You can contribute to the long-term collection, preservation and promotion of our local history and cultural heritage by remembering the Port Adelaide Historical
Society in your Will.
In doing so, you can make our local heritage part of your legacy to your community and family.
You will be supporting the nurturing and development of the Society for future generations of people who share your respect for our members and their work.
You may simply leave an untied bequest to the Society to maintain its diverse activities, or you may specify a purpose, such as ‘for the development and preservation of the collection in all its forms’.
You may also indicate how you would like your name and contribution to be remembered.
There is no obligation to notify the Society that you are leaving a gift in your will, but we would be delighted to know so that we may ensure that your generosity is acknowledged in your lifetime.
The following wording may be used as a guide:
‘I bequeath to Port Adelaide Historical Society, 95 Fletcher Road Peterhead 5016, ABN 48 727 239 257
the residue or (percentage) % of the residue of my estate;
the sum of $(amount); OR (specified items), in aid of the Port Adelaide Historical Society and for its general purposes.
The written acknowledgement of the Port Adelaide Historical Society is to be accepted by my executors as a full and complete discharge.’
Your solicitor can provide further assistance and advice, especially if you wish to add a Codicil rather than draw up a new Will.