePort Adelaide1868/12/29infantGreenAge 6 months, of Port Adelaide, died 28 December 1868, (father) James Williams, (mother) Jane Owens, Registration District: Adelaide.
1021Oxenham, MargaretWoodville1863/3/2648 yrMarryatAge 48 years, of Woodville, died 25 March 1863, (husband) Alexander Oxenham, Registration District: Adelaide.
473Oxenham, William JosephTorrens Island1857/1/2215mBayfieldWilliam Joseph OXENHAM, born in Adelaide in 1855, son of Joseph Oxenham and Mary Jane Westaway. See no. 1575 above.
290Oxley, CharlettePort Adelaide1855/4/2744 yrBayfieldLease no 31Lease No 31 in Cruickshank's lease PAHS- Charlotte. No further information.
132Oxley, JohnHindmarsh Hotel, Pirie St, Adelaide (daughter's)1895/7/2878 yrSamwell TLease No 196 late rate collector of Port Adelaide. Age 78 years, of Adelaide, died 26 July 1895, Registration District: Adelaide.
Oxley, JosephPort Adelaide1891/11/02Advertiser (Adelaide, SA : 1889 - 1931), Monday 2 November 1891, page 4 - An old man named Joseph Oxley was knocked down and killed by the Port train at 10 o'clock on Saturday morning. The train was about to enter the station from St Vincent-street, when Oxley walked across the line and was knocked down by the front of the engine. The driver pulled up immediately, and the body, which was found to be pinned under the firebox of the engine, was got out by a bystander, who crawled under the engine and released it. When brought out life was found to be extinct, and the body was removed to the morgue by the police.
1343Oxley, Laura SarahPort Adelaide1866/11/67wMarryatLease No 196Lease No 196. Age 7 weeks, of Port Adelaide, died 4 November 1866, (father) John Oxley, Registration District: Adelaide.
XOxley, Sarah AnnMinories, Port Adelaide1886/7/759yT*Lease no 196. Wife of John, true wife and good mother. Age 59 years, of Port Adelaide, died 7 July 1886, (husband) John Oxley, Registration District: Port Adelaide. Evening Journal (Adelaide, SA : 1869 - 1912), Thursday 8 July 1886, page 2 - OXLEY.—On the 6th July, at her residence, the Minories, Port Adelaide, Sarah Ann, the beloved wife of John Oxley, Aged 59 years. A true wife and a good mother. Her end was peace.
83Page, SarahPort Adelaide1853/5/24mBayfieldSarah Page born December 30, 1852 to Daniel page and Edith Lee. Birth also recorded as Sarah Lee. Registration District: Adelaide.
89Painter, JohnBrig Annie1853/5/1235 yrBayfieldSA Register (Adelaide, SA : 1839 - 1900), Wednesday 11 May 1853, page. A Seaman Drowned at the Port. On Monday night about 11 o'clock, James Painter, a seaman belonging to the brig Anna, was passing on a plank from the Company's Wharf to the ship Sophia Moffat, when the plank, not being secured, gave way, and, falling between the wharf and the ship, he was unfortunately drowned. Painter was said to have been intoxicated. The body was found yesterday, and removed to Catchlove's Hotel, there to await the Coroner's inquest.
Paqualin, George HenryAlberton1882/04/0135 yrSAREvening Journal (Adelaide, SA : 1869 - 1912), Monday 3 April 1882, page 2 - PAQUALIN.—On the 31st March, at his resi-dence, Queenstown, George Henry, second son of George Paqualin, of North Adelaide, Aged 35 years. ALBERTON OR CHELTENHAM CEMETERY – BOTH LISTED IN NEWSPAPER ARTICLES – NOT ON CHELTENHAM CEMETERY WEBSITE?
398Park, Henry ThomasLate surgeon of Ship Australia1856/3/727 yrBayfieldCommitted suicide, PAHS-Parke. Henry Tomas Parke, died 6 March 1856, Registration District: Adelaide.
877Parker (Baxter?), Elizabeth JanePort Adelaide1861/8/46 yrMarryatAge 6 years, of Port Adelaide, died 6 August 1861, (father) Charles Parker, Registration District: Adelaide.
1218Parker, FrederickPort Adelaide1865/8/2835 yrGreenLease No 174Lease No 174. Age 36 years, of Port Adelaide, died 27 August 1865, Registration District: Adelaide.
25Parker, Herbert EdwardPort Adelaide1873/9/22infantMcLarenLease No 305Lease No 305. Age 6 months, of Port Adelaide, died 20 September 1873, (father) Thomas John Pepper Parker, Registration District: Port Adelaide.
1469Parker, JohnPort Adelaide1867/12/22 yr 6mMarryatLease No 174Lease No 174. Age 2 years, 6 months, of Port Adelaide, died 1 December 1867, (mother) Anna Maria Parker, Registration District: Adelaide.
4Parker, JohnAlbert Town1849/2/834 yrNewenhamFever. Age 34 years, of Port Adelaide, died 7 February 1849, Registration District: Adelaide.
1602Parker, MichaelPeninsula1869/1/16infantGreenNo further information
166Parker, Sarah SultanaPort Adelaide1854/3/23wBayfieldPossibly the daughter of Henry and Sarah Parker of Devon, England, who arrived in Port Adelaide on the barque 'Sultana' which departed Plymouth on 4 November 1853 and arrived at Port Adelaide on 3 February 1854.
Parrey, William TQueenstown1861/1/949 yrC. MarryatPAHS- Parry. William Thomas PARRY, Age 49 years, of Queenstown, died 18 January 1861, Registration District: Adelaide.
XParry, Anna MariaHigh Street, Queenstown1883/10/1677 yrSARAnna Mary PARRY, Age 76 years, of Queenstown, died 14 October 1883, (deceased husband) William Thomas Parry, Registration District: Port Adelaide. Evening Journal (Adelaide, SA : 1869 - 1912), Monday 15 October 1883, page 2 - PARRY.—On the 14th October, at Queenstown, Anna Maria, relict of the late William Thomas Parry, in her 77th year, after a long and painful illness, borne with Christian fortitude. A colonist of 33 years. Safe on the Rock of Ages.
100Parry, Charlotte SultanaAlbert Town1850/12/14mBayfieldPossibly the daughter of William Thomas Parry, bricklayer, and wife and Anne M (nee Trevett), from Middlesex, England, who arrived in Port Adelaide on board the barque 'Sultana', which departed London on 23 March 1850 and arrived in Port Adelaide on 25 July 1850. They travelled with their 5 children and a servant girl, and had an infant daughter born at sea - possibly Charlotte Sultana Parry.
115Parry, Mary ElizabethAlbert Town1851/2/212 1/2 yrBayfieldSister of above? No further information
1454Parry, Sarah EvelynPortland Estate1867/10/131 yr 6mMarryatAge 1 year, of Portland Estate, died 11 October 1867, (father) John Parry, Registration District: Adelaide.
837Parry, William ThomasQueenstown1861/1/1949 yearsMarryatNo further information
226Parsons, GraceAlbert Town1854/9/145 yrBayfieldLease no 30Lease No 30. Her gravestone was still visible in 1927. See article 'Children play with skeletons: forgotten Alberton Cemetery rifles' in The Mail,Saturday 11 June 1927, page 1. Born August 14 1849 to John Parsons and Mary Anne McCue of Alberton. Registration District: Adelaide.
XParsons, John FeannAlberton1883/4/1870 yrTLease no 30Lease No 30 Colonist 46 years. John Flann PARSONS, Age 70 years, of Alberton, died 16 April 1883, Registration District: Port Adelaide. Evening Journal (Adelaide, SA : 1869 - 1912), Tuesday 17 April 1883, page 2 - PARSONS.— on the 16th April, at his residence, Alberton, John F. Parsons, Aged 70 years. A colonist of 46 years
XParsons, Mary AnnAustralian's Pride Hotel, Cannon St., Port Adelaide1870/2/649 yrSARLease no 30Lease No 30. Age 49 years, of Port Adelaide, died 3 February 1870, (husband) John Parsons, Registration District: Adelaide. Funeral procession left the Australia's Pride Hotel, 7 Cannon Street, for the Alberton Cemetery, Sunday afternoon, 6 February. Evening Journal, Saturday 5 February 1870, page 4.
XParsons, Mrs.-stillborn child of1866/8/28StillbornMarryatSA Advertiser (Adelaide, SA: 1858 - 1889), Tuesday 28 August 1866, page 2. On the 24th of August at Port Adelaide, the wife of John Parsons, of a daughter, still born.
189Pearce, Edward ThomasPort Adelaide1854/5/55mBayfieldNo further information
560Pearson, JamesWoodville1857/12/234m 23dC. MarryatAge 4 months, of Woodville, died 22 December 1857, (father) James Pearson, Registration District: Adelaide.
XPedler, Frank Albert BelbenQueenstown1874/9/81yr 3wSARSon of George & Louisa H-M Customs. Age 1 year, of Queenstown, died 5 September 1874, (father) George Meavious Pedler, Registration District: Port Adelaide.
1457Pelham, Mary AnnBowden1867/10/177 yrMarryatAge 7 years, of Bowden, died 16 October 1867, (father) Matthew Pelham, Registration District: Adelaide.
875Pelham, May AnnPortland Estate1861/8/228 yrC. MarryatPAHS - 28 years, Mary. Mary Ann PELHAM, Age 28 years, of Portland Estate, died 2 August 1861, (husband) Matthew Pelham, Registration District: Adelaide.
958Pelham, Matthew AndrewPortland Estate1862/2/268mMarryatIn mother's grave burial No 875, buried 2/8/1861. Age 8 months, of Port Adelaide, died 24 February 1862, (father) Matthew Pelham, Registration District Adelaide.
267Penaluna, JohnShip Nile1855/2/253 yr 3mBayfieldJohn Penaluna/Pencham, died 23 February 1855, Age 2 years, cause of death - croup. [Bound for SA - Births and deaths on Government-assisted immigrant ships 1848-1885]
242Pennington, Agnes MatildaPort Adelaide1854/11/1819mBayfieldDaughter of John Davidson Pennington (born in Quebec, Canada on 8 March 1825) and Helen Batley (born ca1825 in Yorkshire, England), born in Adelaide on 18 November 1853
828Pennington, John DavidsonPortland Estate1861/1/435 yrMarryatDrowned at Port Regatta. Age 35 years, of Portland Estate, died 31 December 1860 at Port Adelaide Creek, Registration District: Adelaide.
586Pennington, Rowland JohnQueenstown1858/2/203mC. MarryatPAHS - Rowland, diarrhea. Rowland John PINNINGTON, Age 3 months, of Port Adelaide, died 18 February 1858, (father) John D Pinnington, registraiton District: Adelaide.
87Pentreath, HarrietWoodville1853/5/112mBayfieldPAHS - Harriett Born March 19, 1853 to Henry Cundy Pentreath (Master of the Lady Sandys) and Harriett Pitt (not recorded). Registration District: Adelaide.
Pepper, Captain Frederick HiltonBarque CoorongSouth Australian Register (Adelaide, SA : 1839 - 1900), Wed 20 Sept 1882, p 4 - PEPPER.—On the 1st September, at sea, on board barque Coorong, suddenly, of apoplexy, Frederick Hilton Pepper, in his 38th year.
137Perks, Emma (wife of Revd.)Ship CondorMay-15185131 yrBayfieldAdelaide Times (SA: 1848 - 1858), Saturday 24 May 1851, page 3
The Ship Condor.—During the voyAge of the Condor from Liverpool, the chaplain of the vessel, the Rev. Mr (Charles) Perks, had the misfortune to lose his child, and on arrival at the Light ship, his lady, who had been ill during the voyAge, died also, and was buried on Thursday at the Cemetery, Alberton.
XPerks, GilbertLefevre's Peninsula1875/6/17not recorded (39)SARMember Court Concord AOF - wife Mary. Age 39 years, of Lefevre Peninsula, died 15 June 1875, Registration District: Port Adelaide. The MEMBERS of the Court and Order are respectfully requested to ATTEND the FUNERAL of the late BROTHER GILBERT PERKS, which will leave his late Residence, Lefevre's Peninsula, at 3 o'clock on Thursday, 17th instant, for the Alberton Cemetery 167.8 J. BRUNELL, C.R
134Perks, Mrs. MaryDudley Street, Kew1895/8/866 yrG. Griffiths (SAR)(?Wife of Gilbert buried 17/6/1875 Alberton). Age 66 years, of Semaphore, died 6 August 1895, (deceased husband) Gilbert Perks, Registration District: Port Adelaide.
408Petch, ElizaAlbert Town1856/3/282 yrFrederick PlattsNo further information
1203Phillips, Edward DouglasPort Adelaide1865/5/19not recordedGreenLease No 169Lease No 169. Age 11 months, of Port Adelaide, died 17 May 1865, (father) Edward Phillips, Registration District: Port Adelaide.
1584Phillips, William RobertPort1868/11/82 yr 5mGreenAge 2 years, 6 months, of Port Adelaide, died 6 November 1868, (father) William Phillips, Registration District: Adelaide.
3Philport, AgnesPort AdelaideAug-0118529mBayfieldLease No 24 (14?) (Horatio Sholl)Lease No 24 South Australian Register (Adelaide, SA : 1839 - 1900), Fri 6 August 1852, p 2 On the 30th July, Agnes Philpot, the only daughter of James and Isabella Philpot, Aged nine months
439Pickaver, John HenryLefevre Peninsula1856/6/219dBayfieldNo further information
97Pickaver, MaryPort Adelaide1853/6/43mBayfieldMary PICKHAVER, Age 2 months, 2 weeks, of Port Adelaide, died 2 June 1853, (father) Thomas Pickhaver, Registration District: Adelaide. Born March 15, 1853 to Thomas Pickhaver and Mary Gilyeat.
965Pickering, Caroline WinifredPort Adelaide1862/4/216mMarryatLease No 120Lease No 120. Age 1 year, of Port Adelaide, died 1 April 1862, (father) Roland Ferrers Pickering, Registration District: Adelaide.
1267Pickering, JohnQueenstown1866/2141yr 3wGreenLease No 120Lease No 120. Age 1 year, of Queenstown, died 13 February 1866, (father) Roland John Ferrers Pickering, Registration District: Adelaide.
162Pincott, Mercy JaneAlbert Town1854/2/243 yr 7mBayfieldBorn September 28, 1850 to Daniel Pincott and Jane Jay DOB
33Piper, SamuelAlbert TownNov-23185264 yrBayfieldDied 21 November 1852, Registration District: Adelaide.
434Pippet, AnnPort Adelaide1856/6/34dBayfieldLease No 209Lease No 209. No further information
111Pippett, ElizabethPort Adelaide1853/8/263wBayfieldAge 3 weeks, died 25 August 1853, Registration District: Adelaide. (Father) George Pippett, (Mother) Mary Ann Toulmann.
666Pitcher, ElizabethQueenstown1859/1/879 yrF. EvansLease No 87Lease No 87. Age 78 years, of Queenstown, died 7 January 1859, Registration District: Adelaide.
1355Plummer, SusanCheltenham1866/12/922 yrMarryatAge 21 years, of Cheltenham, died 8 December 1866, Registration District: Adelaide.
573Poole, Eliza AnnPort Adelaide1858/1/284mC. MarryatAge 4 months, of Port Adelaide, died 26 January 1858, (father) Samuel Poole, Registration District: Adelaide.
1168Pope, HenryAlberton1864/11/272 yr 7mMarryatNo further information
365Porter, Elizabeth AnnAlbert Town1855/12/2668 yrBayfieldLease No 81A lot: East corner of cem. Lease No 81. Age 68 years, of Hindmarsh, died 25 December 1855, (husband) George Porter, Registration District: Adelaide.
XPorter, EllenBritish Standard Hotel, Adelaide1877/8/3nkSARLease No 210Lease no 210 - relict late W.H. Age 54 years, of Alberton, died 2 August 1877, Registration District: Port Adelaide.
343Porter, Frederick WilliamAlbert Town1855/11/1014 yr 6mBayfieldLease No 42 (81 PAHS)A lot: East corner of cem. Lease No 42. Age 14 years, of Albert Town, died 8 November 1855, (father) J.H. Porter, Registration District: Adelaide.
1026Porter, Frederick WilliamQueenstown1863/4/96wMarryatLease No 132Lease No 132. Age 5 weeks, of Queenstown, died 7 April 1863, (father) John Walter Porter, Registration District: Adelaide.
XPorter, GeorgeAlberton1872/5/1985 yrSARLease No 269Lease No 269. Age 85 years, of Alberton, died 19 May 1872, Registration District: Port Adelaide. Funeral procession held at Alberton Cemetery Tuesday afternoon, 21 May. Express and Telegraph, Tuesday 21 May 1872, page 2.
XPorter, Georgiana Anna GadwingAlberton1871/1/24nkSARLease No 269Lease No 269 - wife of G.H. Georgianna Amy Gidnin PORTER, Age 46 years, of Alberton, died 21 January 1871, (husband) George Henry Porter, Registration District: Port Adelaide.
XPorter, John Henryat son's Alberton1886/12/376 yrSARLease No 81Lease No 81. Age 67 years, of Alberton, died 1 December 1886, Registration District: Port Adelaide.
XPorter, Julia AnnAlberton1871/7/2821 yrSARLease no 210Lease no 210 - eldest d. Mr W.H. Julia PORTER, Age 21 years, of Alberton, died 27 July 1871, (mother) Ellen Porter, Registration District: Port Adelaide.
981Porter, Margaretta Rosa WoodlandQueenstown1862/9/636 yrMarryatAge 36 years, of Queenstown, died 3 September 1862, Registration District: Adelaide.
XPorter, Rosa MissAlberton1878/3/2819 yrSARLease No 269Lease No 269. Age 19 years, of Alberton, died 25 March 1878, (father) William Henry Porter, Registration District: Port Adelaide.
1147Porter, RowenaWoodville1864/6/131yr 7mH M PollittAge 17 months, of Woodville, died 11 June 1864, (father) William Porter, Registration District: Adelaide.
XPorter, WilliamAlberton1869/12/2916 yrSARLease No 269Lease No 269. Age 15 years, of Alberton, died 29 December 1869, (mother) Ellen Porter, Registration District: Adelaide. Funeral procession left his mother's residence for Alberton Cemetery, Friday afternoon, 31 December 1869. Express and Telegraph, Thursday 30 December 1869, page 3.
1437Porter, William HobbesWoodville1867/8/2144 yrH M PollittLease No 210Lease No 210. William Hobb PORTER, Age 44 years, of Woodville, died 19 August 1867, Registration District: Adelaide.
1220Davkid PottingerLeFevre Peninsula1865/8/3042 YearsGreenNo further information
177Powell, ElizabethBowden1851/12/913 yrBayfieldAge 13 years, of Bowden, died 8 December 1851, (father) John Powell, Registration District: Adelaide.
155Powell, JaneShip BLUNDEL1851/9/333 yrBayfieldJane Powell departed London with her husband Jonathan Powell on the ship 'Blundell' on 17 May 1851 and arrived in Port Adelaidel on Saturday 30 August 1851, and died soon after. See 'Shipping Intelligence' in Adelaide Times, Monday 1 September 1851, page 2.
18Powell, Jane SusanThebartonSep-14185211 yrBayfieldAge 11 years, of Thebarton, died 12 September 1852, (father) Jonathan Powell, Registration District: Adelaide.
1534Powell, JonathanAdelaide1868/6/2AdultMarryatLease No 131Lease No 131. Age 57 years, of Adelaide, died 31 May 1868, Registration District: Adelaide. Funeral procession left his residence on Hanson Street, Tuesday morning 2 June, for burial at Alberton Cemetery, undertaker Oliver Ranken. South Australian Register, Monday 1 June 1868, page 1.
418Power, ThomasPort Adelaide1856/4/1528 yrBayfieldDrowned. Thomas POWELL, drowned in Port Adelaide on Thursday 10 April. He had recently returned from Kangaroo Island on a fishing voyAge. For details see 'Another man drowned' in Adelaide Times, Friday 11 April 1856, Domestic News, page 2, and 'Coroner's Inquest' in Adelaide Observer, Saturday 19 April 1856, page 3.
21Powers, RobertShip CHILDE HAROLD1849/6/1238 yrNewenhamDysentry. No further information
10Prater, ElizabethAlberton1873/7/2320 yrWhitingtonAge 20 years, of Queenstown, died 22 July 1873, (husband) Isaac Prater, Registration District: Port Adelaide.
1307Pratt, EllenEmigrant Ship Charlotte Gladstone1866/6/196 yrMarryatGovt. Funeral. Age 6 years, of Knockford, Clare (Ireland), died 18 June 1866, aboard 'Charlotte Gladstone', (father) Joseph Pratt, Registration District: Adelaide. Cause of death - whooping cough, Age 5 years. [Bound for SA - Births and deaths on Government-assisted immigrant ships 1848-1885]
987Price, BenjaminPort Adelaide1862/10/815wMarryatAge 15 weeks, of Port Adelaide, died 7 October 1862, (father) William Henry Price, Registration District: Adelaide.
XPrice, ---nk1867/7/17StillbornMarryatStillborn child of Mrs G
1004Price, Sarah ElizabethPort Adelaide1862/12/226mMarryatAge 6 months, of Port Adelaide, died 20 December 1862, (father) Henry Price, Registration District: Adelaide.
1500Prideaux, JacobPort Adelaide1868/3/742 yrMarryatAge 42 years, of Port Adelaide, died 6 March 1868, Registration District: Adelaide.
1518Prideaux, RichardPort Adelaide1868/4/221yr 8mMarryatNo further information
409Prior, TimothyPort Adelaide1856/4/170 yrBayfieldLease No 149Lease No 149. Died on 1 April 1856 at Port Adelaide after a short illness, father of Mr Isaac Prior, see Family notices, in South Australian Register, Friday 4 April 1856, page 2.
40Prosser, EdwardAlbert Town1849/12/87 weeks?BayfieldFits. Possibly Edward Prosser, Age 7 days, of Copper Smelters, died 7 December 1849, (father) Edward Prosser, Registration District: Adelaide.
462Pulford, Richard BlundellBarque BLUNDELL1856/10/1414wBayfieldSee also Richard Blundell Redford?Richard Blundell Pulford was born on board the barque 'Blundell', which had departed Southampton, England, on Sunday 15 June 1856, and arried in Port Adelaide on Friday 10 October 1856. The Pulford family on board included: Charles (blacksmith), Edwin (labourer, stationmaster), Mary, and children George, Georgina, Mary, and Maria (died at sea 25 June 1856, Age 1). From Passengers in History website
888Purchase, Amelia AnnaQueenstown1861/9/614wMarryatLease No 106Lease No 106. Amelia Hannah PURCHASE, Age 14 weeks, of Alberton, died 4 September 1861, Registration District: Adelaide.
339Purches, ElizabethQueenstown28/12/191074 yrM WilliamsLease No 106Lease no 106 - wife of John. Age 74 years, of Queenstown, died 26 December 1910, (deceased husband) John Purches, Registration District: Port Adelaide. Funeral departed her residence at Broad Street, Queenstown for Alberton cemetery on Wednesday morning, 28 December, undertaker Pengelley Knabe. Advertiser, Wednesday 29 December 1910, page 2.
140Purches, JohnBroad St. Queenstown1896/2/1972 yrSamwell TLease No 106Lease No 106 - husband of Elizabeth. Age 72 years, of Queenstown, died 8 February 1896, Registration District: Port Adelaide.
1601Purches, Thomas HenryQueenstown1869/1/141yrGreenLease No 106Lease No 106. Age 1 year, of Queenstown, died 11 January 1869, (father) John Purches, Registration District: Adelaide.
75Purser, HenriettaPort Adelaide1853/3/216wBayfieldBorn 11 February 1853 in Port Adelaide, father Robert Purser, mother Elizabeth Gregory. Registration District Adelaide.
390Purvis, Andrew GeorgeLefevre Peninsula1856/2/1410 yrBayfieldNo further information
664Purvis, Andrew GeorgeLefevre Peninsula1859/1/510mF. EvansLeaseNo 126Lease No 126. Age 14 months, of Lefevre Peninsula, died 4 January 1859, (father) George Purvis, Registration District: Adelaide.
350Purvis, TelieLefevre Peninsula1855/12/140 yrBayfieldLease no 126Lease No 126. Tiele PURVIS, Age 40 years, died 29 November 1855, (husband) G.H. Purvis, Registration District: Adelaide.
XQuin, Agnes OsbornePort Adelaide1875/12/319mSARLease no 138Lease No 138 youngest daughter Hugh, Harbormaster & Sarah. Age 9 months, of North Parade, died 29 December 1875, (father) Hugh Quin, Registration District: Port Adelaide.
XQuin, Edith AnniePort Adelaide1876/11/67 yrSARLease no 138Lease No 138. 5th daughter of Hugh, Harbourmaster. Age 7 years, of Port Adelaide, died 5 November 1876, (father) Hugh Quin, Registration District: Port Adelaide.
1470Quin, HardnessPortland Estate1867/12/20not recordedMarryatHardriss QUIN, Age 4 months, of Queenstown, died 20 December 1867, (father) William Quin, Registration District: Adelaide.
141Quin, Hugh Capt.Carlingford" Dale Street, Port Adelaide1896/5/179 yrA.C.Sutherland TLease no 138Lease No 138. Age 78 years, of Port Adelaide, died 29 April 1896, Registration District: Port Adelaide. Died Wednesday 29 April at his home in Dale Street, Port Adelaide, Aged 79 years, after a short illness. Captain Quin was a pioneering old colonist, arriving in South Australia as Second Mate on board the 'Cygnet' in 1836. He worked as a seaman with the civil service. For details see the obituary 'The Late Captain Quin' in South Australian Register, Thursday 30 April 1896, page 7. Headstone: Isabella wife of Hugh Quin died 4 September 1863, Aged 46. Hugh Quin died 29 April 1896, Aged 78
1067Quin, IsabellaPort Adelaide1863/9/646 yrPAEVF, Rv. Hodge TAge 46 years, of Port Adelaide, died 4 September 1863, (husband) Hugh Quin, Registration District: Adelaide. Headstone: Isabella wife of Hugh Quin died 4 September 1863, Aged 46. Hugh Quin died 29 April 1896, Aged 78
269Quin, MaryPort Adelaide1855/3/1110mJames PollittPAHS - James Pollitt (not Bayfield)
XQuin, Mary Louise (Minnie)Dale Street, Port Adelaide1887/9/1116 yrSARLease no 138Lease No 138 7th daughter Capt. Hugh and Sarah. Marion Louise QUIN, Age 16 years, of Port Adelaide, died 9 September 1887, (father) Hugh Quin, Registration District: Port Adelaide.
XQuin, Robert William OsbornePort Adelaide1876/8/3not recorded (baby)SARLease no 138Lease No 138, bronchitis (youngest son of Hugh. Harbourmaster). Age 17 days, of North Parade, died 2 August 1876, (father) Hugh Quin, Registration District: Port Adelaide.
33Quin, SarahDale Street, Port Adelaide2/09/191881 yrM.WilliamsLease no 138Lease No 138 wife of Capt. Hugh. Age 81 years, widow, of Port Adelaide, died 31 August 1918, (deceased husband) Hugh Quin, Registration District: Port Adelaide. Widow of Captain Hugh Quin, late harbor-master of Port Adelaide, funeral departed her residence Carlingford at Dale Street, Port Adelaide, for Alberton Cemetery on Monday afternoon 2 September, undertaker J.C. Haddy & Son. Express and Telegraph, Monday 2 September 1918, page 2.
751Quin, William JohnQueenstown1860/2/27mC. MarryatWilliam John QUINN, Age 7 months, of Queenstown, died 2 February 1860, Registration District: Adelaide.
Quinn, JosephQueenstown1873/2/2333 yrAge 33 years, Plasterer of Queenstown, died 22 February 1873, Registration District: Port Adelaide. Funeral procession departed his brother's residence at Queenstown, Sunday afternoon 23 February, for Alberton Cemetery, undertaker T. Haddy. Evening Journal, Saturday 22 February 1873, page 2.
1424Racket, Richard EdwinPort Adelaide1867/6/238wMarryatRichard Edwin RACKEL, Age 8 weeks, of Port Adelaide, died 21 June 1867, (father) Thomas Rackel, Registration District: Adelaide.
1285Railton, JamesShip Prince Arthur1866/4/426 yrGreenSuffocated by fire on board ship. Age 26 years, of Port Adelaide, died 3 April 1866, Registration District: Adelaide.
43Ramsay, Henry IsaacPort Adelaide1849/12/125mBayfieldConvulsions. No further information.
605Ramsden (Rauesden), James LoganPort Adelaide1858/4/191yrMarryatLease No 71Lease No 71 croup. Also no. 183. Age 1 year, of Port Adelaide, died 17 April 1858, (father) James Ramsden, Registration District: Adelaide.
594Ramsden (Bausden), Margaret AnnHare Street, Port Adelaide1858/3/304 yrMarryatLease No 71Lease No 71. Age 4 years, of Port Adelaide, died 31 March 1858, (father) James Ramsden, Registration District: Adelaide.
1532Ramsey, Mary ElizabethLefevre's Peninsula1868/6/12m 25dMarryatAge 2 months, of Glanville, died 30 May 1868, (father) James Ramsey, Registration District: Adelaide.
Randall, GeorgePort Adelaide1855/12/196mBayfieldSee below, George Rendall.
805Randall, WilliamTenterden1860/10/3011mC. MarryatAge 1 year, died 28 October 1860, Registration Districted recorded: Adelaide.
882Ranford, Adelaide CordeliaPort Adelaide1861/8/253 yrMarryatLease No 125Lease No 125. Age 3 years, of Port Adelaide, died 23 August 1861, (father) Henry Ranford, Registration District: Adelaide.
1201Ranford, Annie FilmorePort Adelaide1865/5/1516mGreenLease No 125Lease No 125. Age 16 months, of Port Adelaide, died 13 May 1865, (father) Henry Ranford, Registration District: Adelaide.
589Ranford (Bauford), Cordelia LouisaPort Adelaide1858/2/2614 monthsMarryatAge 1 year, of Port Adelaide, died 25 February 1858, (father) Henry Ranford, Registration District: Adelaide.
XRanford, EdithPort Adelaide1870/9/211yr 7mSARLease No 125Lease No 125 diptheria (D. of Henry and Cath). Age 1 year, of North Parade, died 20 September 1870, (father) Henry Ranford, Registration District: Port Adelaide.
XRanford, EleanorPort Adelaide1870/1/22yr 2mSARLease No 125Lease No 125 diptheria (D. of Henry and Cath). Age 2 years, of Port Adelaide, died 2 January 1870, (father) Henry Ranford, Registration District: Adelaide.
183Rathelt, HeinrickTam O'Shanter Belt1851/12/26about 32 yrFulfordHeinrich RATHELDT, died Wednesday 24 December 1851 from heat stroke. Heinrich Rathelt was a German labourer and had been working with a reaping machine under the employ of Mr L Hausen at Tam O'Shanter belt, and died as a result of exposure to the extreme heat of the sun. See 'Coroners' Inquests' in South Australian Register, Friday 26 December 1851, page 2.
925Raven, Frederic RichardPortland Estate1861/11/2313mMarryatAge 1 year, of Portland Estate, died 22 November 1861, (father) John Raven, Registration District: Adelaide.
Rawson AnnPortland Estate1873/07/16THE Friends of the Late Mrs. ANN RAWSON are respectfully informed that her REMAINS will be removed from her late Residence, Portland Estate, on Wednesday, for Alberton Cemetery, at 3.30 p.m. x S. HADDY, Undertaker
842Raymond, ElizabethAdelaide Hospital1861/2/721 yrMarryatAlso no. 1424. Age 21 years, of Port Adelaide, died 6 February 1861, Registration District: Adelaide.
21Read (Reed), Mary AnneAlbert TownSep-2518525 yrBayfieldMary Ann Read, Age 5 years, died 21 September 1852, Registration District: Adelaide.
1451Read, Mary AnnPort Adelaide1867/10/55dWatsfordAge 5 days, of Port Adelaide, died 4 October 1867, (father) Charles Benjamin Read, Registration District: Adelaide.
821Read, WilliamAlberton1860/12/192mC. MarryatAge 2 months, of Alberton, died 18 December 1860, Registration District: Adelaide.
Redford, Richard BlundellBarque Blundell1856/10/1414wBayfieldSee also Richard Blundell Pulford?No further information
1030Reed, EmmaQueenstown1863/11/1148 yrMarryatLease No 147Lease No 147. Age 48 years, of Queenstown, died 9 November 1863, (husband) Benjamin Riley Reed, Registration District: Adelaide.
305Reed, JohnPort Adelaide1855/6/811mBayfieldNo further information
996Reed, John ThomasPortland Estate1862/12/63 yr 2mMarryatAge 3 years, of Portland Estate, died 5 December 1852, (father) John Reed, Registration District: Adelaide.
Reed, Robert WilliamLefevre Peninsula1857/1/2510mBayfieldSee below Robert William Reid.
XReed, Mrs.-stillborn child ofQueenstown1864/1/31StillbornMarryat
1280Reeves, Charlotte MarthaKangaroo Island1866/3/2670 yrGreenAge 70 years, of Kingscote (Kangaroo Island), died 23 March 1866 at Queenstown, (husband) Samuel Reeves, Registration District: Adelaide.
7Reeves, WilliamShip SelmaAug-16185228 yrBayfieldAge 28 years, aboard 'Selma', died 13 August 1852, Registration District: Adelaide.
1630Reid, AlexanderPortland Estate1869/5/2654 yrGreenAge 34 years, of Portland Estate, died 24 May 1869, Registration District: Adelaide.
166Reid, Alexander RussellCaptain of the Ship BrendaOct-29185137 yrBayfieldThe Brig 'Brenda' departed London on Monday 16 June 1851 with Captain Alexander Russell Reid as master, arriving at Port Adelaide on Sunday 26 October 1851. Journey notes: "Via St.Pauls Island (5 Oct). The Captain of the Brenda is very ill, not being expected to live; and the chief officer shot his hand off by accident." From Passengers in History website, Funeral procession was held at Port Adelaide on Wednesday 29 October, his remains carried by 16 sailors, and a procession following the funeral. South Australian Register, Friday 31 October 1851, page 3.
831Reid, ArthurPortland Estate1861/1/714mC. MarryatNo further information
372Reid, JanePort Adelaide1856/1/1415 yrBayfieldJean Elizabeth REID, Age 15 years, of Port Adelaide, died 13 January 1856, (father) William Reid, Registration District: Adelaide.
1111Reid, John HarperPortland Estate1864/2/216mMarryatIn grave 831 Arthur, 14m, 7/6/1860. Age 6 months, of Portland Estate, died 20 February 1864, (father) John Harper Reid, Registration District: Adelaide.
1266Reid, Lillis (?)Lefevre Peninsula1866/2/111yr 3mGreenAge 1 year, of Lefevre Peninsula, died 10 February 1866, (father) Robert Reid, Registration District: Adelaide.
478Reid, Robert WilliamLefevre Peninsula1857/1/2510mFrederick PlattsSee also Robert William ReedNo further information
209Reid, WilliamShip Lady Harvey1852/6/26nkBayfieldSeaman on board the 'Lady Harvey', died of accidental drowning in Port Adelaide harbour on Thursday 24 June 1852. For more details see article 'Coroner's Inquest' in South Australian Register, Saturday 26 June 1852, page 3.
993Reid, WilliamLefevre Peninsula1862/11/2260 yrMarryatAge 60 years, of Lefevre Peninsula, died 20 November 1862, Registration District: Adelaide.
417Reid, William HenryLefevre Peninsula1856/4/1417mBayfieldNo further information
Remminton, John DavidsonPortland Estate1861/1/435 yrC. MarryatNo further information
881Remnant, WilliamPort Adelaide1861/8/215 yrMarryatAge 5 years, of Port Adelaide, died 20 August 1861, (father) Charles Remnant, Registration District: Adelaide.
361Rendall, GeorgePort Adelaide1855/12/196mBayfieldSee above also George Randall.
1317Render, JamesKangaroo Island1866/7/2056 yrMarryatAge 56 years, of Kangaroo Island, died 19 July 1866 at Port Adelaide, Registration District: Adelaide.
Rennison see Arabella Jane
333Revell, HannahAlbert Town1855/9/656 yrBayfieldNo further information
1485Reynolds, AlfredPort Adelaide1868/1/234mA. Honner/C.M.Lease No 162Lease No 162. Age 4 months, of Lefevre Peninsula, died 22 January 1868, (father) Francis Reynolds, Registration District: Adelaide.
XReynolds, AnnSt. Vincent Street, Port Adelaide1871/8/1643 yrSARLease No 162Lease No 162 after lingering illness (wife of F.). Age 43 years, of St Vincent Street, died 14 August 1871, (husband) Francis Reynolds, Builder. Registration District: Port Adelaide.
28Reynolds, Charlotte ElizabethLefevre's Peninsula1873/10/234 yrGreenAge 34 years, of Lefevre Peninsula, died 30 September 1873, (husband) John Allen Reynolds, Registration District: Port Adelaide.
1006Reynolds, Elizabeth Caroline (Catherine in Baptismal Register)Port Adelaide1862/12/249mMarryatElizabeth Caroline REYNOLDS, Age 9 months, of Port Adelaide, died 23 December 1862, (father) Francis Reynolds, Registration District: Adelaide.
568Reynolds, Fanny MatildaPort Adelaide1858/1/251yrC. MarryatLease No 74Lease No 74 A: South East Path. Daughter of William and Frances. Age 13 months, of Port Adelaide, died 23 January 1858, (father) William Reynolds, Registration District: Adelaide. Headstone: Frances Reynolds wife of William Walter Reynolds died 15 April 1858, Aged 25 years. Fanny Matilda Reynolds, daughter of the above died 23 January 1858, Aged 12 months.
601Reynolds, FrancesPort Adelaide1858/4/1725 yrC. MarryatLease No 74Lease No 74 wife of William Walter/mother of Fanny Matilda. Age 25 years, of Portland Estate, died 15 April 1858, (husband) William Reynolds, Registration District: Adelaide. Headstone: Frances Reynolds wife of William Walter Reynolds died 15 April 1858, Aged 25 years. Fanny Matilda Reynolds, daughter of the above died 23 January 1858, Aged 12 months.
1230Reynolds, JaneHindmarsh1865/11/440 yrGreenNo service - drowned. From 'Aldinga'. Age 44 years, of Melbourne (Victoria), died 1 November 1865 at sea, (husband) Thomas Reynolds, Registration District: Adelaide.
XReynolds, Mrs. stillborn child of1858/4/10Marryatstillborn-buried in grave 568- Fanny Reynolds 25/1/1858
1628Reynolds, ThomasTralee1869/5/21not recordedGreenAge 48 years, of Tarlee, died 17 May 1869, at Mutton Cove, Port Adelaide, Registration District: Adelaide.
1425Reynolds, Thomas GeorgePort Adelaide1867/7/311mMarryatAge 11 months, of Port Adelaide, died 30 June 1867, (father) Henry Reynolds, Registration District: Adelaide.
860Rhodes, MariaPortland Estate1861/4/213mC. MarryatIn grave of brother Samuel burial no 853, 3 years buried 15/3/1861. Age 1 year, of Portland Estate, died 1 April 1861, (father) John Rhodes, Registration District: Adelaide.
853Rhodes, SamuelPortland Estate1861/3/153 yr 8mC. MarryatAge 3 years, of Portland Estate, died 13 March 1861, (father) John Rhodes, Registration District: Adelaide.
Richard, Nancy (2)Ship Navarino1854/8/1717mBayfieldLease no 173Lease No 173. DOD 15/6/1854. Cause: convulsions. [CD-ROM: Bound for SA. Births and Deaths on gov assisted immigrant ship 1848-1885].
481Richard, WilliamPort Adelaide1857/2/314 weeksBayfieldWilliam RICHARDS, Age 14 weeks, of Port Adelaide, died 31 January 1857, (father) Dick Richards, Registration District: Adelaide.
696Richards, Ernest JohnWoodville1859/3/1611mC. MarryatPAHS - Ernest John Richards. Ernest John RICHARDS, Age 11 months, of Reed Beds, died 15 March 1859, (father) Stephen Richards, Registration District: Adelaide.
1588Richards, Herbert OliverWoodville1868/11/2213 yrH.M.PollittAge 13 years, of Woodville, died 19 November 1868, (father) Stephen Richards, Registration District: Adelaide.
1246Richards, LouisaWoodville1865/12/3140 yrW.H.CoombsAge 40 years, of Woodville, died 28 December 1865, (husband) Stephen Richards, Registration District: Adelaide.
XRichards, Mrs.-stillborn child of1861/6/24StillbornMarryatIn grave with brother Ernest, burial No 696, 11m buried 16/3/1859.
XRichardson, Mrs. S.-stillborn child of1863/1/10StillbornMarryat
83Richie, JohnShip Candahar1850/9/1039 yrBayfieldNo further information
79Rickards, ThomasShip Stag1850/6/2120 yrBayfieldCause of death - pneumonia. [Bound for SA - Births and deaths on Government-assisted immigrant ships 1848-1885]. PAEVF 002 Headstone Inscriptions: Harriet J Ridge, daughter of William Ridge, deid 28 October 1863, aged 17. William Ridge, died 18 June 1873, aged 58. Jane, his wife, died 1 May 1873, aged 56.
1078Ridge, Harriet JanePort Adelaide1863/10/2817 yrPAEVFAge 17 years, of Port Adelaide, died 28 October 1863, (father) William Ridge, Registration District: Adelaide. Headstone: Williams Ridge died 18 June 1873 Aged 58. Jane his wife died 1 May 1873. Harriet J Ridge daughter of the above died 28 October 1863, Aged 17. PAEVF 002 Headstone Inscriptions: Harriet J Ridge, daughter of William Ridge, deid 28 October 1863, aged 17. William Ridge, died 18 June 1873, aged 58. Jane, his wife, died 1 May 1873, aged 56.
XRidge, JanePort Adelaide1873/5/155 (57) yrSAR-T - PAEVFLingering illness (mother Mesdames T.Burchell, Gardiner, Hills). Age 55 years, of Dale Street, died 1 May 1873, (husband) William Ridge (Cord wainer), Registration District: Port Adelaide. PAEVF 002 Headstone Inscriptions: Harriet J Ridge, daughter of William Ridge, deid 28 October 1863, aged 17. William Ridge, died 18 June 1873, aged 58. Jane, his wife, died 1 May 1873, aged 56.
XRidge, WilliamPort Adelaide1873/6/1858 yrPAEVF - TAge 57 years, of Nile Street, died 18 June 1873, Registration District: Port Adelaide. Funeral held at Alberton Cemetery, Friday afternoon 20 June 1873. Member of the Victoria and Duke of York Lodges. Evening Journal, Thursday 19 June 1873, page 2. Headstone: Williams Ridge died 18 June 1873 Aged 58. Jane his wife died 1 May 1873. Harriet J Ridge daughter of the above died 28 October 1863, Aged 17.
XRidge, WilliamPort Adelaide1873/6/202 yrSARI don’t think this one is correct
84Ridge, William GeorgePort Adelaide1850/9/152 yrBayfieldSon of William Ridge and Jane Forrester, born 3 March 1848 in Port Adelaide, baptised on 1 October 1848 at St Paul's Church, Port Adelaide.
1073Riley, James WilliamPort Adelaide1863/10/22 yr 11mMarryatAge 3 years, of Port Adelaide, died 1 October 1863, (father) Richard Riley, Registration District: Adelaide.
1193Ring (also King), Rebecca Hillnk1865/4/711 monthsGreenRebecca Hill Ring of Lefevre Peninsula, aged 11 months, died 6 April 1865 . Father Henry Ring. Registration District: Adelaide. Born May 2 1864 to Herbert James Ring and Mary Ann Morris of Lefevre Peninsula. Registration District Adelaide.
1627Risely, WilliamAlberton1869/5/2080 yrPriceLease No 235Lease No 235. William Risely, Age 79 years, of Alberton, died 19 May 1869, (possible family relationship) George Risely, Registration District: Adelaide. Funeral procession departed his residence at Alberton for Alberton Cemetery on Thursday afternoon, 20 May, H. Brice Undertaker. South Australian Register, Thursday 20 May 1869, page 1.
XRisely, Margaret Ann (Widow of Stocker)Findon1873/12/2847 yrSARLease No 256Lease No 256 funeral held 10am Sunday 28/12/1873. Age 74 years, of Findon, died 26 December 1873, Registration District: Adelaide. Funeral procession departed her residence at Findon for Alberton Cemetery on Sunday morning, 28 December, W.M. Benbow, undertaker. Evening Journal, Sunday 27 December 1873, page 1.
374Risely, MaryAlbert Town1856/1/1725 yrBayfieldNo further information
XRisely, MaryAlberton1874/2/988 yrSARAge 88 years, of Alberton, died 6 February 1874, (deceased husband) William Risely, Registration District: Port Adelaide.
XRisely, Stocker Sr.Findon1870/9/569 yrSAR - T - PAEVFLease No 256Lease No 256. Former owner Half Way House/32 years a colonist. Age 69 years, of Netley, died 3 September 1870, Registration District: Adelaide. Funeral procession left his residence at Findon for Alberton Cemetery, Monday afternoon, 5 September, H. Brice Undertaker. South Australian Advertiser, Monday 5 September 1870, page 1. Headstone: Stoker Risely died 3 September 1870, Aged 69. The friend of all, the foe of none.
Rix, ElizabethSouth Terrace Adelaide1890/10/1876 yrNewspapersSouth Australian Register (Adelaide, SA : 1839 - 1900), Sat 18 October 1890, p 4 - RIX.— On the 17th October, at South-terrace, Adelaide, Elizabeth, relict of the late George Rix, Aged 76 years.
1239Rix, GeorgeAdelaide1865/12/1769 yrGreenLease No 141Lease No 141. Age 69 years, of Adelaide, died 15 December 1865, Registration District: Adelaide.
1063Rix, SophiaPort Adelaide1863/8/2821 yrF. GarrettLease No 141Lease No 141. Age 20 years, of Port Adelaide, died 26 August 1863, (husband) Frederick Henry Rix, Registration District: Adelaide.
369Rob, AlbertShip Loevesteyn1856/1/1326 yrBayfieldPAHS - Loevestein. The ship 'Loevestein' departed Valparaiso, Chile, on Tuesday 28 August 1855, and arrived in Port Adelaide on Tuesday 11 December 1855. From Passengers in History website
192Robb, James WilliamCheltenham1852/2/92 yrBayfieldNo further information
81Robbilliard, JohnPort Adelaide1850/8/2224 1/2 yrBayfieldNo further information
1471Roberts, Mary AdelaidePort Adelaide1867/12/67mMarryatAge 7 months, of Port Adelaide, died 5 December 1867, (father) George David Roberts, Registration District: Adelaide.
256Roberts, Mary AnnPort Adelaide1855/2/419mBayfieldNo further information
506Robertson, AgnesPort Adelaide1857/5/114 yrBayfieldPAHS - Agness
489Robertson, AlexanderPort Adelaide1857/2/2314mBayfieldNo further information
1374Robertson, AnnieLefevre's Peninsula1867/1/133wMarryatAnne ROBERTSON, Age 3 weeks, of Lefevre Peninsula, died 12 January 1867, (father) Gilbert Robertson, Registration District: Adelaide.
1233Robertson, DavidLefevre's Peninsula1865/11/2545 yrSmellieLease no 177Lease No 177. Age 52 years, of Lefevre Peninsula, died 23 November 1865, Registration District: Adelaide. Funeral held at Alberton Cemetery, Saturday 25 November 1865, S. Haddy, Undertaker. South Australian Advertiser, Saturday 25 November 1865, page 1, funeral notices.
1379Robertson, EllenLefevre's Peninsula1867/1/295wMarryatAt the head of the grave, burial no 1374 , Annie, 3w, died 13/1/1867 - twin. Age 5 weeks, of Lefevre Peninsula, died 28 January 1867, (father) Gilbert Robertson, Registration District: Adelaide.
178Robertson, JamesLefevre Peninsula1854/4/435 yrBayfieldLease no 25Lease No 25. In Craigie's lease. No further information.
1396Robertson, JemimaLefevre's Peninsula1867/4/2313 yrMarryatLease no 25Lease No 25. In Craigie's lease. Age 13 years, of Lefevre Peninsula, died 21 April 1867, (father) James Robertson, Registration District: Adelaide.
XRobertson, Matilda Mrs.Kingston Terrace, North Adelaide1897/12/2969 yrSARLease no 177Lease 177. Age 69 years, of North Adelaide, died 27 December 1897, (deceased husband) David Robertson, Registration District: Adelaide. South Australian Register (Adelaide, SA : 1839 - 1900), Wed 29 Dec 1897, p 4 - ROBERTSON.-On the 27th December, at Kingston-terrace, North Adelaide, Matilda Robertson, Aged 69 years, widow of the late David Robertson, of Port Adelaide.
37Robertson, RosinaShip Cheapside at Port Adelaide1849/9/1532 yrBayfieldGeneral debility. Rosanna Roberts, Age 30 years. [Bound for SA - Births and deaths on Government-assisted immigrant ships 1848-1885]
754Robin, AlfredPort Adelaide1860/2/94 yrMarryatLease no 93Lease No 93. Age 4 years, of Port Adelaide, died 8 February 1860, (father) Theophilus Robin, Registration District: Adelaide.
621Robins, MaryAlberton1858/7/58wF. EvansNo service-child being unbaptised. Age 8 weeks, of Alberton, died 3 July 1858, (father) Amos Robins, Registration District: Adelaide.
12Robinson, AnnPort1873/7/31not recordedN. McLarenAge 39 years, of Port Adelaide, died 30 July 1873, (husband) James Robinson, Registration District: Port Adelaide.
1311Robinson, MaryPort Adelaide1866/6/2628 yrMarryatAge 28 years, of Port Adelaide, died 25 June 1866, (husband), Samuel Robinson, Registration District: Port Adelaide.
Romford, Mrs. Stillborn child of1868/1/4stillborn-Dr. GethingMarryat
757Roper, JohnPort Adelaide1860/2/223hrsC. MarryatIn grave George Calley burial no 642, 6 years buried 18/10/1858. Age 3 hours, of Port Adelaide, died 19 February 1860, (father) John Roper, Registration District: Adelaide.
758Roper, Sarah AnnPort Adelaide1860/2/2622 yrC. MarryatBuried next to John Roper, burial no 642, buried 22/2/1860. Age 22 years, of Port Adelaide, died 24 February 1860, (husband) John Roper, Registration District: Adelaide.
159Rose, EmmaShip Reliance1851/9/202 1/2 yrBayfieldArrived in South Australia on 13 September 1851, died after arrival on 18 September 1851. [Bound for SA - Births and deaths on Government-assisted immigrant ships 1848-1885]
Roskett, Josephine Marie Louise Madelaine. See also BirkettAlberton1861/5/1376 yrC. MarryatBIRKETT, Josephine Marie Louise Madeline, Age 76 years, of Alberton, died 11 May 1861, Registration District: Adelaide. "On the 11th May, at the residence of her daughter, Mrs. E. G. Collinson, Alberton, Josephine Marie Louise Madeleine Birkett, widow of the late James Birkett, Esq., H.M. 86th Regiment, and daughter of the late Louis L'Afferiare, M.P., St. Denis, Reunion, Aged 76", South Australian Register, Monday 13 May 1861, page 2, Family Notices.
89Rosler, Johanna JulianeShip San Sanfrisco1850/10/1733 yrBayfieldMrs Johanna ROSSLER arrived in South Australia with her husband Wilhelm Rossler and their six young children on board the ship 'San Francisco' which departed Hamburg on 22 June 1850 and arrived in Port Adelaide on 13 October 1850, and died shortly after. Passengers in History website
334Ross (Rofs), AngusPort Adelaide1855/9/216mBayfieldAge 6 months, died 19 September 1855, (father) Thomas Ross, Registration District: Adelaide.
1000Ross, Charles WallacePort Adelaide1862/12/195wMarryatAge 5 weeks, of Port Adelaide, died 17 December 1862, (father) Charles Wallace, Registration District: Adelaide. See also WALLACE, Charles W.R.
608Ross, DanielPort Adelaide1858/4/2610 monthsC. MarryatPAHS 10m. Age 10 months, of Port Adelaide, died 25 April 1858, (father) Thomas Ross, Registration District: Adelaide.
101Rowe, ElizaPort Adelaide1853/6/171yr 10mBayfieldBorn August 17, 1851 to William Rowe and Eliza Wiles. District Adelaide
5Rowson (Rawson) , AnnPortland Estate1873/7/1650 yrGreenLease No 300Lease No 300. In Turley's Lease. Age 50 years, of Portland Estate, died 14 July 1873, (deceased husband) William Rowson, Registration District: Port Adelaide. Also Ann RAWSON, her funeral was held at Alberton Cemetery on Wednesday afternoon, 16 July, S. Haddy Undertaker. South Australian Register, Wednesday 16 July 1873, page 2.
245Ruberry, FrederickShip Lord of the Isles1854/12/1452 yrBayfieldArrival date: 3 December 1854. No further information.
XRuder, Mr.-stillborn child of1862/1/15stillbornMarryat
1076Rundel (Rundle), Charles AndrewPortland Estate1863/10/143 yrMarryatCharles Andrew RUNDLE, Age 3 years, of Portland Estate, (father) Robert Rundle, Registration District: Adelaide.
193Rupell (Russel), JanetPort Adelaide1854/5/1318 yrBayfieldNo further information
384Rupell (Russell), WilliamPort Adelaide1856/1/3057 yrBayfieldAge 56 years, died 29 January 1856, Registration District: Adelaide.
60Russel, CordeliaPort Adelaide1850/2/2760 yrBayfieldAsthma. Mrs C Russell died 24 February 1850 aboard the 'Stratheden' Aged 70, after gradually declining during the voyAge. Adelaide Observer, Saturday 2 March 1850, page 1, Family Notices. The 'Stratheden' departed London on 6 November 1849 and arrived in Port Adelaide on 25 February 1850. Bound for South Australia website
XRussell, AlexanderCriterion Hotel1887/8/2353 yrSARLease No 288Lease No 288. Age 53 years, of Port Adelaide, died 22 August 1887, Registration District: Port Adelaide.
772Russell, AliceRosewater1860/5/23w 2dMarryatAge 15 months, of Rosewater, died 1 May 1860, (father) James Ralph Russell, Registration District: Adelaide.
628Russell, EleanorKent Town30/03/191477 yrS J HouisanLease No 288Lease No 288 - Wife of Alexander. Age 74 years, of Kent Town, died 29 March 1914, (deceased husband) Alexander Russell, Registration District: Norwood. Widow of the late Alexander Russell, funeral departed her residence at Grenfell Street, Kent Town for Alberton Cemetery on Monday afternoon 30 March, undertaker J.C. Haddy & Son. Advertiser, Monday 30 March 1914, page 2.
206Russell Russel), ElizaAlbert Town1854/6/2314mBayfieldPAHS - Russel. Eliza Russel. Age 2 years, 2 months, died 19 June 1854. Registration District: Adelaide
219Russell, MargaretAlbert Town1854/8/73mBayfieldPAHS - Russel Born April 3 to Robert Russell and Helen McKenzie. Registration District: Adelaide.
XRussell, MargaretBritannia Hotel, Port Adelaide1872/11/21 year 5 monthsSARLease No 288Lease No 288 - Youngest d. Alex & Eleanor. Age 1 year, of Port Adelaide, died 2 November 1872, (father) Alexander Russell (licensed victualler). Registration District: Port Adelaide.
135Russell, Mary AnnWoodville1851/5/69mBayfieldNo further information
1505Russell, WilliamLefevre Peninsula1867/3/225wMarryatNo further information
384Russell, WilliamPort Adelaide1856/1/3057 yrBayfieldSee Rupell above
170Ryder, Charles WilliamCheltenham1854/3/1914mBayfieldNo further information
275Ryder, Emma RosettaCheltenham1855/3/2310mBayfieldNo further information
765Ryder, EmyPortland Estate1860/4/65mC. MarryatEmma RYDER, Age 5 months, of Portland Estate, died 5 April 1860, (father) Robert Ryder, Registration District: Adelaide.
662Ryder, Selina Mary AnnCheltenham1858/1/311mF. EvansAge 11 months, of Cheltenham, died 31 December 1858, Registration District: Adelaide.
1284Ryder, Selina Mary AnnQueenstown1866/3/215mGreenNot paid father owes it. Age 5 months, of Queenstown, died 30 March 1866, (father) Robert Ryder, Registration District: Adelaide.
883Ryder, ThomasPortland Estate1861/8/267mMarryatIn grave of Emy, burial no 765, 5 months buried 6/4/1869. Age 7 months, of Portland Estate, (father) Robert Ryder, died 24 August 1861, Registration District: Adelaide.
195Ryon, JamesShip AMAZON1852/2/12 (21)6 yrBayfieldJohn/James Ryan, Age 7 years, cause of death - diarrhoea. [Bound for SA - Births and deaths on government-assisted immigrant ships 1848-1885]
Saddler, AnnExeter24/03/190971 yrAnn SADDLER, Age 71 years, of Exeter, died 24 March 1909, Registration District: Port Adelaide. Wife of William Saddler, funeral departed her residence at Walter Street, Exeter, on Friday afternoon 26 March, for Alberton Cemetery, undertaker J.C. Haddy & Son.
Sage, BenjaminSemaphore26/06/191455 yrAge 55 years, of Semaphore, died 25 June 1914, Registration District: Port Adelaide. Mr. B. Sage, of Dudley street, Semaphore, died about half-past 1 yesterday morning. He was 55 years old. He had been an employe of the Deepening Department for years, and had been an active worker for the Labor Party and in union matters at Port Adelaide, and was one of the most enthusiastic supporters of "The Daily Herald." Mr. Sage leaves a widow and three children, all of whom are grown up. He will be buried in the Alberton Cemetery this afternoon. Daily Herald, Friday 26 June 1914, page 4.
Dainsh (also Sainsh, Tainsh), MaryPort Adelaide1860/4/720 monthsC. MarryatMary DAINSH, Age 20 months, of Port Adelaide, died 5 April 1860, (father) William Dainsh, Registration District: Adelaide.
1051Sampson, AnnLefevre Peninsula1863/6/3043 yrMarryatAge 43 years, of Lefevre Peninsula, died 28 June 1863, (husband) William Sampson, Registration District: Adelaide.
1364Samson, JohnLefevre Peninsula1866/12/276mMarryatAge 5 months, of Lefevre Peninsula, died 25 December 1866, (father) Charles Samson, Registration District: Adelaide.
XSamson, ---nk1867/10/1StillbornMarryatStillborn son Mrs
122Samuels, JamesPort Adelaide1853/11/1038 yrBayfielddied 9 November 1853, Registration District: Adelaide. Adelaide Times (SA : 1848 - 1858), Friday 11 November 1853, page 2 - DOMESTIC NEWS. - Fatal Accident—Yesterday, the Coroner investigated, at the Port, the facts connected with the death of James Samuels, a labourer, assisting in the discharging sugar from the Swedish ship Patria. It appeared to be pure misadventure, and if any blame was attachable it was to the unfortunate man himself, who persisted, after repeated cautions, in removing bags while others were being swung out of the vessel and lowered in the usual manner on the Wharf. Samuels was caught while five bags of sugar, weighing above four cwt. were in the slings, and fell under the bags. From the severe pressure on the lower part of the abdomen, some vessels were no doubt injured, and the poor man died on Tuesday evening. Under the circumstances, Mr Stevenson declined to hold an Inquest, and issued his warrant for interment, which took place in the Cemetery, last evening.
575Samuels, JamesPort Adelaide1858/1/2915 yr 3mC. MarryatJames SAMUEL, Age 9 years, of Port Adelaide, died 27 January 1858, Registration District: Adelaide.
1253Samuels, JanetPort Adelaide1866/1/1819 yrGreenDrowned. Age 18 years, of Port Adelaide, died 16 January 1866, Registration District: Adelaide.
Samwell, ThomasLefevre Peninsula1860/12/1236 yrC. MarryatNo further information
194Sanders, RobertAlbert Town1854/5/162 yrBayfieldAge 2 years, died 13 May 1854, (father) Robert Sanders, Registration District: Adelaide.
420Sandford, AgnesQueenstown1856/5/1951 yrBayfieldLease no 52Lease No 52. Died on 17 May 1856, Age 51 years, of Queenstown, wife of William Sandford. Adelaide Times, Monday 19 May 1856, page 2 Family Notices. Funeral was held at the Cemetery of the Port, near Alberton, Monday 19 May 1856. South Australian Register, Monday 19 May 1856, page 1.
740Sandford, Eliza EllenQueenstown1859/12/2211mC. MarryatLease no 89Lease No 89. Age 10 months, of Queenstown, died 21 December 1859, (father) Robert S.W. Sandford, Registration District: Adelaide.
36Sandford, HenryShip CASPAR at Port Adelaide1849/9/2223 yrBayfieldDrowned. Age 24 years, aboard 'Caspar', died 19 September 1849, Registration District: Adelaide.
1050Sandford, WilliamQueenstown1863/6/2762 yrMarryatLease no 52Lease No 52. Age 62 years, of Queenstown, died 24 June 1863, Registration District: Adelaide. Funeral procession held Saturday 27 June at Alberton Cemetery, S. Haddy, Undertaker. South Australian Register, Friday 26 June1863, page 1, Funeral notices.
703Sandiland, EllenPort Adelaide1859/4/4nkC. MarryatNo further information
815Sandwell, ThomasLefevre Peninsula1860/12/1236 yrMarryatAge 36 years, of Lefevre Peninsula, died 11 December 1860, Registration District: Adelaide.
5Sansom, JaneAlbert Town1849/2/26nkNewenhamFever & Dysentry. Age 36 years, died 1 March 1849, Registration District: Adelaide.
XSansom, JohnBeverley1872/8/467 yrSARHusband to Mary. Age 66 years, of Beverly, died 2 August 1872, Registration District: Adelaide. Funeral procession left his residence at Beverley, Sunday afternoon 4 August, for Alberton Cemetery. South Australian Register, Saturday 3 August 1872, page 2.
XSansom, MaryResidence of son-in-law T. Michelmore, Beverley1879/8/2575 yrSARWife to John. Age 75 years, of Beverly, died 23 August 1879, (husband) John Sanson, Registration District: Port Adelaide. South Australian Register (Adelaide, SA : 1839 - 1900), Mon 25 Aug 1879, p 4 SANSOM— at the residence of her son-in-law (Mr. T. Michelmore), Mrs. Mary Sansom, relict of the late John Sansom, of Beverley, after a short illness, Aged 75 years.
1568Saunders, Annie SmithQueenstown1868/9/3020 yrGreenLease No 172Lease No 172 - in Galways lease. Age 18 years, of Queenstown, died 25 September 1868, (mother) Margaret Saunders, Registration District: Adelaide. Funeral held Wednesday afternoon, 30 September, written as SANDERS in newspaper funeral notice. Express and Telegraph, Tuesday 29 September 1868, page 3.
868Sayre, JohnPort Adelaide1861/6/736 yrC. MarryatAge 35 years, of Port Adelaide, died 5 June 1861, Registration District: Adelaide.
1612Scenlen, ? SarahPeninsula1869/3/18InfantGreenAge 2 days, of Glanville, died 18 March 1869, (father) John Scenlen, Registration District: Adelaide.
Schofield, AnnieAlberton10 yrAge 10 years, of Alberton, died 17 October 1870, (father) John Schofield, Registration District: Port Adelaide. Funeral processiong left her father's residence for Alberton Cemetery on Wednesday afternoon, 19 October. Express and Telegraph, Tuesday 18 October 1870, page 2.
151Schofield, JaneQueenstown23/05/190666 yrG E YoungLease no 259Lease No 259. Age 66 years, of Alberton, died 22 May 1906, (deceased husband) John Schofield, Registration District: Port Adelaide.
Schofield, JohnAlberton1897/07/09NewspapersExpress and Telegraph (Adelaide, SA: 1867 - 1922), Friday 9 July 1897, page 2 - THE FRIENDS of the late Mr. JOHN SCHOFIELD are informed that his Funeral will leave his late residence, Queen-street, Alberton, THIS DAY, at 3 p.m., for the Alberton Cemetery. JOHN SAMPSON & CO., 190 Undertakers and Embalmers.
501Scholar, RichardReed Beds1857/4/2713 yrBayfieldRichard SCHOLLAR, died "on the the 24th of April, at Melcombe Farm, near Port Adelaide, of bronchitis and effusion of water on the brain, after two days' illness, Richard, the youngest son of Mr Richard Schollar", South Australian Register, Wednesday 29 April 1857, page 2, Family Notices.
844Schollar, RichardMelumba (Melcombe) Farm1861/2/957 yrC. MarryatLease no 109Lease No 109. Melcombe Farm. Richard Schollar, Age 57 years, of North Queenstown, died 6 February 1861, Registration District: Adelaide.
47Schollar, John Sampson ThorneAlberton1875/11/2347 yrSAR6 months from cancer - wife Henrietta: 37 years colonist. Age 47 years, of Alberton, died 20 November 1875, (son in law) John Thomas Whaite, Registration District: Port Adelaide.
Scoble, John Henry SeymoreSandwell1890/06