The area is the original site of the Alberton Cemetery: four acres of Section 1300, Hundred of Yatala, granted to Captain Dean Farrell and Mr Woodcock on November 11, 1847. Later the cemetery was ceded as Glebe Lands by the Government to the Anglican Church of St Paul the Apostle at Port Adelaide. At that time, 166 years ago, the four acre cemetery was a salt swamp on two sides, as was the land to the north as far as the wharves. The area ceased as a working cemetery when closed to new leases in 1874 and the last burial took place more than 70 years ago. A historic list of burials was made by Reverend Ross prior to 1990 and details of the approximately 3,000 people interred and information about them can be obtained from the Port Adelaide Historical Society, PO Box 254, Port Adelaide 5015.
The cemetery was restored as an open space by the Port Adelaide Council in 1990 and the plan for a memorial path was adopted, with assistance from the Council and Society, in answer to repeated requests for a permanent method of remembrance.